533 research outputs found

    Multisensory texture exploration at the tip of the pen

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    A tool for the multisensory stylus-based exploration of virtual textures was used to investigate how different feedback modalities (static or dynamically deformed images, vibration, sound) affect exploratory gestures. To this end, we ran an experiment where participants had to steer a path with the stylus through a curved corridor on the surface of a graphic tablet/display, and we measured steering time, dispersion of trajectories, and applied force. Despite the variety of subjective impressions elicited by the different feedback conditions, we found that only nonvisual feedback induced significant variations in trajectories and an increase in movement time. In a post-experiment, using a paper-and-wood physical realization of the same texture, we recorded a variety of gestural behaviors markedly different from those found with the virtual texture. With the physical setup, movement time was shorter and texture-dependent lateral accelerations could be observed. This work highlights the limits of multisensory pseudo-haptic techniques in the exploration of surface textures

    An empirical characterization of touch-gesture input force on mobile devices

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    Designers of force-sensitive user interfaces lack a ground-truth characterization of input force while performing common touch gestures (zooming, panning, tapping, and rotating). This paper provides such a characterization firstly by deriving baseline force profiles in a tightly-controlled user study; then by examining how these profiles vary in different conditions such as form factor (mobile phone and tablet), interaction position (walking and sitting) and urgency (timed tasks and untimed tasks). We conducted two user studies with 14 and 24 participants respectively and report: (1) force profile graphs that depict the force variations of common touch gestures, (2) the effect of the different conditions on force exerted and gesture completion time, (3) the most common forces that users apply, and the time taken to complete the gestures. This characterization is intended to aid the design of interactive devices that integrate force-input with common touch gestures in different conditions

    Remote tactile feedback on interactive surfaces

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    Direct touch input on interactive surfaces has become a predominating standard for the manipulation of digital information in our everyday lives. However, compared to our rich interchange with the physical world, the interaction with touch-based systems is limited in terms of flexibility of input and expressiveness of output. Particularly, the lack of tactile feedback greatly reduces the general usability of a touch-based system and hinders from a productive entanglement of the virtual information with the physical world. This thesis proposes remote tactile feedback as a novel method to provide programmed tactile stimuli supporting direct touch interactions. The overall principle is to spatially decouple the location of touch input (e.g. fingertip or hand) and the location of the tactile sensation on the user's body (e.g. forearm or back). Remote tactile feedback is an alternative concept which avoids particular challenges of existing approaches. Moreover, the principle provides inherent characteristics which can accommodate for the requirements of current and future touch interfaces. To define the design space, the thesis provides a structured overview of current forms of touch surfaces and identifies trends towards non-planar and non-rigid forms with more versatile input mechanisms. Furthermore, a classification highlights limitations of the current methods to generate tactile feedback on touch-based systems. The proposed notion of tactile sensory relocation is a form of sensory substitution. Underlying neurological and psychological principles corroborate the approach. Thus, characteristics of the human sense of touch and principles from sensory substitution help to create a technical and conceptual framework for remote tactile feedback. Three consecutive user studies measure and compare the effects of both direct and remote tactile feedback on the performance and the subjective ratings of the user. Furthermore, the experiments investigate different body locations for the application of tactile stimuli. The results show high subjective preferences for tactile feedback, regardless of its type of application. Additionally, the data reveals no significant differences between the effects of direct and remote stimuli. The results back the feasibility of the approach and provide parameters for the design of stimuli and the effective use of the concept. The main part of the thesis describes the systematical exploration and analysis of the inherent characteristics of remote tactile feedback. Four specific features of the principle are identified: (1) the simplification of the integration of cutaneous stimuli, (2) the transmission of proactive, reactive and detached feedback, (3) the increased expressiveness of tactile sensations and (4) the provision of tactile feedback during multi-touch. In each class, several prototypical remote tactile interfaces are used in evaluations to analyze the concept. For example, the PhantomStation utilizes psychophysical phenomena to reduce the number of single tactile actuators. An evaluation with the prototype compares standard actuator technologies with each other in order to enable simple and scalable implementations. The ThermalTouch prototype creates remote thermal stimuli to reproduce material characteristics on standard touchscreens. The results show a stable rate of virtual object discrimination based on remotely applied temperature profiles. The AutmotiveRTF system is implemented in a vehicle and supports the driver's input on the in-vehicle-infotainment system. A field study with the system focuses on evaluating the effects of proactive and reactive feedback on the user's performance. The main contributions of the dissertation are: First, the thesis introduces the principle of remote tactile feedback and defines a design space for this approach as an alternative method to provide non-visual cues on interactive surfaces. Second, the thesis describes technical examples to rapidly prototype remote tactile feedback systems. Third, these prototypes are deployed in several evaluations which highlight the beneficial subjective and objective effects of the approach. Finally, the thesis presents features and inherent characteristics of remote tactile feedback as a means to support the interaction on today's touchscreens and future interactive surfaces.Die Interaktion mit berührungsempfindlichen Oberflächen ist heute ein Standard für die Manipulation von digitaler Information. Jedoch weist die Bedienung dieser interaktiven Bildschirme starke Einschränkungen hinsichtlich der Flexibilität bei der Eingabe und der Ausdruckskraft der Ausgabe auf, wenn man sie mit den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Umgangs mit Objekten in unserer Alltagswelt vergleicht. Besonders die nicht vorhandenen Tastsinnesrückmeldungen vermindern stark die Benutzbarkeit solcher Systeme und verhindern eine effektive Verknüpfung von virtueller Information und physischer Welt. Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt den Ansatz der 'distalen taktilen Rückmeldungen' als neuartige Möglichkeit zur Vermittlung programmierter Tastsinnesreize an Benutzer interaktiver Oberflächen. Das Grundprinzip dabei ist die räumliche Trennung zwischen der Eingabe durch Berührung (z.B. mit der Fingerspitze) und dem daraus resultierenden taktilen Reiz am Körper der Benutzer (z.B. am Rücken). Dabei vermeidet das Konzept der distalen taktilen Rückmeldungen einzelne technische und konzeptionelle Nachteile existierender Ansätze. Zusätzlich bringt es Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit sich, die den Eigenheiten der Interaktion mit aktuellen und auch zukünftigen berührungsempfindlichen Oberflächen Rechnung tragen. Zu Beginn zeigt ein Überblick zu relevanten Arbeiten den aktuellen Forschungstrend hin zu nicht-flachen und verformbaren berührungsempfindlichen Oberflächen sowie zu vielfältigeren Eingabemethoden. Eine Klassifizierung ordnet existierende technische Verfahren zur Erzeugung von künstlichen Tastsinnesreizen und stellt jeweils konzeptuelle und technische Herausforderungen dar. Der in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Ansatz der Verlagerung von Tastsinnesreizen ist eine Form der sensorischen Substitution, zugrunde liegende neurologische und psychologische Prinzipien untermauern das Vorgehen. Die Wirkprinzipien des menschlichen Tastsinnes und die Systeme zur sensorischen Substitution liefern daher konzeptionelle und technische Richtlinien zur Umsetzung der distalen taktilen Rückmeldungen. Drei aufeinander aufbauende Benutzerstudien vergleichen die Auswirkungen von direkten und distalen taktilen Rückmeldungen auf die Leistung und das Verhalten von Benutzern sowie deren subjektive Bewertung der Interaktion. Außerdem werden in den Experimenten die Effekte von Tastsinnesreizen an verschiedenen Körperstellen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen starke Präferenzen für Tastsinnesrückmeldungen, unabhängig von deren Applikationsort. Die Daten ergeben weiterhin keine signifikanten Unterschiede bei den quantitativen Effekten von direktem und distalen Rückmeldungen. Diese Ergebnisse befürworten die Realisierbarkeit des Ansatzes und zeigen Richtlinien für weitere praktische Umsetzungen auf. Der Hauptteil der Dissertation beschreibt die systematische Untersuchung und Analyse der inhärenten Möglichkeiten, die sich aus der Vermittlung distaler taktiler Rückmeldungen ergeben. Vier verschiedene Charakteristika werden identifiziert: (1) die vereinfachte Integration von Tastsinnesreizen, (2) die Vermittlung von proaktiven, reaktiven und entkoppelten Rückmeldungen, (3) die erhöhte Bandbreite der taktilen Signale und (4) die Darstellung von individuellen Tastsinnesreizen für verschiedene Kontaktpunkte mit der berührungsempfindlichen Oberfläche. Jedes dieser Prinzipien wird durch prototypische Systeme umgesetzt und in Benutzerstudien analysiert. Beispielsweise nutzt das System PhantomStation psychophysikalische Illusionen, um die Anzahl der einzelnen Reizgeber zu reduzieren. In einer Evaluierung des Prototypen werden mehrere Aktuatortechnologien verglichen, um einfache und skalierbare Ansätze zu identifizieren. Der ThermalTouch-Prototyp wird dazu genutzt, distale thermale Reize zu vermitteln, um so Materialeigenschaften auf Berührungsbildschirmen darstellen zu können. Eine Benutzerstudie zeigt, dass sich auf Basis dieser Temperaturverläufe virtuelle Objekte unterscheiden lassen. Das AutomotiveRTF-System wird schließlich in ein Kraftfahrzeug integriert, um den Fahrer bei der Eingabe auf dem Informations- und Unterhaltungssystem zu unterstützen. Eine Feldstudie untersucht die Auswirkungen der proaktiven und reaktiven Rückmeldungen auf die Benutzerleistung. Die vorliegende Dissertation leistet mehrere Beiträge zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion: Das Prinzip der distalen taktilen Rückmeldungen wird eingeführt als Alternative zur Erzeugung nicht-visueller Rückmeldungen auf interaktiven Oberflächen. Es werden technische Verfahrensweisen zur prototypischen Implementierung solcher Systeme vorgeschlagen. Diese technischen Prototypen werden in einer Vielzahl verschiedener Benutzerstudien eingesetzt, welche die quantitativen und qualitativen Vorteile des Ansatzes aufzeigen. Schließlich wird gezeigt, wie sich das Prinzip zur Unterstützung heutiger und zukünftiger Interaktionsformen mit berührungsempfindlichen Bildschirmen nutzen lässt

    Multimodal interaction: developing an interaction concept for a touchscreen incorporating tactile feedback

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    The touchscreen, as an alternative user interface for applications that normally require mice and keyboards, has become more and more commonplace, showing up on mobile devices, on vending machines, on ATMs and in the control panels of machines in industry, where conventional input devices cannot provide intuitive, rapid and accurate user interaction with the content of the display. The exponential growth in processing power on the PC, together with advances in understanding human communication channels, has had a significant effect on the design of usable, human-factored interfaces on touchscreens, and on the number and complexity of applications available on touchscreens. Although computer-driven touchscreen interfaces provide programmable and dynamic displays, the absence of the expected tactile cues on the hard and static surfaces of conventional touchscreens is challenging interface design and touchscreen usability, in particular for distracting, low-visibility environments. Current technology allows the human tactile modality to be used in touchscreens. While the visual channel converts graphics and text unidirectionally from the computer to the end user, tactile communication features a bidirectional information flow to and from the user as the user perceives and acts on the environment and the system responds to changing contextual information. Tactile sensations such as detents and pulses provide users with cues that make selecting and controlling a more intuitive process. Tactile features can compensate for deficiencies in some of the human senses, especially in tasks which carry a heavy visual or auditory burden. In this study, an interaction concept for tactile touchscreens is developed with a view to employing the key characteristics of the human sense of touch effectively and efficiently, especially in distracting environments where vision is impaired and hearing is overloaded. As a first step toward improving the usability of touchscreens through the integration of tactile effects, different mechanical solutions for producing motion in tactile touchscreens are investigated, to provide a basis for selecting suitable vibration directions when designing tactile displays. Building on these results, design know-how regarding tactile feedback patterns is further developed to enable dynamic simulation of UI controls, in order to give users a sense of perceiving real controls on a highly natural touch interface. To study the value of adding tactile properties to touchscreens, haptically enhanced UI controls are then further investigated with the aim of mapping haptic signals to different usage scenarios to perform primary and secondary tasks with touchscreens. The findings of the study are intended for consideration and discussion as a guide to further development of tactile stimuli, haptically enhanced user interfaces and touchscreen applications


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    Touchscreen interactions are far less expressive than the range of touch that human hands are capable of - even considering technologies such as multi-touch and force-sensitive surfaces. Recently, some touchscreens have added the capability to sense the actual contact area of a finger on the touch surface, which provides additional degrees of freedom - the size and shape of the touch, and the finger's orientation. These additional sensory capabilities hold promise for increasing the expressiveness of touch interactions - but little is known about whether users can successfully use the new degrees of freedom. To provide this baseline information, we carried out a study with a finger-contact-sensing touchscreen, and asked participants to produce a range of touches and gestures with different shapes and orientations, with both one and two fingers. We found that people are able to reliably produce two touch shapes and three orientations across a wide range of touches and gestures - a result that was confirmed in another study that used the augmented touches for a screen lock application

    Extending mobile touchscreen interaction

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    Touchscreens have become a de facto interface for mobile devices, and are penetrating further beyond their core application domain of smartphones. This work presents a design space for extending touchscreen interaction, to which new solutions may be mapped. Specific touchscreen enhancements in the domains of manual input, visual output and haptic feedback are explored and quantitative and experiental findings reported. Particular areas covered are unintentional interaction, screen locking, stereoscopic displays and picoprojection. In addition, the novel interaction approaches of finger identification and onscreen physical guides are also explored. The use of touchscreens in the domains of car dashboards and smart handbags are evaluated as domain specific use cases. This work draws together solutions from the broad area of mobile touchscreen interaction. Fruitful directions for future research are identified, and information is provided for future researchers addressing those topics.Kosketusnäytöistä on muodostunut mobiililaitteiden pääasiallinen käyttöliittymä, ja ne ovat levinneet alkuperäiseltä ydinsovellusalueeltaan, matkapuhelimista, myös muihin laitteisiin. Työssä tutkitaan uusia vuorovaikutuksen, visualisoinnin ja käyttöliittymäpalautteen keinoja, jotka laajentavat perinteistä kosketusnäytön avulla tapahtuvaa vuorovaikutusta. Näihin liittyen väitöskirjassa esitetään sekä kvantitatiivisia tuloksia että uutta kartoittavia löydöksiä. Erityisesti työ tarkastelee tahatonta kosketusnäytön käyttöä, kosketusnäytön lukitusta, stereoskooppisia kosketusnäyttöjä ja pikoprojektoreiden hyödyntämistä. Lisäksi kartoitetaan uusia vuorovaikutustapoja, jotka liittyvät sormien identifioimiseen vuorovaikutuksen yhteydessä, ja fyysisiin, liikettä ohjaaviin rakenteisiin kosketusnäytöllä. Kosketusnäytön käyttöä autossa sekä osana älykästä käsilaukkua tarkastellaan esimerkkeinä käyttökonteksteista. Väitöskirjassa esitetään vuorovaikutussuunnittelun viitekehys, joka laajentaa kosketusnäyttöjen kautta tapahtuvaa vuorovaikutusta mobiililaitteen kanssa, ja johon työssä esitellyt, uudet vuorovaikutustavat voidaan sijoittaa. Väitöskirja yhdistää kosketusnäyttöihin liittyviä käyttöliittymäsuunnittelun ratkaisuja laajalta alueelta. Työ esittelee potentiaalisia suuntaviivoja tulevaisuuden tutkimuksille ja tuo uutta tutkimustietoa, jota mobiililaitteiden vuorovaikutuksen tutkijat ja käyttöliittymäsuunnittelijat voivat hyödyntää

    Extending mobile touchscreen interaction

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    Touchscreens have become a de facto interface for mobile devices, and are penetrating further beyond their core application domain of smartphones. This work presents a design space for extending touchscreen interaction, to which new solutions may be mapped. Specific touchscreen enhancements in the domains of manual input, visual output and haptic feedback are explored and quantitative and experiental findings reported. Particular areas covered are unintentional interaction, screen locking, stereoscopic displays and picoprojection. In addition, the novel interaction approaches of finger identification and onscreen physical guides are also explored. The use of touchscreens in the domains of car dashboards and smart handbags are evaluated as domain specific use cases. This work draws together solutions from the broad area of mobile touchscreen interaction. Fruitful directions for future research are identified, and information is provided for future researchers addressing those topics.Kosketusnäytöistä on muodostunut mobiililaitteiden pääasiallinen käyttöliittymä, ja ne ovat levinneet alkuperäiseltä ydinsovellusalueeltaan, matkapuhelimista, myös muihin laitteisiin. Työssä tutkitaan uusia vuorovaikutuksen, visualisoinnin ja käyttöliittymäpalautteen keinoja, jotka laajentavat perinteistä kosketusnäytön avulla tapahtuvaa vuorovaikutusta. Näihin liittyen väitöskirjassa esitetään sekä kvantitatiivisia tuloksia että uutta kartoittavia löydöksiä. Erityisesti työ tarkastelee tahatonta kosketusnäytön käyttöä, kosketusnäytön lukitusta, stereoskooppisia kosketusnäyttöjä ja pikoprojektoreiden hyödyntämistä. Lisäksi kartoitetaan uusia vuorovaikutustapoja, jotka liittyvät sormien identifioimiseen vuorovaikutuksen yhteydessä, ja fyysisiin, liikettä ohjaaviin rakenteisiin kosketusnäytöllä. Kosketusnäytön käyttöä autossa sekä osana älykästä käsilaukkua tarkastellaan esimerkkeinä käyttökonteksteista. Väitöskirjassa esitetään vuorovaikutussuunnittelun viitekehys, joka laajentaa kosketusnäyttöjen kautta tapahtuvaa vuorovaikutusta mobiililaitteen kanssa, ja johon työssä esitellyt, uudet vuorovaikutustavat voidaan sijoittaa. Väitöskirja yhdistää kosketusnäyttöihin liittyviä käyttöliittymäsuunnittelun ratkaisuja laajalta alueelta. Työ esittelee potentiaalisia suuntaviivoja tulevaisuuden tutkimuksille ja tuo uutta tutkimustietoa, jota mobiililaitteiden vuorovaikutuksen tutkijat ja käyttöliittymäsuunnittelijat voivat hyödyntää

    2008 Annual Research Symposium Abstract Book

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    2008 annual volume of abstracts for science research projects conducted by students at Trinity College

    Enabling Expressive Keyboard Interaction with Finger, Hand, and Hand Posture Identification

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    The input space of conventional physical keyboards is largely limited by the number of keys. To enable more actions than simply entering the symbol represented by a key, standard keyboards use combinations of modifier keys such as command, alternate, or shift to re-purpose the standard text entry behaviour. To explore alternatives to conventional keyboard shortcuts and enable more expressive keyboard interaction, this thesis first presents Finger-Aware Shortcuts, which encode information from finger, hand, and hand posture identification as keyboard shortcuts. By detecting the hand and finger used to press a key, and an open or closed hand posture, a key press can have multiple command mappings. A formative study revealed the performance and preference patterns when using different fingers and postures to press a key. The results were used to develop a computer vision algorithm to identify fingers and hands on a keyboard captured by a built-in laptop camera and a reflector. This algorithm was built into a background service to enable system-wide Finger-Aware Shortcut keys in any application. A controlled experiment used the service to compare the performance of Finger-Aware Shortcuts with existing methods. The results showed that Finger-Aware Shortcuts are comparable with a common class of shortcuts using multiple modifier keys. Several application demonstrations illustrate different use cases and mappings for Finger-Aware Shortcuts. To further explore how introducing finger awareness can help foster the learning and use of keyboard shortcuts, an interview study was conducted with expert computer users to identify the likely causes that hinder the adoption of keyboard shortcuts. Based on this, the concept of Finger-Aware Shortcuts is extended and two guided keyboard shortcut techniques are proposed: FingerArc and FingerChord. The two techniques provide dynamic visual guidance on the screen when users press and hold an alphabetical key semantically related to a set of commands. FingerArc differentiates these commands by examining the angle between the thumb and index finger; FingerChord differentiates these commands by allowing users to press different key areas using a second finger. The thesis contributes comprehensive evaluations of Finger-Aware Shortcuts and proof-of-concept demonstrations of FingerArc and FingerChord. Together, they contribute a novel interaction space that expands the conventional keyboard input space with more expressivity

    Using pressure input and thermal feedback to broaden haptic interaction with mobile devices

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    Pressure input and thermal feedback are two under-researched aspects of touch in mobile human-computer interfaces. Pressure input could provide a wide, expressive range of continuous input for mobile devices. Thermal stimulation could provide an alternative means of conveying information non-visually. This thesis research investigated 1) how accurate pressure-based input on mobile devices could be when the user was walking and provided with only audio feedback and 2) what forms of thermal stimulation are both salient and comfortable and so could be used to design structured thermal feedback for conveying multi-dimensional information. The first experiment tested control of pressure on a mobile device when sitting and using audio feedback. Targeting accuracy was >= 85% when maintaining 4-6 levels of pressure across 3.5 Newtons, using only audio feedback and a Dwell selection technique. Two further experiments tested control of pressure-based input when walking and found accuracy was very high (>= 97%) even when walking and using only audio feedback, when using a rate-based input method. A fourth experiment tested how well each digit of one hand could apply pressure to a mobile phone individually and in combination with others. Each digit could apply pressure highly accurately, but not equally so, while some performed better in combination than alone. 2- or 3-digit combinations were more precise than 4- or 5-digit combinations. Experiment 5 compared one-handed, multi-digit pressure input using all 5 digits to traditional two-handed multitouch gestures for a combined zooming and rotating map task. Results showed comparable performance, with multitouch being ~1% more accurate but pressure input being ~0.5sec faster, overall. Two experiments, one when sitting indoors and one when walking indoors tested how salient and subjectively comfortable/intense various forms of thermal stimulation were. Faster or larger changes were more salient, faster to detect and less comfortable and cold changes were more salient and faster to detect than warm changes. The two final studies designed two-dimensional structured ‘thermal icons’ that could convey two pieces of information. When indoors, icons were correctly identified with 83% accuracy. When outdoors, accuracy dropped to 69% when sitting and 61% when walking. This thesis provides the first detailed study of how precisely pressure can be applied to mobile devices when walking and provided with audio feedback and the first systematic study of how to design thermal feedback for interaction with mobile devices in mobile environments