149 research outputs found

    Caracterizacão da heterogeneidade espacial da paisagem utilizando parâmetros do semivariograma derivados de imagens NDVI

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    [EN] Assuming a relationship between landscape heterogeneity and measures of spatial dependence by using remotely sensed data, the aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of semivariogram parameters, derived from satellite images with different spatial resolutions, to characterize landscape spatial heterogeneity of forested and human modified areas. The NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) was generated in an area of Brazilian amazon tropical forest (1,000 km²). We selected samples (1 x 1 km) from forested and human modified areas distributed throughout the study area, to generate the semivariogram and extract the sill (¿²-overall spatial variability of the surface property) and range (¿-the length scale of the spatial structures of objects) parameters. The analysis revealed that image spatial resolution influenced the sill and range parameters. The average sill and range values increase from forested to human modified areas and the greatest between-class variation was found for LANDSAT 8 imagery, indicating that this image spatial resolution is the most appropriate for deriving sill and range parameters with the intention of describing landscape spatial heterogeneity. By combining remote sensing and geostatistical techniques, we have shown that the sill and range parameters of semivariograms derived from NDVI images are a simple indicator of landscape heterogeneity and can be used to provide landscape heterogeneity maps to enable researchers to design appropriate sampling regimes. In the future, more applications combining remote sensing and geostatistical features should be further investigated and developed, such as change detection and image classification using object-based image analysis (OBIA) approaches.[PT] Assumindo a existência de uma relação entre a heterogeneidade da paisagem e medidas de dependência espacial obtidas de dados de sensoriamento remoto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial dos parâmetros do semivariograma derivados de imagens de satélite com diferentes resoluções espaciais, para caracterizar áreas cobertas por floresta e áreas sob ação antrópica. Para isso, o NDVI (Índice de Vegetação da Diferença Normalizada) de cada umas das imagens (SPOT 6, Landsat 8 e MODIS Terra) foi gerado em uma área de floresta tropical Amazônica (1.000 km²), onde foram selecionadas amostras (1 x 1 km) de áreas florestadas e áreas antrópicas. A partir destes dados, foram gerados os semivariogramas e extraídos os parâmetros patamar (¿²-variabilidade espacial total) e alcance (¿-distância dentro da qual as amostras apresentam-se estruturadas espacialmente). A análise revelou que a resolução espacial das imagens influencia os parâmetros ¿² e ¿, apresentando significativo aumento das áreas de florestas para as áreas sob ação antrópica. A maior variação entre estas classes foi obtida com as imagens Landsat 8, indicando estas imagens, com resolução espacial de 30 metros, a mais apropriada para a obtenção dos parâmetros do semivariograma objetivando a caracterização da heterogeneidade espacial da paisagem. Combinando o sensoriamento remoto e técnicas geostatisticas, demonstrou-se que os parâmetros do semivariograma derivados de imagens NDVI podem ser utilizados como um simples indicador de heterogeneidade da paisagem, gerando mapas que permitem aos pesquisadores delinearem com maior eficácia o regime de amostragem. Outras aplicações combinando estas duas técnicas devem ser investigadas, como por exemplo a detecção de mudanças na cobertura do solo e a classificação de imagens utilizando análises orientada a objetos (OBIA).The authors are grateful to the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Department of Forest Science of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) and the ONF Brazil group for supporting this work.De Oliveira Silveira, EM.; De Mello, JM.; Acerbi Junior, FW.; Dos Reis, AA.; Withey, KD.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2017). Characterizing Landscape Spatial Heterogeneity Using Semivariogram Parameters Derived from NDVI Images. Cerne. 23(4):413-422. https://doi.org/10.1590/01047760201723042370S41342223

    Spatial and spectral remote sensing features to detect deforestation in Brazilian Savannas

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    The Brazilian Savannas have been under increasing anthropic pressure for many years, and land-use/land-cover changes (LULCC) have been largely neglected. Remote sensing provides useful tools to detect changes, but previous studies have not attempted to separate the effects of phenology from deforestation, clearing or fires to improve the accuracy of change detection without a dense time series. The scientific questions addressed in this study were: how well can we differentiate seasonal changes from deforestation processes combining the spatial and spectral information of bi-temporal (normalized difference vegetation index) NDVI images? Which feature best contribute to increase the separability on classification assessment? We applied an object-based remote sensing method that is able to separate seasonal changes due to phenology effects from LULCC by combining spectral and the spatial context using traditional spectral features and semivariogram indices, exploring the full capability of NDVI image difference to train random forest (RF) algorithm. We found that the spatial variability of NDVI values is not affect by vegetation seasonality and, therefore, the combination of spectral features and semivariogram indices provided high global accuracy (97.73%) to separate seasonal changes and deforestation or fires. From the total of 13 features, 6 provided the best combination to increase the separability on classification assessment (4 spatial and 2 spectral features). How to accurately extract LULCC while disregarding the ones caused by phenological differences in Brazilian seasonal biomes undergoing rapid land-cover changes can be achieved by adding semivariogram indices in combination with spectral features as input data to train RF algorithm

    Cityscape, poverty and crime: a quantitative assessment using VHR imagery

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    [EN] The first part of this work reviews the potential applications of satellite remote sensing to regional science research in urban settings. The availability of satellite remote sensing data has increased significantly in the last two decades. The increasing spatial resolution of commercial satellite imagery has influenced the emergence of new research and applications of regional science in urban settlements because it is now possible to identify individual objects of the urban fabric. The most common applications found in the literature are the detection of urban deprivation hot spots, quality of life index assessment, urban growth analysis, house value estimation, urban population estimation, urban social vulnerability assessment, and the variability of intra-urban crime rates. The satellite remote sensing imagery used in these applications has medium, high or very high spatial resolution (Landsat MSS, Landsat TM and ETM+, SPOT, ASTER, IRS, Ikonos and QuickBird). Consistent relationships between socio-economic variables derived from censuses and field surveys and proxy variables of vegetation coverage measured from satellite remote sensing data have been found in several cities in the US. Different approaches and techniques have been applied successfully around the world, but local research is always needed to account for the unique elements of each place. Spectral mixture analysis, object-oriented classifications and image texture measures are some of the techniques of image processing that have been implemented with good results. This work contributes empirical evidence about the usefulness of remote sensing imagery to quantify the degree of poverty at the intra-urban scale. This concept is based on two premises: first, that the physical appearance of an urban settlement is a reflection of the society; and second, that the people who reside in urban areas with similar physical housing conditions have similar social and demo- graphic characteristics. We evaluate the potential of the image-derived urban fabric descriptors to explain a measure of poverty known as the Slum Index. We found that these variables explain up to 59% of the variability in the Slum Index. Similar approaches could be used to lower the cost of socioeconomic surveys by developing an econometric model from a sample and applying that model to the rest of the city and to perform intercensal or intersurvey estimates of intra-urban Slum Index maps. The last part of this work analyzes the relation between the urban layout and crime. The link between place and crime is at the base of social ecology theories of crime that focus in the relationship of the characteristics of geographical areas and crime rates. The broken windows theory states that visible cues of physical and social disorder in a neighborhood can lead to an increase in more serious crime. Based on the premise that a settlement's appearance is a reflection of the society, we ask whether a neighbor- hood's design has a quantifiable imprint when seen from space using urban fabric descriptors computed from VHR imagery. The percentage of impervious surfaces other than clay roofs, the fraction of clay roofs to impervious surfaces, two structure descriptors related to the homogeneity of the urban layout, and the uniformity texture descriptor were all statistically significant. Areas with higher homicide rates tended to have higher local variation and less general homogeneity; that is, the urban layouts were more crowded and cluttered, with small dwellings with different roofing materials located in close proximity to one another, and these regions often lacked other homogeneous surfaces such as open green spaces, wide roads, or large facilities. These results seem to be in agreement with the broken windows theory and CPTED in the sense that more heterogeneous and disordered urban layouts are associated with higher homicide rates.[ES] La primera parte aporta una revisión de las aplicaciones de la teledetección satelital en la investigación de ciencia regional en entornos urbanos. La disponibilidad de imágenes satelitales se ha incrementado significativamente en las dos últimas décadas, al tiempo que la resolución espacial ha venido aumentando, lo que ha influenciado el surgimiento de investigaciones y aplicaciones de ciencia regional en zonas urbanas. Las aplicaciones más comunes son la detección de hot spots de pobreza urbana, la evaluación de índices de calidad de vida, el análisis del crecimiento urbano, la estimación de valores de vivienda, la estimación de población urbana, la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad social y las variaciones intra-urbanas en tasas de crimen. Las imágenes satelitales usadas tienen resolución espacial media, alta o muy alta (Landsat MSS, Landsat TM y ETM+, SPOT, ASTER, IRS, Ikonos y Quickbird). Se han encontrado relaciones consistentes entre variables socio-económicas obtenidas de censos y encuestas y variables de la cobertura de vegetación en varias ciudades de Estados Unidos. Algunas de las técnicas que se han implementado y obtenido buenos resultados son el análisis de mezcla espectral, las clasificaciones orientadas a objetos y las medidas de textura de la imagen. Se aporta evidencia empírica acerca de la utilidad de las imágenes satelitales para cuantificar el grado de pobreza a escala intra-urbana. Se basa en dos premisas: primero, que la apariencia física de un asentamiento urbano es un reflejo de la sociedad que lo habita; y segundo, que la población de áreas urbanas con condiciones físicas de vivienda parecidas tiene características sociales y demográficas similares. Evaluamos el potencial de los descriptores del tejido urbano extraídos de la imagen para explicar una medida de pobreza conocida como el índice Slum. Encontramos que esas variables explican hasta un 59% de la variabilidad en el índice Slum. Aproximaciones similares a esta podrían usarse para disminuir el costo de encuestas socioeconómicas por medio del desarrollo de un modelo econométrico usando una muestra y luego aplicando el modelo al resto de la ciudad, y para elaborar estimaciones inter-censales o inter-encuestas de mapas intra-urbanos del índice Slum. La última parte analiza la relación entre el trazado urbano y crimen. El enlace entre el lugar y el crimen está en la base de las teorías socio-ecológicas de crimen que se enfocan en la relación de las características de las áreas geográficas y las tasas de crimen. La teoría de las ventanas rotas afirma que las evidencias visibles de desorden físico y social en un barrio pueden llevar al incremento de crímenes más serios. Con base en la premisa de que la apariencia de un asentamiento es un reflejo de la sociedad, nos preguntamos si el diseño del barrio tiene un impacto cuantificable cuando se observa desde el espacio usando descriptores del tejido urbano obtenidos de imágenes de muy alta resolución. El porcentaje de superficies impermeables diferentes a los techos de arcilla, la fracción de techos de arcilla sobre las superficies impermeables, dos variables de estructura relacionadas con la homogeneidad del trazado urbano y la variable de textura uniformidad resultaron estadísticamente significativas. Las áreas con tasas de homicidio más altas tienden a tener mayor variación local y menor homogeneidad general; esto es, los trazados urbanos son más desordenados y hacinados, con pequeñas viviendas que tienen materiales diferentes en sus techos localizadas muy cerca unas de otras, y estas áreas carecen a menudo de otras superficies homogéneas tales como espacios verdes abiertos, vías amplias y grandes construcciones industriales o institucionales. Estos resultados parecen estar en acuerdo con la teoría de las ventanas rotas y CPTED en el sentido de que los trazados urbanos más desordenados y heterogéneos están asociados con tasas de homicid[CA] La primera part aporta una revisió de les potencials aplicacions de la teledetecció espacial a la investigació en ciència regional en entorns urbans. La disponibilitat de dades de percepció remota des de satèl·lits s'ha incrementat significativament a les dues últimes dècades. La resolució espacial de les imatges de satèl·lit comercials també han anat augmentant i això, ha influït en l'aparició de investigacions i aplicacions a la ciència regional en assentaments urbans. Les aplicacions més comunes trobades a la literatura són la detecció de punts calents de pobresa urbana, l'avaluació dels índex de qualitat de vida, les anàlisis de creixement urbà, l'avaluació de la vulnerabilitat social i les variacions intraurbanes de les taxes de crims. Les imatges de satèl·lit emprades tenen resolució espacial mitjana, alta o molt alta (Landsat MSS, Landsat TM i ETM+, SPOT, ASTER, IRS, Ikonos y Quickbird). S'han torbat relacions consistents entre variables socioeconòmiques obtingudes de censos i enquestes i variables de la cobertura de vegetació en varies ciutats del Estats Units. Algunes de les tècniques que s'han implementat i han donat bons resultats són l'anàlisi de mescla espectral, les classificacions orientades a objecte i les mesures de textura de les imatges. Es aporta evidència empírica sobre la utilitat de les imatges de satèl·lit per quantificar el grau de pobresa a escala intraurbana. Es bassa en dues premisses: primer, que l'aparença física d'un assentament urbà n'és un reflex de la societat que l'habita; i segon, que les persones que resideixen en àrees urbanes amb condicions físiques de vivenda paregudes tenen també característiques socials i demogràfiques similars. Avaluem el potencial dels descriptors del teixit urbà extrets de la imatge per explicar una mesura de pobresa coneguda com index Slum. Trobem que aquestes variables expliquen fins un 59% de la variabilitat de l'índex Slum. Aproximacions semblants a aquesta es podrien emprar per a disminuir el cost de les enquestes socioeconòmiques mitjançant el desenvolupament d'un model economètric utilitzant una mostra i després aplicant el model a la resta de la ciutat, i per elaborar estimacions inter-censals o inter-enquestes de mapes intraurbans de l'índex Slum. La darrera part analitza la relació entre el traçat urbà i el crim. L'enllaç entre el lloc i el crim està a la base de les teories socio-ecològiques del crim que es centren en la relació de les característiques de les àrees geogràfiques i les taxes de crims. La teoria de les finestres trencades afirma que les evidències visibles de desordre físic i social d'un barri pot portar a l'augment de crims més greus. Basant-se en la premissa de que l'aparença d'un assentament n'és el reflex de la societat, ens hi preguntem si el disseny del barri té un impacte quantificable quan s'observa des de el espai, utilitzant descriptors del teixit urbà obtinguts de imatges de molt alta resolució. Han resultat estadísticament significatius el percentatge de superfícies impermeables diferents a les teulades de argila, la fracció de teulades d'argila sobre les superfícies impermeables, dues variables d'estructura relacionades amb la homogeneïtat del traçat urbà i la variable de textura de uniformitat. Les àrees amb taxes d'homicidi més altes tendeixen a presentar una major variació local i una menor homogeneïtat general; és a dir, el traçats urbans són més desordenats i amuntonats, amb petites vivendes que tenen materials diferents a les seues teulades localitzades molt prop unes d'altres, i aquestes àrees manquen sovint d'altres superfícies homogènies, com ara espais verds oberts, vies amplies i grans construccions industrials o institucionals. Aquests resultats pareixen estar-hi d'acord amb la teoria de les finestres trencades i CPTED en el sentit de que els traçats urbans més desordenats i heterogenis estan associats amb taxes d'homicides mPatiño Quinchía, JE. (2015). Cityscape, poverty and crime: a quantitative assessment using VHR imagery [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59453TESI

    Using remote sensing to assess the relationship between crime and the urban layout

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    [EN] The link between place and crime is at the base of social ecology theories of crime that focus in the relationship of the characteristics of geographical areas and crime rates. The broken windows theory states that visible cues of physical and social disorder in a neighborhood can lead to an increase in more serious crime. The crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) planning approach seeks to deter criminal behavior by creating defensible spaces. Based on the premise that a settlement's appearance is a reflection of the society, we ask whether a neighborhood's design has a quantifiable imprint when seen from space using urban fabric descriptors computed from very high spatial-resolution imagery. We tested which land cover, structure and texture descriptors were significantly related to intra-urban homicide rates in Medellin, Colombia, while controlling for socioeconomic confounders. The percentage of impervious surfaces other than clay roofs, the fraction of clay roofs to impervious surfaces, two structure descriptors related to the homogeneity of the urban layout, and the uniformity texture descriptor were all statistically significant. Areas with higher homicide rates tended to have higher local variation and less general homogeneity; that is, the urban layouts were more crowded and cluttered, with small dwellings with different roofing materials located in close proximity to one another, and these regions often lacked other homogeneous surfaces such as open green spaces, wide roads, or large facilities. These results seem to be in agreement with the broken windows theory and CPTED in the sense that more heterogeneous and disordered urban layouts are associated with higher homicide rates.This research was made possible by funding from EAFIT University (EAFIT-435-000060) and the Medellin City Hall EnlazaMundos program. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers and Hermilson Velazquez, Andr es Ramírez Hassan and Gustavo Canavire for their insightful observations and suggestions during the different stages of this projectPatiño Quinchía, JE.; Duque, JC.; Pardo Pascual, JE.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2014). Using remote sensing to assess the relationship between crime and the urban layout. Applied Geography. 55:48-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.08.016S48605

    Integrating remote sensing and geostatistics in mapping Seriphium plumosum (bankrupt bush) invasion.

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    Master of Science in of Geography. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Pietermaritzburg, 2016The impacts of plant species invasion in natural ecosystems have attracted geo-scientific studies globally. Several studies have demonstrated that the effects of invasive species can permanently alter an ecosystem structure and affect its provision of goods and services, e.g. the provision of food and fibre, aesthetics, recreation and tourism, and regulating the spread of diseases. Plant invasion causes transformation of ecosystems including replacement of native vegetation. This study focuses on invasive plant impacting on grasslands called Seriphium plumosum. The plant is known to have allelopathic effects, killing grass species and turning grazing lands into degraded shrublands. The major challenge in grassland management is the eradication and management of S. plumosum. Central to this challenge is locating, mapping and estimating the invasion status/cover over large areas. Remote sensing based earth observation approaches offer a viable method for invasion plants mapping. Moreover, mapping of vegetation requires robust statistical analysis to determine relationships between field and remotely sensed data. Such relationships can be achieved using spatial autocorrelation. In this study, Getis statistics transformed images and geostatistical techniques, which involve modelling the spatial autocorrelation of canopy variables have been used in mapping S. plumosum. Getis statistics was used to transform SPOT (Satellites Pour l’Observation de la Terre)-6 image bands into spatially dependent Getis indices layer variables for mapping S. plumosum. Stepwise multiple Regression, ordinary kriging and cokriging were used to evaluate the cross-correlated information between SPOT6-derived Getis indices transformed layer variables and field sampled S. plumosum canopy density and percentage. To select the best SPOT6-derived Getis indices to map S. plumosum, 308 spectral Getis indices transformed layer variables were statistically evaluated. Results indicated that Rook, Positive and Horizontal Getis indices are most suitable for mapping S. plumosum with 0.83, 0.828 and 0.828 importance. The most accurate Getis index obtained using 5x5 (Lag 5) moving window yielded 0.83 mapping importance. Cokriging with the most important Getis index yielded the best in S. plumosum density prediction with root mean square error (RMSE) of 25.8 compared to ordinary kriging with RMSE of 26.1 and regression with RMSE of 35.6. This study demonstrated that Getis statistics and geostatistics were successful in mapping and predicting S. plumosum. The current study provides insights critical for developing sound framework for planning and management of S. plumosum in agro-ecological systems

    General solution to reduce the point spread function effect in subpixel mapping

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    The point spread function (PSF) effect is ubiquitous in remote sensing images and imposes a fundamental uncertainty on subpixel mapping (SPM). The crucial PSF effect has been neglected in existing SPM methods. This paper proposes a general model to reduce the PSF effect in SPM. The model is applicable to any SPM methods treating spectral unmixing as pre-processing. To demonstrate the advantages of the new technique it was necessary to develop a new approach for accuracy assessment of SPM. To-date, accuracy assessment for SPM has been limited to subpixel classification accuracy, ignoring the performance of reproducing spatial structure in downscaling. In this paper, a new accuracy index is proposed which considers SPM performances in classification and restoration of spatial structure simultaneously. Experimental results show that by considering the PSF effect, more accurate SPM results were produced and small-sized patches and elongated features were restored more satisfactorily. Moreover, using the novel accuracy index, the quantitative evaluation was found to be more consistent with visual evaluation. This paper, thus, addresses directly two of the longest standing challenges in SPM (i.e., the limitations of the PSF effect and accuracy assessment undertaken only on a subpixel-by-subpixel basis). © 2020 Elsevier Inc

    Remote sensing of natural Scots pine regeneration

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    Mapping And Monitoring Wetland Environment By Analysis Different Satellite Images And Field Spectroscopy

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010Bu çalışmada farklı spektral ve mekansal çözünürlükte uydu görüntülerinin “Terkos Havzası Sulak Alanı” örneğinde; arazi örtüsünde meydana gelen değişimleri ve sulak alan bitki türlerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılabilirlikleri için uygulanabilecek uzaktan algılama yöntemleri ele alınmıştır. Kullanılan yöntemler ile elde edilen yeni işlenmiş görüntülerin performanslarının yersel yansıtım değerleri kullanılarak desteklenmesi ile doğal alanların sürdürülebilir korunma ve yönetimi için uzaktan algılama verilerine dayalı bir altlık rehberin oluşturulması imkanı araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre heterojen arazi örtüsü yapısına sahip olan çalışma bölgesinde değişim tespiti için Ana Bileşen Dönüşümüne dayalı değişim tespit yöntemi en iyi sonucu vermiştir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, hiperspektral Hyperion EO-1 görüntüsü ile sulak alan bitki örtüsünün diğer bitki türlerinden doğru olarak ayırt edilebildiği ortaya konmuştur. Sulak alan bitki türlerinin kendi içinde ayırt edilebilmesi ancak yersel spektroskopi ile mümkün olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.In this study, different satellite data that has different spectral and spatial resolution and in-situ spectroradiometer measurements were used to analyze hydrophytic vegetation and surrounded land cover for sustainable development and conservation of Terkos wetlands. By supporting performances of processed images with field collected reflectance values, the feasibility of structuring a basic guide based on remote sensing data for sustainable preservation and management of natural lands was searched. According to result, land cover changes in the complex natural area were determined more accurately by using PCA based change detection method Therefore, the performance of spaceborne Hyperion EO-1 hyperspectral data was analyzed to determine the capability of the data for wetland vegetation discrimination than the other vegetated areas. At the last stage of the study, field collected reflectance values that have different wetland flora types were compared by statistical ANOVA method and reflectance differences between vegetation types were put forward through calculations.DoktoraPh

    Leveraging machine learning to extend Ontology-Driven Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (O-GEOBIA): a case study in forest-type mapping

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    Ontology-driven Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (O-GEOBIA) contributes to the identification of meaningful objects. In fusing data from multiple sensors, the number of feature variables is increased and object identification becomes a challenging task. We propose a methodological contribution that extends feature variable characterisation. This method is illustrated with a case study in forest-type mapping in Tasmania, Australia. Satellite images, airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and expert photo-interpretation data are fused for feature extraction and classification. Two machine learning algorithms, Random Forest and Boruta, are used to identify important and relevant feature variables. A variogram is used to describe textural and spatial features. Different variogram features are used as input for rule-based classifications. The rule-based classifications employ (i) spectral features, (ii) vegetation indices, (iii) LiDAR, and (iv) variogram features, and resulted in overall classification accuracies of 77.06%, 78.90%, 73.39% and 77.06% respectively. Following data fusion, the use of combined feature variables resulted in a higher classification accuracy (81.65%). Using relevant features extracted from the Boruta algorithm, the classification accuracy is further improved (82.57%). The results demonstrate that the use of relevant variogram features together with spectral and LiDAR features resulted in improved classification accuracy