3,931 research outputs found

    An environment for relation mining over richly annotated corpora: the case of GENIA

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    BACKGROUND: The biomedical domain is witnessing a rapid growth of the amount of published scientific results, which makes it increasingly difficult to filter the core information. There is a real need for support tools that 'digest' the published results and extract the most important information. RESULTS: We describe and evaluate an environment supporting the extraction of domain-specific relations, such as protein-protein interactions, from a richly-annotated corpus. We use full, deep-linguistic parsing and manually created, versatile patterns, expressing a large set of syntactic alternations, plus semantic ontology information. CONCLUSION: The experiments show that our approach described is capable of delivering high-precision results, while maintaining sufficient levels of recall. The high level of abstraction of the rules used by the system, which are considerably more powerful and versatile than finite-state approaches, allows speedy interactive development and validation

    Production Methods

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    Statistical Parsing by Machine Learning from a Classical Arabic Treebank

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    Research into statistical parsing for English has enjoyed over a decade of successful results. However, adapting these models to other languages has met with difficulties. Previous comparative work has shown that Modern Arabic is one of the most difficult languages to parse due to rich morphology and free word order. Classical Arabic is the ancient form of Arabic, and is understudied in computational linguistics, relative to its worldwide reach as the language of the Quran. The thesis is based on seven publications that make significant contributions to knowledge relating to annotating and parsing Classical Arabic. Classical Arabic has been studied in depth by grammarians for over a thousand years using a traditional grammar known as i’rāb (إعغاة ). Using this grammar to develop a representation for parsing is challenging, as it describes syntax using a hybrid of phrase-structure and dependency relations. This work aims to advance the state-of-the-art for hybrid parsing by introducing a formal representation for annotation and a resource for machine learning. The main contributions are the first treebank for Classical Arabic and the first statistical dependency-based parser in any language for ellipsis, dropped pronouns and hybrid representations. A central argument of this thesis is that using a hybrid representation closely aligned to traditional grammar leads to improved parsing for Arabic. To test this hypothesis, two approaches are compared. As a reference, a pure dependency parser is adapted using graph transformations, resulting in an 87.47% F1-score. This is compared to an integrated parsing model with an F1-score of 89.03%, demonstrating that joint dependency-constituency parsing is better suited to Classical Arabic. The Quran was chosen for annotation as a large body of work exists providing detailed syntactic analysis. Volunteer crowdsourcing is used for annotation in combination with expert supervision. A practical result of the annotation effort is the corpus website: http://corpus.quran.com, an educational resource with over two million users per year

    Adapting and developing linguistic resources for question answering

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    As information retrieval becomes more focussed, so too must the techniques involved in the retrieval process. More precise responses to queries require more precise linguistic analysis of both the queries and the factual documents from which the information is being retrieved. In this thesis, I present research into using existing linguistic tools to analyse questions. These tools, as supplied, often underperform on question analysis. I present my work on adapting these tools, and creating new resources for use in developing new tools tailored to question analysis. My work has shown that in order to adapt the treebank- and f-structure annotation algorithmbased wide coverage LFG parsing resources of Cahill et al. (2004) to analyse questions from the ATIS corpus, only the c-structure parser needs to be retrained, the annotation algorithm remains unchanged. The retrained c-structure parser needs only a small amount of appropriate training data added to its training corpus to gain a significant improvement in both c-structure parsing and f-structure annotation. Given the improvements made with a relatively small amount of question data, I developed QuestionBank, a question treebank, to determine what further gains can be made using a larger amount of question data. My question treebank is a corpus of 4000 parse annotated questions. The questions were taken from a number of sources and the question treebank was “bootstrapped” in an incremental parsing, hand correction and retraining approach from raw data using existing probabilistic parsing resources. Experiments with QuestionBank show that it is an effective resource for training parsers to analyse questions with an improvement of over 10% on the baseline parsing results. In further experiments I show that a parser retrained with QuestionBank can also parse newspaper text (Penn-II Treebank Section 23) with state-of-the-art accuracy. Long distance dependencies (LDDs) are a vital part of question analysis in determining semantic roles and question focus. I have designed and implemented a novel method to recover WH-traces and coindexed antecedents in c-structure trees from parser output which uses the f-structure LDD resolution method of Cahill et al (2004) to resolve the dependencies and then “reverse engineers” the corresponding syntactic components in the c-structure tree

    Knowledge Expansion of a Statistical Machine Translation System using Morphological Resources

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    Translation capability of a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PBSMT) system mostly depends on parallel data and phrases that are not present in the training data are not correctly translated. This paper describes a method that efficiently expands the existing knowledge of a PBSMT system without adding more parallel data but using external morphological resources. A set of new phrase associations is added to translation and reordering models; each of them corresponds to a morphological variation of the source/target/both phrases of an existing association. New associations are generated using a string similarity score based on morphosyntactic information. We tested our approach on En-Fr and Fr-En translations and results showed improvements of the performance in terms of automatic scores (BLEU and Meteor) and reduction of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. We believe that our knowledge expansion framework is generic and could be used to add different types of information to the model.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen