1,418 research outputs found

    Data Mining in Promoting Flight Safety

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    The incredible rapid development to huge volumes of air travel, mainly because of jet airliners that appeared to the sky in the 1950s, created the need for systematic research for aviation safety and collecting data about air traffic. The structured data can be analysed easily using queries from databases and running theseresults through graphic tools. However, in analysing narratives that often give more accurate information about the case, mining tools are needed. The analysis of textual data with computers has not been possible until data mining tools have been developed. Their use, at least among aviation, is still at a moderate level. The research aims at discovering lethal trends in the flight safety reports. The narratives of 1,200 flight safety reports from years 1994 – 1996 in Finnish were processed with three text mining tools. One of them was totally language independent, the other had a specific configuration for Finnish and the third originally created for English, but encouraging results had been achieved with Spanish and that is why a Finnish test was undertaken, too. The global rate of accidents is stabilising and the situation can now be regarded as satisfactory, but because of the growth in air traffic, the absolute number of fatal accidents per year might increase, if the flight safety will not be improved. The collection of data and reporting systems have reached their top level. The focal point in increasing the flight safety is analysis. The air traffic has generally been forecasted to grow 5 – 6 per cent annually over the next two decades. During this period, the global air travel will probably double also with relatively conservative expectations of economic growth. This development makes the airline management confront growing pressure due to increasing competition, signify cant rise in fuel prices and the need to reduce the incident rate due to expected growth in air traffic volumes. All this emphasises the urgent need for new tools and methods. All systems provided encouraging results, as well as proved challenges still to be won. Flight safety can be improved through the development and utilisation of sophisticated analysis tools and methods, like data mining, using its results supporting the decision process of the executives.Lentoliikenne kasvoi huomattavasti 1950-luvulla pääasiassa suihkumatkustajakoneiden myötä, mikä aiheutti poikkeamatietojen järjestelmällisen keräämisen ja tutkimuksen tarpeen. Määrämuotoinen tieto voidaan helposti analysoida tietokantakyselyillä esittäen tulokset käyttäen graafisia työkaluja, mutta tekstianalyysiin, jonka avulla tapauksista saadaan usein tarkempia tietoja, tarvitaan louhintatyökaluja. Tekstimuotoisen tiedon automaattinen analysointi ei ole ollut mahdollista ennen louhintatyökalujen kehittämistä. Silti niiden käyttö, ainakin ilmailun piirissä, on edelleen vähäistä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli havaita vaarallisia kehityskulkuja lentoturvallisuusraporteissa. 1 200 lentoturvallisuusraportin selostusosiot vuosilta 1994 –1996 käsiteltiin kolmella tekstinlouhintatyökalulla. Yksi näistä oli täysin kieliriippumaton, toisessa oli lisäosa, jossa oli mahdollisuus käsitellä suomen kieltä ja kolmas oli rakennettu alun perin ainoastaan englanninkielisen tekstin louhintaan, mutta espanjan kielellä saavutettujen rohkaisevien tulosten pohjalta päätettiin kokeilla myös suomenkielistä tekstiä. Lento-onnettomuuksien määrä liikenteeseen nähden on vakiintumassa maailmanlaajuisesti katsottuna ja turvallisuustaso voidaan katsoa tyydyttäväksi. Kuitenkin liikenteen kasvaessa myös onnettomuuksien määrä lisääntyy vuosittain, mikäli lentoturvallisuutta ei kyetä parantamaan. Turvallisuustiedon kerääminen ja raportointijärjestelmät ovat jo saavuttaneet huippunsa. Analysoinnin parantaminen on avain lentoturvallisuuden parantamiseen. Lentoliikenteen on ennustettu kasvavan 5 – 6 prosenttia vuodessa seuraavien kahden vuosikymmenen ajan. Samana aikana lentoliikenne saattaa kaksinkertaistua jopa vaatimattomimpien talouskasvuennusteiden mukaan. Tällainen kehitys asettaa lentoliikenteen päättäjille yhä kasvavia paineita kiristyvän kilpailun, polttoaineiden hinnannousun ja liikenteen kasvun aiheuttaman onnettomuuksien määrän vähentämiseksi. Tämä korostaa uusien menetelmien ja työkalujen kiireellistä tarvetta. Kaikilla louhintajärjestelmillä saatiin rohkaisevia tuloksia mutta ne nostivat samalla esille haasteita, jotka tulisi vielä voittaa. Lentoturvallisuutta voidaan vielä parantaa käyttämällä tässä esille tuotuja analyysimenetelmiä ja –työkaluja kuten tiedonlouhintaa ja soveltamalla näin saatuja tuloksia johdon päätöksenteon tukena.Siirretty Doriast

    Information management in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This paper reviews the information management aspects of the early months of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Coronavirus 19 outbreak. It shows that the transition from epidemic to pandemic was caused partly by poor management of information that was publicly available in January 2020. The approach combines public domain epidemic data with economic, demographic, health, social and political data and investigates how information was managed by governments. It includes case studies of early-stage information management, from countries with high and low COVID-19 impacts (as measured by deaths per million). The reasons why the information was not acted upon appropriately include “dark side” information behaviours Stone et al. (2019). Many errors and misjudgements could have been avoided by using learnings from previous epidemics, particularly the 1918-19 flu epidemic, when international travel (mainly of troops in World War 1) was a prime mode of spreading. It concludes that if similar outbreaks are not to turn into pandemics, much earlier action is needed, mainly closing borders and locking-down. The research is based on what was known at the time of writing, when the pandemic’s exact origin was uncertain, when some statistics about actions and results were unavailable and when final results were unknown. Governments faced with early warning signs or pandemics must act much faster. This is one of the first analyses of information management practices relating to the pandemic’s early stages

    Risk Communication for the Future

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    The conventional approach to risk communication, based on a centralized and controlled model, has led to blatant failures in the management of recent safety related events. In parallel, several cases have proved that actors not thought of as risk governance or safety management contributors may play a positive role regarding safety. Building on these two observations and bridging the gap between risk communication and safety practices leads to a new, more societal perspective on risk communication, that allows for smart risk governance and safety management. This book is Open Access under a CC-BY licence

    Enhancing Safety: the Challenge of Foresight - ESReDA Project Group Foresight in Safety

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    This Deliverable is the result of a joint effort by experts, working in the fields of risks management, accident analysis, learning from experience and safety management. They come from 10 countries mainly from Europe and also from USA and Australia. Their expertise covers several industrial sectors. They attempted to provide useful information, both from a theoretical and a practical point of views, about "Foresight in Safety". Safety is still an ongoing issue for which a number of subjects remain under debate (e.g. is goal of safety to ensure that 'as few things as possible go wrong' or to ensure that ‘as many things as possible go right’?). Anyway, we can assume that safety is to act in a way for both the process continues to be run right and that errors and failures to not lead to a major accident. Even if "foresight in safety" is the implicit underlying goal of every practitioner in safety, the outlines of its domain remain blurred and the relevant topics associated with it have never been clearly defined. A humble ambition of this Deliverable is to display some aspects of "foresight in safety" according to the current state of practices and scientific knowledge.JRC.G.10-Knowledge for Nuclear Security and Safet

    DRONE DELIVERY OF CBNRECy – DEW WEAPONS Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD)

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    Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD) is our sixth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs and UUVs. Our textbook takes on a whole new purview for UAS / CUAS/ UUV (drones) – how they can be used to deploy Weapons of Mass Destruction and Deception against CBRNE and civilian targets of opportunity. We are concerned with the future use of these inexpensive devices and their availability to maleficent actors. Our work suggests that UASs in air and underwater UUVs will be the future of military and civilian terrorist operations. UAS / UUVs can deliver a huge punch for a low investment and minimize human casualties.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1046/thumbnail.jp

    Enhancing Safety: the Challenge of Foresight

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    We live in a world where advancement in technology coupled with human’s creative and innovative mind has led to the design of safer and better performing infrastructures (nuclear power plants, chemical process plants, high speed trains, spaceplanes, etc.), which are necessary for modern society. However, due to the interconnected socio-economic and technological landscape that is rapidly evolving, safety continues to have many new challenges (known unknowns, unknown unknowns) that add onto changed variants of the old challenges (e.g. modified knowns). Additionally, governance and legislation can be slow to catch up with this dynamic pace of change. At times, overregulation can occur, resulting in a significant resource investment towards compliance for existing infrastructure operators or for aspiring start-ups that would like to enter the market, but end up struggling or even abandoning the sector. Inspired by this background, the European Safety and Reliability Data Association’s Foresight in Safety Project Group prepared the 53rd ESReDA seminar with a purpose to launch an open dialogue with stakeholders in the safety arena. Thus, by providing an open forum where experiences in foresight in safety approaches from different sectors could be shared, cross-fertilisation of ideas, such as how foresight could be mainstreamed into safety practice in a more consistent manner, could be discussed. The project group will build on this rich compendium of experiences in its future endeavours.JRC.E.7-Knowledge for Security and Migratio

    Nanobiosensors: towards real-time human monitoring in aerospace medicine and other extreme conditions

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    Οι βιοαισθητήρες είναι υποσχόμενα εργαλεία προς την επίτευξη παρακολούθησης της ανθρώπινης υγείας και επίδοσης σε πραγματικό χρόνο και στο σημείο της παρεχόμενης φροντίδας. Η νανοτεχνολογία μπορεί να καταλύσει την διαδικασία της σμίκρυνσης των βιοαισθητήρων ή μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την επινόηση εντελώς νέων τύπων αυτών. Η ανάπτυξη των βιοαισθητήρων, σε συνδυασμό με την ωρίμανση της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και του διαδικτύου των πραγμάτων, μπορεί να εγκαινιάσει μία νέα εποχή για επιτόπου προβλεπτική διαγνωστική, τηλεϊατρική και γενικότερη επαύξηση της επιστημονικής γνώσης. Αυτή η δυναμική είναι άκρως ενδιαφέρουσα για τους κλάδους της ιατρικής που ασχολούνται με την διασφάλιση της ανθρώπινης υγείας, ασφάλειας και επίδοσης σε ακραίες συνθήκες με χαρακτηριστικότερο παράδειγμα τις επανδρωμένες διαστημικές πτήσεις και την ενδεχόμενη πλανητική εποίκιση. Η παρούσα ανασκόπηση επικεντρώνεται σε προσπάθειες βιοανίχνευσης στο διάστημα, αλλά επεκτείνεται και σε περαιτέρω εφαρμογές βιοαισθητήρων στην αεροπορική και την στρατιωτική ιατρική, την αθλητιατρική, καθώς και σε άλλες καταστάσεις με ακραίες περιβαλλοντικές συνθήκες για το ανθρώπινο σώμα. Τέλος, αναφέρονται μερικοί διαφόρου τύπου καινοτόμοι βιοαισθητήρες, με σκοπό να παρασχεθεί μια καλύτερη οπτική για την δυναμική των μελλοντικών συστημάτων βιοαισθητήρων. Αυτή η εργασία έχει ως στόχο να ενθαρρύνει τις επιστημονικές ομάδες που αναπτύσσουν βιοαισθητήρες να συνεργαστούν στενότερα με τους τελικούς χρήστες έτσι, ώστε να επιτευχθεί η απαιτούμενη ποιότητα εκ σχεδιασμού και, δια τούτου, να απελευθερωθεί η πλήρης δυναμική αυτής της επερχόμενης τεχνολογίας.Biosensors are promising tools for achieving point-of-care, real-time, human health, and performance monitoring. Nanotechnology can catalyze the process of biosensors miniaturization or can be used for inventing whole-new types of biosensors. The development of nanobiosensors, along with the maturation of artificial intelligence and Internet-of-Things applications, can inaugurate a new era for in-situ predictive diagnostics, telemedical practice, and general scientific understanding. This potential is of particular interest for medical fields responsible to ensure human health, safety, and performance in extreme environments, with utmost example: manned spaceflight and planets habitation. This review focuses on biosensing approaches in space, but extends further to biosensing applications in aviation, military, and sports, as other situations of extreme environmental conditions for the human body. Lastly, some miscellaneous types of nanobiosensors are mentioned, in order to provide an insight of the potential that future biosensing systems hold. Hopefully, this work will encourage nanobiosensor developers to work closely with the end-users, so that quality-by-design can be achieved, and thus the full potential of this next-generation technology can be harvested

    Knowledge representation and text mining in biomedical, healthcare, and political domains

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    Knowledge representation and text mining can be employed to discover new knowledge and develop services by using the massive amounts of text gathered by modern information systems. The applied methods should take into account the domain-specific nature of knowledge. This thesis explores knowledge representation and text mining in three application domains. Biomolecular events can be described very precisely and concisely with appropriate representation schemes. Protein–protein interactions are commonly modelled in biological databases as binary relationships, whereas the complex relationships used in text mining are rich in information. The experimental results of this thesis show that complex relationships can be reduced to binary relationships and that it is possible to reconstruct complex relationships from mixtures of linguistically similar relationships. This encourages the extraction of complex relationships from the scientific literature even if binary relationships are required by the application at hand. The experimental results on cross-validation schemes for pair-input data help to understand how existing knowledge regarding dependent instances (such those concerning protein–protein pairs) can be leveraged to improve the generalisation performance estimates of learned models. Healthcare documents and news articles contain knowledge that is more difficult to model than biomolecular events and tend to have larger vocabularies than biomedical scientific articles. This thesis describes an ontology that models patient education documents and their content in order to improve the availability and quality of such documents. The experimental results of this thesis also show that the Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation measures are a viable option for the automatic evaluation of textual patient record summarisation methods and that the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve can be used in a large-scale sentiment analysis. The sentiment analysis of Reuters news corpora suggests that the Western mainstream media portrays China negatively in politics-related articles but not in general, which provides new evidence to consider in the debate over the image of China in the Western media

    Machine Medical Ethics

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    In medical settings, machines are in close proximity with human beings: with patients who are in vulnerable states of health, who have disabilities of various kinds, with the very young or very old, and with medical professionals. Machines in these contexts are undertaking important medical tasks that require emotional sensitivity, knowledge of medical codes, human dignity, and privacy. As machine technology advances, ethical concerns become more urgent: should medical machines be programmed to follow a code of medical ethics? What theory or theories should constrain medical machine conduct? What design features are required? Should machines share responsibility with humans for the ethical consequences of medical actions? How ought clinical relationships involving machines to be modeled? Is a capacity for empathy and emotion detection necessary? What about consciousness? The essays in this collection by researchers from both humanities and science describe various theoretical and experimental approaches to adding medical ethics to a machine, what design features are necessary in order to achieve this, philosophical and practical questions concerning justice, rights, decision-making and responsibility, and accurately modeling essential physician-machine-patient relationships. This collection is the first book to address these 21st-century concerns

    Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain

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    Unmanned Aircraft Systems are an integral part of the US national critical infrastructure. The authors have endeavored to bring a breadth and quality of information to the reader that is unparalleled in the unclassified sphere. This textbook will fully immerse and engage the reader / student in the cyber-security considerations of this rapidly emerging technology that we know as unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The first edition topics covered National Airspace (NAS) policy issues, information security (INFOSEC), UAS vulnerabilities in key systems (Sense and Avoid / SCADA), navigation and collision avoidance systems, stealth design, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms; weapons systems security; electronic warfare considerations; data-links, jamming, operational vulnerabilities and still-emerging political scenarios that affect US military / commercial decisions. This second edition discusses state-of-the-art technology issues facing US UAS designers. It focuses on counter unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS) – especially research designed to mitigate and terminate threats by SWARMS. Topics include high-altitude platforms (HAPS) for wireless communications; C-UAS and large scale threats; acoustic countermeasures against SWARMS and building an Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) acoustic library; updates to the legal / regulatory landscape; UAS proliferation along the Chinese New Silk Road Sea / Land routes; and ethics in this new age of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence (AI).https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1027/thumbnail.jp