7,205 research outputs found

    Towards the integration of enterprise software: The business manufacturing intelligence

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    Nowadays, the Information Communication Technology has pervaded literally the companies. In the company circulates an huge amount of information but too much information doesn’t provide any added value. The overload of information exceeds individual processing capacity and slowdowns decision making operations. We must transform the enormous quantity of information in useful knowledge taking in consideration that information becomes obsolete quickly in condition of dynamic market. Companies process this information by specific software for managing, efficiently and effectively, the business processes. In this paper we analyse the myriad of acronyms of software that is used in enterprises with the changes that occurred over the time, from production to decision making until to convergence in an intelligent modular enterprise software, that we named Business Manufacturing Intelligence (BMI), that will manage and support the enterprise in the futurebusiness manufacturing intelligence, enterprise resource planning; business intelligence; management software; automation software; decision making software

    Review of IT Service Management Tools Currently in Use in Finland : ITIL®, Implementation and Functionality

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    This thesis was carried out for itSMF Finland, an IT Service Management (ITSM) cooperation forum. The itSMF Finland is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of best practice ITSM. ITSM is about providing a framework to structure IT-related activities and the interaction of IT technical personnel with business customers and users. ITSM practices have existed for some time already, but the technology to support it has only recently become more advanced and comprehensive. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the requirements for ITSM tools and to create a “snapshot” of the current situation of the ITSM tool market in Finland. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) was chosen as a framework for this thesis, which is considered as de-facto best practice model in ITSM. This research investigates the requirements stated in ITIL® for the ITSM technologies. Nine tools were chosen for interviews. The object of the interviews was to gain information about what functionalities are included in the tools, how the vendor supports the customer in the implementation project, and what the customer experiences are regarding the implementation and use of the tool. These results were then compared to the ITIL® framework. ITIL® recommends the tools to be utilized in the organization to provide data for analysis and improvement of the service provision and also to support the service lifecycle. All tools in this study were ITSM suites that have functionalities to support the service lifecycle widely. Based on the interviews the study shows that the tools are important for the organizations, but are not as widely used as they could be. The implementation projects varied greatly, but were relatively successful in all cases. All in all, the tools were considered beneficial for the organizations in all cases. This thesis provides important key-points to be kept in mind when selecting, implementing and using an ITSM tool. When selecting an ITSM tool it is extremely important to identify the benefits that it will bring to the organization. In the implementation phase it is essential to have clear goals, good design work and sufficient training. This ensures that the tool will be used as it was designed and opposition in the organization toward this change will be minimal.Tutkimus tehtiin itSMF Finlandille, IT-palveluhallinnan yhteistyöfoorumille, joka pyrkii parantamaan IT-palvelunhallinnan toimintatapoja Suomessa ja maailmalla. IT-palvelunhallintaan kuuluu muun muassa loppukäyttäjille tarkoitetut tukipalvelut, tietojärjestelmien vikatilojen selvittäminen ja yhteydenpito tietojärjestelmien toimittajiin. IT-palvelunhallinnan käytännöt ovat olleet käytössä jo kauan, mutta käytäntöjä tukeva teknologia on kehittynyt ja tullut entistä monipuolisemmaksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää IT-palveluhallinnan työkalujen vaatimuksia sekä tutkia Suomen markkinoilla käytössä olevien IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia sekä niiden käyttökokemuksia. Tutkimuksen viitekehykseksi valittiin IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) -malli, josta on muodostunut parhaiden käytäntöjen ohjeistus IT-palvelunhallinnalle. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ITIL®:n suosituksia IT-palvelunhallinan teknologioiden osalta. Tämän lisäksi tutkimukseen valittiin yhdeksän työkalua. Kaikkien työkalujen käytöstä haastateltiin sekä toimittajaa että yhtä heidän asiakastaan. Haastattelujen perusteella selvitettiin työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia ja kuinka implementaatioprojektia tuetaan toimittajan puolelta sekä käyttäjäkokemuksia työkalun käytöstä ja implementointivaiheesta asiakkaan puolelta. ITIL® suosittelee IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua organisaatioille tukemaan jokapäiväisiä toimintoja ja tuottamalla tietoa organisaation palveluista sekä tukemaan yrityksen koko elinkaarimallia. Tutkimuksessa mukana olleet työkalut olivat IT-palvelunhallinnan-ohjelmistoja eli työkaluja, jotka tukevat elinkaarimallin monta osaa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että työkalut ovat tärkeitä yrityksille, mutta niitä ei kuitenkaan käytetä koko laajuudessaan. Käyttöönottoprojektit työkaluille olivat hyvin erilaisia, mutta usein hyvin menestyneitä. Jokaisessa tapauksessa työkalu auttoi organisaatiota toimimaan paremmin. Tämä tutkimus esittää asioita, jotka on hyvä pitää mielessään IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua valitessa, implementoitaessa ja käytettäessä. Työkalua valitessa on tärkeää ymmärtää, mitä työkalun tulee tuoda yritykseen. Työkalun käyttöönotossa tärkeitä asioita ovat selkeät tavoitteet, hyvä suunnittelu sekä onnistunut koulutus. Nämä edesauttavat työkalun omaksumista yrityksessä sekä vähentävät mahdollista muutosvastarintaa

    State of Maine Information Technology Plans, 2000

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    Quantifying fisher responses to environmental and regulatory dynamics in marine systems

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017Commercial fisheries are part of an inherently complicated cycle. As fishers have adopted new technologies and larger vessels to compete for resources, fisheries managers have adapted regulatory structures to sustain stocks and to mitigate unintended impacts of fishing (e.g., bycatch). Meanwhile, the ecosystems that are targeted by fishers are affected by a changing climate, which in turn forces fishers to further adapt, and subsequently, will require regulations to be updated. From the management side, one of the great limitations for understanding how changes in fishery environments or regulations impact fishers has been a lack of sufficient data for resolving their behaviors. In some fisheries, observer programs have provided sufficient data for monitoring the dynamics of fishing fleets, but these programs are expensive and often do not cover every trip or vessel. In the last two decades however, vessel monitoring systems (VMS) have begun to provide vessel location data at regular intervals such that fishing effort and behavioral decisions can be resolved across time and space for many fisheries. I demonstrate the utility of such data by examining the responses of two disparate fishing fleets to environmental and regulatory changes. This study was one of "big data" and required the development of nuanced approaches to process and model millions of records from multiple datasets. I thus present the work in three components: (1) How can we extract the information that we need? I present a detailed characterization of the types of data and an algorithm used to derive relevant behavioral aspects of fishing, like the duration and distances traveled during fishing trips; (2) How do fishers' spatial behaviors in the Bering Sea pollock fishery change in response to environmental variability; and (3) How were fisher behaviors and economic performances affected by a series of regulatory changes in the Gulf of Mexico grouper-tilefish longline fishery? I found a high degree of heterogeneity among vessel behaviors within the pollock fishery, underscoring the role that markets and processor-level decisions play in facilitating fisher responses to environmental change. In the Gulf of Mexico, my VMS-based approach estimated unobserved fishing effort with a high degree of accuracy and confirmed that the regulatory shift (e.g., the longline endorsement program and catch share program) yielded the intended impacts of reducing effort and improving both the economic performance and the overall harvest efficiency for the fleet. Overall, this work provides broadly applicable approaches for testing hypotheses regarding the dynamics of spatial behaviors in response to regulatory and environmental changes in a diversity of fisheries around the world.General introduction -- Chapter 1 Using vessel monitoring system data to identify and characterize trips made by fishing vessels in the United States North Pacific -- Chapter 2 Paths to resilience: Alaska pollock fleet uses multiple fishing strategies to buffer against environmental change in the Bering Sea -- Chapter 3 Vessel monitoring systems (VMS) reveal increased fishing efficiency following regulatory change in a bottom longline fishery -- General Conclusions

    A review of GIS-based information sharing systems

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    GIS-based information sharing systems have been implemented in many of England and Wales' Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs). The information sharing role of these systems is seen as being vital to help in the review of crime, disorder and misuse of drugs; to sustain strategic objectives, to monitor interventions and initiatives; and support action plans for service delivery. This evaluation into these systems aimed to identify the lessons learned from existing systems, identify how these systems can be best used to support the business functions of CDRPs, identify common weaknesses across the systems, and produce guidelines on how these systems should be further developed. At present there are in excess of 20 major systems distributed across England and Wales. This evaluation considered a representative sample of ten systems. To date, little documented evidence has been collected by the systems that demonstrate the direct impact they are having in reducing crime and disorder, and the misuse of drugs. All point to how they are contributing to more effective partnership working, but all systems must be encouraged to record how they are contributing to improving community safety. Demonstrating this impact will help them to assure their future role in their CDRPs. By reviewing the systems wholly, several key ingredients were identified that were evident in contributing to the effectiveness of these systems. These included the need for an effective partnership business model within which the system operates, and the generation of good quality multi-agency intelligence products from the system. In helping to determine the future development of GIS-based information sharing systems, four key community safety partnership business service functions have been identified that these systems can most effectively support. These functions support the performance review requirements of CDRPs, operate a problem solving scanning and analysis role, and offer an interface with the public. By following these business service functions as a template will provide for a more effective application of these systems nationally

    10 steps to a digital practice in the cloud : new levels of CPA firm workflow efficiency

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    This thesis analyzes challenges that Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic (NIWC Atlantic) systems engineers face when they are assigned to Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) tours. These systems engineers are in overseas locations via Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel orders for durations of time ranging from three to five years. This employee rotation creates professional systems engineering challenges that are accelerated from other existing management challenges found CONUS, such as resource planning and employee development. Utilizing an empirical approach, this study researches, defines and develops methods to mitigate these challenges using Competency Development Model (CDM) based assessments within talent management methodologies. In order to support opportunities for these systems engineers while on their OCONUS tour, a strategy is developed to continue their career progression, while continually meeting the needs of the command’s customers while accommodating personnel rotations. This analysis utilizes the NIWC Atlantic Overseas Engineering Competency structure as the basis for a case study. Through development of a Talent Management System prototype, the study identifies expected benefits that include a more efficient and effective tool to manage and plan OCONUS personnel rotations along with formalized strategies for mentorship and professional career growth of systems engineers.Civilian, Department of the NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited
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