19,389 research outputs found

    Using the Proteus virtual environment to train future IT professionals

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    Abstract. Based on literature review it was established that the use of augmented reality as an innovative technology of student training occurs in following directions: 3D image rendering; recognition and marking of real objects; interaction of a virtual object with a person in real time. The main advantages of using AR and VR in the educational process are highlighted: clarity, ability to simulate processes and phenomena, integration of educational disciplines, building an open education system, increasing motivation for learning, etc. It has been found that in the field of physical process modelling the Proteus Physics Laboratory is a popular example of augmented reality. Using the Proteus environment allows to visualize the functioning of the functional nodes of the computing system at the micro level. This is especially important for programming systems with limited resources, such as microcontrollers in the process of training future IT professionals. Experiment took place at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko with students majoring in Computer Science (field of knowledge is Secondary Education (Informatics)). It was found that computer modelling has a positive effect on mastering the basics of microelectronics. The ways of further scientific researches for grounding, development and experimental verification of forms, methods and augmented reality, and can be used in the professional training of future IT specialists are outlined in the article

    Instruction based on computer simulations

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    Excerpts available at Google Books. For integral text, see publisher's website : http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415804615/"Introduction : In the scientific debate on what is the best approach to teaching and learning, a recurring question concerns who should lead the learning process, the teacher or the learner (see e.g., Tobias & Duffy, 2009) ? Poistions takens vary from a preference for direct, expository, teacher-led instruction (Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006) to fully open student-centered approaches that can be called pure discovery methods (e.g., Papert, 1980), with intermediate positions represented by more or less guided discovery methods (e.g., Mayer, 2004). This discussion also is a recurring theme in this chapter." (http://books.google.fr/books?id=cCD_thHjuxEC&pg=PA446&lpg=PA446&dq=Instruction+based+on+computer+simulations+de+jong&source=bl&ots=tOJ7FdkZow&sig=s8W6OnyU3H7iRLm7wqISfu6CAYE&hl=fr&ei=AZGATviHDMuV0QXewI3KCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Instruction%20based%20on%20computer%20simulations%20de%20jong&f=false


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    EFEKTIVITAS POGIL DENGAN LABORATORIUM VIRTUAL DALAM PROSES MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN DAN SIKAP ILMU PENGETAHUAN: KONSEP MOTION MOTION SIMPLE HARMONIC AbstractSimple harmonic motion is a concept that often involve complex and difficult equations, so that students can’t construct knowledge of the concept. This research applies POGIL with a virtual laboratory, where students are encouraged to construct the concept and emphasize collaborative learning with different roles. Virtual laboratory allows students to explore and establish students’ science process skills and attitude. This study used a quasi experiment with nonequivalent control group design. Therefore, this study has add to the practical knowledge to develop science process skills and establish a positive attitudes of students toward science.AbstrakGerak harmonik sederhana merupakan konsep yang sering melibatkan persamaan yang rumit dan dianggap sulit, sehingga siswa tidak dapat membangun pengetahuan terhadap konsep. Penelitian ini menerapkan model POGIL dengan virtual laboratorium, dimana siswa didorong untuk mengkontruksi konsep dan menekankan belajar kolaboratif dengan peran berbeda. Virtual laboratorium memudahkan siswa untuk bereksplorasi. Ini menumbuhkan keterampilan proses sains serta sikap ilmiah siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperiment dengan desain nonequivalent control group. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menambah pengetahuan praktis untuk mengembangkan keterampilan proses sains dan menumbuhkan sikap positif siswa terhadap sains

    Correlation between Science Process Skills and Students' Interaction with Practicum Tools in Surgical Practice and Microscope Observations

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    Abstract: Correlation between Science Process Skills and Students’ Interaction With Practicum Tools in Surgical Practice and Microscope Observations. Objective: This study aimed to determine whether there was a significant correlation between Science Process Skills (SPS) and Student Interaction with Practicum Tools (SIPT) when the students were conducting Surgical Practice and Microscope Observations in their practicum session. Methods: The design used for this study was descriptive correlational study with 11th grade high school students with a total of 58 students as the samples. Findings: The data were collected by using test and questionnaire as the instruments then were tested and analyzed using Spearman correlation test and Z test where the results were 0.16 (Spearman) and 1.21 (Z Test), which meant that there was no significant correlation between SPS and SIPT. Conclusion: As the conclusion, between SIPT and SPS, even though there was a mutual connection, it was not significant. One of the reasons was that the learning conditions at the time the research was carried out, the students must learn from home due to Covid-19 Pandemic that lessen the opportunities to learn directly at school.Keywords: student scientific skills, science process skills, practicum, students’ interaction.Abstrak: Hubungan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Interaksi Siswa dengan Alat Praktikum pada Praktikum Bedah dan Pengamatan Mikroskop. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara Keterampilan Proses Sains (SPS) dengan Interaksi Siswa dengan Alat Praktikum (SIPT) ketika siswa melakukan Praktik Bedah dan Pengamatan Mikroskop dalam sesi praktikum mereka. Metode: Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif korelasional dengan sampel siswa kelas XI SMA sebanyak 58 siswa. Temuan: Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes dan angket sebagai instrumen kemudian diuji dan dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman dan uji Z diperoleh hasil 0,16 (Spearman) dan 1,21 (Uji Z), yang berarti tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara SPS dan SIPT. Kesimpulan: Sebagai kesimpulan, antara SIPT dan SPS, meskipun ada hubungan timbal balik, tetapi tidak signifikan. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kondisi pembelajaran pada saat penelitian dilakukan, para siswa harus belajar dari rumah akibat Pandemi Covid-19 yang mengurangi kesempatan belajar langsung di sekolah.Kata kunci: keterampilan ilmiah siswa, keterampilan proses sains, praktikum, interaksi Siswa.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.20220

    Teachers Support for English Language Learners to Build Inquiry Skills in Online Biology Simulations

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    The population of English language learners (ELLs) is on the rise in the United States, but they are lagging behind English speaking students in several subject areas--including biology. Scholarly literature lacks information on how biology teachers use scaffolding strategies to support ELL students with inquiry skills during online simulations. The purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to explore how biology teachers support ELLs in learning biology, using biology simulations to promote inquiry learning. The conceptual framework for this study included the constructivist perspective regarding the zone of proximal development, Electronic Quality of Inquiry Protocol, and technology use in science instruction. The purposive sample for this study was 4 biology teachers from 2 high schools in large school districts in the southeastern region of the United States who taught ELL students using inquiry-based online simulations. The data sources were face to face interviews with teachers, scaffolding documents, and lesson plans. Data were coded and analyzed for common themes across within and across cases. Results indicated that although biology teachers believed that ELL students benefited from inquiry simulations because of the already incorporated visuals and their ability to interact and manipulate the program, they sometimes lacked technology experiences and struggled with English and literacy that may reduce the benefits of the simulation experiences. The results of this study have the potential to contribute to social change by providing insights that may increase the understanding of how biology teachers can support ELL students when using technology in the form of simulations to promote inquiry learning

    Laboratory Experiences for Prospective Science Teachers: A Meta-analytic Review of Issues and Concerns

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    Prospective science teachers need to be prepared for making laboratory experiences integral part of teaching-learning of science in order to facilitate students to nurture their natural curiosity. This can engage students towards acquiring proficiency in the processes that can lead them to inquiry and generation and validation of scientific knowledge. This study is guided by the research question, “what is the status of laboratory experiences for prospective teachers?” and “what is missing in prospective science teachers’ preparation programme in order to bring excellence in science education?” An attempt has been made to carry out a meta-analytical review of the relevant literature to address some of the issues and concerns for providing laboratory experiences to prospective science teachers. Major issues emerging from the review of literature in this area are– recognizing need and understanding objectives of laboratory work from pedagogical prospective; integrating it with theory and providing laboratory experiences infused with inquiry