28,547 research outputs found

    Factors limiting sand dune restoration in Northwest Beach, Point Pelee National Park, Canada

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    Known as home to rare species of flora and fauna, and their critical habitats, Northwest beach of Point Pelee National Park has undergone significant ecological and infrastructural changes in the past decades. A number of important management challenges have emerged, including conservation of endangered Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) which inhabit the extensive dune system within the park. This research investigates key factors for sand dune ecosystem restoration in Northwest beach of Point Pelee with particular attention to the conservation of Skink habitat. Random stratified sampling method was used to collect sand and vegetation samples from the disturbed and natural areas. Sand samples were also collected from the sand piles, which is a part of dune restoration process initiated by the Parks Canada. Three aspects were considered: grain size distribution of dune sediments, vegetation assemblage and character of the dune associated species, land use and land cover change. Grain size distribution indicated that samples from most of the sand piles contained some amounts of clay/silt and pebble sized grains making it unfavourable for wind action, resulting in no significant contribution to dune formation. Most of the sand samples collected along the foredunes and water edge were appropriate for sediment transport. Shannon and Simpson’s Diversity Index was calculated as 1.48 and 0.67 for natural area as compared to 0.71 and 0.35 for the disturbed area, which indicate unfavourable species diversity for dune restoration in disturbed areas. The research also focused on the spatial and temporal changes in land use and land cover in NW beach area of Point Pelee using aerial photos for 1959, 1977, 2006 and 2015. Different time series of the aerial photos were chosen based on their availability. The Ecological land classification system for Southern Ontario were used to classify the aerial photos for land use and land cover (LULC). LULC classes included Shoreline vegetation, Deciduous thicket, Sand Barren and Dune Type, and Infrastructures (includes Transportation and services) for the entire Northwest Beach area. Segmentation and classification tools was used to classify four different time series of aerial photos. Grain size distribution and vegetation assemblage for dune associated species were calculated to determine the factors limiting habitat restoration process. Based on the results alternate management strategies for dune restoration in Point Pelee were recommended. The study offers key insights on the importance of timely detection, analysis and visualisation of dynamic changes for habitat restoration and maintaining ecological integrity of the Northwest beach area of Point Pelee

    Spatial evaluation of multiple benefits to encourage multi-functional design of sustainable drainage in Blue-Green cities

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    Urban drainage systems that incorporate elements of green infrastructure (SuDS/GI) are central features in Blue-Green and Sponge Cities. Such approaches provide effective control of stormwater management whilst generating a range of other benefits. However these benefits often occur coincidentally and are not developed or maximised in the original design. Of all the benefits that may accrue, the relevant dominant benefits relating to specific locations and socio-environmental circumstances need to be established, so that flood management functions can be co-designed with these wider benefits to ensure both are achieved during system operation. The paper reviews a number of tools which can evaluate the multiple benefits of SuDS/GI interventions in a variety of ways and introduces new concepts of benefit intensity and benefit profile. Examples of how these concepts can be applied is provided in a case study of proposed SuDS/GI assets in the central area of Newcastle; UK. Ways in which SuDS/GI features can be actively extended to develop desired relevant dominant benefits are discussed; e.g., by (i) careful consideration of tree and vegetation planting to trap air pollution; (ii) extending linear SuDS systems such as swales to enhance urban connectivity of green space; and (iii) managing green roofs for the effective attenuation of noise or carbon sequestration. The paper concludes that more pro-active development of multiple benefits is possible through careful co-design to achieve the full extent of urban enhancement SuDS/GI schemes can offerNon

    Water Integration for Squamscott Exeter (WISE): Preliminary Integrated Plan, Final Technical Report

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    This document introduces the goals, background and primary elements of an Integrated Plan for the Lower Exeter and Squamscott River in the Great Bay estuary in southern New Hampshire. This Plan will support management of point (wastewater treatment plant) and nonpoint sources in the communities of Exeter, Stratham and Newfields. The Plan also identifies and quantifies the advantages of the use of green infrastructure as a critical tool for nitrogen management and describes how collaboration between those communities could form the basis for an integrated plan. The Plan will help communities meet new wastewater and proposed stormwater permit requirements. Critical next steps are need before this Plan will fulfill the 2018 Nitrogen Control Plan requirements for Exeter and proposed draft MS4 requirements for both Stratham and Exeter. These next steps include conducting a financial capability assessment, development of an implementation schedule and development of a detailed implementation plan. The collaborative process used to develop this Plan was designed to provide decision makers at the local, state and federal levels with the knowledge they need to trust the Plan’s findings and recommendations, and to enable discussions between stakeholders to continue the collaborative process. This Plan includes the following information to guide local response to new federal permit requirements for treating and discharging stormwater and wastewater: Sources of annual pollutant load quantified by type and community; Assessment and evaluation of different treatment control strategies for each type of pollutant load; Assessment and evaluation of nutrient control strategies designed to reduce specific types of pollutants; Evaluation of a range of point source controls at the wastewater treatment facility based on regulatory requirements; Costs associated with a range of potential control strategies to achieve reduction of nitrogen and other pollutants of concern; and A preliminary implementation schedule with milestones for target load reductions using specific practices for specific land uses at points in time; Recommendations on how to implement a tracking and accounting program to document implementation; Design tools such as BMP performance curves for crediting the use of structural practices to support nitrogen accounting requirements; and Next Steps for how to complete this Plan

    Seafloor characterization using airborne hyperspectral co-registration procedures independent from attitude and positioning sensors

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    The advance of remote-sensing technology and data-storage capabilities has progressed in the last decade to commercial multi-sensor data collection. There is a constant need to characterize, quantify and monitor the coastal areas for habitat research and coastal management. In this paper, we present work on seafloor characterization that uses hyperspectral imagery (HSI). The HSI data allows the operator to extend seafloor characterization from multibeam backscatter towards land and thus creates a seamless ocean-to-land characterization of the littoral zone

    Designing climate change adaptation policies : an economic framework

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    Adaptation has long been neglected in the debate and policies surrounding climate change. However, increasing awareness of climate change has led many stakeholders to look for the best way to limit its consequences and has resulted in a large number of initiatives related to adaptation, particularly at the local level. This report proposes a general economic framework to help stakeholders in the public sector to develop effective adaptation strategies. To do so, it lays out the general issues involved in adaptation, including the role of uncertainty and inertia, and the need to consider structural changes in addition to marginal adjustments. Then, it identifies the reasons for legitimate public action in terms of adaptation, and four main domains of action: the production and dissemination of information on climate change and its impacts; the adaptation of standards, regulations and fiscal policies; the required changes in institutions; and direct adaptation actions of governments and local communities in terms of public infrastructure, public buildings and ecosystems. Finally, the report suggests a method to build public adaptation plans and to assess the desirability of possible policies.Climate Change Economics,Wetlands,Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases,Adaptation to Climate Change,Science of Climate Change

    From small farming to rural, non-agricultural work in Romania: an evaluation on 3 measures of the rural development programme

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    Romanian rural areas contain the highest level of agricultural workers in the European Union, resulting in the challenge of stimulating non-agricultural employment. This paper uses the methodology of policy evaluation to analyse the influence of 3 measures the CAP. From an objectives tree to reveal the objectives of the programme to statistical analysis and field surveys, we analysed the pertinence, the coherence and the first results of those schemes. It was found that the targeted population was under estimated for one of the semi-subsistence schemes. Choosing activities (tourism and enterprise) which are open to all rural society leads to enhanced competition between beneficiaries. Due to the global context of economic crisis, co-financing can be met only by owners of strong capital, and the previous targeted population would then be only indirectly touched by the creation of jobs in rural areas.rural policies, policy evaluation, small farms, Romania, Community/Rural/Urban Development, R58, O21, H72, C13,

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAs one of the most important earth systems, the water cycle is significantly disrupted by changes to land cover and water management accompanying urbanization. Recently, researchers have developed a concept of near-natural hydrology to guide ecological engineering of urban systems to mitigate the impacts of development on the water cycle. Stormwater green infrastructure (GI) is one of the practices that has been used to restore the urban hydrology. The goal of this research is to answer the overarching question: Can GI implemented in a semiarid watershed restore the water budget to its predevelopment condition? Field experiments and hydrologic modeling were conducted in a semiarid city, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S to answer this question. This work created, for the first time, an ET observation dataset for the semiarid intermountain west of the U.S. Based on the new dataset, empirical parameters for Penman-Monteith ET methods, including crop coefficients and surface resistances for green roofs, were identified and calibrated for this region, also for the first time. Their values can be directly used for ET modeling of green roofs in similar climates. An urban stormwater model, EPA SWMM, was modified to be able to represent spatially heterogeneous ET rates in one catchment for up to six types of land covers, including GI (bioretention, green roof), landscapes (turf, deciduous trees, coniferous trees), and water surface. This creates an improved platform to study the hydrologic response of urban watersheds by addressing the limitation of hydrologic models, not including GI and stormwater models with poor representation of ET. Also, the EPA SWMM was modified to be able to operate using subdaily ET time series input for the first time. With the updated model, the final part of this work studies the potential of restoring the predevelopment urban water budget by adopting GI strategies in a semiarid watershed. Based on the proposed water budget restoration coefficient, the water budgets have been restored due to GI applications 94%, 94%, and 82% of the predevelopment state in the dry, average, and wet years, respectively

    Considering Vermont\u27s Future in a Changing Climate: The First Vermont Climate Assessment

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    The Vermont Climate Assessment (VCA) paints a vivid picture of a changing climate in Vermont and calls for immediate strategic planning to sustain the social, economic and environmental fabric of our state. The VCA is the first state-scale climate assessment in the country and speaks directly to the impacts of climate change as they pertain to our rural towns, cities and communities, including impacts on Vermont tourism and recreation, agriculture, natural resources and energy