196 research outputs found

    ESP For Ecotourism: Discourse Skills,Technology,And Collaboration For Job Contexts

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    This capstone’s primary aim was to design a companion instructional guide for teachers of English for Specific Purposes for ecotourism professionals in Mexico. It identified gaps left by traditional EFL courses that tend to lack strong connections between language instruction and real-world job requirements for English usage. It looked at curricular reform efforts in other world regions with the intention to innovate ESP instruction in Mexico. Findings include recommendations for student-centered curricula that incorporate multimodal learning activities and authentic contexts for tourism jobs. Multiliteracies pedagogy drove the creation of the instructional guide’s components, which provide support in conducting small-group projects to develop interactive discourse, online research, and digital design skills within communities of practice. The guide includes resources, materials, and instructions to conduct needs analysis, foster mutual support, build collaboration among stakeholders, facilitate situated practice with applied technology, and increase knowledge for cross-cultural communication

    Promovendo a interação face a face através de webquests: um estudo de caso sobre inglês com propósitos especificos para turismo

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    Os webquests têm sido utilizados para pesquisar uma variedade de temas. De acordo com Lacina (2007), um webquest é um tipo de atividade de pesquisa baseada no uso da tecnologia. Desenvolvida por Bernie Dodge e Tom March, extrai informação de Internet e é um exercício institucional poderoso tanto para os professores quanto para os estudantes. Webquests também contribuem para a aprendizagem e experiência pessoal (MADEIRAS et al., 2004). Este estudo pretende ilustrar o processo e os benefícios da utilização de webquests em contextos de formação para promover a comunicação oral em âmbitos profissionais. Os resultados foram obtidos em um experimento desenvolvido na Universidad Politécnica de Valencia durante o curso acadêmico de 2006-2007 com os estudantes do curso de Turismo. Durante o experimento, os resultados foram analisados a cada três meses (novembro, fevereiro e maio). As conclusões deste estudo sugerem diversos benefícios da utilização de webquests em classe para o desenvolvimento profissional e aprendizagem da língua.  ABSTRACT: Webquests have been used for some time to research a variety of topics. According to Lacina (2007), a webquest is an inquiry-based technology activity designed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March in which information is usually drawn from the Internet, and is a powerful instructional exercise both for teachers and students.Webquests enhance personal and experiential learning (WOODS et al., 2004). This case study intends to illustrate the process and benefits of using webquests as a way to promote professional oral communication in training contexts. This paper reports on a study done at the Polytechnic University of Valencia during the 2006-2007 academic year of the use of webquests with sophomore students of Travel and Tourism. Three observations were carried out during November, February and May. The findings suggest the benefits of using webquests in the classroom for professional development and language achievement. Keywords: webquest; motivation; tourism; social construtivis

    Aktualizacja szkoły: neurodydaktyka w nauczaniu języków obcych

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    Neurodidactics or brain-based learning, a relatively new interdisciplinary science, constitutes an interface between didactics, neuroscience, pedagogy and psychology. Based on the latest findings of brain research, it provides principles and suggestions for effective brain-based learning and teaching. This paper entitled “Updating the school: neurodidactics in foreign language teaching” describes the principles of neurodidactics or brain-based learning with reference to foreign language teaching. It presents the basics of neurodidactics and brain-based teaching and the way it affects learning and memory. With this in mind, some brain-based ideas and approaches for the foreign language classroom are explained which may help to find a better and more effective way of foreign language learning and teaching.Neurodydaktyka lub nauczanie/uczenie się przyjazne mózgowi to stosunkowo nowa nauka interdyscyplinarna, która sytuuje się pomiędzy dydaktyką, neurologią, pedagogiką i psychologią. Artykuł zatytułowany „Aktualizacja szkoły: neurodydaktyka w nauczaniu języków obcych” opisuje działanie neurodydaktyki w odniesieniu do nauczania języków obcych. Przedstawia najważniejsze zasady neurodydaktyki, nauczania/uczenia się przyjaznego mózgowi i pamięci. Ponadto prezentuje wybrane techniki, które mogą być z powodzeniem użyte podczas lekcji języka obcego w szkole. Mogą one pomóc w znalezieniu lepszego i bardziej skutecznego sposobu uczenia się i nauczania języków obcych.Renata Botwina: [email protected] Saniewska: [email protected] Renata Botwina - Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Katedra Ukrainistykimgr Marta Saniewska - Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Katedra UkrainistykiBadecka-Kozikowska M., Siedem grzechów głównych nauczycieli języków obcych (oraz jak je przekuć w metodyczne cnoty, Warszawa 2008.Caine R., Caine G., Making connections: teaching and the human brain, New York 2014, [online], http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED335141.pdfLaborda J. G., Using webquests for oral communication in english as a foreign language for Tourism Studies, “Educational Technology and Society” 2009, 12 (1).Lombardi J., Practical ways Brain-based research applies to ESL learners, “The Internet TESL Journal” 2004, Vol. X, No. 8.Prensky M., Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants 2001, [online], http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdfSabitzer B., Neurodidactics: Brain-based ideas for ICT and Computer Science Education, “The International Journal of Learning 2011, Vol. 18, Issue 2, [online], http://www.academia.edu/4370959/Neurodidactics Brain-based_Ideas_for_ICT_and_ComputerŻylińska M., Neurodydaktyka. Nauczanie i uczenie się przyjazne mózgowi, Toruń 2013, [online], http://iteslj.org/Articles/Lombardi-BrainResearch.html41-4

    Analysis of the implementation of a Webquest for learning English in a secondary school in Spain

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    In this technological era we live in, the educative scenario is changing rapidly and significantly due to the incorporation of the Internet. Therefore, education should pay special attention to society needs considering the information and communication technologies (TICs) essentially in the teaching process in order to make students ready for this changing society. This paper is focused on the implementation, assessment and analysis of a computer-based approach, a WebQuest, in a third year of compulsory secondary education. The didactic unit implemented deals with the different English-speaking countries and their particularities. The new approach has been carried out using in-class sessions together with autonomous work and group work. The purpose of this study is to analyse and discuss students' opinions and reactions towards the use of this new teaching and learning strategy in an English as a Second Language class. In this sense, the study aims at showing whether students 1) gain a higher motivation in learning English, 2) have improved their digital competence and 3) have acquired cultural competence. The results show that the use of new technologies have motivated students towards the teaching and learning of the English subject, improving their digital competence as well as their cultural competence

    Do you speak digital? – A literature review on language and digital competences in tourism education

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    Purpose – As tourism has become a prominent industry, there has been a growing demand for skilled professionals, who are able to adapt to technology-laden markets. In this setting, digital development and communication take on an important role, making it necessary to reshape the way tourism education is approached, focusing on the skills required of today’s graduates. English is currently the most important global language and it is ranked as a crucial skill for tourism workers. The main goal of this study is to collect, analyse and cross-reference evidence as to the development of language and digital competences in Tourism Education and how they are leveraging digital transformation. Methodology –The methodology used was based on a literature review focusing on digital technology in the scope of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The data retrieved was analysed as to outline key concepts and best practices within tourism education. Findings – As the market requires tourism graduates to possess transversal skills, being fluent in English is decisive. Research shows that tourism students need more exposure to technical jargon and quality resources, as there are still significant gaps when it comes to using specific terminology and vocabulary. With technology playing a pivotal role, it is important that tourism education keeps up with current technological developments and changes. Contribution – Tourism professionals should be proficient English users, capable of interacting, understanding and communicating relevant information. Leveraged by digital technology, this study makes a contribution towards the on-going discussion on the need to reshape tourism education and update the curricula.publishe

    Revisiting materials for teaching languages for specific purposes

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    Teaching materials in languages for specific purposes have evolved in the last few years dramatically. The Internet currently plays a significant role in such development and has permitted both a wider range of resources and its free availability almost anywhere in the World. This paper presents a selection of different types of recent materials for English for Specific Purposes. The paper begins by defining ESP. Then it approaches how materials should shape the student’s own learning, how materials should be selected according to the different skills and then emphasizes the importance of the Internet as a source of materials. The paper concludes with a set of ideas for the future development of ESP materials. The final goal of this paper is to provide the readers with valuable tools that can enhance their teaching through accessible mean

    A study about WebQuest : the importance of the process in group work

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    This paper reports the findings of a quasi-experimental study conducted with two classes in their 2nd year of vocational education, which aimed at understanding the importance of the process in solving the WebQuest task and its implications in learning. This research implied the design and application of two long term WebQuests, using the English Language, entitled “Looking for a job in a hotel”. We observed that students who had the complete WebQuest were quicker to solve the activities, because they were guided in the roles that each element should perform. No statistical differences were obtained. The WebQuest enhanced students’ constructive role in the understanding of concepts related to the thematic. Students valued the work developed; they accomplished the activity successfully and considered the WebQuest an enriching experience

    Exploring the impact of the implementation of a webquest for learning english in a 5th grade classroom of a public school in Pereira Risaralda

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    El propósito de este estudio fue explorar el impacto de la implementación de una WebQuest para el aprendizaje del inglés en un aula de grado 5° de una escuela pública en Pereira, Risaralda. Seis estudiantes utilizaron la WebQuest "Exploring the Matecaña Zoo", diseñada por las investigadoras, como estrategia de aprendizaje para practicar, mejorar y desarrollar su competencia comunicativa en inglés, teniendo como apoyo el uso de recursos de internet y la facilitación de las docentes durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Uno de los objetivos del estudio fue documentar las reacciones y las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el uso de esta estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje, incluyendo las ventajas y desventajas derivadas de la utilización de la WebQuest. Para ello se realizaron observaciones participantes, entrevistas abiertas y un diario de campo de las investigadoras. Otro propósito de este estudio tuvo que ver con la idea de establecer el nivel de competencia comunicativa en Inglés de los participantes antes y después de participar en el Proyecto de la Webquest, con el fin de determinar el impacto de esta estrategia en el desempeño de los estudiantes en el área de inglés. Para ello, las pruebas iniciales y finales se llevaron a cabo. El estudio empleó técnicas tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas en el análisis de datos con el fin de responder a dos preguntas de investigación que implicaron la documentación y el análisis de la estrategia de instrucción, los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes y sus reacciones y percepciones en relación con el uso de la WebQuest para aprender inglés. El análisis de los datos arroja los siguientes resultados: 1. Que la WebQuest tuvo un impacto positivo en el desarrollo de las habilidades orales y escritas en inglés. 2. Respuesta entusiasta de los estudiantes hacia el aprendizaje del inglés utilizando una WebQuest. 3. Que los estudiantes consideraron la webquest como una estrategia interesante y motivadora. 4. Que la WebQuest promovió el trabajo colaborativo de los estudiantes. En este sentido, el presente estudio hace recomendaciones pedagógicas para la implementación de WebQuests en las aulas de inglés como lengua extranjera y continuar la investigación en relación con esta estrategia.The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of the implementation of a WebQuest for learning English in a 5th grade classroom of a public school in Pereira Risaralda. Six students used the WebQuest "Exploring the Matecaña Zoo", designed by the researchers as a learning strategy to practice, improve and develop their communicative competence in English, having as support the use of Internet resources and the facilitation of teachers during the teaching-learning process. One of the objectives of the study was to document the reactions and perceptions of students towards the use of this teaching and learning strategy, including the advantages and disadvantages they found from the WebQuest. For this purpose, participant observations, open-ended interviews and field notes were conducted. Another purpose that guided this study had to do with the idea of establishing the students’ level of communicative competence in English before and after participating in the Webquest Project, in order to determine the impact of this strategy on students’ proficiency in English. For this purpose, initial and final tests were implemented. The study used both qualitative and quantitative techniques to data analysis in order to answer two research questions that involved the documentation and analysis of the instructional strategy, participants’ learning outcomes and their reactions and perceptions regarding with the use of the WebQuest for learning English. Data analysis shows the following results: 1. Positive impact of the WebQuest strategy on the development of writing and oral skills in English. 2. The WebQuest as an interesting and motivating strategy. 3. The WebQuest as a trigger for students’ collaborative work. 4. Enthusiastic response of students towards learning English using a WebQuest. This way, this study makes teaching implications for implementing WebQuests in the EFL classrooms and for further research on this topic

    Revisión de la producción científica sobre webquest en los últimos 20 años: análisis bibliométrico en scopus y web of science

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    Tras la primera formulación en 1995 sobre qué es una Web Quest ¿cuál es el estado de su desarrollo en el campo de la educación? Esta pregunta exige muchas miradas y respuestas. Este trabajo busca ser parte de esta evaluación poniendo en evidencia el desarrollo de la producción científica sobre WebQuest en las dos principales bases de datos científicas: WOS (Web of Science) y Scopus desde su formulación hasta la actualidad (1995-2014). El método es el análisis bibliométrico en base a las siguientes variables: número de artículos publicados, número de citas recibidas, principales revistas citantes, promedio de citas por año, nombre y país de los autores más citados y palabras clave. Se ha procedido a la identificación del perfil y las características de las publicaciones científicas que lo tratan, sobre la conclusión de una evidente dispersión y atomización de resultados, destacando la existencia de una significativa comunidad científica sobre Webquest en Españ

    Web quest method in online teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language in higher educational institutions

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    Introduction. The research is topical due to the need to find effective methods of teaching Ukrainian to foreign students. The development of information technology urged the development of communicative competencies in foreign students. So, the web quest method is becoming increasingly popular in the study of foreign languages in higher educational institutions around the world. This method is an effective tool that allows a full involvement of foreign students in learning Ukrainian as a foreign language. Methods: testing students for the level of proficiency in Ukrainian as a foreign language, statistical and mathematical processing of results using Pearson’s formulas. Results: The results of the study showed the high efficiency of the web quest method in the experimental group in comparison with traditional teaching methods. According to all the criteria studied, the students of the experimental group showed higher results than the students of the control group, which proves the effectiveness of this method. Namely, the indicator of lexical skills of the experimental group with the excellent grade exceeds the indicator of the control group by 10.2%. The indicator of grammar skills of the experimental group with the excellent grade exceeds the indicator if the control group by 7.7%. And the indicator of phonetic skills of the experimental group with the excellent grade exceeds the indicator of the control group by 8.4%. There were 55.74% of foreign students who showed a high level of information search and analysis skills. Conclusion: The study notes the high efficiency of using the web quest method in the development of various communicative competencies in foreign students. Therefore, the expediency of using the web quest method in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to foreign students has been established. Prospects: further research will be aimed at studying the effectiveness of web quests for the development of professional communicative competencies for other subjects