696 research outputs found

    Neural basis of route-planning and goal-coding during flexible navigation

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    Animals and humans are remarkable in their ability to flexibly adapt to changes in their surroundings. Navigational flexibility may take many forms and in this thesis we investigate its neural and behavioral underpinnings using a variety of methods and tasks tailored to each specific research aim. These methods include functional resonance magnetic imaging (fMRI), freely moving virtual reality, desktop virtual reality, large-scale online testing, and computational modelling. First, we reanalysed previously collected rodent data in the lab to better under- stand behavioural bias that may occur during goal-directed navigation tasks. Based on finding some biases we designed a new approach of simulating results on maze configurations prior to data collection to select the ideal mazes for our task. In a parallel line of methods development, we designed a freely moving navigation task using large-scale wireless virtual reality in a 10x10 space. We compared human behaviour to that of a select number of reinforcement learning agents to investigate the feasibility of computational modelling approaches to freely moving behaviour. Second, we further developed our new approach of simulating results on maze configuration to design a novel spatial navigation task used in a parallel experiment in both rats and humans. We report the human findings using desktop virtual reality and fMRI. We identified a network of regions including hippocampal, caudate nu- cleus, and lateral orbitofrontal cortex involvement in learning hidden goal locations. We also identified a positive correlation between Euclidean goal distance and brain activity in the caudate nucleus during ongoing navigation. Third, we developed a large online testing paradigm to investigate the role of home environment on wayfinding ability. We extended previous reports that street network complexity is beneficial in improving wayfinding ability as measured using a previously reported virtual navigation game, Sea Hero Quest, as well as in a novel virtual navigation game, City Hero Quest. We also report results of a navigational strategies questionnaire that highlights differences of growing up inside and outside cities in the United States and how this relates to wayfinding ability. Fourth, we investigate route planning in a group of expert navigators, licensed London taxi drivers. We designed a novel mental route planning task, probing 120 different routes throughout the extensive street network of London. We find hip- pocampal and retrosplenial involvement in route planning. We also identify the frontopolar cortex as one of several brain regions parametrically modulated by plan- ning demand. Lastly, I summarize the findings from these studies and how they all come to provide different insights into our remarkable ability to flexibly adapt to naviga- tional challenges in our environment

    Spatio-temporal traffic anomaly detection for urban networks

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    Urban road networks are often affected by disruptions such as accidents and roadworks, giving rise to congestion and delays, which can, in turn, create a wide range of negative impacts to the economy, environment, safety and security. Accurate detection of the onset of traffic anomalies, specifically Recurrent Congestion (RC) and Nonrecurrent Congestion (NRC) in the traffic networks, is an important ITS function to facilitate proactive intervention measures to reduce the level of severity of congestion. A substantial body of literature is dedicated to models with varying levels of complexity that attempt to identify such anomalies. Given the complexity of the problem, however, very less effort is dedicated to the development of methods that attempt to detect traffic anomalies using spatio-temporal features. Driven both by the recent advances in deep learning techniques and the development of Traffic Incident Management Systems (TIMS), the aim of this research is to develop novel traffic anomaly detection models that can incorporate both spatial and temporal traffic information to detect traffic anomalies at a network level. This thesis first reviews the state of the art in traffic anomaly detection techniques, including the existing methods and emerging machine learning and deep learning methods, before identifying the gaps in the current understanding of traffic anomaly and its detection. One of the problems in terms of adapting the deep learning models to traffic anomaly detection is the translation of time series traffic data from multiple locations to the format necessary for the deep learning model to learn the spatial and temporal features effectively. To address this challenging problem and build a systematic traffic anomaly detection method at a network level, this thesis proposes a methodological framework consisting of (a) the translation layer (which is designed to translate the time series traffic data from multiple locations over the road network into a desired format with spatial and temporal features), (b) detection methods and (c) localisation. This methodological framework is subsequently tested for early RC detection and NRC detection. Three translation layers including connectivity matrix, geographical grid translation and spatial temporal translation are presented and evaluated for both RC and NRC detection. The early RC detection approach is a deep learning based method that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The NRC detection, on the other hand, involves only the application of the CNN. The performance of the proposed approach is compared against other conventional congestion detection methods, using a comprehensive evaluation framework that includes metrics such as detection rates and false positive rates, and the sensitivity analysis of time windows as well as prediction horizons. The conventional congestion detection methods used for the comparison include Multilayer Perceptron, Random Forest and Gradient Boost Classifier, all of which are commonly used in the literature. Real-world traffic data from the City of Bath are used for the comparative analysis of RC, while traffic data in conjunction with incident data extracted from Central London are used for NRC detection. The results show that while the connectivity matrix may be capable of extracting features of a small network, the increased sparsity in the matrix in a large network reduces its effectiveness in feature learning compared to geographical grid translation. The results also indicate that the proposed deep learning method demonstrates superior detection accuracy compared to alternative methods and that it can detect recurrent congestion as early as one hour ahead with acceptable accuracy. The proposed method is capable of being implemented within a real-world ITS system making use of traffic sensor data, thereby providing a practically useful tool for road network managers to manage traffic proactively. In addition, the results demonstrate that a deep learning-based approach may improve the accuracy of incident detection and locate traffic anomalies precisely, especially in a large urban network. Finally, the framework is further tested for robustness in terms of network topology, sensor faults and missing data. The robustness analysis demonstrates that the proposed traffic anomaly detection approaches are transferable to different sizes of road networks, and that they are robust in the presence of sensor faults and missing data.Open Acces

    Efficient Algorithms for Coastal Geographic Problems

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    The increasing performance of computers has made it possible to solve algorithmically problems for which manual and possibly inaccurate methods have been previously used. Nevertheless, one must still pay attention to the performance of an algorithm if huge datasets are used or if the problem iscomputationally difficult. Two geographic problems are studied in the articles included in this thesis. In the first problem the goal is to determine distances from points, called study points, to shorelines in predefined directions. Together with other in-formation, mainly related to wind, these distances can be used to estimate wave exposure at different areas. In the second problem the input consists of a set of sites where water quality observations have been made and of the results of the measurements at the different sites. The goal is to select a subset of the observational sites in such a manner that water quality is still measured in a sufficient accuracy when monitoring at the other sites is stopped to reduce economic cost. Most of the thesis concentrates on the first problem, known as the fetch length problem. The main challenge is that the two-dimensional map is represented as a set of polygons with millions of vertices in total and the distances may also be computed for millions of study points in several directions. Efficient algorithms are developed for the problem, one of them approximate and the others exact except for rounding errors. The solutions also differ in that three of them are targeted for serial operation or for a small number of CPU cores whereas one, together with its further developments, is suitable also for parallel machines such as GPUs.Tietokoneiden suorituskyvyn kasvaminen on tehnyt mahdolliseksi ratkaista algoritmisesti ongelmia, joita on aiemmin tarkasteltu paljon ihmistyötä vaativilla, mahdollisesti epätarkoilla, menetelmillä. Algoritmien suorituskykyyn on kuitenkin toisinaan edelleen kiinnitettävä huomiota lähtömateriaalin suuren määrän tai ongelman laskennallisen vaikeuden takia. Väitöskirjaansisältyvissäartikkeleissatarkastellaankahtamaantieteellistä ongelmaa. Ensimmäisessä näistä on määritettävä etäisyyksiä merellä olevista pisteistä lähimpään rantaviivaan ennalta määrätyissä suunnissa. Etäisyyksiä ja tuulen voimakkuutta koskevien tietojen avulla on mahdollista arvioida esimerkiksi aallokon voimakkuutta. Toisessa ongelmista annettuna on joukko tarkkailuasemia ja niiltä aiemmin kerättyä tietoa erilaisista vedenlaatua kuvaavista parametreista kuten sameudesta ja ravinteiden määristä. Tehtävänä on valita asemajoukosta sellainen osa joukko, että vedenlaatua voidaan edelleen tarkkailla riittävällä tarkkuudella, kun mittausten tekeminen muilla havaintopaikoilla lopetetaan kustannusten säästämiseksi. Väitöskirja keskittyy pääosin ensimmäisen ongelman, suunnattujen etäisyyksien, ratkaisemiseen. Haasteena on se, että tarkasteltava kaksiulotteinen kartta kuvaa rantaviivan tyypillisesti miljoonista kärkipisteistä koostuvana joukkonapolygonejajaetäisyyksiäonlaskettavamiljoonilletarkastelupisteille kymmenissä eri suunnissa. Ongelmalle kehitetään tehokkaita ratkaisutapoja, joista yksi on likimääräinen, muut pyöristysvirheitä lukuun ottamatta tarkkoja. Ratkaisut eroavat toisistaan myös siinä, että kolme menetelmistä on suunniteltu ajettavaksi sarjamuotoisesti tai pienellä määrällä suoritinytimiä, kun taas yksi menetelmistä ja siihen tehdyt parannukset soveltuvat myös voimakkaasti rinnakkaisille laitteille kuten GPU:lle. Vedenlaatuongelmassa annetulla asemajoukolla on suuri määrä mahdollisia osajoukkoja. Lisäksi tehtävässä käytetään aikaa vaativia operaatioita kuten lineaarista regressiota, mikä entisestään rajoittaa sitä, kuinka monta osajoukkoa voidaan tutkia. Ratkaisussa käytetäänkin heuristiikkoja, jotkaeivät välttämättä tuota optimaalista lopputulosta.Siirretty Doriast

    Real-Time Object Tracking in Video

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    Práce se zaměřuje na vizuální sledování objektu v reálném čase ve videu s důrazem na problémy vznikající při dlouhodobém sledování. Mezi tyto problémy patří především okluze, ať už částečná či úplná, a vizuální změny objektu. Dále se práce zaměřuje na objekty na hranici rozlišitelnost a trhavý pohyb kamery, jakožto problémy přítomné při sledování vzdálených objektů. Součástí práce je shrnutí současného stavu s ohledem na zmíněné problémy a návrh systému s vysokou kvalitativní stabilitou a odolností vůči zmíněným problémům, především malé velikosti objektů. Navržený systém byl implementován a z vyhodnocení vyplynulo, že je schopný tyto problémy částečně řešit.This thesis focuses on real-time visual object tracking with emphasis on problems caused by a long-term tracking task. Among theses problems belong primarily an occlusion problem, both the partial and the full one, and appearance changes of the object during the tracking. The work is also concerned with tracking objects of a very limited size and unsteady camera movements. These two particular problems are relatively common when tracking distant objects. A part of this work is also a summary of related work and a proposal of a system with high qualitative stability and robustness to problems mentioned. The proposed system was implemented and the evaluation demonstrated that it is capable of solving these problems partially.

    Depth Pooling Based Large-scale 3D Action Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This paper proposes three simple, compact yet effective representations of depth sequences, referred to respectively as Dynamic Depth Images (DDI), Dynamic Depth Normal Images (DDNI) and Dynamic Depth Motion Normal Images (DDMNI), for both isolated and continuous action recognition. These dynamic images are constructed from a segmented sequence of depth maps using hierarchical bidirectional rank pooling to effectively capture the spatial-temporal information. Specifically, DDI exploits the dynamics of postures over time and DDNI and DDMNI exploit the 3D structural information captured by depth maps. Upon the proposed representations, a ConvNet based method is developed for action recognition. The image-based representations enable us to fine-tune the existing Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet) models trained on image data without training a large number of parameters from scratch. The proposed method achieved the state-of-art results on three large datasets, namely, the Large-scale Continuous Gesture Recognition Dataset (means Jaccard index 0.4109), the Large-scale Isolated Gesture Recognition Dataset (59.21%), and the NTU RGB+D Dataset (87.08% cross-subject and 84.22% cross-view) even though only the depth modality was used.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1701.01814, arXiv:1608.0633

    Modular and efficient pre-processing of single-cell RNA-seq

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    Analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data begins with the pre-processing of reads to generate count matrices. We investigate algorithm choices for the challenges of pre-processing, and describe a workflow that balances efficiency and accuracy. Our workflow is based on the kallisto and bustools programs, and is near-optimal in speed and memory. The workflow is modular, and we demonstrate its flexibility by showing how it can be used for RNA velocity analyses


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters