14,188 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Patient Falls

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    Debate continues between the contribution of education level and clinical expertise in the nursing practice environment. Research suggests a link between Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN) nurses and positive patient outcomes such as lower mortality, decreased falls, and fewer medication errors. Purpose: To examine if there a negative correlation between patient falls and the level of nurse education at an urban hospital located in Midwest Illinois during the years 2010-2014? Methods: A retrospective crosssectional cohort analysis was conducted using data from the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) from the years 2010-2014. Sample: Inpatients aged ≥ 18 years who experienced a unintentional sudden descent, with or without injury that resulted in the patient striking the floor or object and occurred on inpatient nursing units. Results: The regression model was constructed with annual patient falls as the dependent variable and formal education and a log transformed variable for percentage of certified nurses as the independent variables. The model overall is a good fit, F (2,22) = 9.014, p = .001, adj. R2 = .40. Conclusion: Annual patient falls will decrease by increasing the number of nurses with baccalaureate degrees and/or certifications from a professional nursing board-governing body

    Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses

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    Emerging technologies, such as smart glasses, offer new possibilities to support service processes. Specifically, in situations where a person providing a service, such as a technician, needs both hands to complete a complex set of tasks, hands-free speech-controlled information systems can offer support with additional information. We investigated this research field in a three-year consortium with partners from the agricultural technology sector. During the course of our research, we 1) analyzed the domain in a multi-method approach to develop (meta-)requirements, 2) proposed design principles, 3) instantiated them in a prototype, and 4) evaluated the prototype. We followed a design science research approach in which we combined the build phase with four evaluation cycles that comprised focus groups, a prototype demonstration, and, based on that demonstration, a survey with 105 domain experts. We address real-world problems in providing information at the point of service and contribute to the methodological knowledge base of IS design and service systems engineering by developing and implementing design requirements and principles for smart glasses-based service support systems

    Instructions on Small Screens : Analysing the Multimodality of Technical Communication Through a Design Experiment

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    Tässä tutkielmassa analysoin teknisen viestinnän multimodaalisuutta kokeellisen suunnittelun avulla. Kokeessani suunnittelen ja konvertoin älylasien pienelle näytölle kolme lyhyttä KONE Oyj:n asennus- ja huolto-ohjetta. Vaikka käytän kokeessani älylaseja, tutkimuksen näyttö voisi periaatteessa olla mikä tahansa pieni näyttö, esimerkiksi älypuhelin tai älykello, jonka ajantasainen sisältö on teoriassa helpommin kuljetettavissa mukana kuin paperille tulostettu perinteinen PDF-ohje. Konvertoin ohjeet käyttäen kahta teoriaa: visuaaliset ohjeet (Gattullo et al. 2019) ja minimalismiheuristiikka (van der Meij ja Carroll, 1998). Ymmärtääkseni paremmin ohjeiden koko käyttökontekstia, rakennan konversioiden testaamiseen yhteistyönä KONE Oyj:ssä käyttäjätestiympäristön simuloimaan ammattimaista hissin asennus- ja huoltoympäristöä. Vaikka nykytekniikka mahdollistaa digitaalisten, pienten näyttöjen käytön, ohjeiden tarkoitus ei muutu: niiden pitää ymmärrettävästi auttaa lukijaa suorittamaan tehtävänsä. Täten konversio- ja suunnitteluteorioiden vastapainoksi multimodaalisuuden teoriat (esimerkiksi, Bateman, Wildfeuer ja Hiippala, 2017) auttavat analysoimaan konversioiden ymmärrettävyyden eroja systemaattisesti. Käytän tutkielmassani multimodaalisuuden teorioita ymmärtääkseni konversioiden vaikutukset ohjeiden ymmärrettävyyteen. Multimodaalisuuden teorioiden avulla tunnistan ohjeiden käyttötilanteen, käytetyn median (älylasit) ominaisuudet, sekä rajaan varsinaiseksi tutkimuskohteekseni konvertoiduilta ohjenäytöiltä tunnistamani semioottiset moodit ja niiden vaikutukset konvertoitujen ohjeiden ymmärtämiseen. Johtopäätöksinä esitän, ettei yksittäisiä konvertoituja ohjenäyttöjä tutkimalla synny mimimalismiheuristiikan osalta ymmärrettävyyden kannalta merkittäviä eroja lähtötilanteen PDF-ohjeeseen nähden, lukuun ottamatta muutamien helposti pääteltävien kohtien poisjättämistä. Yleisesti ottaen molemmissa konversioissa älylaseille siirtyy multimodaalisesti samankaltainen, kaksiulotteista sivunäkymää hyödyntävä ohje kuin lähtötilanteen PDF. Koska toinen tutkimani teoria, visuaaliset ohjeet, perustuvat verbien korvaamiseen symboleilla, symbolien ymmärrettävyys korostuu merkittävänä erona visuaalisten ohjeiden käytettävyydessä. Johtopäätöksiä selventää, etten hyödynnä älylasien kaikkia ilmaisukeinoja, kuten liikkuvaa kuvaa ja ääntä, koska kokeessani huomioin kustannustehokkaan, teollisten ohjeiden tuotantoprosessin. Lopuksi ehdotan erityisesti teknisen viestinnän viitekehyksessä jatkotutkimuksen aiheiksi uusien digitaalisten medioiden kaikkien ominaisuuksien ja niiden multimodaalisten käyttötilanteiden tutkimista ja hyödyntämistä, pienien näyttöjen sisällöntuotannon standardisoinnin tutkimista ja kehitystä, sekä symbolien ymmärrettävyyden tutkimista

    Measuring work and workers: Wearables and digital assistance systems in manufacturing and logistics

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    The smart glove or smart data glasses: Digitalization of work means that technology is moving closer to the bodies of employees. It can make movements, vital signs and even emotions visible. Technologies which many people use privately to monitor their sporting activities or health opens up a new dimension of control in the workplace, but also the possibility of supporting employees in complex work processes. Based on case studies of companies in manufacturing and logistics as well as a survey of employees, this study provides insights into operational use cases of wearables and the assessments of employees. It reveals contradictory experiences and a high importance of co-determination and co-design of new technologies by employees and works councils as a condition for using new technologies for improving work quality

    From lean production to Industrie 4.0: More autonomy for employees?

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    The article examines the relationship between lean production and Industrie 4.0 focusing on the question of autonomy in the work process. In contrast to the claim made by official Industrie 4.0 concepts that the autonomy of the employees would increase, we see in the current implementation projects a tendency towards greater standardization and control of work. This is in continuity with concepts of lean production, but neglects the participation-oriented elements of lean production such as teamwork and shop-floor-based improvement activities. Our argument is developed by analyzing practical examples from three relevant fields (digital assistance systems, data-based process management, modular assembly). The conclusions of this article also discuss the extent to which the concept of individual autonomy is suitable for the assessment of Industrie 4.0 concepts, given the high levels of interdependence already achieved in production processes

    Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System

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    The character of IT transformed from an attached commodity to the center of new products and services. Especially in technical customer services, new technologies such as smart glasses offer great opportunities to overcome current challenges. Due to the complexity of service systems engineering, guidance on how to design smart glasses-based service support systems is necessary. To overcome this complexity and fill the research gap of design knowledge, we (1) analyze the domain in a multi-method approach eliciting meta-requirements, (2) propose design principles, and (3) instantiate them in a prototype. We follow a design science research approach combing the buildphase with four evaluation cycles obtaining focus groups twice, demonstration with prototype and, based on that, a survey with 105 experts from the agricultural sector. We address real-world problems of information provisioning at the point of service and, thereby, contribute to the methodological knowledge base of IS Design and Service Systems Engineering

    Furthering Service 4.0: Harnessing Intelligent Immersive Environments and Systems

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    With the increasing complexity of service operations in different industries and more advanced uses of specialized equipment and procedures, the great current challenge for companies is to increase employees' expertise and their ability to maintain and improve service quality. In this regard, Service 4.0 aims to support and promote innovation in service operations using emergent technology. Current technological innovations present a significant opportunity to provide on-site, real-time support for field service professionals in many areas

    D8.6 OPTIMAI commercialization and exploitation strategy

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    Deliverable D8.6 OPTIMAI commercialization and exploitation strategy 1 st version is the first version of the OPTIMAI Exploitation Plan. Exploitation aims at ensuring that OPTIMAI becomes sustainable well after the conclusion of the research project period so as to create impact. OPTIMAI intends to develop an industry environment that will optimize production, reducing production line scrap and production time, as well as improving the quality of the products through the use of a variety of technological solutions, such as Smart Instrumentation of sensors network at the shop floor, Metrology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Twins, Blockchain, and Decision Support via Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces. The innovative aspects: Decision Support Framework for Timely Notifications, Secure and adaptive multi-sensorial network and fog computing framework, Blockchain-enabled ecosystem for securing data exchange, Intelligent Marketplace for AI sharing and scrap re-use, Digital Twin for Simulation and Forecasting, Embedded Cybersecurity for IoT services, On-the-fly reconfiguration of production equipment allows businesses to reconsider quality management to eliminate faults, increase productivity, and reduce scrap. The OPTIMAI exploitation strategy has been drafted and it consists of three phases: Initial Phase, Mid Phase and Final Phase where different activities are carried out. The aim of the Initial phase (M1 to M12), reported in this deliverable, is to have an initial results' definition for OPTIMAI and the setup of the structures to be used during the project lifecycle. In this phase, also each partner's Individual Exploitation commitments and intentions are drafted, and a first analysis of the joint exploitation strategies is being presented. The next steps, leveraging on the outcomes of the preliminary market analysis, will be to update the Key Exploitable Results with a focus on their market value and business potential and to consolidate the IPR Assessment and set up a concrete Exploitation Plan. The result of the next period of activities will be reported in D8.7 OPTIMAI commercialization and exploitation strategy - 2nd version due at month 18 (June 2022