206 research outputs found

    Using metamodeling to represent lean six sigma for IT service improvement

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    The agile strategies in IT Governance: Towards a framework of agile IT Governance in the banking industry

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    Digital transformation has changed corporate reality and, with that, firms’ IT environments and IT governance (ITG). As such, the perspective of ITG has shifted from the design of a relatively stable, closed and controllable system of a self-sufficient enterprise to a relatively fluid, open, agile and transformational system of networked co-adaptive entities. Related to this paradigm shift in ITG, this paper aims to clarify how the concept of an effective ITG framework has changed in terms of the demand for agility in organizations. Thus, this study conducted 33 qualitative interviews with executives and senior managers from the banking industry in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Analysis of the interviews focused on the formation of categories and the assignment of individual text parts (codings) to these categories to allow for a quantitative evaluation of the codings per category. Regarding traditional and agile ITG dimensions, 22 traditional and 25 agile dimensions in terms of structures, processes and relational mechanisms were identified. Moreover, agile strategies within the agile ITG construct and ten ITG patterns were identified from the interview data. The data show relevant perspectives on the implementation of traditional and new ITG dimensions and highlight ambidextrous aspects in ITG in the German-speaking banking industry

    Governança ágil em TIC: rompendo paradigmas

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    This paper presents the basis of the Agile Governance in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is based on Agile Software Engineering Methodologies principles and values. Its development was done through a systematic review process, supported by Bibliometrics and Scientometrics methods and techniques, where the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of ICT Governance projects and the principles of the Agile Manifesto were analyzed. Next, through an inductive approach, focused on the convergence between the concepts involved, it was analyzed how agile principles could help to minimize the gap between ICT and business. Evidences of their occurrence were taken through a Conceptual Survey Research. As a result, the foundations and concepts of Agile Governance in ICT were defined and, finally, the development of a reference model was proposed as a future work.Este artigo apresenta as bases do conceito de Governança Ágil em TIC - Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação - , baseado nos princípios e valores das Metodologias Ágeis da Engenharia de Software. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho se deu através de um processo de Revisão Sistemática, apoiado em técnicas e métodos Bibliométricos e Cienciométricos, no qual foram analisados os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) de projetos de Governança em TIC e os princípios das Metodologias Ágeis. Em seguida, através de uma abordagem indutiva, com foco na convergência entre os conceitos envolvidos, analisou-se como os princípios ágeis poderiam contribuir para minimizar o hiato existente entre a TIC e o negócio. Evidências da coerência da proposta foram reforçadas através de uma Pesquisa de Sondagem Conceitual. Como resultado, foram definidas as bases em que se fundamentam o conceito de Governança Ágil em TIC e sugerido como trabalho futuro a definição de um modelo de referência para este conceito

    Diseño e implementación de un modelo de gobierno y gestión de TI en organizaciones de Retail+ Fintech

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    En la actualidad, las organizaciones pertenecientes a la industria del Retail se caracterizan por ser organizaciones que demandan dinamismo, capacidad de adaptación, mejora continua y extrema competitividad en el mercado, lo que las conlleva a la necesidad de evolucionar constantemente en sus procesos de negocio, en su propuesta de valor, en su arquitectura empresarial, y en sus portafolios de productos y servicios a través de la innovación, de tal forma, que a lo largo de su existencia puedan lograr adaptarse al mercado y mantener y/o crecer su participación en el mercado. Lo anterior, obliga a resaltar el papel fundamental que juega el Gobierno y Gestión de TI dentro de las organizaciones que pertenecen a este sector; partiendo de la base teórica que el Gobierno de TI, tiene como objetivo principal, alinear las estrategias de TI con las estrategias del negocio, permitiendo definir responsabilidades y tomar decisiones correctas, para impulsar los comportamientos deseables en el uso de las TIC’s. Teniendo en cuenta los retos mencionados, se hace necesario plantear un diseño de un Marco de Gobierno y Gestión de TI que pueda aplicarse a las empresas de este sector, sirviendo de guía para futuras implementaciones como una base sólida para la constitución de un buen Gobierno y Gestión de TI, de tal forma, que garantice la alineación de los objetivos de las TI con los objetivos del negocio y la armonía en la gestión de todos los componentes de TI que se requieran para generar velocidad y ventajas competitivas al negocio

    DT4GITM - A Vision for a Framework for Digital Twin enabled IT Governance

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    This paper is concerned with the question of how novel digital technologies can be used to enable IT governance to better deal with the need for more agility, flexibility, adaptivity, and connectivity, as brought about by our modern day society. We propose to digitally transform IT governance, in particular making it smart(er) by following a data-driven approach. In line with this, we present a vision for digitally transformed IT governance in the form of the DT4GITM (Digital Twin for Governed IT Management) framework, which exploits the Digital Twin concept as it is already used in other fields to monitor, analyze, simulate, and predict the performance of real-world assets. The purpose of the DT4GITM framework is to serve as a reference architecture for a technological infrastructure based on the Digital Twin concept that connects three interrelated systems -- the IT governance processes, the governed IT management processes, and the managed organizational IT assets

    A Wheelbarrow Full of Frogs: Understanding Portfolio Management for Agile Projects

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    Organizations increasingly embrace agile approaches for IT projects, replacing rigid formal stage-gate control by flexible output-orientation. This challenges established program or portfolio management approaches that largely rely on consolidated (stage-gate) project metrics. Based on seven case studies of large Dutch organizations we explore these challenges and the organizational responses towards a new approach to portfolio management for agile projects. Data-collection is guided by four propositions derived from control theory and portfolio management literature. Our findings show that portfolio management adapts to agile projects by performing fewer and less strict process controls, by modifying the budget controls and by shifting from IT project/program control to business outcome control, with an increased focus on business value

    Kajian dan Peluang Penelitian Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi: Ulasan Literatur

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    Perkembangan transisi Teknologi Informasi (TI) saat ini menyebabkan penelitian terkait dengan tata kelola TI semakin meningkat.Tata kelola TI berperan besar dalam sebuah organisasi karena telah berubahnya peran dan relevansi TI dalam organisasi sehingga diperlukan pemahaman yang jelas terkait dengan tata kelola TI saat ini.Tujuan penulisan ulasanliteratur ini yaitu untuk mengulas perkembangan topik Tata Kelola dan peluang penelitian lebih lanjutterkait tata kelola TI sehingga dapat memberikan pemahaman tentang tata kelola TI. Metodologi yang digunakan pada ulasan literatur ini mencakup: 1) pendefinisian pertanyaan penelitian; 2) penetapan sumber literatur; 3) penentuan kata kunci pencarian literatur; 4) Pemilihan literatur; dan 5) ekstraksi data dan sintesis.Berdasarkan hasil ulasan literatur yang dilakukan, penelitian tata kelola TI secara luas diterapkan pada organisasi bisnis.Terdapat beberapa metode dan kombinasi dari beberapa metode yang digunakan dalam tata kelola TI, mencakup Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT), Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Information Technology Balanced Scorecard (IT-BSC), dan metode-metode lain. Tren penelitianyang saat ini banyak dilakukan mencakup cloud computing governance, criteria success factor IT governance, penerapan dan atau evaluasi tata kelola dengan berbagai metode pada sektor bisnis, tata kelola TI pada universitas, peran tata kelola dalam pemerintahan dan rumah sakit. Peluang penelitian direkomendasikan berdasarkan future dan limitasi dari masing-masing paper yang dibahas.   Abstract The development of the current Information Technology (IT) transition has led to more research on IT governance. IT governance plays a major role in an organization because it has changed the role and relevance of IT in the organization so that a clear understanding of current IT governance is needed. The purpose of this literature review is to review the development of Governance topics and further research opportunities related to IT governance so as to provide an understanding of IT governance. The methodology used in this literature review includes: 1) defining research questions; 2) determination of literature sources; 3) the determination of literature search keywords; 4) Selection of literature; and 5) data extraction and synthesis. Based on the results of the literature review conducted, IT governance research is widely applied to business organizations. There are several methods and combinations of several methods used in IT governance, including Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT), Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Information Technology Balanced Scorecard (IT-BSC), and other methods . Current research trends include cloud computing governance, IT governance success factor criteria, governance implementation and or evaluation with various methods in the business sector, IT governance at universities, governance roles in government and hospitals. Research opportunities are recommended based on the future and limitations of each paper discussed

    Information systems project maturity framework for level 2 compliance

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    Chapter 1 unpacked the problem identified by the Standish Chaos Reports (2014), where it appears that projects across the globe are often not managed successfully for earned value. A general overview placed software project management in context while proposing that a focus on process management using the PMIS emplacement may alleviate many of the challenges faced. Chapter 1 also explained the problems and resultant inability to unlock capability maturity requirements needed to move out of CM L1 behaviourSchool of Computin