1,317 research outputs found

    ForgetMeNot: Active Reminder Entry Support for Adults with Acquired Brain Injury

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    Smartphone reminding apps can compensate for memory impairment after acquired brain injury (ABI). In the absence of a caregiver, users must enter reminders themselves if the apps are going to help them. Poor memory and apathy associated with ABI can result in failure to initiate such configuration behaviour and the benefits of reminder apps are lost. ForgetMeNot takes a novel approach to address this problem by periodically encouraging the user to enter reminders with unsolicited prompts (UPs). An in situ case study investigated the experience of using a reminding app for people with ABI and tested UPs as a potential solution to initiating reminder entry. Three people with severe ABI living in a post-acute rehabilitation hospital used the app in their everyday lives for four weeks to collect real usage data. Field observations illustrated how difficulties with motivation, insight into memory difficulties and anxiety impact reminder app use in a rehabilitation setting. Results showed that when 6 UPs were presented throughout the day, reminder-setting increased, showing UPs are an important addition to reminder applications for people with ABI. This study demonstrates that barriers to technology use can be resolved in practice when software is developed with an understanding of the issues experienced by the user group

    Understanding and supporting mobile application usage

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    In recent years mobile phones have evolved significantly. While the very first cellular phones only provided functionality for conducting phone calls, smartphones nowadays provide a rich variety of functionalities. Additional hardware capabilities like new sensors (e.g.~for location) and touch screens as new input devices gave rise to new use cases for mobile phones, such as navigation support, taking pictures or making payments. Mobile phones not only evolved with regard to technology, they also became ubiquitous and pervasive in people\u27s daily lives by becoming capable of supporting them in various tasks. Eventually, the advent of mobile application stores for the distribution of mobile software enabled the end-users themselves to functionally customize their mobile phones for their personal purposes and needs. So far, little is known about how people make use of the large variety of applications that are available. Thus, little support exists for end-users to make effective and efficient use of their smartphones given the huge numbers of applications that are available. This dissertation is motivated by the evolution of mobile phones from mere communication devices to multi-functional tool sets, and the challenges that have arisen as a result. The goal of this thesis is to contribute systems that support the use of mobile applications and to ground these systems\u27 designs in an understanding of user behavior gained through empirical observations. The contribution of this dissertation is twofold: First, this work aims to understand how people make use of, organize, discover and multitask between the various functionalities that are available for their smartphones. Findings are based on observations of user behavior by conducting studies in the wild. Second, this work aims to assist people in leveraging their smartphones and the functionality that is available in a more effective and efficient way. This results in tools and improved user interfaces for end-users. Given that the number of available applications for smartphones is rapidly increasing, it is crucial to understand how people make use of such applications to support smartphone use in everyday life with better designs for smartphone user interfaces.Mobiltelefone haben sich innerhalb der letzten Jahre signifikant weiterentwickelt. Während erste Modelle lediglich Sprachtelefonie zur Verfügung stellten, ermöglichen heutige Smartphones vielseitige Dienste. Technologische Fortschritte, wie beispielsweise GPS-Lokalisierung und berührungsempfindliche Displays, haben neue Einsatzbereiche für Mobiltelefone eröffnet, wie solche als Navigationsgerät oder als Fotoapparat. Doch nicht nur in Bezug auf die Technologie haben sich Mobiltelefone weiterentwickelt, sondern auch in der Verbreitung ist die Anzahl der Geräte enorm gestiegen. Sie werden allgegenwärtig im täglichen Leben genutzt, da sie ihre Anwender bei verschiedensten Aufgaben unterstützen können. Das Aufkommen von Vetriebsplattformen für die Verbreitung mobiler Software erlaubt es dem Anwender selbstständig Modifikationen an der Funktionalität seines Geräts vorzunehmen und dieses an persönliche Zwecke und Ansprüche anzupassen. Bisher ist wenig darüber bekannt, wie sich Anwender die Vielfalt zu Verfügung stehender Applikationen zu Nutze machen. Als Folge daraus gibt es bisher nur rudimentäre Unterstützung für Anwender, die Vielfalt von Applikationen effektiv und effizient einzusetzen. Diese Dissertation ist durch den Wandel des Mobiltelefons vom reinen Kommunikationsgerät hin zum multifunktionalen Werkzeug motiviert. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Systeme für die Unterstützung einer besseren mobilen Applikationsnutzung zu entwickeln, deren Design auf dem neuen Verständnis von Benutzerverhalten beruht, das durch empirische Studien gewonnen wird. Diese Dissertation hat einen zweiteiligen Beitrag: Zum einen werden theoretische Erkenntnisse dazu erarbeitet, wie Anwender die Applikationsvielfalt nutzen, installierte Applikationen auf ihren Geräten organisieren, neue Applikationen entdecken und zwischen diesen in der Ausführung wechseln. Die Erkenntnisse hierzu beruhen auf der empirischen Beobachtung von Nutzungsverhalten. Zum anderen hat diese Arbeit ingenieurwissenschaftliche Ziele dahingehend, die Anwender von Applikationen dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Smartphones sowie deren Funktionsvielfalt effektiver und effizienter einzusetzen. Dieser Beitrag resultiert in der Beschreibung implementierter Systeme und verbesserter Benutzerschnittstellen für Anwender. Angesichts der rapide wachsenden Zahl zur Verfügung stehender mobiler Applikationen ist es wichtig, zu verstehen wie Endanwender diese nutzen, denn nur so kann die Nutzung von Smartphones gebrauchstauglicher und einfacher gestaltet werden

    Conception and Realization of a Mobile Crowdsensing Application for Support and Empowerment of Diabetes Patients

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    Diabetes is an increasingly common chronic disease. Not only in the Western World but across the globe. Statistics show, that 10.3% of men and 9.6% of women in the European Union aged 25 or older are forced to live with this disease, and the numbers are rising [1]. It is a chronic disorder of the metabolism, and a number of dangerous complications can arise if the medical treatment is not supervised carefully. These complications can be lethal, and severely reduce the quality of life of every individual patient. Thoroughly following the medical advices requires considerable discipline of the patient. This project aims to help the patients suffering diabetes, by providing a healthcare application to support them in their daily self-care. The application is called Track your Diabetes, and is designed to be a daily companion for the patient. Moreover, it is a mobile crowdsensing application and the collected data can empower researchers to improve the knowledge about the disease. Patient education, empowerment, and practical self-management to help deal with symptoms, is achieved by tracking diabetes related data such as the blood glucose level and weight. Depending on the data, the users can receive automated feedbacks, in order to improve their self-management. The application is questionnaire-based. This means, that the application only tracks data based on the questionnaires published. Patients can then share their data with their medical attendant who, in turn, can use it to improve their treatment methods. Designing this application, and providing prove for its feasibility by implementing it, is the central topic of this thesis. One major requirement was for the application to use the interface of a given RESTful API backend. This backend is planned to be a central database for the relevant data of all users. This work shows, how the application was designed and implemented for the operating system Android

    Voice-For-Blind: An Utilizable Email Client for Visually Impaired Users

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    For people who are sighted, visually impaired, or blind, electronic mail has evolved into a vital tool for collaboration and communication. However, the current email-related activities on smartphones cause a number of problems due to insufficient mapping of haptic feedback, complex text-entry layouts, a variety of screen sizes and orientations, illogical ordering of navigational items, and inconsistent interface design. The Components on touch-screen interfaces that can't be seen can be difficult for blind people to precisely access, making it difficult for them to carry out common mailing tasks such as receiving, sending, organising, managing spam, deleting, searching, and filtering. Due to these issues, blind people are having trouble using smartphones and completing a number of tasks related to email. Junk and Spam email frustration and cognitive overload are additional effects. We proposed Voice-For-Blind an utilizable email client that is friendly to visully imapired individuals to get around the obstacles relating to the usability and accessibility of smartphone-related mailing activities. 38 blind participants in an empirical study who carried out 14 email-related tasks are used to evaluate the proposed email client. The outcomes of this prototype's use demonstrate an elevated accuracy in complettion, improved user experience, and improved touchscreen interface control for basic tasks like email management. The findings show that Voice-For-Blind is an email client that is inclusive of accessibility, giving blind individuals an enhanced user - interface experience and reducing cognitive load when managing emails

    Towards Improving User Interaction with Navigation Apps: an Information Quality Perspective

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    Traffic congestion is a major problem for large cities, and with the ubiquitous use of smartphones with GPS capabilities, drivers have increasingly come to rely on navigation applications for avoiding traffic congestion and routing to unfamiliar destinations.  However, in certain situations the suggested route may not be what the user expects and could result in perceived delays over known routes, increased stress and frustration for the driver, or even back tracking.  This has created a situation where drivers perceive that the information provided by navigation applications are not completely reliable and do not follow the suggested routes, thereby reducing the overall effectiveness of congestion avoidance. Additionally, drivers also make additional interaction with the navigation applications to verify the believability of the suggestions routes, creating more distraction and reducing on-road safety.  As such, this preliminary work assesses mobility information quality provided by leading navigation applications (Google Maps and Waze) against four dimensions of the PSP/IQ information quality framework to identify areas for improving information quality in three common driving scenarios.  The results indicate that both apps have similar levels of completeness, concise representation, and consistent representation.  And while the relevancy of the information quality is also similar in both apps, Waze’s representation of the some information elements allowed for quicker comparison and decision making. The findings from this work can be used to enhance user interaction and information presentation in navigation applications in order to improve user perceptions of information quality.Keywords: smart mobility information, mobility information quality, congestion avoidanc

    Screen Time and Productivity: An Extension of Goal-setting Theory to Explain Optimum Smartphone Use

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    Over the past several years, much research has examined the negative consequences that can arise from smartphone use. To help reduce these consequences, companies have developed smartphone applications and features to enable self-monitoring behaviors. However, the mechanisms that have caused smartphone-enabled self-monitoring behaviors to emerge and the positive outcomes that might result from such behaviors have received limited scholarly attention. In this study, we ameliorate this gap by proposing a framework that highlights key antecedents and outcomes of screen- time self-monitoring success based on a smartphone-based self-monitoring intervention. Informed by a short-term longitudinal study, our results show how smartphone-based self-monitoring can enhance awareness of smartphone use and, consequently, lead to positive outcomes for users. Our findings reveal that how users perceive smartphone self- monitoring affordances, their outcome expectations, and their smartphone self-monitoring efficacy positively relate to the extent they engage in smartphone-based self-monitoring behavior. In turn, self-monitoring enhances user productivity and leads to an overall sense of contentment with achievement. Nevertheless, our findings suggest that self-monitoring fatigue negatively moderates these relationships. This study offers novel theoretical and practical insights to encourage users to use smartphones in a more regulated manner. More generally, this study contributes to the literature on self-monitoring and self-regulation in digitally enabled environments

    Computer screenshot classification for boosting ADHD productivity in a VR environment

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    Individuals with ADHD face significant challenges in their daily lives due to difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These challenges are especially pronounced in the workplace or educational settings, where the ability to sustain attention and manage time effectively is crucial for success. Virtual reality (VR) software has emerged as a promising tool for improving productivity in individuals with ADHD. However, the effectiveness of such software depends on the identification of potential distractions and timely intervention. The proposed computer screenshot classification approach addresses this need by providing a means for identifying and analyzing potential distractions within VR software. By integrating Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), the proposed approach can accurately classify screenshots and extract features, facilitating the identification of distractions and enabling timely intervention to minimize their impact on productivity. The implications of this research are significant, as ADHD affects a substantial portion of the population and has a significant impact on productivity and quality of life. By providing a novel approach for studying, detecting, and enhancing productivity, this research has the potential to improve outcomes for individuals with ADHD and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of workplaces and educational settings. Moreover, the proposed approach holds promise for wider applicability to other productivity studies involving computer users, where the classification of screenshots and feature extraction play a crucial role in discerning behavioral patterns.Les persones amb TDAH s’enfronten a reptes importants en la seva vida diària a causa de les dificultats d’atenció, hiperactivitat i impulsivitat. Aquests reptes són especialment pronunciats al lloc de treball o en entorns educatius, on la capacitat de mantenir l’atenció i gestionar el temps de manera eficaç és crucial per a l’èxit. El software de realitat virtual (RV) s’ha revelat com a eina prometedora per millorar la productivitat de les persones amb TDAH. Tanmateix, l’eficàcia del software esmentat depèn de la identificació de distraccions potencials i de la intervenció oportuna. L’enfocament de classificació de captures de pantalla d’ordinador proposat aborda aquesta necessitat proporcionant un mitjà per identificar i analitzar les distraccions potencials dins del programari de RV. Mitjançant la integració de xarxes neuronals convolucionals (CNN), el reconeixement òptic de caràcters (OCR) i el processament del llenguatge natural (NLP), l’enfocament proposat pot classificar amb precisió les captures de pantalla i extreure’n característiques, facilitant la identificació de les distraccions i permetent una intervenció oportuna per minimitzar-ne l’impacte en la productivitat. Les implicacions d’aquesta investigació són importants, ja que el TDAH afecta una part substancial de la població i té un impacte significatiu a la productivitat i la qualitat de vida. En proporcionar un enfocament nou per estudiar, detectar i millorar la productivitat, aquesta investigació té el potencial de millorar els resultats per a les persones amb TDAH i augmentar l’eficiència i l’eficàcia dels llocs de treball i els entorns educatius. A més, l’enfocament proposat promet una aplicabilitat més gran a altres estudis de productivitat en què participin usuaris d’ordinadors, en què la classificació de captures de pantalla i l’extracció de característiques tenen un paper crucial a l’hora de discernir patrons de comportament
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