6,852 research outputs found

    Employee attitudes as a mediator between HRM and organizational performance

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    Attitude is a power that controls human behaviour. When employee Attitude is positive, it can give impact positive to organization performance. A proper human resource management (HRM) managed by organization, the employee attitude will be affected. HRM practices influence employee attitude positively and there is a mediating role of employee attitude between training and development dimension of HRM practices and organizational performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore employee atttiude as a mediator between HRM and organizational performance. A sample of this study was 219 respondents from employee construction in Libya. The data was analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. This study showed that employee attitudes is a full mediator between relationship HRM and organizational performance. Therefore, HRM practices influence employee attitude and its give impact to organizational performance for more effective and efficient in achieving organization goal

    Consequences of long-term infrastructure decisions—the case of self-healing roads and their CO2 emissions

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    What could be the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions if the conventional way of maintaining roads is changed? Emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced if global warming is to be avoided, and urgent political and technological decisions should be taken. However, there is a lock-in in built infrastructures that is limiting the rate at which emissions can be reduced. Self-healing asphalt is a new type of technology that will reduce the need for fossil fuels over the lifetime of a road pavement, at the same time as prolonging the road lifespan. In this study we have assessed the benefits of using self-healing asphalt as an alternative material for road pavements employing a hybrid input–output-assisted Life-Cycle Assessment, as only by determining the plausible scenarios of future emissions will policy makers identify pathways that might achieve climate change mitigation goals. We have concluded that self-healing roads could prevent a considerable amount of emissions and costs over the global road network: 16% lower emissions and 32% lower costs compared to a conventional road over the lifecycle

    Formation of thermal fields by the energy-chemical complex of coal gasification

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    Purpose. The objective is to generate thermal energy from basic segments of the energy-chemical complex formed on the basis of borehole underground coal gasification with determination of its operation modes. Methodology. The set engineering tasks were performed using, analytical studies, bench studies and field studies represented in research projects, patents, and feasibility studies concerning construction and scientific support while equipment operating of a pilot mine gasifier under the conditions of solid fuel seam gasification in the context of excessive fissuring of rock mass enclosing the gasifier. Studies of thermal and power indices of the station for coal gasification were carried out with the help of Information Program “MTB BUCG” (“Material and Thermal Balance of Borehole Underground Coal Gasification”) developed by the researchers of the Department of Underground Mining and the Department of Chemistry (State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”). Besides, the Program was piloted using industrial gasifier at experimental mine “Barbara” (Katowice, Poland). Findings. Basic indices of coal gasification station depending upon a type of forced-draft mixture for an underground gasifier were determined. Studies concerning the efficiency of thermal energy generation were carried out using rocks enclosing the underground gasifier and generator gases being the basic heat generating segments of the energy-chemical complex for coal gasification being formed on the territories of operating coal mines or mines at the stage of their closure. Prospects of gasification and thermal energy generation using rock disposals of coal mines have been estimated. Modes of internal heat provision of heat-generating segments of the energy-chemical complex have been determined. Originality. Dependencies of heat-exchange distribution within roof rocks in the process of coal seam gasification depending upon the length of a reaction channel, zones of thermochemical reactions in it and methods of heat exchange have been obtained. Dependence of payback period of cogeneration plant in terms of underground coal gasification on electrical energy and gasification product (generator gas) has been determined. Graph of thermal energy generation in terms of different operation modes of basic segments of energy-chemical complex has been constructed. Practical value. Technological scheme of a thermal utilizer has been developed. The plant provides possibility of thermal energy utilization in the process of coal gasification within the seam occurrence. Basic modes of thermal energy generation at the coal gasification station being a heat-generating segment of the energy-chemical complex have been determined.Мета. Отримання теплової енергії на основних сегментах енергохімічного комплексу, сформова- ного на базі свердловинної підземної газифікації вугілля, зі встановленням режимів його роботи. Методика. Поставлені інженерні завдання ви- конувались із застосуванням аналітичних, стендо- вих і натурних методів досліджень. Дослідження теплових і енергетичних показників станції з гази- фікації вугілля проводилося за допомогою інфор- маційної програми „МТБ СПГВ“, розробленої в Державному ВНЗ „НГУ” співробітниками кафедр підземної розробки родовищ та хімії, що пройшла апробацію на промисловому газогенераторі в умо- вах експериментальної шахти „Барбара” (м. Като- віце, Польща). Результати. Визначені основні показники робо- ти станції з газифікації вугілля залежно від типу по- дачі дуттьової суміші до підземного газогенератора. Оцінена ефективність отримання теплової енергії від гірських порід, в яких розташований підземний газогенератор, та отриманих генераторних газів. Ці джерела є основними теплогенеруючими сегмента- ми енергохімічного комплексу з газифікації вугіл- ля, що формується на території діючих вугільних шахт чи тих підприємств, які знаходяться на стадії закриття. Оцінена перспективність газифікації ву- гілля генерації теплової енергії з породних відвалів вугільних шахт. Визначені режими внутрішнього теплозабезпечення теплогенеруючих сегментів енер- гохімічного комплексу. Наукова новизна. Отримані залежності розподі- лення теплообміну в породах покрівлі пласта при газифікації вугілля залежно від довжини реакцій- ного каналу, зон термохімічних реакцій у ньому й способів теплообміну. Встановлена залежність тер- міну окупності когенераційної установки при під- земній газифікації вугілля від ціни на електроенер- гію та продуктів газифікації (генераторний газ). Отримано графік генерації теплової енергії за різ- них режимів експлуатації основних сегментів енер- гохімічного комплексу. Практична значимість. Розроблена технологічна схема теплоутилізатора, що забезпечує можливість утилізації теплової енергії у процесі газифікації ву- гілля на місці залягання пласта. Визначені основні режими генерації теплової енергії на станції з гази- фікації вугілля, що є теплогенеруючим сегментом енергохімічного комплексу.Цель. Получение тепловой энергии на основных сегментах энергохимического комплекса, сформи- рованного на базе скважинной подземной газифи- кации углей, с установлением режимов его работы. Методика. Поставленные инженерные задачи вы- полнялись с применением аналитических, стендо- вых и натурных методов исследования. Исследова- ние тепловых и энергетических показателей стан- ции по газификации углей проводилось с помощью информационной программы „МТБ СПГВ”, разра- ботанной в Государственном ВУЗе „НГУ” сотруд- никами кафедр подземной разработки месторожде- ний и химии, которая прошла апробацию на про- мышленном газогенераторе в условиях эксперимен- тальной шахты „Барбара” (г. Катовице, Польша). Результаты. Определены основные показатели работы станции по газификации углей в зависимо- сти от типа подачи дутьевой смеси в подземный га- зогенератор. Оценена эффективность получения те- пловой энергии от горных пород, в которых разме- щен подземный газогенератор, и полученных гене- раторных газов. Эти источники являются основны- ми теплогенерирующими сегментами энергохими- ческого комплекса по газификации углей, который формируется на территории действующих угольных шахт, или тех предприятий, что находятся на стадии закрытия. Оценена перспективность газификации углей и генерации тепловой энергии из породных отвалов угольных шахт. Определены режимы вну- треннего теплообеспечения теплогенерирующих сег- ментов энергохимического комплекса. Научная новизна. Получены зависимости рас- пределения теплообмена в породах кровли пласта при газификации углей в зависимости от длины ре- акционного канала, зон термохимических реакций в нем и способов теплообмена. Установлена зависи- мость срока окупаемости когенерационной уста- новки при подземной газификации углей от цены на электроэнергию и продуктов газификации (генера- торный газ). Получен график генерации тепловой энергии при различных режимах эксплуатации ос- новных сегментов энергохимического комплекса. Практическая значимость. Разработана техноло- гическая схема теплоутилизатора, что обеспечива- ет возможность утилизации тепловой энергии в процессе газификации угля на месте залегания пла- ста. Определены основные режимы генерации те- пловой энергии на станции по газификации угля, которая является теплогенерирующим сегментом энергохимического комплекса.This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, grants No. 0116U008041 and No.0115U002293

    Smart Roads: Investigating Roadways as Energy Sources for Potential Application of In-Lane Charging

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    The main aim of this thesis is to explore the potential for using pavements as part of energy harvesting infrastructure. Asphalt pavements can be used for multiple purposes such as for energy harvesting, eco-friendly use of the car, and the utilization of the natural renewable resources to produce electricity and that electricity use for in-lane charging technology which helps to charge a car when it is being driven on the road. The wireless charger is set-up under the asphalt pavement, and it will produce the magnetic field. The piezoelectric material and wind turbine are the electric source for applications such as the wireless charger. The solar roadways are included in the discussion but not considered as a source in this paper due to certain limitations. The analysis of power output from the piezoelectric transducers and helical wind turbine is calculated through MATLAB simulation. The results show significant promise for deriving energy from various sources along and in a roadway

    Reducing the Highway Networks Energy Bills using Renewable Energy System

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    Jordan has significant renewable energy potential due to its remarkable geographical location and climate conditions. This potential elevates engaging several innovative renewable alternatives in energy development, which may efficiently minimize the excessive import of traditional energy sources. The objective of this research is to study the potential of utilizing clean and affordable solar energy along roadways such as Jordan’s Desert Highway-15 to be in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDG’s) by installing selected solar panels that possess adequate friction and the ability to allow solar radiation to reach the solar cells, in addition to allowing the load to be bypassed around the cells. The shoulder of the highway, with a length of 315 km and a width of 3.0 meters, has been exploited in order to supply the neighboring areas with energy for those roads, particularly those paved roads, which are poorly lit at night. Furthermore, this study provides direction and guidance concerning the structural performance of non-traditional pavement materials, which are a form of subgrade or pavement reinforcement. The performance of a prototype board on a variety of structural bases has also been evaluated. Overall, this paper found that it is possible to design a solar road panel to withstand traffic loading and that the concrete structural base allows for a significant improvement of the analyzed prototype design, especially in countries with limited energy sources and dependent on imports such as Jordan. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-11-019 Full Text: PD

    Innovation in Private Infrastructure Development Effects of the Selection Environment and Modularity

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    This study investigates how the selection environment and modularity affect innovation in private infrastructure development. Our findings stem from an in-depth empirical study of the extent ten process innovations were implemented in an airport expansion programme. Our findings suggest that developer and customers can each occasionally champion or resist innovations. An innovation succeeds contingent upon the capability of the stakeholder groups to develop collectively a plan to finance and implement the innovation, which reconciles subjective individual assessments. Innovations can be particularly hard to adopt when they require financing from different budgets, or when the developer’s investment pays off only if customers behave in a specified way in the future. We also find that the degrees of novelty and modularity neither represent sufficient or necessary conditions enabling or hindering innovation. Novelty, however, makes the innovation champion’s job harder because it leads to perceptions of downside risk and regulatory changes, whereas modularity helps the champion operationalise ways that moderate resistance to innovate.Innovation; financing; implementation

    Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Asphalt Mixtures Made with Crumb Rubber for Impact-Absorbing Pavements

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    This study applies the life cycle assessment methodology to evaluate the environmental impacts of shock-absorbing pavements fabricated with recycled materials (crumb rubber and a colored pigment called ferrotone), employing the “cradle-to-grave” approach, in which the impacts of all life cycle phases (from materials’ acquisition to the end-of-life of the pavement) are included. The analysis compares the impacts of standard and innovative asphalt materials, considering cold and hot production processes. In addition, three different lifespans are simulated for the pavement structures: the reference service life until the first intervention is considered to be 5 years, and the following scenarios consider that the alternative asphalt materials may last 20% less (4 years) or 20% longer (6 years) than the reference service life. The analysis uses non-renewable cumulative energy demand (nr-CED) and global warming potential (GWP) as main indicators to determine the environmental impacts over a 45-year analysis period. The results show that adopting the “dry process” (consisting of adding the rubber as a partial substitution for aggregates) increases the overall impacts due to the need for higher contents of binder. However, if the alternative pavement structures last 20% longer than the reference, they would generate lower impacts in terms of nr-CED and GWP

    The Greenhouse Gas Emission from Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction in China.

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    This study proposes an inventory analysis method to evaluate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Portland cement concrete pavement construction, based on a case project in the west of China. The concrete pavement construction process was divided into three phases, namely raw material production, concrete manufacture and pavement onsite construction. The GHG emissions of the three phases are analyzed by a life cycle inventory method. The CO₂e is used to indicate the GHG emissions. The results show that for 1 km Portland cement concrete pavement construction, the total CO₂e is 8215.31 tons. Based on the evaluation results, the CO₂e of the raw material production phase is 7617.27 tons, accounting for 92.7% of the total GHG emissions; the CO₂e of the concrete manufacture phase is 598,033.10 kg, accounting for 7.2% of the total GHG emissions. Lastly, the CO₂e of the pavement onsite construction phase is 8396.59 kg, accounting for only 0.1% of the total GHG emissions. The main greenhouse gas is CO₂ in each phase, which accounts for more than 98% of total emissions. N₂O and CH₄ emissions are relatively insignificant

    Sustainable construction of public space

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