670 research outputs found

    Ontology as an information instrument for the legal translator

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    Regardless of the speciality involved, one of the most evident difficulties in specialised translation consists of resolving terminological problems, to which end the translator often uses terminological works corresponding to the relevant field, such as databases. In this article, we present a reflection upon the shortcomings from which such works suffer, due to their very nature, where the management of legal terminology is concerned. Looking at the shortcomings identified, we propose a method of managing legal terminology, whether bilingual or multilingual, based on an ontological system, whereby it is possible to include all the concepts corresponding to both the languages and, thus, both the legal systems involved within a conceptual structure based on categories that are unrelated to any legal system. We present an example of terminological management in the form of an ontology and, chiefly, an example of the management of underlying concepts in legal texts, such as the clauses of a contract. Those examples could be combined into a single case that would permit the holistic management of the area in which the legal translator works. While terms are organised on the basis of their conceptual facet, a linguistic approach is taken thereto in a text, as well as in the ontology. That means that the linguistic facet of terms remains an essential factor in the management methodology that we propose.En traducció especialitzada, sigui quina sigui l'especialitat, una de les dificultats més visibles és la resolució dels problemes terminològics. Per fer-ho el traductor sovint recorre a obres terminològiques de l'àmbit com bases de dades. En aquest article assenyalem una reflexió sobre les mancances que, per les seves característiques, presenten aquestes obres en l'àmbit de la gestió de terminologia jurídica. A partir de les mancances identificades, proposem una gestió de la terminologia jurídica, bilingüe o multilingüe, basada en un sistema ontològic. D'aquesta manera aconseguim que tots els conceptes corresponents a totes dues llengües en contacte, i per tant a tots dos ordenaments jurídics, puguin ser inclosos dins d'una estructura conceptual basada en categories aliena a qualsevol sistema jurídic. Presentem un exemple de gestió de terminologia en forma d'ontologia i, principalment, un exemple de gestió de conceptes subjacents a redaccions jurídiques, com ara les clàusules d'un contracte. Aquests exemples podrien integrar-se en un de sol que permetrien una gestió holística de l'àmbit de treball del traductor jurídic. Tot i que l'ordenació dels termes es duu a terme des de la seva vessant conceptual, l'apropament als termes en un text i també en l'ontologia és lingüística, per la qual cosa la vessant lingüística dels termes segueix sent d'una importància cabdal dins de la metodologia de gestió que proposem

    Neoliberalism in the North American University: Toward Integrating Divisions in Agent Orientation Via a Follettian Differentiated Relational Ontology

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    This paper uses observations from empirical articles and personal experiences of the authors to explore issues associated with the rise of neoliberalism and academic capitalism in the contemporary public university. It frames these issues as stemming from conflicting ontologies between academicians who adhere to the differentiated individual ontology and university administrators who favor the undifferentiated individual ontology. To overcome the disconnect, a differentiated relational ontology that adheres to principles of Mary Parker Follett and Alfred North Whitehead is proposed. The driving force behind this ontology can be highlighted through a communicated crisis, and a specific application of Follett’s differentiated relational ontology is Ensemble Learning Theory (ELT). A potential limitation of this study is generalizability, because the focus is centered on North American public universities and anecdotes are used to characterize a broader educational problem. This evolution is pertinent to academicians and administrators because the ontological impasse experienced in North American public universities threatens their existence as institutions, and has a broader and potentially negative impact on the quality of educational focus and output

    LawV : towards an ontology-based visual modeling language in the legal domain

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    There has been an increase use of Domain-Specific Visual Modeling Language (DSVML) as a means of improving models’ comprehensibility and, consequently, stakeholders’ productivity. Combining the benefits of DSVMLs and of an ontological approach for designing and evaluating DSVMLs, we present, in this paper, the first-steps towards an ontology-based DSVML in the legal domain called LawV. The main purpose of LawV is to provide for a visual symbolic representation for legal statements. LawV has been built by applying an ontology-based language engineering method called PoNTO-S and UFO-L, a legal core ontology. To evaluate LawV, we instantiate a judicial case selected from the database of Appeal Court of the Esp ́ırito Santo State in Brazil

    Responsible Knowledge Management in Energy Data Ecosystems

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    This paper analyzes the challenges and requirements of establishing energy data ecosystems (EDEs) as data-driven infrastructures that overcome the limitations of currently fragmented energy applications. It proposes a new data-and knowledge-driven approach for management and process-ing. This approach aims to extend the analytics services portfolio of various energy stakeholders and achieve two-way flows of electricity and information for optimized generation, distribution, and electricity consumption. The approach is based on semantic technologies to create knowledge-based systems that will aid machines in integrating and processing resources contextually and intelligently. Thus, a paradigm shift in the energy data value chain is proposed towards transparency and the responsible management of data and knowledge exchanged by the various stakeholders of an energy data space. The approach can contribute to innovative energy management and the adoption of new business models in future energy data spaces. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Responsible Knowledge Management in Energy Data Ecosystems

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    This paper analyzes the challenges and requirements of establishing energy data ecosystems (EDEs) as data-driven infrastructures that overcome the limitations of currently fragmented energy applications. It proposes a new data- and knowledge-driven approach for management and processing. This approach aims to extend the analytics services portfolio of various energy stakeholders and achieve two-way flows of electricity and information for optimized generation, distribution, and electricity consumption. The approach is based on semantic technologies to create knowledge-based systems that will aid machines in integrating and processing resources contextually and intelligently. Thus, a paradigm shift in the energy data value chain is proposed towards transparency and the responsible management of data and knowledge exchanged by the various stakeholders of an energy data space. The approach can contribute to innovative energy management and the adoption of new business models in future energy data spaces

    A Mapping Tool for Normative Requirements

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    Organizations tend to implement multiple compliance mechanisms in an effort to improve their security, from legislation to international standards. Blindly implementing these mechanisms, independently from one another, often leads to the duplication of work. The process of ho- mogenizing, mapping and integrating compliance mechanisms solves this issue by allowing researchers to bridge the gap between them. However, these processes consume a lot of time and effort, which is the problem we seek to solve with this paper. We have designed, developed and evaluated a software tool that utilizes NLP and AI techniques to assist researchers in finding the intersections between compliance mechanisms, reducing time spent in the mapping process