49 research outputs found

    Developing a Sniffer Detector for Windows Operating Systems

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a sniffer detector system which can be used to detect any host running a sniffer on an Ethernet network. The proposed detection system is based on two effective detection techniques: the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) detection technique and the Three-way Handshaking detection technique. The first technique, the ARP detection, attempts first to send trap ARP request packets with faked hardware addresses, to a suspicious sniffing host. Then, based on the generated responses of the suspicious sniffing host, a decision is made on whether or not the suspicious host is running a sniffer. In case of no response the second technique, the Three-way Handshaking detection, is used to detect active sniffer which did not respond to the first technique by sending trap TCP-SYN packets with faked IP address, to a suspicious sniffing host. Based on the generated responses of the suspicious host, a decision is made on whether or not it is running a sniffer. The two techniques are implemented in a system that automatically gives the system administrator a helping hand regarding the detection of sniffers on an Ethernet network. The proposed system is tested in comparison with three other available anti-sniffers (L0pht AntiSniff, PromiScan, and PromiscDetect). The results showed its enhanced performanc

    A Tutorial on Prototyping Internet of Things Devices and Systems: A Gentle Introduction to Technology that Shapes Our Lives

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    The Internet of Things, which has been quietly building and evolving over the past decade, now impacts many aspects of society, including homes, battlefields, and medical communities. Research in information systems, traditionally, has been concentrated on exploring the impacts of such technology, rather than how to actually create systems using it. Although research in design science could especially contribute to the Internet of Things, this type of research from the Information Systems community has been sparse. The most likely cause is the knowledge barriers to learning and understanding this kind of technology development. Recognizing the importance of the continued evolution of the Internet of Things, this paper provides a basic tutorial on how to construct Internet of Things prototypes. The paper is intended to educate Information Systems scholars on how to build their own Internet of Things so they can conduct technical research in this area and instruct their students on how to do the same

    A Federated Architecture for Heuristics Packet Filtering in Cloud Networks

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    The rapid expansion in networking has provided tremendous opportunities to access an unparalleled amount of information. Everyone connects to a network to gain access and to share this information. However when someone connects to a public network, his private network and information becomes vulnerable to hackers and all kinds of security threats. Today, all networks needs to be secured, and one of the best security policies is firewall implementation. Firewalls can be hardware or cloud based. Hardware based firewalls offer the advantage of faster response time, whereas cloud based firewalls are more flexible. In reality the best form of firewall protection is the combination of both hardware and cloud firewall. In this thesis, we implemented and configured a federated architecture using both firewalls, the Cisco ASA 5510 and Vyatta VC6.6 Cloud Based Firewall. Performance evaluation of both firewalls were conducted and analyzed based on two scenarios; spike and endurance test. Throughputs were also compared, along with some mathematical calculations using statistics. Different forms of packets were sent using a specialized tool designed for load testing known as JMeter. After collecting the results and analyzing it thoroughly, this thesis is concluded by presenting a heuristics method on how packet filtering would fall back to the cloud based firewall when the hardware based firewall becomes stressed and over loaded, thus allowing efficient packet flow and optimized performance. The result of this thesis can be used by Information Security Analyst, students, organizations and IT experts to have an idea on how to implement a secured network architecture to protect digital information

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Worker-robot cooperation and integration into the manufacturing workcell via the holonic control architecture

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    Cooperative manufacturing is a new field of research, which addresses new challenges beyond the physical safety of the worker. Those new challenges appear due to the need to connect the worker and the cobot from the informatics point of view in one cooperative workcell. This requires developing an appropriate manufacturing control system, which fits the nature of both the worker and the cobot. Furthermore, the manufacturing control system must be able to understand the production variations, to guide the cooperation between worker and the cobot and adapt with the production variations.Die kooperative Fertigung ist ein neues Forschungsgebiet, das sich neuen Herausforderungen stellt. Diese neuen Herausforderungen ergeben sich aus der Notwendigkeit, den Arbeiter und den Cobot aus der Sicht der Informatik in einem kooperativen Arbeitsplatz zu verbinden. Dies erfordert die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Produktionskontrollsystems, das sowohl der Natur des Arbeiters als auch der des Cobots entspricht. Darüber hinaus muss die Fertigungssteuerung in der Lage sein, die Produktionsschwankungen zu verstehen, um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Arbeiter und Cobot zu steuern

    μGIM - Microgrid intelligent management system based on a multi-agent approach and the active participation of end-users

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    [ES] Los sistemas de potencia y energía están cambiando su paradigma tradicional, de sistemas centralizados a sistemas descentralizados. La aparición de redes inteligentes permite la integración de recursos energéticos descentralizados y promueve la gestión inclusiva que involucra a los usuarios finales, impulsada por la gestión del lado de la demanda, la energía transactiva y la respuesta a la demanda. Garantizar la escalabilidad y la estabilidad del servicio proporcionado por la red, en este nuevo paradigma de redes inteligentes, es más difícil porque no hay una única sala de operaciones centralizada donde se tomen todas las decisiones. Para implementar con éxito redes inteligentes, es necesario combinar esfuerzos entre la ingeniería eléctrica y la ingeniería informática. La ingeniería eléctrica debe garantizar el correcto funcionamiento físico de las redes inteligentes y de sus componentes, estableciendo las bases para un adecuado monitoreo, control, gestión, y métodos de operación. La ingeniería informática desempeña un papel importante al proporcionar los modelos y herramientas computacionales adecuados para administrar y operar la red inteligente y sus partes constituyentes, representando adecuadamente a todos los diferentes actores involucrados. Estos modelos deben considerar los objetivos individuales y comunes de los actores que proporcionan las bases para garantizar interacciones competitivas y cooperativas capaces de satisfacer a los actores individuales, así como cumplir con los requisitos comunes con respecto a la sostenibilidad técnica, ambiental y económica del Sistema. La naturaleza distribuida de las redes inteligentes permite, incentiva y beneficia enormemente la participación activa de los usuarios finales, desde actores grandes hasta actores más pequeños, como los consumidores residenciales. Uno de los principales problemas en la planificación y operación de redes eléctricas es la variación de la demanda de energía, que a menudo se duplica más que durante las horas pico en comparación con la demanda fuera de pico. Tradicionalmente, esta variación dio como resultado la construcción de plantas de generación de energía y grandes inversiones en líneas de red y subestaciones. El uso masivo de fuentes de energía renovables implica mayor volatilidad en lo relativo a la generación, lo que hace que sea más difícil equilibrar el consumo y la generación. La participación de los actores de la red inteligente, habilitada por la energía transactiva y la respuesta a la demanda, puede proporcionar flexibilidad en desde el punto de vista de la demanda, facilitando la operación del sistema y haciendo frente a la creciente participación de las energías renovables. En el ámbito de las redes inteligentes, es posible construir y operar redes más pequeñas, llamadas microrredes. Esas son redes geográficamente limitadas con gestión y operación local. Pueden verse como áreas geográficas restringidas para las cuales la red eléctrica generalmente opera físicamente conectada a la red principal, pero también puede operar en modo isla, lo que proporciona independencia de la red principal. Esta investigación de doctorado, realizada bajo el Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Salamanca, aborda el estudio y el análisis de la gestión de microrredes, considerando la participación activa de los usuarios finales y la gestión energética de lascarga eléctrica y los recursos energéticos de los usuarios finales. En este trabajo de investigación se ha analizado el uso de conceptos de ingeniería informática, particularmente del campo de la inteligencia artificial, para apoyar la gestión de las microrredes, proponiendo un sistema de gestión inteligente de microrredes (μGIM) basado en un enfoque de múltiples agentes y en la participación activa de usuarios. Esta solución se compone de tres sistemas que combinan hardware y software: el emulador de virtual a realidad (V2R), el enchufe inteligente de conciencia ambiental de Internet de las cosas (EnAPlug), y la computadora de placa única para energía basada en el agente (S4E) para permitir la gestión del lado de la demanda y la energía transactiva. Estos sistemas fueron concebidos, desarrollados y probados para permitir la validación de metodologías de gestión de microrredes, es decir, para la participación de los usuarios finales y para la optimización inteligente de los recursos. Este documento presenta todos los principales modelos y resultados obtenidos durante esta investigación de doctorado, con respecto a análisis de vanguardia, concepción de sistemas, desarrollo de sistemas, resultados de experimentación y descubrimientos principales. Los sistemas se han evaluado en escenarios reales, desde laboratorios hasta sitios piloto. En total, se han publicado veinte artículos científicos, de los cuales nueve se han hecho en revistas especializadas. Esta investigación de doctorado realizó contribuciones a dos proyectos H2020 (DOMINOES y DREAM-GO), dos proyectos ITEA (M2MGrids y SPEAR), tres proyectos portugueses (SIMOCE, NetEffiCity y AVIGAE) y un proyecto con financiación en cascada H2020 (Eco-Rural -IoT)

    Honeypot for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    People have understood that computer systems need safeguarding and require knowledge of security principles for their protection. While this has led to solutions for system components such as malware-protection, firewalls and intrusion detection systems, the ubiquitous usage of tiny microcomputers appeared at the same time. A new interconnectivity is on the rise in our lives. Things become “smart” and increasingly build new networks of devices. In this context the wireless sensor networks here interact with users and also, vice versa as well; unprivileged users able to interact with the wireless sensor network may harm the privileged user as a result. The problem that needs to be solved consists of possible harm that may be caused by an unprivileged user interacting with the wireless sensor network of a privileged user and may come via an attack vector targeting a vul- nerability that may take as long as it is needed and the detection of such mal-behaviour can only be done if a sensing component is implemented as a kind of tool detecting the status of the attacked wireless sensor network component and monitors this problem happening as an event that needs to be researched further on. Innovation in attack detection comprehension is the key aspect of this work, because it was found to be a set of hitherto not combined aspects, mechanisms, drafts and sketches, lacking a central combined outcome. Therefore the contribution of this thesis consists in a span of topics starting with a summary of attacks, possible countermeasures and a sketch of the outcome to the design and implementation of a viable product, concluding in an outlook at possible further work. The chosen path for the work in this research was experimental prototype construction following an established research method that first highlights the analysis of attack vectors to the system component and then evaluates the possibilities in order to im- prove said method. This led to a concept well known in common large-scale computer science systems, called a honeypot. Its common definitions and setups were analy- sed and the concept translation to the wireless sensor network domain was evaluated. Then the prototype was designed and implemented. This was done by following the ap- proach set by the science of cybersecurity, which states that the results of experiments and prototypes lead to improving knowledge intentionally for re-use

    An investigation into the use of B-Nodes and state models for computer network technology and education

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    This thesis consists of a series of internationally published, peer reviewed, conference research papers and one journal paper. The papers evaluate and further develop two modelling methods for use in Information Technology (IT) design and for the educational and training needs of students within the area of computer and network technology. The IT age requires technical talent to fill positions such as network managers, web administrators, e-commerce consultants and network security experts as IT is changing rapidly, and this is placing considerable demands on higher educational institutions, both within Australia and internationally, to respond to these changes

    Catalog 2009-10

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    Practical English Course for Engineering Students

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    Представляет собой систематизированный практический курс английского языка, целью которого является совершенствование навыков, а также развитие умений чтения и понимания англоязычной научно-технической литературы во взаимосвязи с другими видами речевой деятельности: говорением, аудированием и письмом. Состоит из четырех модулей: Electronics; Telecommunications; Information Technologies; Artificial Intelligence. Разработанная на основе модульного подхода структура, организация и изложение учебного материала позволяют использовать пособие как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. Предназначено для студентов I ступени высшего образования, изучающих учебную дисциплину «Иностранный язык». Может быть полезно широкому кругу читателей, желающих совершенствовать навыки и развивать умения чтения и понимания англоязычной научно-технической литературы