24 research outputs found

    Image steganography applications for secure communication

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    To securely communicate information between parties or locations is not an easy task considering the possible attacks or unintentional changes that can occur during communication. Encryption is often used to protect secret information from unauthorised access. Encryption, however, is not inconspicuous and the observable exchange of encrypted information between two parties can provide a potential attacker with information on the sender and receiver(s). The presence of encrypted information can also entice a potential attacker to launch an attack on the secure communication. This dissertation investigates and discusses the use of image steganography, a technology for hiding information in other information, to facilitate secure communication. Secure communication is divided into three categories: self-communication, one-to-one communication and one-to-many communication, depending on the number of receivers. In this dissertation, applications that make use of image steganography are implemented for each of the secure communication categories. For self-communication, image steganography is used to hide one-time passwords (OTPs) in images that are stored on a mobile device. For one-to-one communication, a decryptor program that forms part of an encryption protocol is embedded in an image using image steganography and for one-to-many communication, a secret message is divided into pieces and different pieces are embedded in different images. The image steganography applications for each of the secure communication categories are discussed along with the advantages and disadvantages that the applications have over more conventional secure communication technologies. An additional image steganography application is proposed that determines whether information is modified during communication. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Computer Scienceunrestricte


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    Analysis of modern interstate conflicts, trends in the development of forms of warfare. It is shown that confrontation is characterized by various forms, is hidden in nature and is carried out mainly in the political, economic, informational and other spheres. It is proved that a significant part of hybrid wars are information operations used for the destructive impact on society, commercial activities, politics and economics using information and communication space and technologies. The article expresses the need to create a theoretical basis for combating cyber attacks in special telecommunication systems as an integral part of the national security of the state. The development of methods for hiding information as well as providing information during video streaming and images in networks is underway. The basic calculations are given at the initial stages of information hiding and methods for ensuring the latent transfer of data in telecommunication systems.W artykule dokonano analizy współczesnych konfliktów międzypaństwowych oraz kierunków rozwoju form walki zbrojnej. Pokazano, że konfrontacja charakteryzuje się różnymi formami, jest ukryta w naturze i prowadzona jest głównie w sferze politycznej, gospodarczej, informacyjnej i innych. Udowodniono, że znaczna część wojen hybrydowych to operacje informacyjne wykorzystywane do destrukcyjnego oddziaływania na społeczeństwo, biznes, politykę i ekonomię, wykorzystujące informacyjno-komunikacyjną przestrzeń i technologię. W artykule wyrażono potrzebę stworzenia teoretycznej podstawy zwalczania cyberataków w specjalnych systemach telekomunikacyjnych jako integralnej części bezpieczeństwa narodowego państwa. Opracowano metodę ukrytej informacji, a także dostarczania informacji w przesyłaniu strumieni wideo i obrazów w sieciach. Podstawowe obliczenia są podane na początkowych etapach ukrywania informacji i metod zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego w systemach telekomunikacyjnych

    Subverting Decryption in AEAD

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    This work introduces a new class of Algorithm Substitution Attack (ASA) on Symmetric Encryption Schemes. ASAs were introduced by Bellare, Paterson and Rogaway in light of revelations concerning mass surveillance. An ASA replaces an encryption scheme with a subverted version that aims to reveal information to an adversary engaged in mass surveillance, while remaining undetected by users. Previous work posited that a particular class of AEAD scheme (satisfying certain correctness and uniqueness properties) is resilient against subversion. Many if not all real-world constructions – such as GCM, CCM and OCB – are members of this class. Our results stand in opposition to those prior results. We present a potent ASA that generically applies to any AEAD scheme, is undetectable in all previous frameworks and which achieves successful exfiltration of user keys. We give even more efficient non-generic attacks against a selection of AEAD implementations that are most used in practice. In contrast to prior work, our new class of attack targets the decryption algorithm rather than encryption. We argue that this attack represents an attractive opportunity for a mass surveillance adversary. Our work serves to refine the ASA model and contributes to a series of papers that raises awareness and understanding about what is possible with ASAs

    Introductory Computer Forensics

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    INTERPOL (International Police) built cybercrime programs to keep up with emerging cyber threats, and aims to coordinate and assist international operations for ?ghting crimes involving computers. Although signi?cant international efforts are being made in dealing with cybercrime and cyber-terrorism, ?nding effective, cooperative, and collaborative ways to deal with complicated cases that span multiple jurisdictions has proven dif?cult in practic

    Structural Entropy and Metamorphic Malware

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    Metamorphic malware is capable of changing its internal structure without al- tering its functionality. A common signature is nonexistent in highly metamorphic malware. Consequently, such malware may remain undetected even under emulation and signature scanning combined. In this project, we use the concept of structural entropy to analyze variations in the complexity of data within a file. The process consists of two stages, namely, file segmentation and sequence comparison. In the file segmentation stage, we use entropy measurements and wavelet analysis to segment a file. The second stage measures the similarity of files by computing the edit distance between sequence segments. We apply this technique to the metamorphic detection problem and show that we can obtain strong results in certain challenging cases

    Exploiting loop transformations for the protection of software

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    Il software conserva la maggior parte del know-how che occorre per svilupparlo. Poich\ue9 oggigiorno il software pu\uf2 essere facilmente duplicato e ridistribuito ovunque, il rischio che la propriet\ue0 intellettuale venga violata su scala globale \ue8 elevato. Una delle pi\uf9 interessanti soluzioni a questo problema \ue8 dotare il software di un watermark. Ai watermark si richiede non solo di certificare in modo univoco il proprietario del software, ma anche di essere resistenti e pervasivi. In questa tesi riformuliamo i concetti di robustezza e pervasivit\ue0 a partire dalla semantica delle tracce. Evidenziamo i cicli quali costrutti di programmazione pervasivi e introduciamo le trasformazioni di ciclo come mattone di costruzione per schemi di watermarking pervasivo. Passiamo in rassegna alcune fra tali trasformazioni, studiando i loro principi di base. Infine, sfruttiamo tali principi per costruire una tecnica di watermarking pervasivo. La robustezza rimane una difficile, quanto affascinante, questione ancora da risolvere.Software retains most of the know-how required fot its development. Because nowadays software can be easily cloned and spread worldwide, the risk of intellectual property infringement on a global scale is high. One of the most viable solutions to this problem is to endow software with a watermark. Good watermarks are required not only to state unambiguously the owner of software, but also to be resilient and pervasive. In this thesis we base resiliency and pervasiveness on trace semantics. We point out loops as pervasive programming constructs and we introduce loop transformations as the basic block of pervasive watermarking schemes. We survey several loop transformations, outlining their underlying principles. Then we exploit these principles to build some pervasive watermarking techniques. Resiliency still remains a big and challenging open issue

    Malicious Cryptology and Mathematics

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    Deteção de propagação de ameaças e exfiltração de dados em redes empresariais

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    Modern corporations face nowadays multiple threats within their networks. In an era where companies are tightly dependent on information, these threats can seriously compromise the safety and integrity of sensitive data. Unauthorized access and illicit programs comprise a way of penetrating the corporate networks, able to traversing and propagating to other terminals across the private network, in search of confidential data and business secrets. The efficiency of traditional security defenses are being questioned with the number of data breaches occurred nowadays, being essential the development of new active monitoring systems with artificial intelligence capable to achieve almost perfect detection in very short time frames. However, network monitoring and storage of network activity records are restricted and limited by legal laws and privacy strategies, like encryption, aiming to protect the confidentiality of private parties. This dissertation proposes methodologies to infer behavior patterns and disclose anomalies from network traffic analysis, detecting slight variations compared with the normal profile. Bounded by network OSI layers 1 to 4, raw data are modeled in features, representing network observations, and posteriorly, processed by machine learning algorithms to classify network activity. Assuming the inevitability of a network terminal to be compromised, this work comprises two scenarios: a self-spreading force that propagates over internal network and a data exfiltration charge which dispatch confidential info to the public network. Although features and modeling processes have been tested for these two cases, it is a generic operation that can be used in more complex scenarios as well as in different domains. The last chapter describes the proof of concept scenario and how data was generated, along with some evaluation metrics to perceive the model’s performance. The tests manifested promising results, ranging from 96% to 99% for the propagation case and 86% to 97% regarding data exfiltration.Nos dias de hoje, várias organizações enfrentam múltiplas ameaças no interior da sua rede. Numa época onde as empresas dependem cada vez mais da informação, estas ameaças podem compremeter seriamente a segurança e a integridade de dados confidenciais. O acesso não autorizado e o uso de programas ilícitos constituem uma forma de penetrar e ultrapassar as barreiras organizacionais, sendo capazes de propagarem-se para outros terminais presentes no interior da rede privada com o intuito de atingir dados confidenciais e segredos comerciais. A eficiência da segurança oferecida pelos sistemas de defesa tradicionais está a ser posta em causa devido ao elevado número de ataques de divulgação de dados sofridos pelas empresas. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de monitorização ativos usando inteligência artificial é crucial na medida de atingir uma deteção mais precisa em curtos períodos de tempo. No entanto, a monitorização e o armazenamento dos registos da atividade da rede são restritos e limitados por questões legais e estratégias de privacidade, como a cifra dos dados, visando proteger a confidencialidade das entidades. Esta dissertação propõe metodologias para inferir padrões de comportamento e revelar anomalias através da análise de tráfego que passa na rede, detetando pequenas variações em comparação com o perfil normal de atividade. Delimitado pelas camadas de rede OSI 1 a 4, os dados em bruto são modelados em features, representando observações de rede e, posteriormente, processados por algoritmos de machine learning para classificar a atividade de rede. Assumindo a inevitabilidade de um terminal ser comprometido, este trabalho compreende dois cenários: um ataque que se auto-propaga sobre a rede interna e uma tentativa de exfiltração de dados que envia informações para a rede pública. Embora os processos de criação de features e de modelação tenham sido testados para estes dois casos, é uma operação genérica que pode ser utilizada em cenários mais complexos, bem como em domínios diferentes. O último capítulo inclui uma prova de conceito e descreve o método de criação dos dados, com a utilização de algumas métricas de avaliação de forma a espelhar a performance do modelo. Os testes mostraram resultados promissores, variando entre 96% e 99% para o caso da propagação e entre 86% e 97% relativamente ao roubo de dados.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic