174 research outputs found

    Towards Standardisation Measures to Support the Security of Control and Real-Time Systems for Energy Critical Infrastructures

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    This report outlines the context for control and real time systems vulnerability in the energy sector, their role in energy critical infrastructures and their emerging vulnerabilities as they were put in light by some recent episodes. Then it provides a survey on the current efforts to set up reference frameworks addressing the broad issue of supervisory and control systems security. It discusses the role of standards and outlines the reference approaches in that respect. The current attitude of Europe towards the issue of control systems security is discussed and compared with the US situation, based on a stakeholder consultation, and gaps and challenges are outlined. A set of recommendations for policy measures to address the issue is given.JRC.DG.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    A Review of Functional Safety Models for Public Safety Management Systems

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    This paper reviews various models used for enterprise process management systems and public safety systems. These models include probabilistic functional safety models, accident models such as causal-sequential event-based models, systemic models such as failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), reliability models, systemic models such as systems-theoretic accident model and processes (STAMP) model and cognitive models, among others. These models, along with their advantages and disadvantages, are discussed in detail. Existing public safety management systems and enterprise process management systems are also compared. Functionally safe communication systems for public safety, including those using wireless telecommunications such as LTE for Public Safety, are also discussed. In addition, this paper also explains some of the evolving legislation regarding managed energy and managed safety for both process and public management systems

    Developing Secure and Safe Systems with Knowledge Acquisition for Automated Specification

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    On spetsiaalsed tehnikad, mida kasutatakse riskihalduses nii turvalisuse kui ohutuse konstrueerimise domeenides. Nende tehnikate väljundid, mida tuntakse artefaktidena, on üksteisest eraldatud, mis toob kaasa mitmeid probleeme, kuna domeenid on sõltumatud ja ei ole domeeni, mis ühendaks neid mõlemat. Probleemi keskmes on see, et turvalisus- ja ohutusinsenerid töötavad erinevates meeskondades kogu süsteemiarenduse elutsükli jooksul, mille tulemusena riskid ja ohud on ebapiisavalt kaetud. Käesolevas magistritöös rakendatakse struktuurset lähenemist, turvalisuse ja ohutuse integreerimiseks läbi SaS (Safety and Security) domeeni mudeli loomise, mis integreerib neid mõlemaid. Lisaks töö käigus näidatakse, et on võimalik kasutada eesmärgipõhist KAOS (Knowledge Acquisition in autOmated Specification) keelt ohtude ja riskide analüüsiks, nii et kaetud saavad nii ohutus- kui ka turvadomeen, muutes nende väljundid e. artefaktid hästi struktureerituks, mille tulemusena toimub põhjalik analüüs ja suureneb usaldatavus. Me pakume välja lahenduse, mis sisaldab sellise domeeni mudeli loomist, milles on integreeritud ohtutuse ja turvalisuse domeenid. See annab parema võrdlus- ja integreerimisvõimaluse, leidmaks kahe domeeni vahelise kesktee ning ühendavad definitsioonid läbi nende kaardistamise üldises ontoloogias. Selline lahendus toob kokku turvalisuse ja ohutusedomeenide integratsiooni ühtsesse mudelisse, mille tulemusena tekib ohutus- ja turvalisustehnikate vahel vastastikune mõjustus ning toodab väljundeid, mida peetakse usaldusartefaktideks ning kasutab KAOSt domeeni mudeliga, mis on ehitatud juhtumianalüüsi põhjal. Peale vastloodud mudeli rakendumist viiakse läbi katse, milles analüüsitakse sedasama juhtumit, võrdlemaks selle tulemusi teiste juba olemasolevate mudelite tulemustega, et uurida sellise domeeni mõttekust. Struktureeritud lähenemine võib seega toimida liidesena, mis lihtsustab aktiivset interaktsiooni riski- ja ohuhalduses, aidates leida lahendusi probleemidele ja vastuoludele, mille lahendamiseks on vaja integreerida ohutuse ja turvalisuse domeenid ja kasutada unifitseeritud süsteemianalüüsi tehnikat, mille tulemusena tekib analüüsi tsentraalsus.There are special techniques languages that are used in risk management in both domains of safety engineering and security engineering. The outputs, known as artifacts, of these techniques are separated from each other leading to several difficulties due to the fact that domains are independent and that there is no one unifying domain for the two. The problem is that safety engineers and security engineers work in separated teams from throughout the system development life cycle, which results in incomplete coverage of risks and threats. The thesis applies a structured approach to integration between security and safety by creating a SaS (Safety and Security) domain model. Furthermore, it demonstrates that it is possible to use goal-oriented KAOS (Knowledge Acquisition in automated Specification) language in threat and hazard analysis to cover both safety and security domains making their outputs, or artifacts, well-structured and comprehensive, which results in dependability due to the comprehensiveness of the analysis. The structured approach can thereby act as an interface for active interactions in risk and hazard management in terms of universal coverage, finding solutions for differences and contradictions which can be overcome by integrating the safety and security domains and using a unified system analysis technique (KAOS) that will result in analysis centrality

    Planning the Unplanned Experiment: Assessing the Efficacy of Standards for Safety Critical Software

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    We need well-founded means of determining whether software is t for use in safety-critical applications. While software in industries such as aviation has an excellent safety record, the fact that software aws have contributed to deaths illustrates the need for justi ably high con dence in software. It is often argued that software is t for safety-critical use because it conforms to a standard for software in safety-critical systems. But little is known about whether such standards `work.' Reliance upon a standard without knowing whether it works is an experiment; without collecting data to assess the standard, this experiment is unplanned. This paper reports on a workshop intended to explore how standards could practicably be assessed. Planning the Unplanned Experiment: Assessing the Ecacy of Standards for Safety Critical Software (AESSCS) was held on 13 May 2014 in conjunction with the European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC). We summarize and elaborate on the workshop's discussion of the topic, including both the presented positions and the dialogue that ensued

    System for Investigation of Railway Interfaces (SIRI)

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    New Opportunities for Integrated Formal Methods

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    Formal methods have provided approaches for investigating software engineering fundamentals and also have high potential to improve current practices in dependability assurance. In this article, we summarise known strengths and weaknesses of formal methods. From the perspective of the assurance of robots and autonomous systems~(RAS), we highlight new opportunities for integrated formal methods and identify threats to their adoption to be mitigated. Based on these opportunities and threats, we develop an agenda for fundamental and empirical research on integrated formal methods and for successful transfer of validated research to RAS assurance. Furthermore, we outline our expectations on useful outcomes of such an agenda

    Quarantine-mode based live patching for zero downtime safety-critical systems

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    150 p.En esta tesis se presenta una arquitectura y diseño de software, llamado Cetratus, que permite las actualizaciones en caliente en sistemas críticos, donde se efectúan actualizaciones dinámicas de los componentes de la aplicación. La característica principal es la ejecución y monitorización en modo cuarentena, donde la nueva versión del software es ejecutada y monitorizada hasta que se compruebe la confiabilidad de esta nueva versión. Esta característica también ofrece protección contra posibles fallos de software y actualización, así como la propagación de esos fallos a través del sistema. Para este propósito, se emplean técnicas de particionamiento. Aunque la actualización del software es iniciada por el usuario Updater, se necesita la ratificación del auditor para poder proceder y realizar la actualización dinámica. Estos usuarios son autenticados y registrados antes de continuar con la actualización. También se verifica la autenticidad e integridad del parche dinámico. Cetratus está alineado con las normativas de seguridad funcional y de ciber-seguridad industriales respecto a las actualizaciones de software.Se proporcionan dos casos de estudio. Por una parte, en el caso de uso de energía inteligente, se analiza una aplicación de gestión de energía eléctrica, compuesta por un sistema de gestión de energía (BEMS por sus siglas en ingles) y un servicio de optimización de energía en la nube (BEOS por sus siglas en ingles). El BEMS monitoriza y controla las instalaciones de energía eléctrica en un edificio residencial. Toda la información relacionada con la generación, consumo y ahorro es enviada al BEOS, que estima y optimiza el consumo general del edificio para reducir los costes y aumentar la eficiencia energética. En este caso de estudio se incorpora una nueva capa de ciberseguridad para aumentar la ciber-seguridad y privacidad de los datos de los clientes. Específicamente, se utiliza la criptografía homomorfica. Después de la actualización, todos los datos son enviados encriptados al BEOS.Por otro lado, se presenta un caso de estudio ferroviario. En este ejemplo se actualiza el componente Euroradio, que es la que habilita las comunicaciones entre el tren y el equipamiento instalado en las vías en el sistema de gestión de tráfico ferroviario en Europa (ERTMS por sus siglas en ingles). En el ejemplo se actualiza el algoritmo utilizado para el código de autenticación del mensaje (MAC por sus siglas en inglés) basado en el algoritmo de encriptación AES, debido a los fallos de seguridad del algoritmo actual

    Multilevel Runtime Verification for Safety and Security Critical Cyber Physical Systems from a Model Based Engineering Perspective

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    Advanced embedded system technology is one of the key driving forces behind the rapid growth of Cyber-Physical System (CPS) applications. CPS consists of multiple coordinating and cooperating components, which are often software-intensive and interact with each other to achieve unprecedented tasks. Such highly integrated CPSs have complex interaction failures, attack surfaces, and attack vectors that we have to protect and secure against. This dissertation advances the state-of-the-art by developing a multilevel runtime monitoring approach for safety and security critical CPSs where there are monitors at each level of processing and integration. Given that computation and data processing vulnerabilities may exist at multiple levels in an embedded CPS, it follows that solutions present at the levels where the faults or vulnerabilities originate are beneficial in timely detection of anomalies. Further, increasing functional and architectural complexity of critical CPSs have significant safety and security operational implications. These challenges are leading to a need for new methods where there is a continuum between design time assurance and runtime or operational assurance. Towards this end, this dissertation explores Model Based Engineering methods by which design assurance can be carried forward to the runtime domain, creating a shared responsibility for reducing the overall risk associated with the system at operation. Therefore, a synergistic combination of Verification & Validation at design time and runtime monitoring at multiple levels is beneficial in assuring safety and security of critical CPS. Furthermore, we realize our multilevel runtime monitor framework on hardware using a stream-based runtime verification language