1,512 research outputs found

    Operational concepts for grid services using electric vehicles

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    The European electricity grid is subject to increasing stresses due to increasing share of volatile renewable energy technologies. These technologies, coupled with higher volatility in demand, pose challenges to the stability and security of the European grid, erstwhile dominated by large and relatively reliable conventional generation. As the contribution of wind and photovoltaic generation increases in the energy mix, it demands an assessment of the corresponding risk to frequency stability and possible preventive measures. Uncontrolled charging of the increasing number of electric vehicles in Germany also demands a thorough investigation of methods for their integration in the electricity grid to not only improve grid frequency stability but also to provide secondary benefits to electric vehicle users. This work analyzes the load frequency control systems for their suitability for integration of electric vehicles and the impact of increase in volatile renewable energy on frequency stability for the case of Germany, showing a significant increase in reserve requirements. Evaluation of alternative approaches to load frequency control on the basis of infrastructure requirements shows that introduction of an aggregator of distributed energy resources can significantly reduce the overall infrastructure requirements for grid operators. The operational concepts herein proposed are evaluated using several case studies for optimizing the use of electric vehicles for grid flexibility services by taking into account the usage requirements of the vehicle owner and supply requirements of grid services.Das europäische Stromnetz ist aufgrund des steigenden Anteils volatiler erneuerbare Energiequellen einer zunehmenden Belastung ausgesetzt. Diese Technologien, in Ver-bindung mit einer höheren Volatilität der Nachfrage, stellen eine Herausforderung für die Stabilität und Sicherheit des europäischen Netzes dar, das früher von einer zentrali-sierteren Erzeugung in großen und relativ zuverlässigen konventionellen Kraftwerken geprägt war. Mit zunehmendem Beitrag der Wind- und Photovoltaikerzeugung am Energiemix ist eine Bewertung des Risikos für die Frequenzstabilität und mögliche Prä-ventivmaßnahmen erforderlich. Die ungesteuerte Aufladung der zunehmenden Anzahl von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland erfordert auch eine gründliche Untersuchung der Methoden für ihre Integration in das Stromnetz, um nicht nur die Stabilität der Strom-netzfrequenz zu verbessern, sondern auch einen sekundären Nutzen für die Elektrofahr-zeug-Nutzer zu erzielen. Diese Arbeit analysiert die Lastfrequenzregelungssysteme auf ihre Eignung zur Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen ins Stromnetz sowie die Auswir-kungen der Erhöhung des Anteils von volatilen erneuerbaren Energien auf die Frequenz-stabilität in Deutschland, und zeigt einen deutlichen Anstieg der Anforderungen an Re-servekapazität. Die Bewertung alternativer Ansätze zur Lastfrequenzsteuerung auf der Grundlage von Infrastrukturanforderungen zeigt, dass die Einführung eines verteilten Energieressourcen Aggregators den gesamten Infrastrukturbedarf der Netzbetreiber deutlich reduzieren kann. Die hierin vorgeschlagenen Betriebskonzepte werden anhand mehrerer Fallstudien zur Optimierung des Einsatzes von Elektrofahrzeugen für Flexibili-tätsdienstleistungen im Stromnetz unter Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen der Fahr-zeughalter und des Versorgungsbedarfs von Netzdiensten bewertetThis thesis deals with the challenges to frequency stability in the European electricity grid posed by the increasing share of renewable energy resources and electric vehicles. It evaluates European load frequency control systems for their suitability for integration of electric vehicles and the impact of increase in photovoltaic and wind power on frequency stability for the case of Germany, demonstrating a consequent significant increase in frequency control reserve requirements. Evaluation of alternative approaches to load frequency control shows that introduction of an aggregator of distributed energy resources can also significantly reduce the overall infrastructure requirements for grid operators. The operational concepts herein proposed are evaluated using several case studies for optimizing the use of electric vehicles for grid flexibility services by taking into account the user behavior of vehicle owners and supply requirements of these grid services

    SEEV4City INTERIM 'Summary of the State of the Art' report

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    This report summarizes the state-of-the-art on plug-in and full battery electric vehicles (EVs), smart charging and vehicle to grid (V2G) charging. This is in relation to the technology development, the role of EVs in CO2 reduction, their impact on the energy system as a whole, plus potential business models, services and policies to further promote the use of EV smart charging and V2G, relevant to the SEEV4-City project

    Scenarios for the development of smart grids in the UK: literature review

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    Smart grids are expected to play a central role in any transition to a low-carbon energy future, and much research is currently underway on practically every area of smart grids. However, it is evident that even basic aspects such as theoretical and operational definitions, are yet to be agreed upon and be clearly defined. Some aspects (efficient management of supply, including intermittent supply, two-way communication between the producer and user of electricity, use of IT technology to respond to and manage demand, and ensuring safe and secure electricity distribution) are more commonly accepted than others (such as smart meters) in defining what comprises a smart grid. It is clear that smart grid developments enjoy political and financial support both at UK and EU levels, and from the majority of related industries. The reasons for this vary and include the hope that smart grids will facilitate the achievement of carbon reduction targets, create new employment opportunities, and reduce costs relevant to energy generation (fewer power stations) and distribution (fewer losses and better stability). However, smart grid development depends on additional factors, beyond the energy industry. These relate to issues of public acceptability of relevant technologies and associated risks (e.g. data safety, privacy, cyber security), pricing, competition, and regulation; implying the involvement of a wide range of players such as the industry, regulators and consumers. The above constitute a complex set of variables and actors, and interactions between them. In order to best explore ways of possible deployment of smart grids, the use of scenarios is most adequate, as they can incorporate several parameters and variables into a coherent storyline. Scenarios have been previously used in the context of smart grids, but have traditionally focused on factors such as economic growth or policy evolution. Important additional socio-technical aspects of smart grids emerge from the literature review in this report and therefore need to be incorporated in our scenarios. These can be grouped into four (interlinked) main categories: supply side aspects, demand side aspects, policy and regulation, and technical aspects.

    State-of-the-Art Assessment of Smart Charging and Vehicle 2 Grid services

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    Electro-mobility – especially when coupled smartly with a decarbonised grid and also renewable distributed local energy generation, has an imperative role to play in reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change. In parallel, the regulatory framework continues to set new and challenging targets for greenhouse gas emissions and urban air pollution. • EVs can help to achieve environmental targets because they are beneficial in terms of reduced GHG emissions although the magnitude of emission reduction really depends on the carbon intensity of the national energy mix, zero air pollution, reduced noise, higher energy efficiency and capable of integration with the electric grid, as discussed in Chapter 1. • Scenarios to limit global warming have been developed based on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and these set the EV deployment targets or ambitions mentioned in Chapter 2. • Currently there is a considerable surge in electric cars purchasing with countries such as China, the USA, Norway, The Netherlands, France, the UK and Sweden leading the way with an EV market share over 1%. • To enable the achievement of these targets, charging infrastructures need to be deployed in parallel: there are four modes according to IEC 61851, as presented in Chapter 2.1.4. • The targets for SEEV4City project are as follow: o Increase energy autonomy in SEEV4-City sites by 25%, as compared to the baseline case. o Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 150 Tonnes annually and change to zero emission kilometres in the SEEV4-City Operational Pilots. o Avoid grid related investments (100 million Euros in 10 years) by introducing large scale adoption of smart charging and storage services and make existing electrical grids compatible with an increase in electro mobility and local renewable energy production. • The afore-mentioned objectives are achieved by applying Smart Charging (SC) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technologies within Operational Pilots at different levels: o Household. o Street. o Neighbourhood. o City. • SEEV4City aims to develop the concept of 'Vehicle4Energy Services' into a number of sustainable business models to integrate electric vehicles and renewable energy within a Sustainable Urban Mobility and Energy Plan (SUMEP), as introduced in Chapter 1. With this aim in mind, this project fills the gaps left by previous or currently running projects, as reviewed in Chapter 6. • The business models will be developed according to the boundaries of the six Operational Pilots, which involve a disparate number of stakeholders which will be considered within them. • Within every scale, the relevant project objectives need to be satisfied and a study is made on the Public, Social and Private Economics of Smart Charging and V2G. • In order to accomplish this work, a variety of aspects need to be investigated: o Chapter 3 provides details about revenue streams and costs for business models and Economics of Smart Charging and V2G. o Chapter 4 focuses on the definition of Energy Autonomy, the variables and the economy behind it; o Chapter 5 talks about the impacts of EV charging on the grid, how to mitigate them and offers solutions to defer grid investments; o Chapter 7 introduces a number of relevant business models and considers the Economics of Smart Charging and V2G; o Chapter 8 discusses policy frameworks, and gives insight into CO2 emissions and air pollution; o Chapter 9 defines the Data Collection approach that will be interfaced with the models; o Chapter 10 discusses the Energy model and the simulation platforms that may be used for project implementation

    The Role of Plug-In Electric Vehicles with Renewable Resources in Electricity Systems

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    Deux voies technologiques, la génération d’électricité renouvelable et l’électrification des véhicules, sont souvent avancées comme solution à deux des plus grands défis de notre époque : satisfaire à une demande énergétique croissante tout en réduisant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. La réalisation de ces deux objectifs implique le besoin de transférer une partie de la demande de combustibles fossiles vers d’autres sources d’énergie primaire. La diffusion des énergies renouvelables et des véhicules électriques rechargeables (VER) a été entravée par des obstacles importants, malgré leur potentiel reconnu d’améliorer la durabilité énergétique dans les secteurs de l’électricité et du transport. Les deux technologies ont des synergies naturelles entre elles : les VER sont une source inhérente de flexibilité du côté de la demande aussi bien que de l’offre, qui pourraient aider à mitiger les effets négatifs de la variabilité de la génération d’électricité renouvelable. Dans cet article nous examinons les obstacles au déploiement des renouvelables et des VER, ainsi que les synergies entre les deux voies technologiques. Nous soulevons des questions autour de l’implémentation ainsi que des mesures d’incitation et des modèles d’affaires qui pourraient empêcher ou aider à réaliser la valeur de ces synergies. Nous proposons enfin de nouvelles problématiques de recherche qui pourraient amener à résoudre ces questions d’implémentation.Two technology options, renewable electricity generation and vehicle electrification, are being promoted to achieve two of the greatest objectives of this century: meeting growing global energy demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing both objectives implies shifting part of this energy demand away from fossil fuels to other primary energy sources. Renewables and plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) adoption has been hindered by significant challenges despite their known potential to improve energy sustainability in electric power systems and transportation. The two technologies have natural synergies between them, however: PEVs are a natural source of demand -and supply-side flexibility, which can help mitigate the negative ancillary effects of renewable variability and uncertainty. In this paper we discuss the issues hindering renewable and PEV adoption and the synergies between these two technology pathways. Finally, we raise some issues with implementation and challenges with incentive and business plan design that may hinder fully realizing these synergies. We also propose some important research questions that would help address these implementation issues

    Energy Informatics - Current and Future Research Directions

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    Due to the increasing importance of producing and consuming energy more sustainably, Energy Informatics (EI) has evolved into a thriving research area within the CS/IS community. The arti- cle attempts to characterize this young and dynamic field of research by de- scribing current EI research topics and methods and provides an outlook of how the field might evolve in the fu- ture. It is shown that two general re- search questions have received the most attention so far and are likely to dominate the EI research agenda in the coming years: How to leverage infor- mation and communication technol- ogy (ICT) to (1) improve energy effi- ciency, and (2) to integrate decentral- ized renewable energy sources into the power grid. Selected EI streams are reviewed, highlighting how the re- spective research questions are broken down into specific research projects and how EI researchers have made con- tributions based on their individual academic background

    Ancillary Services in Hybrid AC/DC Low Voltage Distribution Networks

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    In the last decade, distribution systems are experiencing a drastic transformation with the advent of new technologies. In fact, distribution networks are no longer passive systems, considering the current integration rates of new agents such as distributed generation, electrical vehicles and energy storage, which are greatly influencing the way these systems are operated. In addition, the intrinsic DC nature of these components, interfaced to the AC system through power electronics converters, is unlocking the possibility for new distribution topologies based on AC/DC networks. This paper analyzes the evolution of AC distribution systems, the advantages of AC/DC hybrid arrangements and the active role that the new distributed agents may play in the upcoming decarbonized paradigm by providing different ancillary services.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-RUnión Europea (Programa Horizonte 2020) 76409

    New strategies for the massive introduction of electric vehicles in the operation and planning of Smart Power Systems

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    En el contexto actual, donde el calentamiento climático es cada vez más importante, existe la necesidad de limitar el consumo de combustibles fósiles. De esta manera, el transporte es uno de los sectores en los que más se están generando cambios en cuanto a la sostenibilidad. El vehículo eléctrico aparece como una solución para este cambio paulatino ya que no contamina localmente y su balance energético es muy eficiente. Así, se han propuesto diferentes programas para el crecimiento del vehículo eléctrico en el parque automotor. Sin embargo, el cambio de vehículos de gasolina por vehículos eléctricos genera desafíos en varios aspectos, como el impacto que ocasiona en la red eléctrica una implantación masiva: caídas de tensión, pérdidas de potencia, problemas con la calidad de la electricidad, inversiones importantes, etc. Se han planteado algunas soluciones en la parte operativa, pero muchas de ellas no han tomado en cuenta la flexibilidad de los usuarios, lo cual es muy importante para la adopción de vehículos eléctricos. De igual manera, en muchas ocasiones, en la literatura se asumen valores para ciertas variables (estado de carga, recorrido, tipo de batería, etc) que pueden cambiar según el comportamiento de cada usuario, lo que modificaría las previsiones realizadas. Finalmente, pocos trabajos han estudiado el impacto de lo vehículos eléctricos en redes eléctricas cuya gestión energética es más complicada debido a su aislamiento de una macrored y con alta penetración de energías renovables, como lo son las microredes. En este marco, esta tesis propone un enfoque novedoso en cuanto a la participación de los usuarios de vehículos eléctricos en la operación y planificación de diferentes sistemas eléctricos de potencia. Esta trata de algunos aspectos principales: disminución de costos de carga, participación en servicios de regulación, aprovechamiento de energía renovable, así como la planificación de generación de una microred incorporando vehículos eléctricos. En una primera parte, se presenta un análisis del vehículo eléctrico y su interacción en sistemas de potencia. De igual manera, se presentan los trabajos de investigación relacionados sobre la temática. En base al análisis de dichos trabajos, esta tesis propone una nueva metodología para optimizar la carga de los vehículos eléctricos. Se propone la participación de un nuevo agente del mercado eléctrico, el Agregador de vehículos eléctricos. Tendrá que gestionar la carga de dichos vehículos en una importante zona, coordinar con el operador de la red para evitar fallos y minimizar los costos de carga. De igual manera, se considera la diferente flexibilidad de los usuarios ya qu podrán escoger una tarifa que se adapte a su disponibilidad en espera y pagar el precio por aquello. La metodología ha sido aplicada a un caso de estudio a la red de Quito, Ecuador. Se propone también la participación en servicios de regulación, necesitando esta vez de usuarios que sean más flexibles al dejar su vehículo conectado a la red. Se considera las tarifas de la parte anterior para realizar dicho estudio. De igual manera, se aplicó al caso de estudio de la red de Quito, Ecuador. Con el crecimiento de las energías renovables, como solar y eólica, la gestión de la electricidad se vuelve más compleja. Con vistas a utilizar el exceso de energía renovable, se propone una tarifa de electricidad que permita al agregador de cargar los diferentes vehículos, tomando en cuenta precios bajos en periodos en donde la energía renovable esté en exceso. Finalmente, se plantea a planificación de generación de una microred que incluya la introducción masiva de vehículos eléctricos. Se aplicó al caso de las islas de Santa Cruz y Baltra, Galápagos, Ecuador, estudiando el impacto en los costos y en el medio ambiente de nueva generación y considerando la variación del precio del diésel debido a su incertidumbre.In the current context, where global warming is growing progressively, it is fundamental to limit fossil fuels consumption. Hence, transportation is one of the sectors in which several changes are occurring considering the sustainability. The Electric Vehicle appears as a new solution for this gradual change; it does not pollute locally and its energy's balance is very efficient. So, different programs have been proposed for the growth of electric vehicles in the automotive market. Nevertheless, the change from internal combustion vehicles to electric vehicles generates challenges in several aspects, such as the impact in the electric grid of a massive introduction of electric vehicles: voltage drops, power losses, quality of electricity issues, important investments, among others. Several solutions in operation have been formulated, but most of them do not consider the flexibility of users, which is a significant criterion for the electric vehicle acquisition. Moreover, in several works of the literature, many variables are assumed (stateof- charge, routes, type of battery, etc), which can vary significantly depending on the user, so also the results. Finally, few works have studied the impact of electric vehicles in very complex power systems, as the ones that are isolated from a macrogrid and because of significant penetration of renewable energy sources, such as microgrids. In this context, this thesis proposes a novel approach to the participation of the electric vehicle users in operation and planning of different electric power systems. This thesis is intended to cover various topics: charging costs decrease, regulation services participation, use of an excess of renewable energy, and the power generation planning of a microgrid considering the introduction of electric vehicles. In a first part, an analysis of the electric vehicle and its interaction with power systems is presented. Additionally, the principal works on the topic are summarized. Based on the analysis of these works, this thesis proposes a new methodology for optimizing the charge of electric vehicles. The participation of a new agent of the electricity market, the electric vehicle aggregator, is proposed. It has the ability to manage the charge of the electric vehicles in a zone with significant size, to coordinate with the grid operator in order to avoid troubles and to minimize charging costs. Furthermore, the different flexibility of electric vehicle users is considered because they will choose an EV customer choice product (CCP) that is adapted to their waiting needs and to the cost they can pay. The methodology has been applied to a case study in the grid of Quito, Ecuador. The participation in regulation services has been also considered to discuss this participation in Ancillary services. The CCPs from the part before are considered for performing such study but assuming more involvement from the electric vehicle users. The case study of Quito, Ecuador, was also studied. With the growth of renewable energies, such as solar and wind, the electricity management becomes more complicated. In order to use the excess of renewable energy, an EV charging mechanism for the aggregator is proposed, based on low prices when the renewable energy is in excess. Finally, a power generation planning for a microgrid is proposed, considering the massive introduction of electric vehicles. The case of the Santa Cruz and Baltra islands, Galapagos, Ecuador are studied to determine its costs and environmental impacts, based on diesel costs sensitivity studies to account for its uncertainty.En el context actual, on l'escalfament climàtic és cada vegada més important, hi ha la necessitat de limitar el consum de combustibles fòssils. El transport és un dels sectors en els quals més s'estan generant canvis pel que fa a la sostenibilitat. El vehicle elèctric apareix com una solució per a aquest canvi gradual ja que no contamina localment i el seu balanç energètic és molt eficient. Així, s'han proposat diferents programes per al creixement del vehicle elèctric al parc automotor. No obstant això, el canvi de vehicles de gasolina per vehicles elèctrics generen desafiaments en diversos aspectes, com son l'impacte que ocasiona a la xarxa elèctrica una implantació massiva: caigudes de tensió, pèrdues de potència, problemes amb la qualitat de l'electricitat, inversions importants, disminució de la vida útil dels transformadors, etc. S'han plantejat algunes solucions a la part operativa, però moltes d'elles no han tingut en compte la flexibilitat dels usuaris, la qual cosa és molt important per a l'adopció de vehicles elèctrics. De la mateixa manera, en moltes ocasions, en la literatura s'assumeixen valors per certes variables (estat de càrrega, recorregut, tipus de bateria, etc.) que poden canviar segons el comportament de cada usuari, el que modificaria les previsions realitzades. Finalment indicar que pocs treballs han estudiat l'impacte del que vehicles elèctrics en xarxes elèctriques on la gestió energètica és més complicada a causa del seu aïllament d'una macroxarxa i amb alta penetració d'energies renovables, com ho són les microxarxes. En aquest marc, aquesta tesi proposa un enfocament nou pel que fa a la participació dels usuaris de vehicles elèctrics en l'operació i planificació de diferents sistemes elèctrics de potència. Aquesta tracta alguns aspectes principals: disminució de costos de càrrega, participació en serveis de regulació, aprofitament d'energia renovable, així com la planificació de generació d'una microxarxa incorporant vehicles elèctrics. En una primera part, es presenta una anàlisi del vehicle elèctric i la seva interacció en sistemes de potència. De la mateixa manera, es presenten els treballs de recerca relacionats sobre la temàtica. En base a l'anàlisi d'aquests treballs, aquesta tesi proposa una nova metodologia per optimitzar la càrrega dels vehicles elèctrics. Es proposa la participació d'un nou agent del mercat elèctric, el Agregador de vehicles elèctrics. Haurà de gestionar la càrrega d'aquests vehicles en una important zona, coordinar amb l'operador de la xarxa per evitar fallades i minimitzar els costos de càrrega. De la mateixa manera es considera la diferent flexibilitat dels usuaris ja que podran escollir una tarifa que s'adapti a la seva disponibilitat en espera i pagar el preu per allò. La metodologia ha estat aplicat a un cas d'estudi a la xarxa de Quito, Equador. Es proposa també la participació en serveis de regulació, necessitant aquest cop d'usuaris que siguin més flexibles en deixar el seu vehicle connectat a la xarxa. Es consideren les tarifes de la part anterior per a realitzar dit estudi. De la mateixa manera, es va aplicar al cas d'estudi de la xarxa de Quito, Equador. Amb el creixement de les energies renovables, com solar i eòlica, la gestió de l'electricitat es torna més complexa. Amb vista a utilitzar l'excés d'energia renovable, es proposa un tarifa d'electricitat que permeti a l'agregador de carregar els diferents vehicles, especialment en períodes on l'energia renovable estigui en excés. Finalment, es planteja la planificació de generació d'una microxarxa que inclogui la introducció massiva de vehicles elèctrics. En concret, es va aplicar al cas de la illes de Santa Cruz i Baltra, Galápagos, Equador, estudiant l'impacte de la nova generació en els costos i en el medi ambient i considerant la variació del preu del dièsel, causa de la seva incertesa.Clairand Gómez, JM. (2018). New strategies for the massive introduction of electric vehicles in the operation and planning of Smart Power Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/110971TESI

    Business Models for SEEV4-City Operational Pilots: From a generic SEEV4-City business model towards improved specific OP business models

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    This report, led by Northumbria University, provides a final analysis by project partners regarding Business Models for SEEV4-City Operational pilots. It is part of a collection of reports published by the project covering a variation of specific and cross-cutting analysis and evaluation perspectives and spans 6 operational pilots