25 research outputs found

    Computation scheduling in neural network inference on embedded hardware

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    Cílem této práce je prozkoumat state- of-the-art způsoby detekce objektů po- mocí konvolučních neuronových sítí, využívaných v oblasti autonomního řízení. Proto aby běh na vestavěných systémech byl dostatečně optimalizo- ván, je nutné rozumět struktuře sítě a způsobu, jak se provádí její výpočet pomocí konkrétní knihovny. Hlavním cílem této práce je porovnat něko- lik dostupných knihoven pro oblast strojového učení a popsat nezdokumen- tovanou vnitřní architekturu knihovny TensorFlow, aby bylo možné na základě těchto znalostí upravovat vykonávané části kódu za účelem lepšího rozvrho- vání jednotlivých procesů. Aby bylo možné porovnávat výsledky budoucích optimalizací na cílové platformě NVI- DIA Jetson Tegra X2, je představen jednoduchý benchmark a je popsán postup, jak vyčítat spotřebu energie a tepelný profil čipů na desce.This thesis aims to examine the state-of-the-art solution of using con- volutional neural networks to address the problem of object detection, during the autonomous driving. The effective execution of these solutions involves an in-depth understanding of used frame- work architectures. The main goal of the thesis is to compare several ma- chine learning frameworks and provide a comprehensive description of the nondocumented internal architecture of the TensorFlow machine learning framework to allow future researches to introduce modifications regarding scheduling mechanisms. To properly evaluate future modifications on the target platform NVIDIA Tegra X2, the thesis introduces the benchmark and provides an instruction how to read power consumption and temperature of board components

    Analyzable dataflow executions with adaptive redundancy

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    Increasing performance requirements in the embedded systems domain have encouraged a drift from singlecore to multicore processors, and thus multicore processors are widely used in embedded systems today. Cars are an example for complex embedded systems in which the use of multicore processors is continuously increasing. A major reason for this is to consolidate different software components on one chip and thus reduce the number of electronic control units. However, the de facto standard in the automotive industry, AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture), was originally designed for singlecore processors. Although basic support for multicore processors was added, more complex architectures are currently not compatible with the software stack. Regarding the software components running on the ECUS of modern cars, requirements are diverse. On the one hand, there are safety-critical tasks, like the airbag control, anti-lock braking system, electronic stability control and emergency brake assist, and on the other hand, tasks which do not have any safety-related requirements at all, for example tasks controlling the infotainment system. Trends like autonomous driving lead to even more demanding tasks in the system since such tasks are both safety-critical and data-intensive. As embedded applications, like those in the automotive domain, become more complex, new approaches are necessary. Data-intensive tasks are usually tackled with large-scale computing frameworks. In this thesis, some major concepts of such frameworks are transferred to the high-performance embedded systems domain. For this purpose, the thesis describes a runtime environment (RTE) that is suitable for different kinds of multi- and manycore hardware architectures. The RTE follows a dataflow execution model based on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). Graphs are divided into sections which are scheduled separately. For each section, the RTE uses a DAG scheduling heuristic to compute multiple schedules covering different redundancy configurations. This allows the RTE to dynamically change the redundancy of parts of the graph at runtime despite the use of fixed schedules. Alternatively, the RTE also provides an online scheduler. To specify suitable graphs, the RTE also provides a programming model which shares similarities with common large-scale computing frameworks, for example Apache Spark. Using this programming model, three common distributed algorithms, namely Cannon's algorithm, the Cooley-Tukey algorithm and bitonic sort, were implemented. With these three programs, the performance of the RTE was evaluated for a variety of configurations on two different hardware architectures. The results show that the proposed RTE is able to reach the performance of established parallel computation frameworks and that for suitable graphs with reasonable sectionings the negative influence on the runtime is either small or non-existent.Aufgrund steigender Anforderungen an die Leistungsfähigkeit von eingebetteten Systemen finden Mehrkernprozessoren mittlerweile auch in eingebetteten Systemen Verwendung. Autos sind ein Beispiel für eingebettete Systeme, in denen die Verbreitung von Mehrkernprozessoren kontinuierlich zunimmt. Ein Hauptgrund ist, dass es dadurch möglich wird, mehrere Applikationen, für die ursprünglich mehrere Electronic Control Units (ECUs) notwendig waren, auf ein und demselben Chip auszuführen und dadurch die Anzahl der ECUs im Gesamtsystem zu verringern. Der De-facto-Standard AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) wurde jedoch ursprünglich nur im Hinblick auf Einkernprozessoren entworfen und, obwohl der Softwarestack um grundlegende Unterstützung für Mehrkernprozessoren erweitert wurde, sind komplexere Architekturen nicht damit kompatibel. Die Anforderungen der Softwarekomponenten von modernen Autos sind vielfältig. Einerseits gibt es hochgradig sicherheitskritische Tasks, die beispielsweise die Airbags, das Antiblockiersystem, die Fahrdynamikregelung oder den Notbremsassistenten steuern und andererseits Tasks, die keinerlei sicherheitskritische Anforderungen aufweisen, wie zum Beispiel Tasks zur Steuerung des Infotainment-Systems. Neue Trends wie autonomes Fahren führen zu weiteren anspruchsvollen Tasks, die sowohl hohe Leistungs- als auch Sicherheitsanforderungen aufweisen. Da die Komplexität eingebetteter Anwendungen, beispielsweise im Automobilbereich, stetig zunimmt, sind neue Ansätze erforderlich. Für komplexe, datenintensive Aufgaben werden in der Regel Cluster-Computing-Frameworks eingesetzt. In dieser Arbeit werden Konzepte solcher Frameworks auf den Bereich der eingebetteten Systeme übertragen. Dazu beschreibt die Arbeit eine Laufzeitumgebung (RTE) für eingebettete Mehrkernarchitekturen. Die RTE folgt einem Datenfluss-Ausführungsmodell, das auf gerichteten azyklischen Graphen basiert. Graphen können in Abschnitte eingeteilt werden, für welche separat mehrere unterschiedlich redundante Schedules mit Hilfe einer Scheduling-Heuristik berechnet werden. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt es, die Redundanz von Teilen der Anwendung zur Laufzeit zu verändern. Alternativ unterstützt die RTE auch Scheduling zur Laufzeit. Zur Erzeugung von Graphen stellt die RTE ein Programmiermodell bereit, welches sich an etablierten Frameworks, insbesondere Apache Spark, orientiert. Damit wurden drei Beispielanwendungen implementiert, die auf gängigen Algorithmen basieren. Konkret handelt es sich um Cannon's Algorithmus, den Cooley-Tukey-Algorithmus und bitonisches Sortieren. Um die Leistungsfähigkeit der RTE zu ermitteln, wurden diese drei Anwendungen mehrfach mit verschiedenen Konfigurationen auf zwei Hardware-Architekturen ausgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die RTE in ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit mit etablierten Systemen vergleichbar ist und die Laufzeit bei einer sinnvollen Graphaufteilung im besten Fall nur geringfügig beeinflusst wird

    An FPGA implementation of an investigative many-core processor, Fynbos : in support of a Fortran autoparallelising software pipeline

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    Includes bibliographical references.In light of the power, memory, ILP, and utilisation walls facing the computing industry, this work examines the hypothetical many-core approach to finding greater compute performance and efficiency. In order to achieve greater efficiency in an environment in which Moore’s law continues but TDP has been capped, a means of deriving performance from dark and dim silicon is needed. The many-core hypothesis is one approach to exploiting these available transistors efficiently. As understood in this work, it involves trading in hardware control complexity for hundreds to thousands of parallel simple processing elements, and operating at a clock speed sufficiently low as to allow the efficiency gains of near threshold voltage operation. Performance is there- fore dependant on exploiting a new degree of fine-grained parallelism such as is currently only found in GPGPUs, but in a manner that is not as restrictive in application domain range. While removing the complex control hardware of traditional CPUs provides space for more arithmetic hardware, a basic level of control is still required. For a number of reasons this work chooses to replace this control largely with static scheduling. This pushes the burden of control primarily to the software and specifically the compiler, rather not to the programmer or to an application specific means of control simplification. An existing legacy tool chain capable of autoparallelising sequential Fortran code to the degree of parallelism necessary for many-core exists. This work implements a many-core architecture to match it. Prototyping the design on an FPGA, it is possible to examine the real world performance of the compiler-architecture system to a greater degree than simulation only would allow. Comparing theoretical peak performance and real performance in a case study application, the system is found to be more efficient than any other reviewed, but to also significantly under perform relative to current competing architectures. This failing is apportioned to taking the need for simple hardware too far, and an inability to implement static scheduling mitigating tactics due to lack of support for such in the compiler

    Effective techniques for understanding and improving data structure usage

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    Turing Award winner Niklaus Wirth famously noted, `Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs', and it follows that data structures should be carefully considered for effective application development. In fact, data structures are the main focus of program understanding, performance engineering, bug detection, and security enhancement, etc. Our research is aimed at providing effective techniques for analyzing and improving data structure usage in fundamentally new approaches: First, detecting data structures; identifying what data structures are used within an application is a critical step toward application understanding and performance engineering. Second, selecting efficient data structures; analyzing data structures' behavior can recognize improper use of data structures and suggest alternative data structures better suited for the current situation where the application runs. Third, detecting memory leaks for data structures; tracking data accesses with little overhead and their careful analysis can enable practical and accurate memory leak detection. Finally, offloading time-consuming data structure operations; By leveraging a dedicated helper thread that executes the operations on the behalf of the application thread, we can improve the overall performance of the application.Ph.D

    ACiS: smart switches with application-level acceleration

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    Network performance has contributed fundamentally to the growth of supercomputing over the past decades. In parallel, High Performance Computing (HPC) peak performance has depended, first, on ever faster/denser CPUs, and then, just on increasing density alone. As operating frequency, and now feature size, have levelled off, two new approaches are becoming central to achieving higher net performance: configurability and integration. Configurability enables hardware to map to the application, as well as vice versa. Integration enables system components that have generally been single function-e.g., a network to transport data—to have additional functionality, e.g., also to operate on that data. More generally, integration enables compute-everywhere: not just in CPU and accelerator, but also in network and, more specifically, the communication switches. In this thesis, we propose four novel methods of enhancing HPC performance through Advanced Computing in the Switch (ACiS). More specifically, we propose various flexible and application-aware accelerators that can be embedded into or attached to existing communication switches to improve the performance and scalability of HPC and Machine Learning (ML) applications. We follow a modular design discipline through introducing composable plugins to successively add ACiS capabilities. In the first work, we propose an inline accelerator to communication switches for user-definable collective operations. MPI collective operations can often be performance killers in HPC applications; we seek to solve this bottleneck by offloading them to reconfigurable hardware within the switch itself. We also introduce a novel mechanism that enables the hardware to support MPI communicators of arbitrary shape and that is scalable to very large systems. In the second work, we propose a look-aside accelerator for communication switches that is capable of processing packets at line-rate. Functions requiring loops and states are addressed in this method. The proposed in-switch accelerator is based on a RISC-V compatible Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs). To facilitate usability, we have developed a framework to compile user-provided C/C++ codes to appropriate back-end instructions for configuring the accelerator. In the third work, we extend ACiS to support fused collectives and the combining of collectives with map operations. We observe that there is an opportunity of fusing communication (collectives) with computation. Since the computation can vary for different applications, ACiS support should be programmable in this method. In the fourth work, we propose that switches with ACiS support can control and manage the execution of applications, i.e., that the switch be an active device with decision-making capabilities. Switches have a central view of the network; they can collect telemetry information and monitor application behavior and then use this information for control, decision-making, and coordination of nodes. We evaluate the feasibility of ACiS through extensive RTL-based simulation as well as deployment in an open-access cloud infrastructure. Using this simulation framework, when considering a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) application as a case study, a speedup of on average 3.4x across five real-world datasets is achieved on 24 nodes compared to a CPU cluster without ACiS capabilities

    Autonomous environmental protection drone

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    During the summer, forest fires are the main reason for deforestation and the damage caused to homes and property in different communities around the world. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, and also known as drones) applications has increased in recent years, making them an excellent solution for difficult tasks such as wildlife conservation and forest fire prevention. A forest fire detection system can be an answer to these tasks. Using a visual camera and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image processing with an UAV can result in an efficient fire detection system. However, in order to be able to have a fully autonomous system, without human intervention, for 24-hour fire observation and detection in a given geographical area, it requires a platform and automatic recharging procedures. This dissertation combines the use of technologies such as CNNs, Real Time Kinematics (RTK) and Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) with an on-board computer and software, resulting in a fully automated system to make forest surveillance more efficient and, in doing so, reallocating human resources to other locations where they are most needed.Durante o verão, os incêndios florestais constituem a principal razão do desflorestamento e dos danos causados às casas e aos bens das diferentes comunidades de todo o mundo. A utilização de veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs), em inglês denominados por Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) ou Drones, aumentou nos últimos anos, tornando-os uma excelente solução para tarefas difíceis como a conservação da vida selvagem e prevenção de incêndios florestais. Um sistema de deteção de incêndio florestal pode ser uma resposta para essas tarefas. Com a utilização de uma câmara visual e uma Rede Neuronal Convolucional (RNC) para processamento de imagem com um UAV pode resultar num eficiente sistema de deteção de incêndio. No entanto, para que seja possível ter um sistema completamente autónomo, sem intervenção humana, para observação e deteção de incêndios durante 24 horas, numa dada área geográfica, requer uma plataforma e procedimentos de recarga automática. Esta dissertação reúne o uso de tecnologias como RNCs, posicionamento cinemático em tempo real (RTK) e transferência de energia sem fios (WPT) com um computador e software de bordo, resultando num sistema totalmente automatizado para tornar a vigilância florestal mais eficiente e, ao fazê-lo, realocando recursos humanos para outros locais, onde estes são mais necessários

    Bio-signal data gathering, management and analysis within a patient-centred health care context

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    The healthcare service is under pressure to do more with less, and changing the way the service is modelled could be the key to saving resources and increasing efficacy. This change could be possible using patient-centric care models. This model would include straightforward and easy-to-use telemonitoring devices and a flexible data management structure. The structure would maintain its state by ingesting many sources of data, then tracking this data through cleaning and processing into models and estimates to obtaining values from data which could be used by the patient. The system can become less disease-focused and more health-focused by being preventative in nature and allowing patients to be more proactive and involved in their care by automating the data management. This work presents the development of a new device and a data management and analysis system to utilise the data from this device and support data processing along with two examples of its use. These are signal quality and blood pressure estimation. This system could aid in the creation of patient-centric telecare systems

    Connecting Vehicles to the Internet - Strategic Data Transmission for Mobile Nodes using Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    With the advent of autonomous driving, the driving experience for users of connected vehicles changes, as they may enjoy their travel time with entertainment, or work productively. In our modern society, both require a stable Internet access. However, future mobile networks are not expected to be able to satisfy application Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as needed, e.g. during rush hours. To address this problem, this dissertation investigates data transmission strategies that exploit the potential of using a heterogeneous wireless network environment. To this end, we combine two so far distinct concepts, firstly, network selection and, secondly, transmission time selection, creating a joint time-network selection strategy. It allows a vehicle to plan delay-tolerant data transmissions ahead, favoring transmission opportunities with the best prospective flow-network matches. In this context, our first contribution is a novel rating model for perceived transmission quality, which assesses transmission opportunities with respect to application QoS requirement violations, traded off by monetary cost. To enable unified assessment of all data transmissions, it generalizes existing specialized rating models from network selection and transmission time selection and extends them with a novel throughput requirement model. Based on that, we develop a novel joint time-network selection strategy, Joint Transmission Planning (JTP), as our second contribution, planning optimized data transmissions within a defined time horizon. We compare its transmission quality to that of three predominant state-of-the-art transmission strategies, revealing that JTP outperforms the others significantly by up to 26%. Due to extensive scenario variation, we discover broad stability of JTP reaching 87-91% of the optimum. As JTP is a planning approach relying on prediction data, the transmission quality is strongly impaired when executing its plans under environmental changes. To mitigate this impact, we develop a transmission plan adaptation as our third contribution, modifying the planned current transmission online in order to comply with the changes. Even under strong changes of the vehicle movement and the network environment, it sustains 57%, respectively 36%, of the performance gain from planning. Finally, we present our protocol Mobility management for Vehicular Networking (MoVeNet), pooling available network resources of the environment to enable flexible packet dispatching without breaking connections. Its distributed architecture provides broad scalability and robustness against node failures. It complements control mechanisms that allow a demand-based and connection-specific trade-off between overhead and latency. Less than 9 ms additional round trip time in our tests, instant handover and 0 to 4 bytes per-packet overhead prove its efficiency. Employing the presented strategies and mechanisms jointly, users of connected vehicles and other mobile devices can significantly profit from the demonstrated improvements in application QoS satisfaction and reduced monetary cost

    Reconnaissance perceptuelle des objets d’Intérêt : application à l’interprétation des activités instrumentales de la vie quotidienne pour les études de démence

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    The rationale and motivation of this PhD thesis is in the diagnosis, assessment,maintenance and promotion of self-independence of people with dementia in their InstrumentalActivities of Daily Living (IADLs). In this context a strong focus is held towardsthe task of automatically recognizing IADLs. Egocentric video analysis (cameras worn by aperson) has recently gained much interest regarding this goal. Indeed recent studies havedemonstrated how crucial is the recognition of active objects (manipulated or observedby the person wearing the camera) for the activity recognition task and egocentric videospresent the advantage of holding a strong differentiation between active and passive objects(associated to background). One recent approach towards finding active elements in a sceneis the incorporation of visual saliency in the object recognition paradigms. Modeling theselective process of human perception of visual scenes represents an efficient way to drivethe scene analysis towards particular areas considered of interest or salient, which, in egocentricvideos, strongly corresponds to the locus of objects of interest. The objective of thisthesis is to design an object recognition system that relies on visual saliency-maps to providemore precise object representations, that are robust against background clutter and, therefore,improve the recognition of active object for the IADLs recognition task. This PhD thesisis conducted in the framework of the Dem@care European project.Regarding the vast field of visual saliency modeling, we investigate and propose a contributionin both Bottom-up (gaze driven by stimuli) and Top-down (gaze driven by semantics)areas that aim at enhancing the particular task of active object recognition in egocentricvideo content. Our first contribution on Bottom-up models originates from the fact thatobservers are attracted by a central stimulus (the center of an image). This biological phenomenonis known as central bias. In egocentric videos however this hypothesis does not alwayshold. We study saliency models with non-central bias geometrical cues. The proposedvisual saliency models are trained based on eye fixations of observers and incorporated intospatio-temporal saliency models. When compared to state of the art visual saliency models,the ones we present show promising results as they highlight the necessity of a non-centeredgeometric saliency cue. For our top-down model contribution we present a probabilisticvisual attention model for manipulated object recognition in egocentric video content. Althougharms often occlude objects and are usually considered as a burden for many visionsystems, they become an asset in our approach, as we extract both global and local featuresdescribing their geometric layout and pose, as well as the objects being manipulated. We integratethis information in a probabilistic generative model, provide update equations thatautomatically compute the model parameters optimizing the likelihood of the data, and designa method to generate maps of visual attention that are later used in an object-recognitionframework. This task-driven assessment reveals that the proposed method outperforms thestate-of-the-art in object recognition for egocentric video content. [...]Cette thèse est motivée par le diagnostic, l’évaluation, la maintenance et la promotion de l’indépendance des personnes souffrant de maladies démentielles pour leurs activités de la vie quotidienne. Dans ce contexte nous nous intéressons à la reconnaissance automatique des activités de la vie quotidienne.L’analyse des vidéos de type égocentriques (où la caméra est posée sur une personne) a récemment gagné beaucoup d’intérêt en faveur de cette tâche. En effet de récentes études démontrent l’importance cruciale de la reconnaissance des objets actifs (manipulés ou observés par le patient) pour la reconnaissance d’activités et les vidéos égocentriques présentent l’avantage d’avoir une forte différenciation entre les objets actifs et passifs (associés à l’arrière plan). Une des approches récentes envers la reconnaissance des éléments actifs dans une scène est l’incorporation de la saillance visuelle dans les algorithmes de reconnaissance d’objets. Modéliser le processus sélectif du système visuel humain représente un moyen efficace de focaliser l’analyse d’une scène vers les endroits considérés d’intérêts ou saillants,qui, dans les vidéos égocentriques, correspondent fortement aux emplacements des objets d’intérêt. L’objectif de cette thèse est de permettre au systèmes de reconnaissance d’objets de fournir une détection plus précise des objets d’intérêts grâce à la saillance visuelle afin d’améliorer les performances de reconnaissances d’activités de la vie de tous les jours. Cette thèse est menée dans le cadre du projet Européen [email protected] le vaste domaine de la modélisation de la saillance visuelle, nous étudions et proposons une contribution à la fois dans le domaine "Bottom-up" (regard attiré par des stimuli) que dans le domaine "Top-down" (regard attiré par la sémantique) qui ont pour but d’améliorer la reconnaissance d’objets actifs dans les vidéos égocentriques. Notre première contribution pour les modèles Bottom-up prend racine du fait que les observateurs d’une vidéo sont normalement attirés par le centre de celle-ci. Ce phénomène biologique s’appelle le biais central. Dans les vidéos égocentriques cependant, cette hypothèse n’est plus valable.Nous proposons et étudions des modèles de saillance basés sur ce phénomène de biais non central.Les modèles proposés sont entrainés à partir de fixations d’oeil enregistrées et incorporées dans des modèles spatio-temporels. Lorsque comparés à l’état-de-l’art des modèles Bottom-up, ceux que nous présentons montrent des résultats prometteurs qui illustrent la nécessité d’un modèle géométrique biaisé non-centré dans ce type de vidéos. Pour notre contribution dans le domaine Top-down, nous présentons un modèle probabiliste d’attention visuelle pour la reconnaissance d’objets manipulés dans les vidéos égocentriques. Bien que les bras soient souvent source d’occlusion des objets et considérés comme un fardeau, ils deviennent un atout dans notre approche. En effet nous extrayons à la fois des caractéristiques globales et locales permettant d’estimer leur disposition géométrique. Nous intégrons cette information dans un modèle probabiliste, avec équations de mise a jour pour optimiser la vraisemblance du modèle en fonction de ses paramètres et enfin générons les cartes d’attention visuelle pour la reconnaissance d’objets manipulés. [...