12,106 research outputs found

    Tracing the Scenarios in Scenario-Based Product Design: a study to support scenario generation

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    Scenario-based design originates from the human-computer interaction and\ud software engineering disciplines, and continues to be adapted for product development. Product development differs from software development in the former’s more varied context of use, broader characteristics of users and more tangible solutions. The possible use of scenarios in product design is therefore broader and more challenging. Existing design methods that involve scenarios can be employed in many different stages of the product design process. However, there is no proficient overview that discusses a\ud scenario-based product design process in its full extent. The purposes of creating scenarios and the evolution of scenarios from their original design data are often not obvious, although the results from using scenarios are clearly visible. Therefore, this paper proposes to classify possible scenario uses with their purpose, characteristics and supporting design methods. The classification makes explicit different types of scenarios and their relation to one another. Furthermore, novel scenario uses can be referred or added to the classification to develop it in parallel with the scenario-based design\ud practice. Eventually, a scenario-based product design process could take inspiration for creating scenarios from the classification because it provides detailed ï»żcharacteristics of the scenario

    Semantic Business Process Modeling

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    This book presents a process-oriented business modeling framework based on semantic technologies. The framework consists of modeling languages, methods, and tools that allow for semantic modeling of business motivation, business policies and rules, and business processes. Quality of the proposed modeling framework is evaluated based on the modeling content of SAP Solution Composer and several real-world business scenarios

    Integrated helicopter survivability

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    A high level of survivability is important to protect military personnel and equipment and is central to UK defence policy. Integrated Survivability is the systems engineering methodology to achieve optimum survivability at an affordable cost, enabling a mission to be completed successfully in the face of a hostile environment. “Integrated Helicopter Survivability” is an emerging discipline that is applying this systems engineering approach within the helicopter domain. Philosophically the overall survivability objective is ‘zero attrition’, even though this is unobtainable in practice. The research question was: “How can helicopter survivability be assessed in an integrated way so that the best possible level of survivability can be achieved within the constraints and how will the associated methods support the acquisition process?” The research found that principles from safety management could be applied to the survivability problem, in particular reducing survivability risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). A survivability assessment process was developed to support this approach and was linked into the military helicopter life cycle. This process positioned the survivability assessment methods and associated input data derivation activities. The system influence diagram method was effective at defining the problem and capturing the wider survivability interactions, including those with the defence lines of development (DLOD). Influence diagrams and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods were effective visual tools to elicit stakeholder requirements and improve communication across organisational and domain boundaries. The semi-quantitative nature of the QFD method leads to numbers that are not real. These results are suitable for helping to prioritise requirements early in the helicopter life cycle, but they cannot provide the quantifiable estimate of risk needed to demonstrate ALARP. The probabilistic approach implemented within the Integrated Survivability Assessment Model (ISAM) was developed to provide a quantitative estimate of ‘risk’ to support the approach of reducing survivability risks to ALARP. Limitations in available input data for the rate of encountering threats leads to a probability of survival that is not a real number that can be used to assess actual loss rates. However, the method does support an assessment across platform options, provided that the ‘test environment’ remains consistent throughout the assessment. The survivability assessment process and ISAM have been applied to an acquisition programme, where they have been tested to support the survivability decision making and design process. The survivability ‘test environment’ is an essential element of the survivability assessment process and is required by integrated survivability tools such as ISAM. This test environment, comprising of threatening situations that span the complete spectrum of helicopter operations requires further development. The ‘test environment’ would be used throughout the helicopter life cycle from selection of design concepts through to test and evaluation of delivered solutions. It would be updated as part of the through life capability management (TLCM) process. A framework of survivability analysis tools requires development that can provide probabilistic input data into ISAM and allow derivation of confidence limits. This systems level framework would be capable of informing more detailed survivability design work later in the life cycle and could be enabled through a MATLAB¼ based approach. Survivability is an emerging system property that influences the whole system capability. There is a need for holistic capability level analysis tools that quantify survivability along with other influencing capabilities such as: mobility (payload / range), lethality, situational awareness, sustainability and other mission capabilities. It is recommended that an investigation of capability level analysis methods across defence should be undertaken to ensure a coherent and compliant approach to systems engineering that adopts best practice from across the domains. Systems dynamics techniques should be considered for further use by Dstl and the wider MOD, particularly within the survivability and operational analysis domains. This would improve understanding of the problem space, promote a more holistic approach and enable a better balance of capability, within which survivability is one essential element. There would be value in considering accidental losses within a more comprehensive ‘survivability’ analysis. This approach would enable a better balance to be struck between safety and survivability risk mitigations and would lead to an improved, more integrated overall design

    Ontology based data warehousing for mining of heterogeneous and multidimensional data sources

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    Heterogeneous and multidimensional big-data sources are virtually prevalent in all business environments. System and data analysts are unable to fast-track and access big-data sources. A robust and versatile data warehousing system is developed, integrating domain ontologies from multidimensional data sources. For example, petroleum digital ecosystems and digital oil field solutions, derived from big-data petroleum (information) systems, are in increasing demand in multibillion dollar resource businesses worldwide. This work is recognized by Industrial Electronic Society of IEEE and appeared in more than 50 international conference proceedings and journals

    Taking the ‘poo’ out of ‘pool’: participatory systems modelling as a decision-support tool for even the messiest public environmental health problems

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    It is widely recognised that environmental health services and interventions operate in dynamically complex systems. Environmental health researchers and practitioners work to solve complex problems yet continue to favour methods that eschew the concept of complexity. Conventional quantitative risk assessment methods used in environmental health, while valuable, are often based on studies that examine the effects of individual environmental hazards in isolation. They do not examine a system that leads to adverse environmental health outcomes, such as disease outbreaks.In this research, I explored the applicability of participatory system dynamic modelling as a means of assisting environmental health decision-makers in the management of dynamically complex infectious diseases. Using cryptosporidiosis in South East Queensland as a case study, I applied system dynamic modelling techniques to explore the population-level drivers of Cryptosporidium transmission in the study area, with a particular focus on the role of public aquatic facilities (i.e. public swimming pools).This research was conducted in three stages. This first involved an extensive review of the literature on complexity and environmental health service delivery, decision-making for complex environmental health problems, and system dynamic modelling. This review highlighted current challenges environmental health decision-makers face when developing policies and interventions and identified ways in which system dynamic models can assist in overcoming some of these.\ua0The second stage involved a participatory system modelling exercise, informed by a series of stakeholder consultation workshops and interviews. This process identified a series of interconnected drivers and barriers to Cryptosporidium transmission in South East Queensland and emphasised the often-overlooked role of the primary health care sector, as well as overseas travel, in local transmission dynamics. It also uncovered multiple interconnected feedback loops within the system that cross sectoral boundaries, highlighting the need for multisectoral collaboration to address Cryptosporidium outbreaks. These feedback loops were captured in a causal loop diagram.Lastly, a quantitative system dynamic model was constructed to simulate the relationships identified in the participatory system modelling exercise, and empirically test a range of policy options to improve the management of cryptosporidiosis in the study area. The modelling process identified several policy-relevant insights, including (1) unclear guidelines for the management of disease risk associated with swimming pool water, (2) the non-cyclic nature of a seemingly cyclical pattern of cryptosporidiosis notifications, and, (3) the relative effectiveness of primary versus secondary outbreak prevention strategies in the overall management of cryptosporidiosis. \ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0\ua0 \ua0The implications and contributions of this study are two-fold. The insights mentioned above call into question many commonly held assumptions about community-level Cryptosporidium transmission dynamics. From a local perspective, the model provides a platform for stakeholders and decision-makers to tests these assumptions in a locally-relevant context. It also uncovered previously unexplored leverage points within the system, particularly those related to the primary healthcare sector that can be used to improve the management of cryptosporidiosis. More broadly, this research contributes to the body of evidence supporting the benefits of applying system dynamic modelling to understand and manage complex environmental health problems

    Ontology-based methodology for error detection in software design

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    Improving the quality of a software design with the goal of producing a high quality software product continues to grow in importance due to the costs that result from poorly designed software. It is commonly accepted that multiple design views are required in order to clearly specify the required functionality of software. There is universal agreement as to the importance of identifying inconsistencies early in the software design process, but the challenge is how to reconcile the representations of the diverse views to ensure consistency. To address the problem of inconsistencies that occur across multiple design views, this research introduces the Methodology for Objects to Agents (MOA). MOA utilizes a new ontology, the Ontology for Software Specification and Design (OSSD), as a common information model to integrate specification knowledge and design knowledge in order to facilitate the interoperability of formal requirements modeling tools and design tools, with the end goal of detecting inconsistency errors in a design. The methodology, which transforms designs represented using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) into representations written in formal agent-oriented modeling languages, integrates object-oriented concepts and agent-oriented concepts in order to take advantage of the benefits that both approaches can provide. The OSSD model is a hierarchical decomposition of software development concepts, including ontological constructs of objects, attributes, behavior, relations, states, transitions, goals, constraints, and plans. The methodology includes a consistency checking process that defines a consistency framework and an Inter-View Inconsistency Detection technique. MOA enhances software design quality by integrating multiple software design views, integrating object-oriented and agent-oriented concepts, and defining an error detection method that associates rules with ontological properties

    HybridMDSD: Multi-Domain Engineering with Model-Driven Software Development using Ontological Foundations

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    Software development is a complex task. Executable applications comprise a mutlitude of diverse components that are developed with various frameworks, libraries, or communication platforms. The technical complexity in development retains resources, hampers efficient problem solving, and thus increases the overall cost of software production. Another significant challenge in market-driven software engineering is the variety of customer needs. It necessitates a maximum of flexibility in software implementations to facilitate the deployment of different products that are based on one single core. To reduce technical complexity, the paradigm of Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) facilitates the abstract specification of software based on modeling languages. Corresponding models are used to generate actual programming code without the need for creating manually written, error-prone assets. Modeling languages that are tailored towards a particular domain are called domain-specific languages (DSLs). Domain-specific modeling (DSM) approximates technical solutions with intentional problems and fosters the unfolding of specialized expertise. To cope with feature diversity in applications, the Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) community provides means for the management of variability in software products, such as feature models and appropriate tools for mapping features to implementation assets. Model-driven development, domain-specific modeling, and the dedicated management of variability in SPLE are vital for the success of software enterprises. Yet, these paradigms exist in isolation and need to be integrated in order to exhaust the advantages of every single approach. In this thesis, we propose a way to do so. We introduce the paradigm of Multi-Domain Engineering (MDE) which means model-driven development with multiple domain-specific languages in variability-intensive scenarios. MDE strongly emphasize the advantages of MDSD with multiple DSLs as a neccessity for efficiency in software development and treats the paradigm of SPLE as indispensable means to achieve a maximum degree of reuse and flexibility. We present HybridMDSD as our solution approach to implement the MDE paradigm. The core idea of HybidMDSD is to capture the semantics of particular DSLs based on properly defined semantics for software models contained in a central upper ontology. Then, the resulting semantic foundation can be used to establish references between arbitrary domain-specific models (DSMs) and sophisticated instance level reasoning ensures integrity and allows to handle partiucular change adaptation scenarios. Moreover, we present an approach to automatically generate composition code that integrates generated assets from separate DSLs. All necessary development tasks are arranged in a comprehensive development process. Finally, we validate the introduced approach with a profound prototypical implementation and an industrial-scale case study.Softwareentwicklung ist komplex: ausfĂŒhrbare Anwendungen beinhalten und vereinen eine Vielzahl an Komponenten, die mit unterschiedlichen Frameworks, Bibliotheken oder Kommunikationsplattformen entwickelt werden. Die technische KomplexitĂ€t in der Entwicklung bindet Ressourcen, verhindert effiziente Problemlösung und fĂŒhrt zu insgesamt hohen Kosten bei der Produktion von Software. ZusĂ€tzliche Herausforderungen entstehen durch die Vielfalt und Unterschiedlichkeit an KundenwĂŒnschen, die der Entwicklung ein hohes Maß an FlexibilitĂ€t in Software-Implementierungen abverlangen und die Auslieferung verschiedener Produkte auf Grundlage einer Basis-Implementierung nötig machen. Zur Reduktion der technischen KomplexitĂ€t bietet sich das Paradigma der modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung (MDSD) an. Software-Spezifikationen in Form abstrakter Modelle werden hier verwendet um Programmcode zu generieren, was die fehleranfĂ€llige, manuelle Programmierung Ă€hnlicher Komponenten ĂŒberflĂŒssig macht. Modellierungssprachen, die auf eine bestimmte ProblemdomĂ€ne zugeschnitten sind, nennt man domĂ€nenspezifische Sprachen (DSLs). DomĂ€nenspezifische Modellierung (DSM) vereint technische Lösungen mit intentionalen Problemen und ermöglicht die Entfaltung spezialisierter Expertise. Um der Funktionsvielfalt in Software Herr zu werden, bietet der Forschungszweig der Softwareproduktlinienentwicklung (SPLE) verschiedene Mittel zur Verwaltung von VariabilitĂ€t in Software-Produkten an. Hierzu zĂ€hlen Feature-Modelle sowie passende Werkzeuge, um Features auf Implementierungsbestandteile abzubilden. Modellgetriebene Entwicklung, domĂ€nenspezifische Modellierung und eine spezielle Handhabung von VariabilitĂ€t in Softwareproduktlinien sind von entscheidender Bedeutung fĂŒr den Erfolg von Softwarefirmen. Zur Zeit bestehen diese Paradigmen losgelöst voneinander und mĂŒssen integriert werden, damit die Vorteile jedes einzelnen fĂŒr die Gesamtheit der Softwareentwicklung entfaltet werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der dies ermöglicht. Es wird das Multi-Domain Engineering Paradigma (MDE) eingefĂŒhrt, welches die modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung mit mehreren domĂ€nenspezifischen Sprachen in variabilitĂ€tszentrierten Szenarien beschreibt. MDE stellt die Vorteile modellgetriebener Entwicklung mit mehreren DSLs als eine Notwendigkeit fĂŒr Effizienz in der Entwicklung heraus und betrachtet das SPLE-Paradigma als unabdingbares Mittel um ein Maximum an Wiederverwendbarkeit und FlexibilitĂ€t zu erzielen. In der Arbeit wird ein Ansatz zur Implementierung des MDE-Paradigmas, mit dem Namen HybridMDSD, vorgestellt
