416 research outputs found

    Using Cognitive Walkthrough and Hybrid Prototyping to Gather User Requirements in Early Design Virtual Reality Prototypes

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    To evaluate Virtual Reality (VR) prototypes usability involves a va-riety of single-perspective or Hybrid methods. The latter has being suggested by literature as offering a more complete sets of requirements highlighting both ‘in-world’ and user interface problems. This paper describes our experiences in using a single-perspective method for gathering user requirements in the REVERIE (Real and Virtual Engagement In Realistic Immersive Environment) project. The study reports results involving nine evaluators who reviewed two hybrid VR prototypes with educational context. It was found that this approach was effective in highlighting a plethora of usability problems covering all as-pects of the two VR prototypes. The performance of our approach was similar to the literature. Although additional validation work is required, we can con-clude that our approach may provide a viable option to evaluate early design VR prototypes when required (e.g., when the expertise needed to use a hybrid method is not available). Future work aims to compare the performance of our approach with two-stage and multiple stage hybrid methods

    Graphical Database Architecture For Clinical Trials

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    The general area of the research is Health Informatics. The research focuses on creating an innovative and novel solution to manage and analyze clinical trials data. It constructs a Graphical Database Architecture (GDA) for Clinical Trials (CT) using New Technology for Java (Neo4j) as a robust, a scalable and a high-performance database. The purpose of the research project is to develop concepts and techniques based on architecture to accelerate the processing time of clinical data navigation at lower cost. The research design uses a positivist approach to empirical research. The research is significant because it proposes a new approach of clinical trials through graph theory and designs a responsive structure of clinical data that can be deployed across all the health informatics landscape. It uniquely contributes to scholarly literature of the phenomena of Not only SQL (NoSQL) graph databases, mainly Neo4j in CT, for future research of clinical informatics. A prototype is created and examined to validate the concepts, taking advantage of Neo4j’s high availability, scalability, and powerful graph query language (Cypher). This research study finds that integration of search methodologies and information retrieval with the graphical database provides a solid starting point to manage, query, and analyze the clinical trials data, furthermore the design and the development of a prototype demonstrate the conceptual model of this study. Likewise the proposed clinical trials ontology (CTO) incorporates all data elements of a standard clinical study which facilitate a heuristic overview of treatments, interventions, and outcome results of these studies

    Palveluinnovaatioiden kehittäminen kokeilemalla ja palvelukokeilutilaa apuna käyttäen

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    A deeper understanding of how to meaningfully introduce the practice of iterative, rough prototyping, into service development would be beneficial in helping to create and manage innovative services. Being experimentation-driven is particularly important when the aim is to achieve disruptive innovations rather than incremental enhancements of current offerings. To date, knowledge required to put an experimentation-driven innovation approach into practice in the early phases of service innovation process is still not developed. The aim of this study is to further the development of that knowledge. The research questions of this study are as follows:. 1. What kind of process, techniques and practices can be used to prototype novel service propositions?. 2. How could a service prototyping space support experimentation of service propositions? In which situations and how should it be used?. To address these questions, the thesis consists of a literature review, three action research cases, and development of service prototyping space construct. The literature review explores theories on how service can be designed and tested. Service as a design object is perceived from the perspective of service-dominant logic. In other words, service is typically defined as an interactive process between two service actors. The firms can only design and offer service propositions to facilitate and support the value creation of the customer during the service process. Experimentation is considered a way of figuring out what kind of value and experience the design will create. In the three action research cases, the experimentation process, the prototyping techniques, and practices are analysed. Additionally, a service prototyping space concept is developed iteratively to support rough service prototyping. The difference between prototyping in the service prototyping space and in real service environment is considered as well. Based on results and conclusions drawn in this thesis, an action-based experimentation-driven innovation process model is presented. Furthermore, a tool is also created for selecting a suitable service prototyping technique in different situations. Analysis of the service prototyping space usage revealed five situations in which the service prototyping space supports the process. The main finding is that service prototyping space can be used to create the best guess for how the service works, so that the service experience and the value created is easier to validate in the experiment within the real service environment. The most important practices to support the prototyping are: setting deadlines and targets, creating clear hypothesis, narrowing the scope of ideation, parallel prototyping and documentation.Kokeilemalla kehittäminen on erityisen hyödyllistä, kun haetaan toimialoja haastavia innovaatioita. Osaaminen nopeiden palvelukokeilujen toteuttamiseen on vasta kehittymässä. Palvelusektorin innovaatiotoiminnassa kokeileminen ei ole vielä yhtä yleistä kuin tuote-, vuorovaikutus- ja ohjelmistokehityksessä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään, kuinka palveluinnovaatioita voidaan kehittää kokeilemalla. Tutkimus pohjautuu seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin:. 1. Millainen prosessi ja millaiset tekniikat ja käytännöt tukevat uudenlaisten palvelutarjoomien kehittämistä?. 2. Miten palvelukokeilutila voisi tukea palvelutarjoomien kokeilemista? Missä tilanteissa ja miten tilaa kannattaisi hyödyntää?. Tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuus- ja toimintatutkimuksesta. Kirjallisuustutkimus kokoaa olemassa olevan näkemyksen siitä kuinka palveluja suunnitellaan ja kokeillaan. Palvelu määritellään kahden toimijan väliseksi iteratiiviseksi prosessiksi. Palveluja ei voi tuottaa kuten tuotteita. Yritys voi suunnitella ja valmistella ainoastaan palvelutarjooman, jonka avulla se tukee asiakkaan palveluprosessia ja asiakkaan omaa arvontuotantoa. Kokeileminen on keino tutkia, millaisen arvon ja kokemuksen asiakas palvelusta saa. Toimintatutkimuksessa toteutetaan kolme innovaatioprojektia sekä kehitetään palvelukokeilutilan konseptia. Kunkin projektin kohdalla tutkitaan millaista innovaatioprosessia hyödynnetään, millaisia palvelukokeilutekniikoita käytetään ja millaisia kokeilua tukevia käytäntöjä voidaan löytää. Kokeilutilan tarkoituksena on tarjota turvallinen ymparist6 nopeiden alkuvaiheen kokeilujen toteuttamiseen. Kokeilutilassa voidaan käyttää eri palvelukokeilumenetelmiä, kuten näyttelemistä. kuvakasikirjoitusta sekä palveluymparist6n rakentamista ja testausta. Kokeiluympäristöjen hyötyjen ja haittojen analysoimiseksi kokeiluja tehdään sekä palvelukokeilutilassa että oikeassa palveluympäristössä. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa esitellään kokeilemalla kehittämisen prosessimalli, jonka tueksi on kehitetty työkalu helpottamaan kokeilumenetelmien valitsemista erilaisiin kokeilutarpeisiin. Kokeilemalla kehittämistä tukevia käytäntöjä ovat esimerkiksi kokeilun takarajan määrittäminen, selkeän hypoteesin luominen. tavoitteen rajaaminen. rinnakkainen kokeileminen sekä analysoiva dokumentointi. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin viisi tilannetta, joissa palvelukokeilutila tukee innovaatioprosessia. Ennen kaikkea kokeilutilan tarkoituksena on auttaa suunnittelijaa määrittelemään paras arvaus siitä, miten palvelu toimii, jotta palvelukokemuksen ja arvontuotannon varmistamiseksi tarvittava kokeilu reaaliympäristössä olisi helpompaa

    Retracing Spatial Design Processes: Developing a Pedagogical Tool for Architecture

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    Over the recent decades, contemporary architecture and its design processes have witnessed rapid digitization - owing to the advent of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) tools. However, these tools for the architectural discipline have yet to holistically accommodate the intuitive, “messy” and collaborative nature of its ideation processes. These creative processes of architecture students and novice practitioners have either been flattened or neglected while enforcing conventional CAAD tools with inflexible interfaces. However, students can benefit from experiential learning in design studios with tools that support and facilitate their reflective design processes. These tools could intuitively assist in brainstorming design concepts from inspirational stimuli while simultaneously documenting these thought processes and ideas through interactive design databases. Hence, given the continued adaptation of the architecture discipline with digital design strategies, tools that help in dynamically recording and tracing the evolution of design thinking and making processes can help better validate and reflect on their corresponding conceptual designs. This research is an investigation into the ongoing gap in the interactive documentation of the ideation processes in architecture education such that they could promote reflective design learning among architecture students while generating ideas for the built. This gap is attributed to the various challenges and limitations of existing CAAD tools such as the rigidity of their interfaces and lack of holistic support for collaborative design works. The research explores a digital design tool for students and novice practitioners that has the ability: (1) to record and trace the concepts and design ideas generated during creative brainstorming sessions, (2) to provoke reflective design thinking and making through proposed design modes and, (3) to facilitate collective contribution to these designs. Through experimentation with these criteria, the proposed tool is investigated for its potential to bridge the gap in reflectively communicating and collaborating on design proposals during the conceptual design phases in architecture education and practice

    A Design Thinking Framework for Human-Centric Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Time-Critical Systems

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen a surge in popularity as increased computing power has made it more viable and useful. The increasing complexity of AI, however, leads to can lead to difficulty in understanding or interpreting the results of AI procedures, which can then lead to incorrect predictions, classifications, or analysis of outcomes. The result of these problems can be over-reliance on AI, under-reliance on AI, or simply confusion as to what the results mean. Additionally, the complexity of AI models can obscure the algorithmic, data and design biases to which all models are subject, which may exacerbate negative outcomes, particularly with respect to minority populations. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to mitigate these problems by providing information on the intent, performance, and reasoning process of the AI. Where time or cognitive resources are limited, the burden of additional information can negatively impact performance. Ensuring XAI information is intuitive and relevant allows the user to quickly calibrate their trust in the AI, in turn improving trust in suggested task alternatives, reducing workload and improving task performance. This study details a structured approach to the development of XAI in time-critical systems based on a design thinking framework that preserves the agile, fast-iterative approach characteristic of design thinking and augments it with practical tools and guides. The framework establishes a focus on shared situational perspective, and the deep understanding of both users and the AI in the empathy phase, provides a model with seven XAI levels and corresponding solution themes, and defines objective, physiological metrics for concurrent assessment of trust and workload

    Designing AI Experiences: Boundary Representations, Collaborative Processes, and Data Tools

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed our everyday interactions with technology through automation, intelligence augmentation, and human-machine partnership. Nevertheless, we regularly encounter undesirable and often frustrating experiences due to AI. A fundamental challenge is that existing software practices for coordinating system and experience designs fall short when creating AI for diverse human needs, i.e., ``human-centered AI'' or HAI. ``AI-first'' development workflows allow engineers to first develop the AI components, and then user experience (UX) designers create end-user experiences around the AI's capabilities. Consequently, engineers encounter end-user blindness when making critical decisions about AI training data needs, implementation logic, behavior, and evaluation. In the conventional ``UX-first'' process, UX designers lack the needed technical understanding of AI capabilities (technological blindness) that limits their ability to shape system design from the ground up. Human-AI design guidelines have been offered to help but neither describe nor prescribe ways to bridge the gaps in needed expertise in creating HAI. In this dissertation, I investigate collaboration approaches between designers and engineers to operationalize the vision for HAI as technology inspired by human intelligence that augments human abilities while addressing societal needs. In a series of studies combining technical HCI research with qualitative studies of AI production in practice, I contribute (1) an approach to software development that blurs rigid design-engineering boundaries, (2) a process model for co-designing AI experiences, and (3) new methods and tools to empower designers by making AI accessible to UX designers. Key findings from interviews with industry practitioners include the need for ``leaky'' abstractions shared between UX and AI designers. Because modular development and separation of concerns fail with HAI design, leaky abstractions afford collaboration across expertise boundaries and support human-centered design solutions through vertical prototyping and constant evaluation. Further, by observing how designers and engineers collaborate on HAI design in an in-lab study, I highlight the role of design `probes' with user data to establish common ground between AI system and UX design specifications, providing a critical tool for shaping HAI design. Finally, I offer two design methods and tool implementations --- Data-Assisted Affinity Diagramming and Model Informed Prototyping --- for incorporating end-user data into HAI design. HAI is necessarily a multidisciplinary endeavor, and human data (in multiple forms) is the backbone of AI systems. My dissertation contributions inform how stakeholders with differing expertise can collaboratively design AI experiences by reducing friction across expertise boundaries and maintaining agency within team roles. The data-driven methods and tools I created provide direct support for software teams to tackle the novel challenges of designing with data. Finally, this dissertation offers guidance for imagining future design tools for human-centered systems that are accessible to diverse stakeholders.PHDInformationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169917/1/harihars_1.pd

    Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods:A Practice-based Characterization

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    Movement-based design methods are increasingly adopted to help design rich embodied experiences. While there are well-known methods in the field, there is no systematic overview to help designers choose among them, adapt them, or create their own. We collected 41 methods used by movement design researchers and employed a practice-based, bottom-up approach to analyze and characterize their properties. We found 17 categories and arranged them into five main groups: Design Resources, Activities, Delivery, Framing, and Context. In this paper, we describe these groups in general and then focus on Design Resources containing the categories of Movement, Space, and Objects. We ground the characterization with examples from empirical material provided by the design researchers and references to previous work. Additionally, we share recommendations and action points to bring these into practice. This work can help novice and seasoned design researchers who want to employ movement-based design methods in their practice.This research was supported by the EU Erasmus+ project Method Cardsfor Movement-based Interaction Design (2020-1-DK01-KA203-075164) IO4: Gathering movement-frst methods for the design of movement-based experiences. This work was also partially supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Research Funds for Beatriz Galindo Fellowships (MovIntPlayLab-CM-UC3M 2021/00050/001) in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation), and by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101002711; project BODYinTRANSIT). We would like to collectively acknowledge all the people and institutions that have made possible the individual projects featured in this paper: ACHIEVE, KOMPAN Workshop, Astaire, Super Trouper (Vetenskapsrådet grant number 2017-04880), Magic outFit (Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, PID2019-105579RBI00), Sense2makeSense (SpanishAgencia Estatal de Investigación, PID2019-109388GB-I00), LearnSPORTtech, Tangibles, DigiFys (Sweden Innovation Agency Vinnova grant number 2016-03777), Diverging Squash, GIFT, and Online Course in Embodied Interaction

    Service Design Geographies, Proceedings of the ServDes2016 Conference

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    간편 교육용 모바일 앱 구현을 위한 모델 개발: 평가행렬법에 대한 사례 연구

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 사범대학 교육학과(교육공학전공), 2017. 8. Cheolil Lim.Mobile devices, especially smartphones, have become one of the most indispensable parts of our lives. The popularity of smartphones and mobile applications has been increasing and mobile technology has been enhanced day by day. Accordingly, educators too have been trying to utilize these technologies for educational purposes. Through the various educational studies on mobile devices, these technologies already have proved how much they are powerful in higher education settings. The unique capabilities of mobile technologies, including connectivity, cameras, sensors, and GPS provide a variety of learning experiences and offer new opportunities for learners both inside and outside the classroom. This study has been progressed as followed. First, the initial Model for Developing Simple Educational Mobile Applications (MODSEMA) has been constructed based on the corresponding literature review. Second, According to the feedbacks derived from the interviews conducted with three experts on MODSEMA, it has been revised. After that, the modified MODSEMA has been validated through a case study in which the app named Evaluation Matrix, used for promoting creativity, has been developed by following it. During and after the implementation of the case study, MODSEMA has been revised whenever is needed, and then, the ultimate MODSEMA has been proposed for educators, researchers and developers. This study has a significance due to the followings. First, the proposed model, MODSEMA, encompasses all development process, provides a detailed guidance on how to apply it and demonstrates its implementation method via a case study. Besides, it serves information on major mobile platforms, development environments, tools and user interface (UI) frameworks, which are continuously changing and developing technologies providing new opportunities and alternatives for developers. In addition, MODSEMA guides on how to evaluate the mobile application depending on its development stage. Second, this study clearly shows that thanks to evolving technology enabling to develop hybrid apps working on multiple mobile platforms, it is possible to develop an educational mobile application which has a high usability including effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction and which copes with the heterogeneity problem of classrooms. The advantages of hybrid apps are not only that they are available in multiple mobile services including IOS, Android and Windows Phone, but also that they provide high performance and high-quality UI as much as native apps. Lastly, this study also verified that learners want to utilize mobile applications more for educational purposes, a conclusion derived from the analyses of usability questionnaires conducted as a part of the case study.CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 1. Background of the Study 1 2. Research Questions 4 3. Definition of Terms 5 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 6 1. Mobile Devices for Learning 6 2. Mobile Application Development 8 2.1. Major Mobile Operating Systems (Platforms) 8 2.2. Existing Approaches to Developing Mobile Applications for Educational Purposes 10 2.3. Challenges in Mobile Application Development 14 3. Evaluation Matrix for CPS 16 3.1. Creative Problem Solving (CPS) 17 3.2. Tools used in CPS 18 3.3. Evaluation Matrix 20 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 24 1. Research Method 24 2. Research Procedure 25 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS 29 1. The Initial Model for Developing a Simple Educational Mobile Application (MODSEMA) 29 2. Interview with Experts on the initial MODSEMA 32 3. The Revised MODSEMA 37 3.1. ANALYSIS 37 3.2. DESIGN 65 3.3. DEVELOPMENT 78 3.4. IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION 80 4. A Case Study: Evaluation Matrix App 85 4.1. ANALYSIS 85 4.2. DESIGN 92 4.3. DEVELOPMENT 108 4.4. IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION 126 5. The Final Model for Developing a Simple Educational Mobile Application (MODSEMA) 139 5.1. Changing the Place of Identify the user interface design requirements for the Mobile App Step 139 5.2. Inserting Determine the database type and its service Step into Analysis Phase 140 5.3. Adding Pilot Test Step into Development Phase 142 5.4. Providing an Iterative Process inside of Development Phase 142 CHAPTER V: DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION 143 1. DISCUSSION 143 1.1. Implications on MODSEMA 144 1.2. Implications on Evaluation Matrix app 147 1.3. Suggestions for App Developers 149 2. CONCLUSION 153 2.1. Summary and Conclusion 153 2.2. Limitations 159 2.3. Future Works 161 REFERENCES 162 APPENDIXES 180Maste