712 research outputs found

    Molecular Classification of Antitubulin Agents with Indole Ring Binding at Colchicine-Binding Site

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    Algorithms for classification and taxonomy are proposed based on criteria as information entropy and its production. A set of 59 antitubulin agents with trimethoxyphenyl (TMP), indole, and C=O bridge present inhibition of gastric cancer cell line MNK-45. On the basis of structure-activity relation of TMPs, derivatives are designed that are classified using seven structural parameters of different moieties. A lot of categorization methods are founded on the entropy of information. On using processes on collections of reasonable dimension, an extreme amount of outcomes occur, matching information and suffering a combinatorial increase. Notwithstanding, following the equipartition conjecture, an assortment factor appears among dissimilar alternatives resultant from categorization among pecking order rankings. The entropy of information allows classifying the compounds and agrees with principal component analyses. A table of periodic properties TMPs is obtained. Features denote positions R1–4 on the benzo and X–R5/6 on the pyridine ring in indole cycle. Inhibitors in the same group are suggested to present similar properties; those in the same group and period will present maximum resemblance

    Clasificación molecular de los componentes de los aceites de Eucalyptus camaldulensis y de Mentha pulegium

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    Eucalyptus and Mentha remain flavours in agro-food manufacturing. Oils and components present antifungal potency vs . decay of fruits; E. camaldulensis is led by 1,8-cineole and a -pinene, unlike M. pulegium , which is led by pulegone. The antifungal activity of M. pulegium is three times more frequent than that of E. camaldulensis . The phytochemicals present synergy. Categorization is recommended on the basis of information entropy . The quantity of C-C double bonds, O-atoms and cycles cluster structures. The procedure undergoes a combinatorial upsurge. Nevertheless, following equipartition conjecture, one gets a criterion for selection. Entropy allows clustering phytochemicals according to cluster and principal component analyses. In the periodic classification, components in the same column show similar features. Phytochemicals in the same row present utmost similarity.El Eucalyptus y la Mentha se siguen utilizando como sabores en la fabricación agroalimentaria. Sus aceites y compo nentes presentan actividad antifúngica frente a la descomposición de frutas; E. camaldulensis está enca bezado por 1,8-cineol y a -pineno, pero M. pulegium lo está por pulegona. La actividad antifúngica de M. pulegium resulta tres veces la de E. camaldulensis . Los fitoquímicos presentan sinergia. Se recomienda la categorización sobre la base de la entropía informacional . La cantidad de dobles enlaces C-C, átomos de O y ciclos agrupa las estructuras. El procedimiento sufre una explosión combinatoria. Sin embargo, según la conjetura de equipartición , se puede obtener un criterio para la selección. La entropía permite agrupar fitoquímicos de acuerdo con el análisis de grupo y los componentes principales. En la clasificación periódica, los componentes en la misma columna muestran características parecidas. Los fitoquímicos presentan también en la misma fila la máxima semejanza.Ciencias Experimentale

    Cross-species neuroscience: closing the explanatory gap

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    Neuroscience has seen substantial development in non-invasive methods available for investigating the living human brain. However, these tools are limited to coarse macroscopic measures of neural activity that aggregate the diverse responses of thousands of cells. To access neural activity at the cellular and circuit level, researchers instead rely on invasive recordings in animals. Recent advances in invasive methods now permit large-scale recording and circuit level manipulations with exquisite spatiotemporal precision. Yet, there has been limited progress in relating these microcircuit measures to complex cognition and behaviour observed in humans. Contemporary neuroscience thus faces an explanatory gap between macroscopic descriptions of the human brain and microscopic descriptions in animal models. To close the explanatory gap, we propose adopting a cross-species approach. Despite dramatic differences in the size of mammalian brains this approach is broadly justified by preserved homology. Here, we outline a three-armed approach for effective cross-species investigation that highlights the need to translate different measures of neural activity into a common space. We discuss how a cross-species approach has the potential to transform basic neuroscience while also benefiting neuropsychiatric drug development where clinical translation has, to date, seen minimal success

    Welfare Indicators for farmed Atlantic salmon : tools for assessing fish welfare

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    Evaluation of EEG-based depth of anaesthesia monitoring

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    In 2001 a University of Bristol team patented a novel data reduction method of the EEG for characterising categorical changes in consciousness. After pre-whitening the EEG signal with Gaussian white noise a parametric spectral estimation technique was applied. Two frequency domain indices were then proposed: the relative power found between 8Hz to 12Hz and 0.5Hz to 32Hz termed the 'alpha index', and the relative power between 0.5Hz to 4Hz and 0.5Hz to 32Hz termed the 'delta index'. The research and development of a precision EEG monitoring device designed to embody the novel algorithm is described in this thesis. The efficacy of the technique was evaluated using simulated and real EEG data recorded during Propofol anaesthesia. The simulated data showed improvements could be made to the patented method. Real EEG data collected whilst patients were wakeful and data from patients unresponsive to noxious stimuli were cleaned of obvious artefacts and analysed using the proposed algorithm. A Bayesian diagnostic test showed the alpha index had 65% sensitivity and selectivity to patient state. The delta index showed 72% sensitivity and selectivity. Taking a pragmatic approach, the literature is reviewed in this thesis to evaluate the use of EEG in depth of anaesthesia monitoring. Pertinent aspects of the sciences are profiled to identify physiological links to the characteristics of the EEG signal. Methods of data reduction are also reviewed to identify useful features and possible sources of error. In conclusion it is shown that the proposed indices do not provide a robust measure of depth of anaesthesia. An approach for further research is proposed based on the review work.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Welfare Indicators for farmed Atlantic salmon: Tools for assessing fish welfare

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    Welfare Indicators for farmed Atlantic salmon: tools for assessing fish welfare

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    Fish welfare is a key issue in commercial farming and is central to many decisions that farmers take during their daily husbandry practices and longer term production planning. It is also a prominent topic for NGO’s, animal welfare organisations and charities, regulatory bodies, policy makers and consumers. Farmers have long been interested in optimising the welfare of their animals and actively employ strategies that address fish welfare concerns and attempt to minimise threats to fish welfare. Independent third party organisations have even developed fish welfare standards and certification schemes for certain aquaculture species (e.g. RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout, RSPCA, 2018a, b). The topic of fish welfare has also been covered in numerous aquaculture research and review papers over the years, both from a fundamental and also applied perspective. This wealth of information and documentation can be spread over a wide range of sources that may not be easily accessible for the farmer and other end users. In many cases the wealth of information requires interpretation and re-presentation before it is suitable for use out on the farm. Once the farmer has information on fish welfare, they need to implement it in their production systems and daily husbandry practices. This can be a serious challenge as even measuring fish welfare can be challenging and the tools available for measurement may not be suitable for all species or all life stages. To assess the overall welfare status of the fish we use Welfare Indicators (WIs). Welfare indicators can either be direct animal-based (something you get from the fish), or indirect resource-based (e.g. rearing environment, infrastructure etc.). However, some WIs may be too complex or too difficult to apply on a farm. WIs that are appropriate for on-farm use are termed Operational Welfare Indicators (OWIs). WIs that can be sampled on the farms, but need to be sent to a laboratory or other remote analytical facility are termed Laboratory-based Welfare Indicators (LABWIs). There are other potential WIs that cannot currently be classified as either OWIs or LABWIs, these are mainly used in research but may be useful in the future or under specific circumstances at present. From the suite of appropriate OWIs or LABWIs available, the end user then needs to apply these to different production systems and husbandry routines. This is the goal of this handbook – to assemble a farm-friendly toolbox of fit for purpose Operational Welfare Indicators (OWIs) and Laboratory-based Welfare Indicators (LABWIs) for use out on fish farms in different production systems and husbandry routines. It also includes advice on their implementation and interpretation


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    ГИГИЕНАУЧЕБНЫЕ ПОСОБИЯГИГИЕНА ТРУДАПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНАЯ ГИГИЕНАОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫ ГИГИЕНАГИГИЕНА ПИТАНИЯГИГИЕНА ДЕТЕЙ И ПОДРОСТКОВГИГИЕНА ПОМЕЩЕНИЙВ учебном пособии рассматриваются вопросы по методологии гигиены, гигиене лечебно-профилактических учреждений, труда, детей и подростков, окружающей среды, населенных мест и жилища, питания, а также гигиена жаркого климата