247 research outputs found

    Human environmental heat transfer simulation with CFD – the advances and challenges

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    The modelling and prediction of human thermoregulatory responses and comfort have gone a long way during the past decades. Sophisticated and detailed human models, i.e. the active multi-nodal thermal models with physiological regulatory responses, have been developed and widely adopted in both research and industrial practice. The recent trend is to integrate human models with environmental models in order to provide more insight into the thermal comfort issues, especially in the non-homogeneous and transient conditions. This paper reviews the logics and expectations of coupling human models with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. One of main objectives of such approaches is to take the advantage of the high resolution achievable with the CFD, to replace the empirical methods used in the human models. We aim to initiate debates on the validity of this objective, and to identify the technical requirements for achieving this goal. A simple experiment with 3D human models of different sizes and shapes is also reported. Initial results shows the presence of arms may be important. Further experiments are required to establish the impact of size and shape on simulation result

    Thermal comfort models for indoor spaces and vehicles—Current capabilities and future perspectives

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    International audienceThroughout this paper, we reviewed the most popular thermal comfort models and methods of assessing thermal comfort in buildings and vehicular spaces. Most of them are limited to specific steady state, thermally homogenous environments and only a few of them address human responses to both non-uniform and transient conditions with a detailed thermo-regulation model. Some of them are defined by a series of international standards which stayed unchanged for more than a decade. The article proposes a global approach, starting from the physiological reaction of the body in thermal stress conditions and ending with the model implementation. The physiological bases of thermal comfort are presented, followed by the main thermal comfort models and standards and finishing with the current methods of assessing thermal comfort in practice. Within the last part we will focus mainly on thermal manikin experimental studies, and on CFD (computational fluid dynamics) numerical approach, as in our opinion these methods will be mostly considered for future development in this field of researc

    Experimental and Computational Model for a Neonatal Incubator with Thermoelectric Conditioning System

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    This work describes the design, construction and testing of a thermo-electric conditioning device installed in a neonatal incubator with the aim of improving the precision in the regulation of the interior air temperature, reducing noise and interior vibration, and improving the life of the neonate. A simplified one-dimensional thermal model has been developed, made up of resistances and thermal capacities that simulate the thermal behaviour of all the elements of the system from end to end. All the equations of the model are obtained in a nodal way, allowing the mathematical relationship between the input and output to be known. This model makes it possible to improve temperature control, avoiding the deviations that occur in the traditional model controlled by sensors at both ends. The computational model allows to predict the variation of temperatures in transient and permanent regime. This model allows the design and sizing of the thermoelectric system for different outdoor environmental conditions and the selection of the number of Peltier modules needed to satisfy the heating demand of other incubators with different geometry and capacity. The results of the computational model show good agreement with the experimental tests, despite being a simplified 1D nodal model. The results obtained show a coefficient of operation (COP) of 1.38, achieving higher performance than the current traditional electrical resistance system (COP = 1). In addition, a CFD study has been carried out to check the air patterns, to see the temperature uniformity and to estimate the number of air changes per hour (HVAC) inside the incubator.This work was funded by University of Cadiz

    Performance assessment of a ductless personalized ventilation system using a validated CFD model

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    The aim of this study is twofold: to validate a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, and then to use the validated model to evaluate the performance of a ductless personalized ventilation (DPV) system. To validate the numerical model, a series of measurements was conducted in a climate chamber equipped with a thermal manikin. Various turbulence models, settings, and options were tested; simulation results were compared to the measured data to determine the turbulence model and solver settings that achieve the best agreement between the measured and simulated values. Subsequently, the validated CFD model was then used to evaluate the thermal environment and indoor air quality in a room equipped with a DPV system combined with displacement ventilation. Results from the numerical model were then used to quantify thermal sensation and comfort using the UC Berkeley thermal comfort model

    Fluid tunnel research for challenges of urban climate

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    Experimental investigations using wind and water tunnels have long been a staple of fluid mechanics research for a large number of applications. These experiments often single out a specific physical process to be investigated, while studies involving multiscale and multi-physics processes are rare due to the difficulty and complexity in the experimental setup. In the era of climate change, there is an increasing interest in innovative experimental studies in which fluid (wind and water) tunnels are employed for modelling multiscale, multi-physics phenomena of the urban climate. High-quality fluid tunnel measurements of urban-physics related phenomena are also much needed to facilitate the development and validation of advanced multi-physics numerical models. As a repository of knowledge in modelling these urban processes, we cover fundamentals, recommendations and guidelines for experimental design, recent advances and outlook on eight selected research areas, including (i) thermal buoyancy effects of urban airflows, (ii) aerodynamic and thermal effects of vegetation, (iii) radiative and convective heat fluxes over urban materials, (iv) influence of thermal stratification on land-atmosphere interactions, (v) pollutant dispersion, (vi) indoor and outdoor natural ventilation, (vii) wind thermal comfort, and (viii) urban winds over complex urban sites. Further, three main challenges, i.e., modelling of multi-physics, modelling of anthropogenic processes, and combined use of fluid tunnels, scaled outdoor and field measurements for urban climate studies, are discussed

    Biologically-inspired double skin facades for hot climates: a parametric approach for performative design

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    La Biomimicry è una scienza applicata che studia le forme, i materiali, i sistemi e i processi naturali per individuare soluzioni applicabili anche a problemi umani. Tale scienza trova applicazione in molti campi, quali l’agricoltura, la medicina, l’ingegneria e l’architettura. Grazie ai progressi compiuti nella modellazione parametrica, ad oggi sono disponibili potenti strumenti che, oltre alla simulazione energetica, consentono di esplorare le potenzialità delle soluzioni tratte dal mondo naturale nella progettazione architettonica, superando i limiti della semplice imitazione della forma. Una delle maggiori sfide per gli architetti negli ultimi anni è la riduzione della domanda energetica del costruito. Per i climi caldi, le esigenze di ventilazione e raffrescamento sono pertanto fattori cruciali per migliorarne la prestazione energetica. La tesi di ricerca affronta il problema della progettazione e dell’efficienza energetica dell’involucro edilizio in contesti climatici caldi, quale l’Egitto. A tal fine, è stato definito e applicato un approccio progettuale biomimetico-computazionale, per studiare e analizzare i comportamenti adattivi di termoregolazione di vari organismi naturali. In particolare, il lavoro di ricerca esplora possibili soluzioni architettoniche, ispirate a caratteristiche biologiche, per l’involucro di un edificio per uffici, con l’obiettivo di ridurre la domanda energetica per il raffrescamento. L’involucro dell’edificio è stato modellato parametricamente utilizzando Grasshopper Visual Programming Language per Rhino 3D Modeller, applicando inoltre alcuni algoritmi evolutivi multi-obiettivo per ottimizzare la soluzione architettonica rispetto al duplice obiettivo di diminuire i carichi di raffrescamento e mantenere un buon livello di illuminazione naturale. In tal modo, la riduzione dei carichi di raffreddamento non comporta un incremento dei consumi elettrici per l'illuminazione artificiale. Le prestazioni termiche dell’edificio sono state valutate con il software EnergyPlus. La soluzione architettonica esplorata è una facciata a doppia pelle ispirata a vari principi della natura. Le prestazioni della soluzione proposta sono state confrontate con quelle di un edificio per uffici esistente a Il Cairo. Il modello dell’edificio è stato ricostruito sulla base di planimetrie e specifiche sui materiali presenti; inoltre la disponibilità di dati sui consumi energetici per il raffrescamento dell’edificio ha permesso di valutare l’accuratezza della prestazione energetica calcolata con il software di modellazione. La soluzione progettuale è stata comparate anche rispetto alle prestazioni di una tipica facciata a doppia pelle. Inoltre le prestazioni termiche calcolate con EnergyPlus sono state confrontate con quelle ottenute con software di simulazione fluidodinamica computazionale (CFD), più accurati nel calcolo delle facciate a doppia pelle. Tale comparazione ha permesso di identificare il grado di errore e l’appropriatezza dell’uso di EnergyPlus nelle fasi iniziali della progettazione. La facciata a doppia pelle proposta consente una diminuzione della domanda di raffrescamento fino al 13,4%, migliorando al tempo stesso il livello di illuminazione naturale, che spesso costituisce uno dei maggiori limiti per l’applicazione di tale sistema. La ricerca termina con una sintesi dei risultati ottenuti e una valutazione complessiva del processo di progettazione presentato, degli strumenti di progettazione/simulazione utilizzati e delle prestazioni dell’involucro proposto, discutendone vantaggi e limiti. Sulla base delle sperimentazioni e dei risultati conseguiti, sono state individuate linee guida e raccomandazioni per la progettazione delle facciate a doppia pelle nei climi caldi. Inoltre viene fornita una matrice che raccoglie tutte le idee biomimetiche esplorate e analizzate, che rappresenta una mini-banca dati per architetti o designer interessati a questo approccio progettuale nell’affrontare i problemi di termoregolazione del costruito. Infine, la differenza di accuratezza tra i risultati di EnergyPlus e quelli dello strumento CFD è risultata trascurabile.Biomimicry is an applied science that derives inspiration for solutions to human problems through the study of natural designs, materials, structures and processes. Many fields of study benefit from biomimetic inspirations, such as agriculture, medicine, engineering, and architecture. Technological advances in parametric and computational design software in addition to environmental simulation means offer very useful tools in order to explore the potential of nature’s inspirations in architectural designs that does not just mimic shapes and forms. Energy efficiency is one of the major and growing concerns facing architects. Cooling and ventilation needs are critical factors that affect energy efficiency especially in hot climates. This thesis addresses the problem of designing building skins that are energy efficient in the context of hot climates such as that in Egypt. The research attempts to define and apply a biomimetic-computational design approach to study and analyse natural organisms in terms of their behaviour regarding thermoregulation. Aiming to decrease cooling loads, the research explores possible architectural solutions for a biologically inspired skin system for office buildings. The building’s skin is parametrically designed using Grasshopper Visual Programming Language for Rhino 3D Modeller, and it is optimised using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms which are particularly important in the attempt of finding a range of solutions that reduce cooling loads while maintaining daylight needs. Consequently, the reduction in cooling loads should not be at the expense of increased energy consumption in artificial lighting. Simulations regarding the thermal performance were performed using EnergyPlus. A Double-Skin Façade (DSF) is proposed based on inspirations from nature. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposal, it is compared to the performance of the skin of an existing office building in Cairo acting as a reference case. Data regarding the reference case such as the building drawings, material specifications and annual cooling consumption were obtained in order to build its digital model and assess its accuracy. The proposed design is also evaluated by comparing it to a typical flat DSF. The obtained results regarding the thermal performance of the proposed building skin are verified by comparing them to results of more accurate simulations performed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The aim is to know the degree of error as well as the appropriateness of using EnergyPlus for geometrically-complex DSFs in early design phases when CFD is not practical. The proposed DSF was able to decrease cooling loads by up to 13.4% while improving daylight performance at the same time which is often one of the main challenges of using DSFs. The research criticises the presented design approach as a whole, the design/simulation tools used and the performance of the proposed skin discussing their benefits and limitations. Based on the design experimentation and results, general guidelines and recommendations for DSF design in hot climates are presented. Additionally, the research presents a compiled matrix of the biomimetic ideas explored and analysed in order to serve as a mini-data bank for architects or designers interested in this design approach in addressing thermoregulation problems. Finally, the comparison between EnergyPlus and CFD software results showed minor differences

    The Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Comfort Modelling

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    This thesis studies thermal comfort in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) scenarios with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models at domain and occupant levels. Domain level comfort modelling, where the details of the occupant are not modelled, is investigated utilising Fanger’s Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) comfort models. Occupant level comfort modelling, where the occupant geometry and skin temperature are required, is explored using two different models. The first model termed the thermal manikin model couples the University of California Berkeley (UCB) psychological model to a new physiological model which neglects the thermal regulation of the human body, and consists of a central core at constant temperature surrounded by a layer with thickness and corresponding thermal properties to allow the skin temperature to vary over the modelled human body. The second model based on Gagge’s two-node model, which includes thermal regulation, yet assumes the skin temperature of the occupant to be spatially uniform. The models are validated with the experimental results from the Technical University of Denmark, which provides the data of the air flow, and the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) laboratory at the University of Sydney, which offered the actual votes of human subjects for a range of environmental conditions. To conclude, the prediction of the skin temperature and its spatial variation is the most important parameter to predict occupant comfort correctly. The occupant level comfort modelling approach employing the thermal manikin is found to be the superior method to evaluate thermal comfort as it can still be accurate when the environment is complex. However, the computational cost and model setup time is high. Further work employing multi-node thermal manikin models would be a fruitful area of research if the accuracy of occupant comfort prediction in complex thermal environments is of interest

    Control and prevention of ice formation and accretion on heat exchangers for ventilation systems

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    This dissertation presents numerical and experimental results on the effects of Personal Cooling Devices (PCDs) on the energy consumption of buildings and the thermal comfort of occupants. The objective of this analysis was to quantify the tradeoffs of thermal comfort and energy savings associated with PCD technology. Furthermore, this investigation included an electrical cost analysis associated with PCDs at the building level for different cities across the United States. The results of energy and cost analyses, at the building level, indicated the potential for cooling energy and cost savings associated with shifting the electricity consumption during the peak hours to the off-peak hours of the day. The numerical analysis of human thermal comfort demonstrated the potential for PCDs to regulate human thermal comfort at warm environmental conditions. The thermal comfort level achieved in the numerical simulations were within the limits recommended by ASHRAE Standard 55. In addition, the numerical simulations permitted the evaluation of PCD performance based on thermal comfort, and the amount of sensible heat remove from the human body. The experimental work evaluated the performance of PCDs using both subjective and objective measurements of thermal comfort for 14 human subjects. The results demonstrated the ability of a PCD to change and maintain acceptable thermal comfort micro-environments for human subjects under warm conditions. Furthermore, the results showed that a PCD had measurable effects on physiological variables that control the thermoregulatory process of the human body. Specifically, variables such as skin temperature and heart rate variability in the time and frequency domain responded to the micro-environment created by the PCD. This research established a relationship between skin temperature, heart rate variability, and thermal comfort. Overall, this investigation performed a comprehensive analysis of the interaction of PCDs with: building energy consumption, human subjects, and human physiological processes; and demonstrated the potential to recognize human subjects’ thermal comfort based on physiological signals
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