11 research outputs found

    Current Trends of Teaching Computer Programming in Undergraduate CS Programs: A Survey from Ecuadorian Universities

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    Abstract. Computer programming has become a relevant element of the modern era. Practically it is involved in all sectors of modern society. Currently, many universities around the globe offer bachelor’s degree programs that contain computer programming related courses. In order to gain insight into how computer programming is taught in Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), we have conducted the first national survey on teaching computer programming in undergraduate CS programs. In this survey participated 53 respondents from 13 Ecuadorian HEIs. We report on programming paradigms, programming languages, integrated development environments and teaching strategies used in the programming learning process. We found that the object-oriented paradigm along with the Java programming language are the most often used. The NetBeans integrated development environment is the most commonly used among the respondents. Concerning teaching strategies, e-learning platforms are commonly used as part of computer programming courses. More than half of the respondents use collaborative strategies such as pair programming in their courses. Finally, a half of the respondents use traditional computer labs for teaching programming; however, other approaches such as mobile devices, games and simulations, Arduino kits and robots start to be used as a teaching strategy. Our findings can serve as a starting point for addressing reforms in computer programming courses taught in Ecuadorian CS undergraduate programs

    Introductory programming: a systematic literature review

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    As computing becomes a mainstream discipline embedded in the school curriculum and acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the literature on introductory programming is growing. Although there have been several reviews that focus on specific aspects of introductory programming, there has been no broad overview of the literature exploring recent trends across the breadth of introductory programming. This paper is the report of an ITiCSE working group that conducted a systematic review in order to gain an overview of the introductory programming literature. Partitioning the literature into papers addressing the student, teaching, the curriculum, and assessment, we explore trends, highlight advances in knowledge over the past 15 years, and indicate possible directions for future research

    Charging Station Control with Mobile Devices

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce se zabývá implementací aplikace pro ovládání nabíjecího stojanu pomocí mobilních technologií jako tabletů či chytrých telefonů. Cílem práce je spojit bezdrátové komunikační technologie se stávajícími nabíjecími stojany pro jejich jednoduché ovládání, vizualizaci a offline správu dat, včetně zabezpečení přístupu. Pro komunikaci je použito bezdrátové technologie Bluetooth k vyhledání a následné komunikaci s nabíjecím stojanem. Po připojení je prováděna výměna dat s možností zapnutí nabíjení. Uživatelský účet zaregistrován na serveru nabíjecích stojanů zabezpečen číselným heslem s přístupem pomocí nabíjecího stojanu, ke kterému je připojeno mobilní zařízení. Aplikace pro mobilní zařízení s operačním systémem Android psána v jazyce Java s možností vyhledání a správou nabíjení v grafickém zobrazení jednotlivých zásuvek a informacemi o připojeném uživateli. Kompatibilní se všemi mobilními zařízeními, které mají operační systém Android a disponují bezdrátovým Bluetooth modulem. Funkce čtení QR kódů pro získání adresy nabíjecího stojanu. Rešerše dalších možností a rozšíření aplikace s použitím modulů GPS či magnetického senzoru a použití nových technologií. Distribuce v online obchodu Google play ke stažení.The bachelor thesis deals with implementation of applications to control charging stand using mobile technologies such as tablets and smartphones. The aim is to combine wireless communication technology existing charging stand for their simple control, visualization and offline data management, including access security. For communication using Bluetooth wireless technology to locate and subsequent communication with a charging station. Once connected, data is exchanged with the possibility of switching charge. The user account is registered on the server charging stands with numeric password protected access using the charging stand is connected to the mobile device. Applications for mobile devices running Android is written in Java can look up a management charge in a graphical display of outlets and connection information to the user. Compatible with all mobile devices that have Android operating system and has a wireless Bluetooth module. The read QR codes to obtain the addresses of the charging stand. Searches of other options and enhancements to modules, using GPS or magnetic sensor and application of new technologies. Distribution online store Google Play for download.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Using open-source hardware to investigate biological behaviours: a DIY approach aimed at educational institutions

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    This MPhil thesis is the result of some time working with the Raspberry Pi, a cheap, credit-card sized computer. This has been used in this project to offer teachers new opportunities and methods to study a curious microscopic organism, the tardigrade, and a more common animal, found everywhere- the ant. Through these short, education based experiments, I have attempted to identify how this hardware could be used in schools to boost cross-curricular teaching and to enhance the work that can be carried out in a school setting, while sticking to a very tight budget. The entire project has been accomplished for less than £200 and has incorporated a wide range of external sensors that provide real, useful data for studying the effect of environment on the behaviour of animals. This thesis takes the reader through a history of the technology and gives an introduction to the equipment and programmes used throughout, before applying this to two very practical studies which attempt to utilise the hardware to advance our knowledge of animal behaviour. It is, to my knowledge, the first time a Raspberry Pi has been used in ant behavioural studies, and provides schools and colleges ideas on how to utilise this equipment to look at animals in new ways

    FRC Control System Usability Analysis

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    This project analyzed the FRC Control System, and makes recommendations on how it can be improved. With topics such as tool usage and documentation source, seven recommendations were made in total. As a result of this research, problems with documentation location and availability were discovered as well as some possible improvements to current tools

    Sistema de monitorização e controlo remoto em redes energéticas inteligentes

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    A necessidade do aumento da eficiência energética, forçada por políticas a nível mundial, promove a busca de novas soluções de produção e gestão do consumo elétrico. A adoção generalizada de fontes de energia renováveis, em larga e pequena escala, introduz novos paradigmas na rede elétrica tradicional, que passam pela geração distribuída e pela gestão do consumo. Assim, e uma vez que as fontes de energia renováveis dependem de fatores ambientais não controláveis, deve passar-se a controlar o consumo, para ajustá-lo à produção. Para gerir corretamente a demanda, é necessário conhecer o estado atual da rede e das fontes de geração, assim como prever os níveis de consumo e de produção energética futuros. A previsão assenta por sua vez em algoritmos de aprendizagem que requerem dados históricos das variáveis envolvidas. O ajuste manual da demanda é uma tarefa complicada, pelo que há a necessidade de criar sistemas que possibilitem a automação desse ajuste, com o mínimo de intervenção humana. Neste contexto, o surgimento de conceitos como a Internet das Coisas, abre um novo leque de possibilidades em termos de obtenção de dados. A utilização destas tecnologias, permite monitorizar variados parâmetros elétricos e ambientais, obtendo os dados fundamentais para tomar decisões sobre o uso otimizado da mesma e posteriormente atuar nos equipamentos a controlar. Neste âmbito, no presente trabalho foi desenvolvido um sistema de monitorização elétrica e ambiental, utilizando a tecnologia WSN de longo alcance LoRaWAN, que permite uma elevada dispersão geográfica dos sensores. O trabalho está integrado no projeto AGERAR. O sistema encarrega-se da obtenção, transmissão e visualização dos dados, recolhidos em vários pontos de uma micro rede. Foram desenvolvidos alguns módulos de medição elétrica, para aplicação numa micro rede piloto, existente num dos parceiros do projeto