34 research outputs found

    Using ArchiMate to Assess COBIT 5 and ITIL Implementations

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    The assessment of Enterprise Governance of IT (EGIT) mechanisms, such as COBIT and ITIL, is considered highly complex and implies a duplication of resources. The main goal of this research is to reduce the complexity of EGIT mechanisms by facilitating the assessment of these mechanisms when used simultaneously. Organisational stakeholders should be able to easily understand the impact of implementing ITIL on COBIT 5 Processes Performance without being COBIT experts. On the other hand, they should know their organisation’s positioning according to ITIL, even if they just follow COBIT and do not master ITIL. In order to fulfil our goal, we propose a model that uses TIPA for ITIL, COBIT PAM and ArchiMate to analyse the impact of ITIL implementation on COBIT processes performance, and vice-versa. We demonstrate our proposal by analysing the impact of the Incident Management and Request Fulfilment ITIL processes on the COBIT 5 related process

    Ontological Mapping Cobit 2019 Pada Penilaian Kesehatan Bank Di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan COBIT 2019 dengan Kebijakan Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank di Indonesia menggunakan teknik ontological mapping. Dengan mengadopsi bahasa ArchiMate, penelitian ini menganalisis dan menggambarkan hubungan antara konsep-konsep dalam COBIT 2019 dan faktor-faktor penilaian tingkat kesehatan bank. Metode analisis yang digunakan mencakup identifikasi tujuan dalam domain COBIT, pemetaan faktor penilaian TKB, dan pembuatan model COBIT 2019 dengan faktor penilaian TKB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa domain COBIT 2019  memiliki relasi yang dengan faktor-faktor penilaian TKB, termasuk profil risiko, GCG, earning, dan capital. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini memperkuat pemahaman mengenai keterkaitan antara kerangka kerja tata kelola TI (COBIT 2019) dan praktik penilaian tingkat kesehatan bank di Indonesia

    Using metamodeling to represent lean six sigma for IT service improvement

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    Existing interactions within COBIT 5 and their driving forces

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    Given Information Technology (IT)’s pervasiveness and stakeholders’ desire for value creation, it is imperative for companies to align IT-related goals with enterprise goals. COBIT5 proves to be a valuable framework for companies to generate value from IT by helping them to balance benefits’ realization, resource utilization, and risk optimization. The primary goal of the present research is to provide organizations with valuable insights of COBIT5 in order to facilitate its understanding, adoption, and customization to their enterprise goals. Relationships between processes are studied and tested for the identification of the key factors influencing their performance levels

    DT4GITM - A Vision for a Framework for Digital Twin enabled IT Governance

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    This paper is concerned with the question of how novel digital technologies can be used to enable IT governance to better deal with the need for more agility, flexibility, adaptivity, and connectivity, as brought about by our modern day society. We propose to digitally transform IT governance, in particular making it smart(er) by following a data-driven approach. In line with this, we present a vision for digitally transformed IT governance in the form of the DT4GITM (Digital Twin for Governed IT Management) framework, which exploits the Digital Twin concept as it is already used in other fields to monitor, analyze, simulate, and predict the performance of real-world assets. The purpose of the DT4GITM framework is to serve as a reference architecture for a technological infrastructure based on the Digital Twin concept that connects three interrelated systems -- the IT governance processes, the governed IT management processes, and the managed organizational IT assets

    Maturity model for configuration management

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    The Configuration Management process is a support process that helps organizations have a better management of their infrastructure. This process is being implemented in a haphazard way, not producing the benefits that it should produce. In an environment where the success depends on the client’s wills, have allowed a significant advance in IT domain, granting a substantial evolution in IT services. However, with all the frameworks provided, many of the organizations have challenges to implement several processes and to design an improvement plan. Maturity Models can be seen as support tools for this kind of task. The main objective of maturity models is to evaluate and improve the organization’s practices by creating an improvement roadmap. Nevertheless, the importance of the conjunction of both concepts, Configuration Management and Maturity Models, has not been justified and developed. The practices overlap, recommended by the Information Technology frameworks, has been a problem for the organizations due to the fact of several enterprises require to have to implement diverse frameworks, bringing an increase of cost and unnecessary redundancy. In this research, with the need of the organizations evaluate their Configuration Management process, was developed an overlapless Maturity Model for the Configuration Management by combining several frameworks, with the support of the Systematic Literature Review method and the Design Science research methodology.O processo de Gestão de Configurações é um processo de suporte que ajuda as organizações a terem uma melhor gestão da sua infraestrutura. É um processo que está a ser implementado de forma aleatória, não produzindo os benefícios que deveria produzir. Num ambiente onde o sucesso depende das vontades dos clientes, permitiu um avanço significativo no domínio das TI, garantindo uma substantiva evolução nos serviços das TI. Contudo, com todas as frameworks fornecidas, muitas das organizações da área das TI têm dificuldades em implementar vários processos e em desenhar um plano de melhoramento. Os Modelos de Maturidade permitem o suporte para este tipo de tarefa. O objetivo principal desta ferramenta é avaliar e melhorar as práticas das organizações, criando um plano de melhoramento e avaliando o estado as-is do processo. Mesmo assim, a importância da conjunção entre estes dois conceitos, Gestão de Configurações e Modelos de Maturidade, nunca foi justificado nem desenvolvido. A sobreposição das práticas, recomendadas pelas frameworks das TI, tem vindo a ser um problema para as organizações. Esta sobreposição traz um acréscimo de despesa e redundância desnecessária, uma vez que as organizações necessitam de implementar diversas frameworks. Nesta investigação, com a necessidade de as organizações das TI avaliarem o seu processo de Gestão de Configurações, foi desenvolvido um Modelo de Maturidade sem sobreposição para Gestão de Configurações combinando diversas frameworks, com o suporte do método Revisão Sistemática da Literatura e da metodologia de investigação Design Science Research

    IT Service Management and Incident Management: Literature Review and a Case Study

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    Driving value, alignment between IT and business, manage IT Services, and customer satisfaction are the main objectives for the contemporary Information Technology Service Management (ITSM). ITSM also aims at encouraging harmonization between modern IT technology and ITIL framework regarding service operation. However, most of the companies and organisations struggle to comprehend the ITSM due to the dynamic nature and volume of IT technology and business values. A systematic literature review was conducted to understand the state of the current research in contemporary technology, especially cloud computing, automation, and machine learning. The review indicated that the focus of the existing research is skewed towards the innovative trend of the ITIL process using modern technologies. To demonstrate the findings from the literature, we adopted the case study method based on ITSM theory. Despite the current limitation, we found that most of the companies demonstrate more interest and enthusiasm for IT innovative technologies when it comes to ITIL implementation and ITIL service operatio

    An IT service management literature review: Challenges, benefits, opportunities and implementation practices

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    Information technology (IT) service management is considered a collection of frameworks that support organizations managing services. The implementation of these kinds of frameworks is constantly increasing in the IT service provider domain. The main objective is to define and manage IT services through its life cycle. However, from observing the literature, scarcely any research exists describing the main concepts of ITSM. Many organizations still struggle in several contexts in this domain, mainly during implementation. This research aims to develop a reference study detailing the main concepts related with ITSM. Thus, a systematic literature review is performed. In total, 47 articles were selected from top journals and conferences. The benefits, challenges, opportunities, and practices for ITSM implementation were extracted, critically analysed, and then discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Governança das tecnologias de informação: um modelo de gestão do valor das TI para as universidades públicas em Portugal

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    A Governança Corporativa das Tecnologias de Informação é uma temática primordial reconhecida pela comunidade académica e profissional. A necessidade de obter valor, seja financeiro ou estratégico para a organização, resultante dos investimentos realizados em TI implica uma gestão do valor das TI adequada. No contexto das universidades públicas nacionais esta problemática é acentuada pelas suas especificidades organizacionais que dificultam a implementação dos modelos e práticas mais relevantes e reconhecidas como o COBIT ou o Val IT. Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo identificar um conjunto de estruturas organizacionais, processos e mecanismos relacionais e simultaneamente desenvolver um modelo de gestão do valor das TI no âmbito da governança corporativa das TI para as universidades públicas em Portugal, que atenda a tais especificidades. O estudo segue uma abordagem exploratória com recurso a um método de investigação misto baseado na recolha e triangulação de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, obtidos por meio de inquéritos e entrevistas semiestruturadas a múltiplas partes interessadas, nomeadamente órgãos diretivos e de gestão com um papel de governo e de coordenação das TI em universidades nacionais, profissionais da indústria e fornecedores de produtos e serviços de TI com o intuito de incluir uma visão externa desta problemática. Os resultados confirmam a importância e pertinência dos investimentos em TI, para as instituições em estudo, concretamente pelo impacto na sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento dos seus eixos estratégicos de atuação (ensino, investigação e cooperação com a sociedade). Apesar desta influência, os resultados demonstram, uma ausência muito significativa de mecanismos de gestão de valor das TI por parte das instituições inquiridas, o que reforça o potencial interesse das universidades nacionais no modelo proposto neste trabalho, devidamente validado pelo painel de peritos que participou no estudo Delphi.Enterprise Governance of Information Technologies is a fundamental theme recognized by academic and professional community. The need to obtain value, whether financial or strategic to the organization, resulting from the investments made in IT implies adequate IT Value Management. In context of Portuguese public universities, this problem highlighted by organizational specificities that make difficult to implement relevant models and practices such as COBIT 5 or Val IT. This research aims to identify a set of organizational structures, processes and relational mechanisms and simultaneously develop a model of IT Value Management within the scope of Enterprise Governance of IT for public universities in Portugal. The study follows an exploratory approach using a mixed research method based on collection and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data obtained through multi-stakeholder inquires. Namely over surveys and semi-structured interviews to management and governing bodies with role of government and IT coordination in portuguese universities, industry and IT suppliers in order to include an external view. Results obtained confirm the importance and relevance of investments made in IT for institutions under study, specifically the impact on sustainability and development of strategic axes of action (teaching, research and cooperation with society). In spite of this influence, results demonstrate a significant absence of IT Value Management mechanisms in Portuguese universities, which highlight potential interest in artifacts proposed and duly validated by expert panel.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Model driven validation approach for enterprise architecture and motivation extensions

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    As the endorsement of Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling continues to grow in diversity and complexity, management of its schema, artefacts, semantics and relationships has become an important business concern. To maintain agility and flexibility within competitive markets, organizations have also been compelled to explore ways of adjusting proactively to innovations, changes and complex events also by use of EA concepts to model business processes and strategies. Thus the need to ensure appropriate validation of EA taxonomies has been considered severally as an essential requirement for these processes in order to exert business motivation; relate information systems to technological infrastructure. However, since many taxonomies deployed today use widespread and disparate modelling methodologies, the possibility to adopt a generic validation approach remains a challenge. The proliferation of EA methodologies and perspectives has also led to intricacies in the formalization and validation of EA constructs as models often times have variant schematic interpretations. Thus, disparate implementations and inconsistent simulation of alignment between business architectures and heterogeneous application systems is common within the EA domain (Jonkers et al., 2003). In this research, the Model Driven Validation Approach (MDVA) is introduced. MDVA allows modelling of EA with validation attributes, formalization of the validation concepts and transformation of model artefacts to ontologies. The transformation simplifies querying based on motivation and constraints. As the extended methodology is grounded on the semiotics of existing tools, validation is executed using ubiquitous query language. The major contributions of this work are the extension of a metamodel of Business Layer of an EAF with Validation Element and the development of EAF model to ontology transformation Approach. With this innovation, domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis concepts are applied to achieve EAF model’s validation using ontology querying methodology. Additionally, the MDVA facilitates the traceability of EA artefacts using ontology graph patterns