103 research outputs found

    Datafictions: Or how measurements and predictive analytics rule imagined future worlds

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    As the digital revolution continues and our lives become increasingly governed by smart technologies, there is a rising need for reflection and critical debate about where we are, where we are headed, and where we want to be. Against this background, the paper suggests that one way to foster such discussion is by engaging with the world of fiction, with imaginative stories that explore the spaces, places, and politics of alternative realities. Hence, after a concise discussion of the concept of speculative fiction, we introduce the notion of datafictions as an umbrella term for speculative stories that deal with the datafication of society in both imaginative and imaginable ways. We then outline and briefly discuss fifteen datafictions subdivided into five main categories: surveillance; social sorting; prediction; advertising and corporate power; hubris, breakdown, and the end of Big Data. In a concluding section, we argue for the increased use of speculative fiction in education, but also as a tool to examine how specific technologies are culturally imagined and what kind of futures are considered plausible given current implementations and trajectories.publishedVersio

    Symbols of false faith and truth in E.M. Forster's The Machine Stops

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    ENGLISH: Forster wants to convey his social life through literary works in the form of short stories. The phenomena described in the story can be influenced by the condition of the author's social reality, namely human dependence on technology. The Machine Stops tells how humans are very dependent on the technology they created themselves. The technology has indirectly influenced the pattern of human life and thinking that even makes people lose faith in things outside of technology. Through his literary work, a symbol is represented by the author, such as an object, a person, a situation, an event, and an action that has a deeper meaning based on context. In literature, symbolism is an object or reference that provides meaning to the writing beyond what is described. In this study, the researcher applies Pierce’s triadic model of sign. Peirce stated that there are three sides to the sign, the first side is represented (representamen), the second is the object, and the third is interpretant. Through this research, the researcher can describe the symbols of false faith and truth. The symbol of false faith is supported through the symbolisms of the Machine (fake god), the Book (holy book), and Vashti (ardent believer). The symbol of truth is expressed by Kuno (messenger of truth) and Homelessness (representation of truth). INDONESIA: Forster ingin mengungkapkan kehidupan socialnya melalui karya sastra dalam bentuk cerita pendek. Fenomena yang dideskripsikan dalam cerita dapat dipengaruhi kondisi realitas social pengarang, seperti ketergantungan terhadap teknologi. The Machine Stops menceritakan tentang cara manusia sangat bergantung pada teknologi yang mereka ciptakan sendiri. Teknologi secara tidak langsung memengaruhi pola hidup manusia dan pola pikir sehingga membuat orang-orang kehilangan kepercayaan atas hal di luar teknologi. Melalui karya sastranya, symbol direpresentasikan pengarang, seperti objek, orang, situasi, peristiwa, dan tindakan yang memiliki arti lebih dalam berdasarkan konteks yang ada. Dalam karya sastra, simbolisme adalah objek atau referensi yang memberikan makna pada tulisan melampaui hal yang dideskripsikan. Dalam kajian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori segitiga tanda milik Pierce. Pierce menjelaskan bahwa ada tiga sisi pada tanda: sisi pertama direpresentasikan (representamen), kedua adalah objek, dan ketiga adalah interpretan. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti dapat mendeskripsikan symbol kepercayaan palsu dan kebenaran. Symbol kepercayaan palsu didukung simbolisme Machine (tuhan palsu), Book (kitab suci), dan Vashti (penganut fanatis). Simbol kebenaran diekspresikan Kuno (pembawa pesan kebenaran) dan Homelessness (representasi kebenaran). ARABIC: يريد فورستر نقل حياته الاجتماعية من خلال الأعمال الأدبية في شكل قصص قصيرة. يمكن أن تتأثر الظواهر الموصوفة في القصة بحالة الواقع الاجتماعي للمؤلف ، أي اعتماد الإنسان على التكنولوجيا. يخبرنا الآلة تتوقف كيف يعتمد البشر اعتمادًا كبيرًا على التكنولوجيا التي صنعوها بأنفسهم. لقد أثرت التكنولوجيا بشكل غير مباشر على نمط حياة الإنسان والتفكير الذي يجعل الناس يفقدون الثقة في أشياء خارج التكنولوجيا. من خلال عمله الأدبي ، يمثل المؤلف رمزًا ، مثل كائن ، وشخص ، وموقف ، وحدث ، وعمل له معنى أعمق يعتمد على السياق. في الأدب ، تعتبر الرمزية موضوعًا أو مرجعًا يوفر معنى للكتابة يتجاوز ما هو موصوف. في هذه الدراسة ، يطبق الباحث نموذج بيرس الثلاثي للإشارة. ذكر بيرس أن هناك ثلاثة جوانب للإشارة ، والجانب الأول ممثل (يمثل) ، والثاني هو الكائن ، والثالث هو المفسر. من خلال هذا البحث يمكن للباحث وصف رموز الإيمان الباطل والحقيقة. يتم دعم رمز الإيمان الباطل من خلال رموز الآلة (الإله المزيف) ، والكتاب (الكتاب المقدس) ، والشتي (المؤمن المتحمّس). يتم التعبير عن رمز الحقيقة بواسطة كونو (رسول الحقيقة) والتشرد (تمثيل الحقيقة)


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    The relationship between human and artificial intelligence has attracted debates and polarized views. A key area of this debate that received research attention is human and AI capability to augment each other to achieve better outcomes. While there is a growing research interest in the topic, research is currently dispersed and spread across the management disciplines making it hard for researchers to benefit from an accumulated knowledge in this domain. This study synthesizes the literature and describes the current research findings in order to provide foundation for future research in this area. Based on a systematic review, we identify and discuss three emerging themes in the literature and highlight different possible challenges related to integrating AI in organisations. A future research agenda is also presented

    A consideration of the lasting effects of a course introducing ethical issues in computing

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    We discuss the objectives of a course for computer science majors that introduces ethical issues in computing. In particular we are interested – as an exceptional matter – in the long term objectives. We pose and attempt to answer [or at least discuss] the following questions: What effects are we hoping such a course has on its participants five, ten, twenty years down the road? How can our contemplation of these issues inform our pedagogy? How can we design this course so that is has a lasting impact on the students?Eje: II ETHICOMP LatinoaméricaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Managing Future Challenges for Safety

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    This open access book addresses the future of work and industry by 2040—a core interest for many disciplines inspiring a strong momentum for employment and training within the industrial world. The future of industrial safety in terms of technological risk-management, although of obvious concern to international actors in various industries, has been quite sparsely addressed. This brief reflects the viewpoints of experts who come from different academic disciplines and various sectors such as oil and gas, energy, transportation, and the digital and even the military worlds, as expressed in debates and discussions during a two-day international seminar. The contributors address such questions as: What influence will ageing and lack of digital skills in the workforce of the occidental world have on safety culture? What are the likely impacts of big data, artificial intelligence and autonomous technologies on decision-making, and on the roles and responsibilities of individual actors and whole organizations? What role have human beings in a world of accelerating changes? What effects will societal concerns and the entrance of new players have on technological risk management and governance? Managing Future Challenges for Safety will interest and influence researchers considering the future effects of a number of currently developing technologies and their practitioner counterparts working in industry and regulation

    The Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Catholic Education

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    Thesis advisor: Andrea ViciniThesis advisor: James KeenanThis thesis studies the impact of AI on education and how to respond to the challenges within the context of Catholic education. The approach is through the lens of Catholic social thought. The thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter One discusses the relationship between education and technology, and current trends in AI as applied to education. It also presents Jesuit education as one example of Catholic education and focuses on a specific context, Spanish Jesuit schools. Chapter Two introduces a range of resources from theological ethics. This includes fundamental concepts from Catholic social teaching, and different perspectives of theological ethics applied to technology. This chapter also presents how education is envisioned from a Catholic point of view. Finally, in Chapter Three, by applying the concept of human dignity and other concepts from Catholic social teaching, we propose some reflections on how to discern the use of AI in education.Thesis (STL) — Boston College, 2023.Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry.Discipline: Sacred Theology

    Audiovisual representations of Artificial Intelligence in Dystopian Tech Societies: Scaremongering or Reality? The Cases of Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker, 2011), Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2017) and Her (Spike Jonze, 2014)

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    La intel·ligència artificial ha estat un concepte que captiva la humanitat des de fa mil·lennis. Des de l'antiguitat, els humans estan obsessionats amb la idea de crear un ésser humà artificial perfecte amb diferents objectius, com ara la companyia o l'ajuda domèstica, i han escrit sobre ells en textos antics de diverses cultures. Això va evolucionar cap a la literatura de protofantasia o protociència-ficció a l’alta edat mitjana. Tanmateix, no va ser fins al segle XIX que la influent obra de Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818), va reunir diferents aspectes de la creació artificial de vida humana artificial en el debat d’una comprensió psicològica social més àmplia. Amb l'arribada dels mitjans audiovisuals al segle XX, aquestes representacions dels humanoides creats artificialment o d'altres creacions amb cert grau de consciència han poblat tant la gran pantalla com la televisió. Aquesta tesi se centra en les connexions socials d'aquestes representacions de la Intel·ligència Artificial, a partir de la sèrie de televisió Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker, 2011), així com en les pel·lícules Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2014) i Her (Spike Jonze, 2014), per tal d’analitzar la relació entre la Intel·ligència Artificial i els humans des de perspectives i paradigmes diversos. L’anàlisi audiovisual de les obres seleccionades és seguida d’una exploració de com s’estan produint aquests recents avenços tecnològics en la nostra societat actual, per relacionar-los amb les advertències que proposen les obres seleccionades i que ofereixen una lectura per al futur que requereix la implementació de normatives estrictes sobre la Intel·ligència Artificial per tal d’alleujar les angoixes humanes respecte a la tecnologia. Paraules clau: Intel·ligència artificial, tecnologia, ciència ficció, distopia, estudis cinematogràfics, societat.La inteligencia artificial es un concepto que fascina a la humanidad durante milenios. Desde la antigüedad, los humanos han estado obsesionados con la idea de crear un humano artificial perfecto para diferentes fines, como la compañía o la ayuda doméstica, y han escrito sobre ello en textos fundacionales de diversas culturas. Esto se convirtió progresivamente en literatura de protofantasía o proto-ciencia ficción en la Alta Edad Media. Sin embargo, no fue hasta el siglo XIX cuando la influyente obra Frankenstein (1818) de Mary Shelley reunió diferentes aspectos de la creación de un ser humano artificial, discutidos dentro de una comprensión psicológica y social más amplia. Con la llegada de los medios audiovisuales en el siglo XX, estas representaciones de humanoides creados artificialmente o de otras creaciones con cierto grado de conciencia han poblado tanto la gran pantalla como la televisión. Esta tesis se centra en las conexiones sociales de dichas representaciones de la Inteligencia Artificial, centrándose en la serie de televisión Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker, 2011), así como en las películas Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2014) y Her (Spike Jonze, 2014), analizando las relaciones entre la Inteligencia Artificial y los humanos desde una variedad de perspectivas y paradigmas diferentes. El análisis audiovisual de las obras seleccionadas va seguido de una exploración sobre cómo estos avances tecnológicos recientes se están produciendo en nuestra sociedad actual, vinculándolos con las advertencias que formulan las obras seleccionadas y ofreciendo una lectura de futuro que requiere la implementación de una estricta normativa en torno a la Inteligencia Artificial para aliviar las ansiedades humanas sobre la tecnología. Palabras clave: inteligencia artificial, tecnología, sociedad, ciencia ficción, distopía, estudios cinematográficos.Artificial Intelligence has been a concept that has infatuated humankind for millennia. Since antiquity, humans have been obsessed with the idea of creating a perfect artificial human for different aims such as companionship or domestic help, and ancient cultures have devoted foundational texts to the artificial human. This literary occupation gradually evolved into proto-fantasy or proto-Science Fiction literature in the early middle ages. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that Mary Shelley’s influential work Frankenstein (1818) brought together different aspects of creating an artificial human discussed within a broader social and psychological understanding. With the advent of audiovisual media in the 20th century, such representations of artificially created humanoids or other creations with some degree of consciousness have populated both the silver screen and television. This thesis focuses on the societal connections between such representations of Artificial Intelligence, focusing on the TV show Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker, 2011) as well as the films Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2014) and Her (Spike Jonze, 2014) by analyzing the Artificial Intelligence - human relationships from a variety of different perspectives and paradigms. The audiovisual analyses of the selected works are then followed by an examination of how such recent technological developments are taking place in our current society. These texts under examination exhort us to beware the potential dangers of AI technology, which require implementation of strict regulations around the Artificial Intelligence framework in order to alleviate human anxieties about technology. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, technology, technology and society, Science Fiction, dystopia, film studies, society