27 research outputs found

    Türkçe WordNet oluşturulması ve makine çevirisinde kullanılması

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    Princeton kelime ağının üretilmesinden beri, diğer dillerde birçok kelime ağı üretilmiştir. Türkçe için en kapsamlı kelime ağı olan KeNet şu anda 80,000 synset içermektedir. Bu synsetler birbirleriyle anlamsal ve diller arası ilişkilerle bağlıdırlar. KeNet ayrıca Türkçe üzerinde Türkçe PropBank, alana özgü kelime ağları ve anlamsal işaretleme gibi birden çok Doğal Dil İşleme çalışmasında kullanılmıştır. Türkçe kelime ağı KeNet iki platform ile kullanıcılara sunulmuştur. KeNet’in sunulduğu ilk platform, “http://haydut.isikun.edu.tr/wordnet.ui-1.0/” web sayfasıdır. Bu platform ile, kelime veya sözcük öbekleri araması yapılabilir. Arama sonuçlarına göre, bulunan kelimelerin hiyerarşileri ile anlamsal ilişkileri görülebilir. Ayrıca Türkçe kelime ağı KeNet’i github sitesi üzerinden de erişime açtık. Bu platform sayesinde, KeNet’in tüm dosyaları indirilebilir, Java, C++ ve Python gibi üç programlama dilinde KeNet kullanılabilir. KeNet’in github web sitesindeki web sayfaları Java, C++ ve Python programlama dilleri için sırasıyla “https://github.com/olcaytaner/TurkishWordNet”, “https://github.com/olcaytaner/TurkishWordNet-CPP”, “https://github.com/olcaytaner/TurkishWordNet-Py”’dır. Bu proje raporunda, KeNet’i meydana getirirken kullandığımız yöntemleri, bu yöntemlere ait basamaklara da referans vererek anlatacağız.Since the creation of Princeton WordNet, several wordnets for other languages have been created. Being the most comprehensive wordnet for Turkish, KeNet currently includes 80,000 synsets, which are linked through their semantic as well as interlingual relations. KeNet has also been used in various NLP studies on Turkish, including Turkish PropBank, domain-specific wordnets and semantic annotations. Turkish WordNet KeNet is accessible through two platforms. The first platform, where KeNet is served, is the web page, i.e. “http://haydut.isikun.edu.tr/wordnet.ui-1.0/”. Through this platform, one can search words or lemma. According to the search results, one can view the hierarchy and semantic relations of the found words. We also serve Turkish WordNet KeNet through github site. Via this platform, one can download all the files of the KeNet, and may use KeNet in one of the three programming languages Java, C++, and Python. The web pages of KeNet in github site are “https://github.com/olcaytaner/TurkishWordNet”, “https://github.com/olcaytaner/TurkishWordNet-CPP”, “https://github.com/olcaytaner/TurkishWordNet-Py”, for Java, C++, and Python languages respectively. In this report, we present the procedure we have adopted in creating KeNet with reference to stages we have followed in its construction.Publisher's Versio

    We Are All Here! : Multiple Groups on a Social Network Site

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    Social network sites are gaining ground with a huge pace. This study takes a group perspective on the phenomenon, investigating the significance of groups on an internationally well-known social network site, Facebook. The consequences of the co-presence of multiple groups with which an individual identifies and the mechanisms that individuals use to cope with the situation are investigated. The study is positioned in the tradition of social identity approach. Special attention is allocated to the concepts of group and group identification and to multiple social identities. The study is based on two sets of material, online observations and semi-structured interviews. The Facebook profiles of ten medical students and ten employees of a big IT company were observed in order to enumerate their groups and networks. Five students and five employees were then interviewed to deepen the understanding of the studied phenomenon. The research subjects were all native Finns, their ages ranging from 20 to 31. The interview material was analyzed with theory-bound qualitative content analysis. In the analysis, social categorizations were divided into two distinct types, to explicit and implicit groups. The former ones are explicitly defined in the user interface of the site where as implicit groups on the site are not. The latter ones are salient for the user as feasible categorizations of his/her personal network. The central finding of the study is that co-presence of multiple groups does indeed occur on Facebook. However, individuals perceive relatively few tensions due to it since they are actively finding ways to deal with the situation. The situation is made less problematic by creating more inclusive ingroup identities. Individuals are also coping with the situation by preventing potential problems beforehand. The most central references: On social network sites: boyd, d. m. & Ellison, N. B. Social Network Sites: Definition, history and scholarship (2007) and Lampe C., Ellison N. & Steinfield C.: A Familiar Face(book): Profile Elements as Signals in an Online Social Network (2007). On social identity approach: Haslam, S. A.: Psychology in Organizations. The Social Identity Approach. (2004), Hofman, J. E.: Social Identity and Intergroup Conflict: An Israeli view (1988) and Tajfel, H.: La catégorisation sociale. (1972a) - Experiments in a vacuum (1972b).Sosiaalisten verkostosivustojen suosio kasvaa vauhdilla. Tässä tutkimuksessa ilmiötä tarkastellaan ryhmänäkökulmasta, tutkimalla ryhmien merkitystä kansainvälisesti tunnetulla Facebook-verkostosivustolla. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat monien yksilölle merkityksellisten ryhmien samanaikaisen läsnäolon seuraukset sekä yksilöiden tilanteesta selviytymiseen käyttämät keinot. Tutkimus sijoittuu sosiaalisen identiteetin lähestymistavan teoreettiseen perinteeseen. Erityishuomiota kiinnitetään käsitteisiin ryhmä ja ryhmäidentifikaatio sekä useisiin sosiaalisiin identiteetteihin. Tutkimus perustuu kahteen aineistoon, online-havainnointeihin sekä puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin. Kymmenen lääketieteen opiskelijan ja kymmenen suuren IT-yrityksen työntekijän Facebook-profiileja havainnoitiin heidän ryhmä- ja verkostojäsenyyksiensä selvittämiseksi. Tämän jälkeen viittä opiskelijaa ja viittä työntekijää haastateltiin tutkitusta ilmiöstä saadun tiedon syventämiseksi. Kaikki tutkimushenkilöt olivat suomalaisia, iältään 20-31-vuotiaita. Haastatteluaineiston analyysissa käytettiin menetelmänä teoriasidonnaista laadullista sisällönanalyysia. Analyysissa sosiaaliset kategoriat jaettiin kahteen tyyppin, eksplisiittisiin ja implisiittisiin ryhmiin. Ensin mainitut on määritelty sivuston käyttöliittymässä julkilausutusti, jälkimmäisiä ei. Implisiittisillä ryhmillä tarkoitetaan käyttäjälle ilmeisiä ryhmäluokituksia hänen henkilökohtaisessa ystäväverkostossaan. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on, että sivustolla todella syntyy tilanne, jossa monia yksilölle tärkeitä ryhmiä on samanaikaisesti läsnä. Yksilöt kuitenkin kokevat tästä seuravan vain vähän jännitteitä, koska he etsivät aktiivisesti keinoja tilanteen kanssa selviytymiseen. Tilanteesta tehdään vähemmän ongelmallinen luomalla laajempia sisäryhmäidentiteettejä. Lisäksi yksilöt helpottavat tilannetta ehkäisemällä potentiaalisia ongelmia ennakolta. Keskeiset lähteet: Sosiaalisista verkostosivuista: boyd, d. m. & Ellison, N. B. Social Network Sites: Definition, history and scholarship (2007) ja Lampe C., Ellison N. & Steinfield C.: A Familiar Face(book): Profile Elements as Signals in an Online Social Network (2007). Sosiaalisen identiteetin lähestymistavasta: S: Haslam, S. A. Psychology in Organizations. The Social Identity Approach. (2004), Hofman, J. E.: Social Identity and Intergroup Conflict: An Israeli view (1988) ja Tajfel, H.: La catégorisation sociale. (1972a) - Experiments in a vacuum (1972b)

    Adoption and use of electronic instructional media among academics in selected universities in South West Nigeria.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2016.This study was conducted to determine the adoption and use of electronic instructional media among academics in selected universities in South West Nigeria. The study addressed the following research questions: What is the extent of adoption and use of electronic instructional media in selected Nigerian universities? What factors influence adoption and use of electronic instructional media? How do media literacy skills influence adoption and use of electronic instructional media? What is the moderating effect of gender, age and teaching experience on adoption and use of electronic instructional media? What challenges are faced in the adoption and use of electronic instructional media by academics in selected Nigerian universities? The Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance and Use (UTAUT) and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory were used as the underpinning theoretical lens. The philosophical perspective was based on post-positivism. Quantitative, complemented by qualitative methods were used with the survey research design. The target population of the study consisted of academics and management staff from two purposively selected Nigerian universities in the South West geopolitical zone. Academics were drawn from the faculties of Science, Arts and Technology in the universities that made up this study. From a population of 732 academics, a sample size of 267 was determined using a published table for selecting sample sizes as put forth by Israel (1992). Additionally, the census method was used to reach 11 university management staff members comprising deans of faculties, the university librarians and directors of the Centre for Information and Technology units. The survey questionnaires were used mainly to collect quantitative data from academics while interviews were used to collect qualitative data from university management staff. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was computed using Cronbach’s alpha (α) through a test-retest reliability method. A Cronbach’s alpha (α) value of r = 0.96 was obtained. Response rates of 80.5% and 90.9% were obtained from the data collected through quantitative and qualitative methods respectively. Quantitative data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 21) to generate descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was processed using the NVivo 10 package. The ethical aspect or the axiological component of this study was achieved by adhering to the ethical protocol of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Permission was obtained from the relevant authorities of the universities which fell under the ambit of this study. The findings revealed that though academics had adopted various types of electronic instructional media, this did not necessarily translate into extensive usage of such electronic instructional media. The majority of academics, however, regularly pursued innovative ways to incorporate electronic instructional media into their lectures. The findings further showed that academics used personal computers, MS Word, Internet, e- mail, mobile phones, mobile devices, Web resources, e-books and power-point presentations on a daily basis for teaching purposes. Academics used these electronic instructional media mainly for preparing lecture notes, presentation of lectures, producing assignments, course manuals, and communicating with students and colleagues. The findings also revealed that use of electronic instructional media such as LMS, plagiarism software, interactive whiteboard and social networking sites for teaching purposes was yet to be entrenched among Nigerian academics. The findings showed that facilitating conditions and effort expectancy were the strongest factors influencing adoption and use of electronic instructional media by academics for teaching purposes. The findings showed a significant relationship between media literacy skills and adoption and use of electronic instructional media. Gender and teaching experience, as moderating variables, influenced the adoption and use of electronic instructional media. Findings also revealed that behavioural intention was capable of explaining 8.6% of the variance in adoption and use of electronic instructional media. The study concluded that Nigerian academics are not using electronic instructional media as much as they should for the delivery of knowledge. The following recommendations were therefore proffered: 1) the universities need to develop a framework for the integration of electronic instruction media into the curriculum; 2) there is need to build capacity and create awareness among academics in relation to the integration of the interactive whiteboard, LMS and plagiarism software in their pedagogy; 3) universities are urged to develop institutional policy on adoption and use of electronic instructional media in order to provide clarity in areas such as as standards, strategies, best practices, staff training, infrastructural acquisition, gender equity and data/information security; 4) collaboration between faculty and subject librarians should be nurtured to create a vibrant and conducive academic and support environment that promote the use of electronic instructional media in teaching and learning. The originality and contribution of the study is situated in the domain of methodology, theory, practice and policy. For example in the area of methodology, this study’s point of departure from extant studies is that it employs the mixed method approach for data collection and stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the best predictor of technology adoption and use among academics. In this regard, the thesis makes a significant contribution towards developing a guideline for deploying instructional technology in universities or any educational setting. From the theoretical perspectives, the study validates UTAUT and DOI from the context of a developing country. The study, therefore, further advances the UTAUT and Roger’s diffusion of innovation theory in measuring the precursors of technology adoption and use in any contextual setting. With regard to practice and policy, the study provides an empirical baseline data that can be used as managerial guidelines for policy support, monitoring and evaluation in driving and promoting electronic instructional media adoption and use in Nigerian universities

    ICT for development reconsidered: a critical realist approach to the strategic context in Kenya's transition to e-governance

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    This study contributes to critical information systems research understanding of the broader strategic context of information systems initiatives in developing countries. It investigates contextual influences with structural impacts that may lead to instabilities and discontinuities in the immediate project context using a critical realist paradigm. It was informed by literature on development as discourse, ICT4D policy and technology transfer, E-Government adoption, and information systems research paradigms and applications in developing countries. A disconnection was observed between ICT4D policy practice that favors positivist technology diffusion models and research findings that suggest interpretive and critical contextual approaches. A theoretical framework was developed to reconsider ICT4D from a postcolonial country perspective by integrating critiques of modernity from Critical realism and postcolonial theory. An empirical case study investigation of change in Kenya‘s transition to E-Governance was then conducted and analyzed using a critical realist research framework, the Morphogenetic approach, supplemented by Q-methodology to study subjectivity. Finally ICT change was interpreted using critical realist concepts for structure, culture, and agency, with an overriding direction towards greater freedom. The main research contribution is a new approach to ICT4D where change is conceived within a dialectical framework that assumes people are moral and ethical beings possessing values. Research findings have implications for understanding the strategic context of E-Governance and ICT4D, time and temporality in contextual integrative frameworks, and suggest an alternative approach to strategy analysis in situations of rapid political and institutional change. They highlight the importance of political leaders and development agencies as mediators and interpreters of the strategic context. Development was conceived as a dialectical process towards transformative praxis, which together with the suggested approach to the strategic context, may require us to rethink the meaning of IS project success or failure in postcolonial developing countries

    ICT for development reconsidered : a critical realist approach to the strategic context in Kenya's transition to e-governance

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    This study contributes to critical information systems research understanding of the broader strategic context of information systems initiatives in developing countries. It investigates contextual influences with structural impacts that may lead to instabilities and discontinuities in the immediate project context using a critical realist paradigm. It was informed by literature on development as discourse, ICT4D policy and technology transfer, E-Government adoption, and information systems research paradigms and applications in developing countries. A disconnection was observed between ICT4D policy practice that favors positivist technology diffusion models and research findings that suggest interpretive and critical contextual approaches. A theoretical framework was developed to reconsider ICT4D from a postcolonial country perspective by integrating critiques of modernity from Critical realism and postcolonial theory. An empirical case study investigation of change in Kenya‘s transition to E-Governance was then conducted and analyzed using a critical realist research framework, the Morphogenetic approach, supplemented by Q-methodology to study subjectivity. Finally ICT change was interpreted using critical realist concepts for structure, culture, and agency, with an overriding direction towards greater freedom. The main research contribution is a new approach to ICT4D where change is conceived within a dialectical framework that assumes people are moral and ethical beings possessing values. Research findings have implications for understanding the strategic context of E-Governance and ICT4D, time and temporality in contextual integrative frameworks, and suggest an alternative approach to strategy analysis in situations of rapid political and institutional change. They highlight the importance of political leaders and development agencies as mediators and interpreters of the strategic context. Development was conceived as a dialectical process towards transformative praxis, which together with the suggested approach to the strategic context, may require us to rethink the meaning of IS project success or failure in postcolonial developing countries.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceCommonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (CSCUK)Warwick Business School (WBS)GBUnited Kingdo

    Support services for remote users in selected public university libraries in Kenya

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    The study was undertaken to explore the remote users of services available public university libraries in Kenya. Scarce literature was available locally on the subject of the study. Provision of quality and relevant information services to support teaching, learning and research remains a central objective of libraries in higher education world over. Higher education institutions in Kenya continue to experience unprecedented growth in student population against limited human capital and physical infrastructure, among the library services. This reality has prompted Universities to adopt different education delivery models; distant learning, e-learning, and part time modules to accommodate the extra numbers seeking higher education. Depending on the preferred module, the students can be categorized into three main groups: on-campus, off-campus and remote user groups. Higher learning standards require that all users to have equitable and inclusive access to resources. This study explores the nature and availability of support services and resources available for remote library users in public university libraries in Kenya. The research methodology adopted was a descriptive research design; where qualitative data was collected using Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). The findings revealed that public university libraries in Kenya have various forms of resources and services that can support remote user needs. However they face certain challenges that hinder the use of the available remote user resources and services in providing equitable access to information services to all its types of users. Key among the challenges was that remote users were not identified as a special user group in the libraries studied contrary to what the study grounded. The results of the study are discussed under three main thematic areas: services for remote users, facilities available for remote users, and policies and regulations that govern remote use of library resources. Equally included in the study are discussions, conclusions and recommendations based on the findings besides identified informational gaps for further research.Information ScienceM.A. (Information Science

    E-Learning and Digital Education in the Twenty-First Century

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    E-learning and digital education approaches are evolving and changing the landscape of teaching and learning at all levels of education throughout the world. Innovation of emerging learning technologies is assisting e-learning and digital education to meet the needs of the 21st century. Due to the digital transformation of everyday practice, the process of learning and education has become more self-paced and accessible at any time from anywhere. The new generations of digital natives are growing up with a set of skills through their engagement with the digital world. In this context, this book includes a collection of chapters to facilitate continuous improvements including flexibility and accessibility in e-learning and digital education by exploring the challenges and opportunities of innovative approaches through the lenses of current theories, policies, and practices

    The use and economic impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) in Sudan

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    E-records security management at Moi University, Kenya.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.E-records are vital for the operation of the state as they document official evidence of the transactions of a business, government, private sector, non-governmental organizations, and even individuals. Therefore, e-records generated in organizations and institutions including universities in Kenya are considered a vital resource used as a tool for the administration, accountability, and efficient service delivery. Despite the importance of records to the growth and sustainability of any organization, e-records security management at Moi University seemed to be not well established thus exposing the records to among others, unauthorized access, risks of alteration, deletion and loss and cyber security threats. This study sought to investigate e-records security management at Moi University in Kenya. The following research questions were addressed: How are e-records created, maintained, stored, preserved and disposed? How is security classification of e-records process handled to facilitate description and access control? What security threats predispose e-records to damage, destruction or misuse and how are they ameliorated? What measures are available to protect unauthorised access to e-records? How is confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, possession or control and utility of e-records achieved? What skills and competencies are available for e-records security management? The study employed pragmatic paradigm using embedded case study research design. The target population for the study was one hundred and forty five (145) respondents consisting of top management, deans of schools and directors of Information Communication and Technology as well as Quality Assurance directorates, action officers, records managers and records staff. A complete enumeration of the population was taken, therefore a choice of sample size was not necessary. The data was collected using interviews and questionnaires. The questionnaires were administered to action officers, records managers and records staff, while interviews were administered to top management, deans of schools and directors of Information Communication Technology as well as Quality Assurance directorates respectively. Qualitative data was analysed thematically and presented in a narrative description, while quantitative data was organized using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 24) and summarized by use of descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies, and percentage for ease of analysis and presentation by the researcher. The findings of the study revealed that university core business functions of teaching, research, and outreach services generated massive e-records. However, the management of such records was compromised largely because of the lack of integration of e-records management into the business process. Besides, the university lacks an e-records management programme. Moreover, there is lack of policy framework; thus, hampering e-records security management. Security of the erecords were also compromised because this activity was left until the last stage of the e-record with minimal priority. There was also lack of guidelines on e-records classification. The findings revealed challenges related to cyber-attacks, non-adherence to ethical security values, and inadequate skills that affected e-record security management. The study recommended the development and implementation of a records management programme and policies, adoption of relevant standards, developing skills about the cyberspace, provision of adequate budget, education and training

    A framework for management of electronic records in support of e-government in Kenya

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    Effective management of electronic records (MER) facilitates implementation of e- government. While studies have been carried out on management of records in Kenya, none of these studies has focused on MER in support of e-government implementation in Kenya. To address the knowledge gap, the current study sought to establish the current state regarding MER in support of e-government in Kenya. The study investigated how MER supported e-government in Kenya with a view to develop a best-practice framework for MER in support of e-government. The specific objectives of the study were to: ascertain current status of MER in government ministries in Kenya; determine the current level of e-government utilization; establish the effectiveness of existing practices for MER in supporting e-government; identify challenges faced by ministries in MER that could impact on implementation of e- government; propose recommendations that could improve MER in ministries to support e-government effectiveness and develop a framework for MER in support of e-government. The theoretical framework was the European Commission’s (2001) Model Requirements for Electronic Records Management (MoReq) and the United Nation’s (2001) five-stage e-government maturity model. The study was anchored on the interpretive research paradigm and adopted qualitative research methodology using phenomenological design. The study sample consisted of 52 respondents drawn from eighteen government ministries, the Kenya ICT Authority (ICTA), the Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service (KNADS) and five e- government service areas. Maximum variation sampling technique was used. Data was collected through face-face interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings established that: the general status of MER in government ministries is inadequately positioned to support e-government; utilization of e-government in Kenya had grown significantly and more ministries were adopting e-government services; although some initiatives have been undertaken to enhance MER, the existing practices for MER require improvement to ensure they adequately support e-government; there exists several challenges in the MER that impact on implementation of e-government. The study concluded that the current practices for managing electronic records in support of e-government implementation were not adequate. Recommendations and a best-practise framework for managing electronic records in support of e-government have been provided. Suggestions for further research are provided.Information ScienceD. Litt. et. Phil. (Information Science