113,607 research outputs found

    Fine-Grained Specification and Control of Data Flows in Web-based User Interfaces

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    When building process-intensive web applications, developers typically spend considerable effort on the exchange of specific data entities between specific web pages and operations under specific condi- tions, as called for by business requirements. Since the WWW infrastructure provides only very coarse data exchange mechanisms, we introduce a notation for the design of fine-grained conditional data flows between user interface components. These specifications can be interpreted by a data flow controller that automatically provides the data entities to the specified receivers at run-time, relieving developers of the need to implement user interface data flows manually

    From Novices to Experts: User Performance, Confidence, and Satisfaction on the World Wide Web

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    This study focuses on two aspects of research findings from empirical studies on usability of user interfaces on the World Wide Web (WWW): (1) it examines the differences among users from novices to experts and their interactions with various user interfaces on the World Wide Web and (2) it compares task performance, confidence, and satisfaction among different types of user interface designs on the Web-based systems. Can we design user interfaces that are equally effective for all the subjects who have different levels of computer expertise? Implications of these results for various interfaces are discussed as well

    An exploratory Study of IR Interaction for User Interface Design

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    Information seeking is an dynamic and interactive process. Factors like users' information needs, individual differences, goals and tasks, knowledge and cognitive abilities etc. influence the information seeking process, and need to be identified and supported in the user interface design. We adopt a user-centered approach to establish a link between research within the IR interaction perspective and the methods in HCI on how to evaluate information seeking interaction in a hypertext IR system (Dienst). Our purpose with this exploratory study is to identify, describe and acquire knowledge of characteristics of the user population, and finally, to make suggestions for supporting users in user interface design. For the evaluation task, we have applied HCI evaluation techniques to our IR evaluation to make a connection between the traditional IR evaluation and HCI evaluation, combining different qualitative and quantitative data collection and analyzing methods, implemented in an experimental real-world online WWW setting. This methodology combined online (WWW-based) questionnaires and database log statistics. Preliminary results revealed several "hidden" realities: a mismatch between what people said they wanted to do as opposed to what they actually did. We also observed that people initially expected a specific function, but when using the system, they did not use it. Finally, we established some group differences concerning variables like previous experience searching information in hypertext systems, IR knowledge and browsing/searching strategies

    Visual communication in urban planning and urban design

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    This report documents the current status of visual communication in urban design and planning. Visual communication is examined through discussion of standalone and network media, specifically concentrating on visualisation on the World Wide Web(WWW).Firstly, we examine the use of Solid and Geometric Modelling for visualising urban planning and urban design. This report documents and compares examples of the use of Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) and proprietary WWW based Virtual Reality modelling software. Examples include the modelling of Bath and Glasgow using both VRML 1.0 and 2.0. A review is carried out on the use of Virtual Worldsand their role in visualising urban form within multi-user environments. The use of Virtual Worlds is developed into a case study of the possibilities and limitations of Virtual Internet Design Arenas (ViDAs), an initiative undertaken at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London. The use of Virtual Worlds and their development towards ViDAs is seen as one of the most important developments in visual communication for urban planning and urban design since the development plan.Secondly, photorealistic media in the process of communicating plans is examined.The process of creating photorealistic media is documented, examples of the Virtual Streetscape and Wired Whitehall Virtual Urban Interface System are provided. The conclusion is drawn that although the use of photo-realistic media on the WWW provides a way to visually communicate planning information, its use is limited. The merging of photorealistic media and solid geometric modelling is reviewed in the creation of Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is seen to provide an important step forward in the ability to quickly and easily visualise urban planning and urban design information.Thirdly, the role of visual communication of planning data through GIS is examined interms of desktop, three dimensional and Internet based GIS systems. The evolution to Internet GIS is seen as a critical component in the development of virtual cities which will allow urban planners and urban designers to visualise and model the complexity of the built environment in networked virtual reality.Finally a viewpoint is put forward of the Virtual City, linking Internet GIS with photorealistic multi-user Virtual Worlds. At present there are constraints on how far virtual cities can be developed, but a view is provided on how these networked virtual worlds are developing to aid visual communication in urban planning and urban design

    RISCBOT: A WWW-Enabled Mobile Surveillance and Identification Robot

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    The final publication is available at www.springerlink.comThis article describes Riscbot, a modular 802.11b - enabled mobile autonomous robot built at the RISC lab of the University of Bridgeport. Riscbot localizes itself and successfully fulfills www - enabled online user requests and navigates to various rooms, employing a visual recognition algorithm. This article describes the mechanical design, hardware and software algorithms of the robot, and the web - based interface for communicating with the robot.http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10846-005-9014-

    An Author Usability Trial for the Networked Assessment Toolkit (NEST)

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    The on-going development of NEST, the Networked Assessment Toolkit, was studied as an example of how a WWW-mounted computer program must be designed to have a pared-down interface that does not attempt to mimic the kind of user control we are used to in stand-alone software. Originally a UNIX command-line translator for marking up HTML exams, NEST was recently improved so that its authoring capabilities could be used via the WWW. Developed at the University of Melbourne in 1996, NEST was chosen for assessment of its WWW interface to determine how a complex piece of software can support a WWW interface. A non-trivially complex application, NEST was considered to be representative of the types of applications desirable for access via the WWW. The philosophies behind NEST, its interface and its function are described below, followed by the rationale for, and outcomes of, a usability study. This paper is most concerned with the areas where technical design considerations have a significant impact on usability issues

    Ambulatory information system Medicus

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou uživatelského rozhraní informačního systému ambulantního lékaře Medicus a programem na snímání elektrokardiografického signálu Biopac. Dělí se na dvě základní části, teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část zahrnuje důkladný rozbor nastavení programu Medicus a Biopac, tj. popis jednotlivých vlastností, ze kterých se program skládá. Praktická část zahrnuje elektrokardiografické vyšetření pomocí systému Biopac Student Lab. Grafická realizace prezentace EKG vyšetření v programu Medicus je realizována jako lokální www aplikace pro sdílení grafických záznamů pacientů.The thesis deals with an analysis of user interface of the ambulatory information system Medicus and Biopac program for scanning electrocardiographic signal. It is divided into two basic parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part includes a thorough analysis of the configuration of Medicus and Biopac program, i.e. the description of the individual properties, of which the file consists. The practical part includes the design and implementation of the ECG recording through the use of Biopac Student Lab. Graphical execution of a presentation ECG exploration by Medicus program is implemented as a local www application for sharing graphical data recording of patients.

    Käytettävyys ja visuaalisuus pienyrityksen www-sivujen toteutuksessa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia asioita pienyrityksen www-sivujen käyttöliittymän ja sisällön suunnittelussa tulisi ensisijaisesti huomioida, jotta sivusto olisi hyödyllinen sekä yritykselle että asiakkaalle. Aihetta tarkasteltiin erityisesti käytettävyyden ja visuaalisen suunnittelun näkökulmasta. Opinnäytetyön aiheen lähtökohtana oli ravintola-alan yritykseltä saatu toimeksianto. Sen tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa yritykselle www-sivut. Työ jakautui teoreettiseen ja toiminnalliseen osaan. Työn teoriaosassa perehdyttiin käytettävyyteen ja visuaaliseen suunnitteluun www-sivujen suunnittelun näkökulmasta. Käytettävyyden ja visuaalisuuden huomioiminen ovat tärkeä osa www-sivujen suunnittelua, koska sivuston tulisi olla helposti käytettävä, mutta myös ulkoasultaan miellyttävä. Opinnäytetyön toiminnallisena tavoitteena oli toteuttaa www-sivusto, joka on miellyttävä sekä käytettävyydeltään että visuaaliselta ilmeeltään. Sivujen toteutuksen lähtökohtana toimivat työn teoreettinen tausta ja käyttäjätutkimus, jonka tarkoituksena oli selvittää potentiaalisten käyttäjien toiveita ja tarpeita uusille www-sivuille. Opinnäytetyössä hyödynnettiin käyttäjäkeskeisen suunnittelun periaatteita eli käyttäjän kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä huomioitiin www-sivujen toteutusprosessissa. Käyttäjätutkimuksen tulosten pohjalta tunnistettiin tärkeimmät www-sivujen toimivuuden ja sisällön vaatimukset käyttäjän näkökulmasta. Www-sivujen vaatimukset määriteltiin tutkimuksen tulosten, yrityksen toiveiden ja teoreettisen taustan pohjalta. Tämän jälkeen toteutettiin sivusto, jota testattiin ja arvioitiin testikäyttäjäryhmän kanssa toteutuksen aikana. Sivusto todettiin lopulta helppokäyttöiseksi ja selkeäksi. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena yritys sai käyttöönsä omat www-sivut. Sivustosta tuli ulkoasultaan miellyttävä ja toimivuudeltaan selkeä ja helppokäyttöinen. Sivusto sisältää keskeisimmät tiedot yrityksen toiminnasta. Yritys huolehtii jatkossa itse sivuston ylläpidosta.Usability and Visuality on a Small Business Web Site Production The basis of this thesis was to clarify the issues that should primarily be taken into account on a small business Web site’s user interface and content design in order that the site would be useful for both the company and the customer. The subject viewed in particular usability and visual design aspects. The topic of the thesis was based on an assignment from a catering business company. It intended to design and produce a company Web site. The thesis was divided into theoretical and functional parts. The theoretical part of the thesis was usability and visual design from a web design point of view. Usability and visual attention are important parts of web design, because the Web site should be easy to use and also visually pleasing. The functional part of the thesis was to produce a Web site which is both comfortable on its usability and visual appearance. The production process was based on the theoretical background and a user survey, which intended to identify potential users' needs and wishes for the new Web site. The thesis was intended to follow the principles of user centered design, so the user experience and opinions were taken into account in the production process. On the basis of the user survey results, main usability and content requirements for the Web site were identified from the user's point of view. The survey results, company’s wishes and the theoretical background defined the requirements to the company Web site. The site was then produced and evaluated with a small group of test users during the production process. The Web site was eventually found simple and user-friendly. As the result of the thesis, the company got a new Web site. The Web site is visually pleasing, clear and easy to use. The Web site contains essential details of the company's functions. The company will take care of the future maintenance of the Web site itself