454 research outputs found

    Virtual Asset Representation for enabling Adaptive Assembly at the Example of Electric Vehicle Production

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    Manufacturing companies are confronted with the challenge of adapting to ever-changing requirements of markets in order to remain competitive. Besides the rising number of product variants, increasingly frequent product changes require a continuous adaptation of assembly processes including its work instructions. Adaptive and highly connected agile assembly systems are designed to meet these challenges by enabling the interaction of various assets in assembly. A successful implementation of such Industry 4.0 (I4.0) solutions requires the development of a semantic oriented adaptive framework, which connects the physical with the virtual world. It enables interactive and situation-aware solutions such as Augmented Reality applications to adapt to worker capabilities and to improve worker satisfaction by providing information, based on individual experience, skills and personal preferences. A central part of the adaptive framework is the semantic representation of tangible and intangible assets through a Virtual Asset Representation containing all relevant asset information for adaptive assembly. This paper shows a three levels structure for adaptive assembly implementation, consisting of the adaptive framework level, the Virtual Asset Representation (VAR) ontology level and the use case level. The implementation of an adaptive assembly system is shown in the use case of a rear light assembly process of an electric vehicle in the context of the EU funded project A4BLUE. Based on the gained experiences a critical reflection on target fulfilment and user-friendliness of the VAR is given

    Production process stability - Core assumption of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept

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    Today's industrial enterprises are confronted by implementation of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept with basic problem - stabilised manufacturing and supporting processes. Through this phenomenon of stabilisation, they will achieve positive digital management of both processes and continuously throughput. There is required structural stability of horizontal (business) and vertical (digitized) manufacturing processes, supported through digitalised technologies of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept. Results presented in this paper based on the research results and survey realised in more industrial companies. Following will described basic model for structural process stabilisation in manufacturing environment. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Augmented reality at the workplace : a context-aware assistive system using in-situ projection

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    Augmented Reality has been used for providing assistance during manual assembly tasks for more than 20 years. Due to recent improvements in sensor technology, creating context-aware Augmented Reality systems, which can detect interaction accurately, becomes possible. Additionally, the increasing amount of variants of assembled products and being able to manufacture ordered products on demand, leads to an increasing complexity for assembly tasks at industrial assembly workplaces. The resulting need for cognitive support at workplaces and the availability of robust technology enables us to address real problems by using context-aware Augmented Reality to support workers during assembly tasks. In this thesis, we explore how assistive technology can be used for cognitively supporting workers in manufacturing scenarios. By following a user-centered design process, we identify key requirements for assistive systems for both continuously supporting workers and teaching assembly steps to workers. Thereby, we analyzed three different user groups: inexperienced workers, experienced workers, and workers with cognitive impairments. Based on the identified requirements, we design a general concept for providing cognitive assistance at workplaces which can be applied to multiple scenarios. For applying the proposed concept, we present four prototypes using a combination of in-situ projection and cameras for providing feedback to workers and to sense the workers' interaction with the workplace. Two of the prototypes address a manual assembly scenario and two prototypes address an order picking scenario. For the manual assembly scenario, we apply the concept to a single workplace and an assembly cell, which connects three single assembly workplaces to each other. For the order picking scenario, we present a cart-mounted prototype using in-situ projection to display picking information directly onto the warehouse. Further, we present a user-mounted prototype, exploring the design-dimension of equipping the worker with technology rather than equipping the environment. Besides the system contribution of this thesis, we explore the benefits of the created prototypes through studies with inexperienced workers, experienced workers, and cognitively impaired workers. We show that a contour visualization of in-situ feedback is the most suitable for cognitively impaired workers. Further, these contour instructions enable the cognitively impaired workers to perform assembly tasks with a complexity of up to 96 work steps. For inexperienced workers, we show that a combination of haptic and visual error feedback is appropriate to communicate errors that were made during assembly tasks. For creating interactive instructions, we introduce and evaluate a Programming by Demonstration approach. Investigating the long-term use of in-situ instructions at manual assembly workplaces, we show that instructions adapting to the workers' cognitive needs is beneficial, as continuously presenting instructions has a negative impact on the performance of both experienced and inexperienced workers. In the order picking scenario, we show that the cart-mounted in-situ instructions have a great potential as they outperform the paper-baseline. Finally, the user-mounted prototype results in a lower perceived cognitive load. Over the course of the studies, we recognized the need for a standardized way of evaluating Augmented Reality instructions. To address this issue, we propose the General Assembly Task Model, which provides two standardized baseline tasks and a noise-free way of evaluating Augmented Reality instructions for assembly tasks. Further, based on the experience, we gained from applying our assistive system in real-world assembly scenarios, we identify eight guidelines for designing assistive systems for the workplace. In conclusion, this thesis provides a basis for understanding how in-situ projection can be used for providing cognitive support at workplaces. It identifies the strengths and weaknesses of in-situ projection for cognitive assistance regarding different user groups. Therefore, the findings of this thesis contribute to the field of using Augmented Reality at the workplace. Overall, this thesis shows that using Augmented Reality for cognitively supporting workers during manual assembly tasks and order picking tasks creates a benefit for the workers when working on cognitively demanding tasks.Seit mehr als 20 Jahren wird Augmented Reality eingesetzt, um manuelle Montagetätigkeiten zu unterstützen. Durch neue Entwicklungen in der Sensortechnologie ist es möglich, kontextsensitive Augmented-Reality-Systeme zu bauen, die Interaktionen akkurat erkennen können. Zudem führen eine zunehmende Variantenvielfalt und die Möglichkeit, bestellte Produkte erst auf Nachfrage zu produzieren, zu einer zunehmenden Komplexität an Montagearbeitsplätzen. Der daraus entstehende Bedarf für kognitive Unterstützung an Arbeitsplätzen und die Verfügbarkeit von robuster Technologie lässt uns bestehende Probleme lösen, indem wir Arbeitende während Montagearbeiten mithilfe von kontextsensitiver Augmented Reality unterstützen. In dieser Arbeit erforschen wir, wie Assistenztechnologie eingesetzt werden kann, um Arbeitende in Produktionsszenarien kognitiv zu unterstützen. Mithilfe des User-Centered-Design-Prozess identifizieren wir Schlüsselanforderungen für Assistenzsysteme, die sowohl Arbeitende kontinuierlich unterstützen als auch Arbeitenden Arbeitsschritte beibringen können. Dabei betrachten wir drei verschiedene Benutzergruppen: unerfahrene Arbeitende, erfahrene Arbeitende, und Arbeitende mit kognitiven Behinderungen. Auf Basis der erarbeiteten Schlüsselanforderungen entwerfen wir ein allgemeines Konzept für die Bereitstellung von kognitiver Assistenz an Arbeitsplätzen, welches in verschiedenen Szenarien angewandt werden kann. Wir präsentieren vier verschiedene Prototypen, in denen das vorgeschlagene Konzept implementiert wurde. Für die Prototypen verwenden wir eine Kombination von In-Situ-Projektion und Kameras, um Arbeitenden Feedback anzuzeigen und die Interaktionen der Arbeitenden am Arbeitsplatz zu erkennen. Zwei der Prototypen zielen auf ein manuelles Montageszenario ab, und zwei weitere Prototypen zielen auf ein Kommissionierszenario ab. Im manuellen Montageszenario wenden wir das Konzept an einem Einzelarbeitsplatz und einer Montagezelle, welche drei Einzelarbeitsplätze miteinander verbindet, an. Im Kommissionierszenario präsentieren wir einen Kommissionierwagen, der mithilfe von In-Situ-Projektion Informationen direkt ins Lager projiziert. Des Weiteren präsentieren wir einen tragbaren Prototypen, der anstatt der Umgebung den Arbeitenden mit Technologie ausstattet. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Erforschung der Vorteile der erstellten Prototypen durch Benutzerstudien mit erfahrenen Arbeitenden, unerfahrenen Arbeitenden und Arbeitende mit kognitiver Behinderung. Wir zeigen, dass eine Kontur-Visualisierung von In-Situ-Anleitungen die geeignetste Anleitungsform für Arbeitende mit kognitiven Behinderungen ist. Des Weiteren befähigen Kontur-basierte Anleitungen Arbeitende mit kognitiver Behinderung, an komplexeren Aufgaben zu arbeiten, welche bis zu 96 Arbeitsschritte beinhalten können. Für unerfahrene Arbeitende zeigen wir, dass sich eine Kombination von haptischem und visuellem Fehlerfeedback bewährt hat. Wir stellen einen Ansatz vor, der eine Programmierung von interaktiven Anleitungen durch Demonstration zulässt, und evaluieren ihn. Bezüglich der Langzeitwirkung von In-Situ-Anleitungen an manuellen Montagearbeitsplätzen zeigen wir, dass Anleitungen, die sich den kognitiven Bedürfnissen der Arbeitenden anpassen, geeignet sind, da ein kontinuierliches Präsentieren von Anleitungen einen negativen Einfluss auf die Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit von erfahrenen Arbeitenden sowohl als auch unerfahrenen Arbeitenden hat. Für das Szenario der Kommissionierung zeigen wir, dass die In-Situ-Anleitungen des Kommissionierwagens ein großes Potenzial haben, da sie zu einer schnelleren Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit führen als traditionelle Papieranleitungen. Schlussendlich führt der tragbare Prototyp zu einer subjektiv niedrigeren kognitiven Last. Während der Durchführung der Studien haben wir den Bedarf einer standardisierten Evaluierungsmethode von Augmented-Reality-Anleitungen erkannt. Deshalb schlagen wir das General Assembly Task Modell vor, welches zwei standardisierte Grundaufgaben und eine Methode zur störungsfreien Analyse von Augmented-Reality-Anleitungen für Montagearbeiten bereitstellt. Des Weiteren stellen wir auf Basis unserer Erfahrungen, die wir durch die Anwendung unseres Assistenzsystems in Montageszenarien gemacht haben, acht Richtlinien für das Gestalten von Montageassistenzsystemen vor. Zusammenfassend bietet diese Arbeit eine Basis für das Verständnis der Benutzung von In-Situ-Projektion zur Bereitstellung von kognitiver Montageassistenz. Diese Arbeit identifiziert die Stärken und Schwächen von In-Situ-Projektion für die kognitive Unterstützung verschiedener Benutzergruppen. Folglich tragen die Resultate dieser Arbeit zum Feld der Benutzung von Augmented Reality an Arbeitsplätzen bei. Insgesamt zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die Benutzung von Augmented Reality für die kognitive Unterstützung von Arbeitenden während kognitiv anspruchsvoller manueller Montagetätigkeiten und Kommissioniertätigkeiten zu einer schnelleren Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit führt

    Concept of a Self-Learning Workplace Cell for Worker Assistance While Collaboration with a Robot Within the Self-Adapting-Production-Planning-System

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    For some time, the focus of past research on industrial workplace designs has been the optimization of processes from the technological point of view. Since human workers have to work within this environment the design process must regard Human Factor needs. The operators are under additional stress due to the range of high dynamic processes and due to the integration of robots and autonomous operating machines. There have been few studies on how Human Factors influence the design of workplaces for Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). Furthermore, a comprehensive, systematic and human-centred design solution for industrial workplaces particularly considering Human Factor needs within HRC is widely uncertain and a specific application with reference to production workplaces is missing. The research findings described in this paper aim the optimization of workplaces for manual production and maintenance processes with respect to the workers within HRC. In order to increase the acceptance of integration of human-robot teams, the concept of the Assisting-Industrial-Workplace-System (AIWS) was developed. As a flexible hybrid cell for HRC integrated into a Self-Adapting-Production-Planning-System (SAPPS) assists the worker while interaction

    Use of Mobile Phones as Intelligent Sensors for Sound Input Analysis and Sleep State Detection

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    Sleep is not just a passive process, but rather a highly dynamic process that is terminated by waking up. Throughout the night a specific number of sleep stages that are repeatedly changing in various periods of time take place. These specific time intervals and specific sleep stages are very important for the wake up event. It is far more difficult to wake up during the deep NREM (2–4) stage of sleep because the rest of the body is still sleeping. On the other hand if we wake up during the mild (REM, NREM1) sleep stage it is a much more pleasant experience for us and for our bodies. This problem led the authors to undertake this study and develop a Windows Mobile-based device application called wakeNsmile. The wakeNsmile application records and monitors the sleep stages for specific amounts of time before a desired alarm time set by users. It uses a built-in microphone and determines the optimal time to wake the user up. Hence, if the user sets an alarm in wakeNsmile to 7:00 and wakeNsmile detects that a more appropriate time to wake up (REM stage) is at 6:50, the alarm will start at 6:50. The current availability and low price of mobile devices is yet another reason to use and develop such an application that will hopefully help someone to wakeNsmile in the morning. So far, the wakeNsmile application has been tested on four individuals introduced in the final section

    Thinking- Skins

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    Under the guiding concept of a thinking skin, the research project examines the transferability of cyber-physical systems to the application field of façades. It thereby opens up potential increases in the performance of automated and adaptive façade systems and provides a conceptual framework for further research and development of intelligent building envelopes in the current age of digital transformation. The project is characterized by the influence of digital architectural design methods and the associated computational processing of information in the design process. The possible establishment of relationships and dependencies in an architecture understood as a system, in particular, are the starting point for the conducted investigation. With the available automation technologies, the possibility of movable building constructions, and existing computer-based control systems, the technical preconditions for the realisation of complex and active buildings exist today. Against this background, dynamic and responsive constructions that allow adaptations in the operation of the building are a current topic in architecture. In the application field of the building envelope, the need for such designs is evident, particularly with regards to the concrete field of adaptive façades. In its mediating role, the façade is confronted with the dynamic influences of the external microclimate of a building and the changing comfort demands of the indoor climate. The objective in the application of adaptive façades is to increase building efficiency by balancing dynamic influencing factors and requirements. Façade features are diverse and with the increasing integration of building services, both the scope of fulfilled façade functions and the complexity of today’s façades increase. One challenge is the coordination of adaptive functions to ensure effective reactions of the façade as a complete system. The ThinkingSkins research project identifies cyber-physical systems as a possible solution to this challenge. This involves the close integration of physical systems with their digital control. Important features are the decentralized organization of individual system constituents and their cooperation via an exchange of information. Developments in recent decades, such as the miniaturisation of computer technology and the availability of the Internet, have established the technical basis required for these developments. Cyber-physical systems are already employed in many fields of application. Examples are decentralized energy supply, or transportation systems with autonomous vehicles. The influence is particularly evident in the transformation of the industrial sector to Industry 4.0, where formerly mechatronic production plants are networked into intelligent technical systems with the aim of achieving higher and more flexible productivity. In the ThinkingSkins research project it is assumed that the implementation of cyber-physical systems based on the role model of cooperating production plants in IIndustry 4.0 can contribute to an increase in the performance of façades. Accordingly, the research work investigates a possible transfer of cyber-physical systems to the application field of building envelopes along the research question: How can cyber-physical systems be applied to façades, in order to enable coordinated adaptations of networked individual façade functions? To answer this question, four partial studies are carried out, which build upon each other. The first study is based on a literature review, in which the understanding and the state-of-the-art development of intelligent façade systems is examined in comparison to the exemplary field of application of cyber-physical systems in the manufacturing industry. In the following partial study, a second literature search identifies façade functions that can be considered as components of a cyber-physical façade due to their adaptive feasibility and their effect on the façade performance. For the evaluation of the adaptive capabilities, characteristics of their automated and adaptive implementation are assigned to the identified façade functions. The resulting superposition matrix serves as an organizational tool for the third investigation of the actual conditions in construction practice. In a multiple case study, realized façade projects in Germany are examined with regard to their degree of automation and adaptivity. The investigation includes interviews with experts involved in the projects as well as field studies on site. Finally, an experimental examination of the technical feasibility of cyber-physical façade systems is carried out through the development of a prototype. In the sense of an internet of façade functions, the automated adaptive façade functions ventilation, sun protection as well as heating and cooling are implemented in decentrally organized modules. They are connected to a digital twin and can exchange data with each other via a communication protocol. The research project shows that the application field of façades has not yet been exploited for the implementation of cyber-physical systems. With the automation technologies used in building practice, however, many technical preconditions for the development of cyber-physical façade systems already exist. Many features of such a system are successfully implemented within the study by the development of a prototype. The research project therefore comes to the conclusion that the application of cyber-physical systems to the façade is possible and offers a promising potential for the effective use of automation technologies. Due to the lack of artificial intelligence and machine learning strategies, the project does not achieve the goal of developing a façade in the sense of a true ThinkingSkin as the title indicates. A milestone is achieved by the close integration of the physical façade system with a decentralized and integrated control system. In this sense, the researched cyber-physical implementation of façades represents a conceptual framework for the realisation of corresponding systems in building practice, and a pioneer for further research of ThinkingSkins


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    New technologies and automation concepts emerge in the digitalization of our environment. This is, for example, reflected by intelligent production systems in Industry 4.0. A core aspect of such systems is their cyber-physical implementation, which aims to increase productivity and flexibility through embedded computing capacities and the cooperation of decentrally networked production plants. This development stage of automation has not yet been achieved in the current state-of-the-art of façades. Being responsible for the execution of adaptive measures, façade automation is part of hierarchically and centrally organised Building Automation Systems (BAS). The research project ThinkingSkins is guided by the hypothesis that, aiming at an enhanced overall building performance, façades can be implemented as cyber-physical systems. Accordingly, it addresses the research question: How can cyber-physical systems be applied to façades, in order to enable coordinated adaptations of networked individual façade functions? The question is approached in four partial investigations. First, a comprehensive understanding of intelligent systems in both application fields, façades and Industry 4.0, is elaborated by a literature review. Subsequently, relevant façade functions are identified by a second literature review in a superposition matrix, which also incorporates characteristics for a detailed assessment of each function’s adaptive capacities. The third investigation focuses on existing conditions in building practice by means of a multiple case study analysis. Finally, the technical feasibility of façades implemented as cyber-physical systems is investigated by developing a prototype. The research project identifies the possibility and promising potential of cyberphysical façades. As result, the doctoral dissertation provides a conceptual framework for the implementation of such systems in building practice and for further research

    Ergonomic Design of an Adaptive Automation Assembly System

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    Ergonomics is a key factor in the improvement of health and productivity in workplaces. Its use in improving the performance of a manufacturing process and its positive effects on productivity and human performance is drawing the attention of researchers and practitioners in the field of industrial engineering. This paper proposes an ergonomic design approach applied to an innovative prototype of an adaptive automation assembly system (A3S) equipped with Microsoft Kinect™ for real-time adjustment. The system acquires the anthropometric measurements of the operator by means of the 3-D sensing device and changes its layout, arranging the mobile elements accordingly. The aim of this study was to adapt the assembly workstation to the operator dimensions, improving the ergonomics of the workstation and reducing the risks of negative effects on workers’ health and safety. The case study of an assembly operation of a centrifugal electric pump is described to validate the proposed approach. The assembly operation was simulated at a traditional fixed workstation and at the A3S. The shoulder flexion angle during the assembly tasks at the A3S reduced between 18% and 47%. The ergonomic risk assessment confirmed the improvement of the ergonomic conditions and the ergonomic benefits of the A3S