1,961 research outputs found

    Type of Tomato Classification Using Deep Learning

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    Abstract: Tomatoes are part of the major crops in food security. Tomatoes are plants grown in temperate and hot regions of South American origin from Peru, and then spread to most countries of the world. Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts, and are recommended for people with constipation, diabetes and patients with heart and body diseases. Studies and scientific studies have proven the importance of eating tomato juice in reducing the activity of platelets in diabetics, which helps in protecting them from developing deadly blood clots. A tomato classification approach is presented with a data set containing approximately 5,266 images with 7 species belonging to tomatoes. The Neural Network Algorithms (CNN), a deep learning technique applied widely in image recognition, is used for this task

    Definition and Application of a Computational Parameter for the Quantitative Production of Hydroponic Tomatoes Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Digital Image Processing.

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    This work presents an alternative method, referred to as Productivity Index or PI, to quan tify the production of hydroponic tomatoes using computer vision and neural networks, in contrast to other well-known metrics, such as weight and count. This new method also allows the automation of processes, such as tracking of tomato growth and quality control. To compute the PI, a series of computational processes are conducted to calculate the total pixel area of the displayed tomatoes and obtain a quantitative indicator of hydroponic crop production. Using the PI, it was possible to identify objects belonging to hydroponic tomatoes with an error rate of 1.07%. After the neural networks were trained, the PI was applied to a full crop season of hydroponic tomatoes to show the potential of the PI to monitor the growth and maturation of tomatoes using different dosages of nutrients. With the help of the PI, it was observed that a nutrient dosage diluted with 50% water shows no difference in yield when compared with the use of the same nutrient with no dilution.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    A Review on the Application of Natural Computing in Environmental Informatics

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    Natural computing offers new opportunities to understand, model and analyze the complexity of the physical and human-created environment. This paper examines the application of natural computing in environmental informatics, by investigating related work in this research field. Various nature-inspired techniques are presented, which have been employed to solve different relevant problems. Advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are discussed, together with analysis of how natural computing is generally used in environmental research.Comment: Proc. of EnviroInfo 201

    Identification of Relevant Phytochemical Constituents for Characterization and Authentication of Tomatoes by General Linear Model Linked to Automatic Interaction Detection (GLM-AID) and Artificial Neural Network Models (ANNs)

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    Hay un gran número de cultivos de tomate con una amplia gama de características morfológicas, químicas, nutricionales y sensoriales. Son muchos los factores conocidos que influyen en el contenido de nutrientes de cultivos de tomate. Un completo estudio de los efectos de estos factores requeriría un exhaustivo diseño experimental, un enfoque científico multidisciplinario y un método estadístico adecuado. Algunas técnicas de análisis multivariante como análisis de componentes principales (PCA) o el análisis factorial (FA) han sido ampliamente aplicados para buscar patrones en el comportamiento y reducir la dimensión de un conjunto de datos por un nuevo conjunto de variables latentes no correlacionados. Sin embargo, en algunos casos no es útil para sustituir las variables originales con estas variables latentes. En este estudio, la interacción automática (ayuda) del algoritmo de detección y los modelos de una red neuronal artificial (RNA) se aplican como alternativa a la PCA, AF y otras técnicas de análisis multivariante para identificar los componentes fitoquímicos relevantes para la caracterización y la autenticación de los tomates. Para demostrar la viabilidad de la ayuda del algoritmo y del modelo Ann para lograr el propósito de este estudio, ambos métodos se aplican sobre un conjunto de datos con veinticinco parámetros químicos analizados en 167 muestras de tomate de Tenerife (España). Cada muestra de tomate fue definida por tres factores: cultivo, prácticas agrícolas y fecha de cosecha. El modelo lineal general (GLM ligada a la ayuda-AID) de estructura de árbol se organiza en 3 niveles de acuerdo con el número de factores. El ácido p-Coumaric era el compuesto permitido para distinguir las muestras de tomate según el día de la cosecha. Era necesario más de un parámetro químico para distinguir entre las diferentes prácticas agrícolas y entre los cultivos de tomate. Fueron desarrollados varios modelos de ANN, con 25 y 10 variables de entrada, para la predicción de cultivo, prácticas agrícolas y fecha de cosecha. Por último, los modelos con 10 variables de entrada fueron elegidos por situarse entre el 44 y el 100%. El menor encaje recayó en los cultivos y la clasificación, de modo que debe emplearse otro tipo de parámetro químico para identificar los cultivos de tomate.There are a large number of tomato cultivars with a wide range of morphological, chemical, nutritional and sensorial characteristics. Many factors are known to affect the nutrient content of tomato cultivars. A complete understanding of the effect of these factors would require an exhaustive experimental design, multidisciplinary scientific approach and a suitable statistical method. Some multivariate analytical techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Factor Analysis (FA) have been widely applied in order to search for patterns in the behaviour and reduce the dimensionality of a data set by a new set of uncorrelated latent variables. However, in some cases it is not useful to replace the original variables with these latent variables. In this study, Automatic Interaction Detection (AID) algorithm and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models were applied as alternative to the PCA, AF and other multivariate analytical techniques in order to identify the relevant phytochemical constituents for characterization and authentication of tomatoes. To prove the feasibility of AID algorithm and ANN models to achieve the purpose of this study, both methods were applied on a data set with twenty five chemical parameters analysed on 167 tomato samples from Tenerife (Spain). Each tomato sample was defined by three factors: cultivar, agricultural practice and harvest date. General Linear Model linked to AID (GLM-AID) tree structured was organized into 3 levels according to the number of factors. p-Coumaric acid was the compound the allowed to distinguish the tomato samples according to the day of harvest. More than one chemical parameter was necessary to distinguish among different agricultural practices and among the tomato cultivars. Several ANN models, with 25 and 10 input variables, for the prediction of cultivar, agricultural practice and harvest date, were developed. Finally, the models with 10 input variables were chosen with fit’s goodness between 44 and 100%. The lowest fits were for the cultivar classification, this low percentage suggests that other kind of chemical parameter should be used to identify tomato cultivars.• Junta de Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria: Beca postdoctoral (Plan 12C) P.P.0000 421S 140.08 • Junta de Extremadura: Ayuda GR10084peerReviewe

    A Review on Tomato Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning Approaches

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    Agriculture is one of the major sectors that influence the India economy due to the huge population and ever-growing food demand. Identification of diseases that affect the low yield in food crops plays a major role to improve the yield of a crop. India holds the world's second-largest share of tomato production. Unfortunately, tomato plants are vulnerable to various diseases due to factors such as climate change, heavy rainfall, soil conditions, pesticides, and animals. A significant number of studies have examined the potential of deep learning techniques to combat the leaf disease in tomatoes in the last decade. However, despite the range of applications, several gaps within tomato leaf disease detection are yet to be addressed to support the tomato leaf disease diagnosis. Thus, there is a need to create an information base of existing approaches and identify the challenges and opportunities to help advance the development of tools that address the needs of tomato farmers. The review is focussed on providing a detailed assessment and considerations for developing deep learning-based Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures like Dense Net, ResNet, VGG Net, Google Net, Alex Net, and LeNet that are applied to detect the disease in tomato leaves to identify 10 classes of diseases affecting tomato plant leaves, with distinct trained disease datasets. The performance of architecture studies using the data from plantvillage dataset, which includes healthy and diseased classes, with the assistance of several different architectural designs. This paper helps to address the existing research gaps by guiding further development and application of tools to support tomato leaves disease diagnosis and provide disease management support to farmers in improving the crop

    A CNN-ELM Classification Model for Automated Tomato Maturity Grading

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    Tomatoes are popular around the world due to their high nutritional value. Tomatoes are also one of the world’s most widely cultivated and profitable crops. The distribution and marketing of tomatoes depend highly on their quality. Estimating tomato ripeness is an essential step in determining shelf life and quality. With the abundant supply of tomatoes on the market, it is exceedingly difficult to estimate tomato ripeness using human graders. To address this issue and improve tomato quality inspection and sorting, automated tomato maturity classification models based on different features have been developed. However, current methods heavily rely on human-engineered or handcrafted features. Convolutional neural networks have emerged as the preferred technique for general object recognition problems because they can automatically detect and extract valuable features by directly working on input images. This paper proposes a CNN-ELM classification model for automated tomato maturity grading that combines CNNs’ automated feature learning capabilities with the efficiency of extreme learning machines to perform fast and accurate classification even with limited training data. The results showed that the proposed CNN-ELM model had a classification accuracy of 96.67% and an F1-score of 96.67% in identifying six maturity stages from the test data

    Deep Learning for Early Detection, Identification, and Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Plant Diseases Using Multispectral Aerial Imagery

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    Production of food crops is hampered by the proliferation of crop diseases which cause huge harvest losses. Current crop-health monitoring programs involve the deployment of scouts and experts to detect and identify crop diseases through visual observation. These monitoring schemes are expensive and too slow to offer timely remedial recommendations for preventing the spread of these crop-damaging diseases. There is thus a need for the development of cheaper and faster methods for identifying and monitoring crop diseases. Recent advances in deep learning have enabled the development of automatic and accurate image classification systems. These advances coupled with the widespread availability of multispectral aerial imagery provide a cost-effective method for developing crop-diseases classification tools. However, large datasets are required to train deep learning models, which may be costly and difficult to obtain. Fortunately, models trained on one task can be repurposed for different tasks (with limited data) using transfer learning technique. The purpose of this research was to develop and implement an end-to-end deep learning framework for early detection and continuous monitoring of crop diseases using transfer learning and high resolution, multispectral aerial imagery. In the first study, the technique was used to compare the performance of five pre-trained deep learning convolutional neural networks (VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, Inception V3, and Xception) in classifying crop diseases for apples, grapes, and tomatoes. The results of the study show that the best performing crop-disease classification models were those trained on the VGG16 network, while those trained on the ResNet50 network had the worst performance. The other studies compared the performance of using transfer learning and different three-band color combinations to train single- and multiple-crop classification models. The results of these studies show that models combining red, near infrared, and blue bands performed better than models trained with the traditional visible spectral band combination of red, green, and blue. The worst performing models were those combining near infrared, green, and blue bands. This research recommends that further studies be undertaken to determine the best band combinations for training single- and multi-label classification models for both crops and plants and diseases that affect them

    Artificial Intelligence for detection and prevention of mold contamination in tomato processing

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    openIl presente elaborato si propone di analizzare l'uso dell'intelligenza artificiale attraverso il riconoscimento di immagini per rilevare la presenza di muffa nei pomodori durante il processo di essiccazione. La muffa nei pomodori rappresenta un rischio sia per la salute umana sia per l'industria alimentare, comportando, anche, una serie di problemi che vanno oltre l'aspetto estetico. Essa è causata principalmente da funghi che si diffondono rapidamente sulla superficie dei pomodori. Tale processo compromette così la qualità con la conseguente produzione di tossine che possono influire sulla salute umana. L'obiettivo sperimentale di questo lavoro è il problema dello spreco e della perdita di prodotto nell'industria alimentare. Quando i pomodori sono colpiti da muffe, infatti, diventano inadatti al consumo, con conseguente perdita di cibo. Lo spreco di pomodori a causa delle muffe rappresenta anche la perdita di preziose risorse, utili alla produzione, come terra, acqua, energia e tempo. Il proposito è testare, anche nella fase iniziale, la capacità di un algoritmo di rilevamento degli oggetti per identificare la muffa, e adottare misure preventive. L'analisi sperimentale ha previsto l'addestramento dell'algoritmo con un'ampia serie di foto, tra cui pomodori sani e rovinati di diversi tipi, forme e consistenze. Per etichettare le immagini e creare le epoche di addestramento è stato quindi utilizzato YOLOv7, l'algoritmo di rilevamento degli oggetti scelto, basato su reti neurali. Per valutare le prestazioni sono state utilizzate metriche di valutazione, tra cui “Precision” e “Recall”. L'ipotesi di applicazione dell'intelligenza artificiale in futuro sarà un grande potenziale per migliorare i processi di produzione alimentare, facilitando, così, l'identificazione delle muffe. Il rilevamento rapido delle muffe faciliterebbe la separazione tempestiva dei prodotti contaminati, riducendo così il rischio di diffusione delle tossine e preservando la qualità degli alimenti non contaminati. Questo approccio contribuirebbe a ridurre al minimo gli sprechi alimentari e le inefficienze delle risorse associate allo scarto di grandi quantità di prodotto. Inoltre, l'integrazione della computer vision nel contesto dell'HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) potrebbe migliorare i protocolli di sicurezza alimentare grazie a un rilevamento accurato e tempestivo. Questa tecnologia potrà offrire, dando priorità alla prevenzione, una promettente opportunità per migliorare la qualità, l'efficienza e la sostenibilità dei futuri processi di produzione alimentare.This study investigates the use of computer vision couples with artificial intelligence to detect mold in tomatoes during the drying process. Mold presence in tomatoes poses threats to human health and the food industry as it leads to several issues beyond appearance. It is primarily caused by fungi that spread rapidly over the tomato surface, compromising their quality, and potentially producing toxins that can harm human health. The experimental aim of this work focused on the issue of wastage and loss within the food industry. When tomatoes succumb to mold, they become unsuitable for consumption, resulting in a loss of food and resources. Considering that tomato production requires resources such as land, water, energy, and time, wasting tomatoes due to mold also represents a waste of these valuable resources. The goal was to evaluate the mold detection capabilities of an object detection algorithm, particularly in its early stages, to facilitate preventative measures. This experimental analysis entailed training the algorithm with an extensive array of images, encompassing a variety of healthy and spoiled tomatoes of different shapes, types, textures and drying stages. The chosen object detection algorithm, YOLOv7, is convolutional neural network-based and was utilized for image labeling and training epochs. Evaluation metrics, including precision and recall, were utilized to assess the algorithm's performance. The implementation of artificial intelligence in the future has significant potential for enhancing food production processes by streamlining mold identification. Prompt mold detection would expedite segregation of contaminated products, thus reducing the risk of toxin dissemination and preserving the quality of uncontaminated food. This approach could minimize food waste and resource inefficiencies linked to discarding significant product amounts. Furthermore, integrating computer vision in the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) context could enhance food safety protocols via accurate and prompt detection. By prioritizing prevention, this technology offers a promising chance to optimize quality, efficiency, and sustainability of future food production processes