1,916 research outputs found

    An evaluation framework for virtual reality safety training systems in the South African Mining Industry

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    The mining industry in South Africa contributes significantly to the national economy. Despite stringent safety legislation, mining accidents cause numerous fatalities and injuries. Inadequate or insufficient training is often cited as a root cause of accidents. Conventional class-based safety training has not reduced the incidence of accidents significantly. By contrast, virtual reality training tools can provide simulated exposure to real-world working conditions without the associated risks. This study describes the application of design-based research (DBR) in the design and development of two desktop virtual reality (VR) systems for safety training in the South African mining industry. The results of a usability context analysis were applied in the design of a VR prototype on generic hazards recognition and rectification, which was used and evaluated at South Africa‘s largest platinum mine site. A case study was conducted to investigate the causes and occurrences of falls of ground, which resulted in the design and development of a second VR prototype focusing on identifying and addressing underground geological conditions. DBR was also used in the generation of an evaluation framework for evaluating VR training systems, namely the Desktop VR Evaluation Framework (DEVREF), which is the major deliverable of the research. DEVREF can make a major contribution to the domain of e-training in mines and is transferable and customisable beyond its initial application. The process flow of the research thus moved beyond merely providing a solution to a complex real-world problem and became a classic DBR study with dual outcomes, namely a practical real-world solution in the form of two VR training systems and a theoretical contribution in the form of the DEVREF evaluation framework. DEVREF evaluates the design of desktop VR training systems in the categories of instructional design, usability, VR systems design, and context-specific criteria for mining. The use of DEVREF is demonstrated by reporting the application of its criteria in evaluating the two VR training systems. Heuristic evaluation, end-user surveys, and interviews were used as evaluation methods. A third contribution is methodological, in that this work proposes a new DBR process model and an interaction design lifecycle model suitable for VR training systems.ComputingD. Phil. (Information Systems

    Incident reconstruction simulations : potential impact on the prevention of future mine incidents

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    The mining industry in South Africa faces real challenges with regard to the reduction of safety-related incidents. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the need for alternative interventions in addition to other safety improvement strategies already employed on mines. It furthermore supports an existing paradigm: incident investigations. An investigation into fatalities in the South African mining industry shows that although great progress has been achieved through the reduction in fatalities in all sectors of the industry over the last few years, more can and should be done to achieve status of ‘zero harm’. Fatalities and lost time injuries on mines result not only in large financial losses, but also in disruptions of mining operations in general through Section 54 stoppages to resolve the situation. The approach of the paper is therefore not to try and prove whether there is high fatality rate and/or lost time injuries, but in what way incident reconstruction simulations (IRS) can have an impact in the future prevention of such incidents. The challenge therefore lies in the utilization of pro-active systems that would show employees the possible outcomes of being exposed to certain hazards. In real life, these incidents cannot be re-enacted and in most cases we can only learn through the previous mistakes of others. A virtual reality (VR) education and training system will enable employees to be ‘exposed’ to different hazards in a safe environment, and simulation, in a ‘forgiving’ environment, of the possible consequences of unsafe acts. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), unsafe acts and unsafe conditions are indirect causes of safety-related incidents, but there are also direct causes; for example, unplanned release of energy and/or hazardous material, and basic causes, for example, management safety policies, personal factors, and environmental factors. The administrative workload associated with any incident investigation places a large burden on the investigation team, and in most cases other employees are informed through vague administrative processes what the ’real cause’ for the incident/accident was. New preventative strategies are often put in place without showing the employees what the real causes of the incident/accident was. This can be mitigated through the use of interactive VR simulations/animations of the hazards that they are exposed to and how to deal with them. If VR interventions are not used as proposed by this paper, the real causes and consequences of almost all fatalities and lost time injuries may never be fully understood. This paper also emphasizes what potential impact IRS could have on the prevention of future mine incidents as part and parcel of a pro-active risk prevention strategy. The intention is therefore not to replace any other risk prevention strategies, but to visually enhance the reality of the incident.http://www.saimm.co.za/am201

    Problem Space Identification for Developing Virtual Reality Learning Environments

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    Our study argues that the extant literature on virtual reality-based learning environments (VRLEs) currently lacks proper definitions and context descriptions for a problem space, which is fundamental for conducting design science research (DSR). Without properly conducted problem space identification, the most pivotal problems cannot be identified resulting solutions lacking validity and unreliable evaluations. This is a major challenge for the DSR in the educational field, but also for the research on VRLEs. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a novel DSR method to support rigorous problem space identification, which would allow rigorous and profound problem space analysis. The instantiation of our method is depicted with a VRLE development project. In the problem space identification –process we adopt the concepts of self-determination theory and learning path to study and consider individual and a system level of the current VRLE artifact. This theoretical lens enables us to identify the problem space for VRLEs and also suggest how the to-be-developed artifact to be later evaluated. This paper contributes by introducing a general problem space identification for VRLEs and a DSR method to guide the future DSR in the educational field.Peer reviewe

    A sytemic study of mining accident causality : an analysis of 91 mining accidents from a platinum mine in South Africa

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    The mining industry is a very important sector of the South African national economy. A major factor threatening the sustainability of this industry is the worrying effect of mining accidents. These accidents usually lead to the destruction of property, injury/death of mine workers, and pollution of the environment. Although mining is generally seen as a hazardous operation worldwide, the accident rates in South African mines are still unacceptably high. Another worrying phenomenon is the fact that since 2003 reduction in fatalities and injuries has been 20ñ€“ 25% short of annual targets set by stake holders. These factors make the safety of the industry a very important subject. The understanding of accident causality is a major step in the quest to reduce accidents. It is only with a good understanding of the accident process that effective remedies can be designed. Accident modelling techniques provide the necessary platform for the interpretation and understanding of accidents at workplaces. The Swiss Cheese Model of accidents has proven to be a very efficient way of analysing industrial accidents. In this model, an accident is seen as a combination of unsafe acts by front line operators and latent conditions in the organization. The model helps to identify factors in an organizational structure that influence human behaviour/performance at workplaces. This study is aimed at demonstrating how a systemic approach can be applied to the analysis of the causes of accidents in South African mines. In this study, an accident analysis framework has been developed from the Swiss Cheese Model, combining the Mark III version of the Swiss Cheese Model, the Nertney Wheel and safety management principles. The main section of the framework is made up of three layers of accident causality: proximal causes, workplace factors and systemic factors. The second section (metadata) of the framework incorporates contextual data pertaining to each accident such as age, experience, task being performed, and time of accident. These data enhance the understanding of accident causality. The third and final section of the framework incorporates information about accident causing agencies and the nature of barriers breached in the accident process

    Developing critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions : a conceptual framework

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    Although the development of critical thinking in students is not an easy task, it is becoming increasingly more vital. Students need to be able to think critically to thrive in the 21st century workplace. The auditor of the future must adapt to a fast-changing, technologydriven world where critical thinking capabilities provide the ability to solve unstructured problems, analyse and interpret information, make informed decisions and interrogate information. With claims that the auditing profession is not delivering entry-level chartered accountants with the necessary skills and competencies to truly add value to auditing clients, the onus is on educators to develop critical thinking in their students. As critical thinking is a complex concept with multiple dimensions, imparting this skill to students is an intricate process. Technology-based educational interventions which include simulations, virtual reality and games can provide effective platforms for developing critical thinking. However, educators are often hesitant to use these technologies and uncertain how to instill critical thinking in students. It is therefore clear that educators need guidance and require a robust, holistic framework for critical thinking development through technology-based educational interventions. The primary objective of this study was to propose such a conceptual framework that would provide guidance to educators in addressing the growing need for auditors with welldeveloped critical thinking capabilities. To arrive at this conceptual framework, more insights into the conceptualisation and development of critical thinking were required. These insights set the foundation for a preliminary, literature-based, conceptual framework. To validate the concepts and relationships proposed in this preliminary framework and to provide insights into additional concepts and relationships, the perspectives of three groups of participants were obtained using an Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) design. Concepts in the final conceptual framework included studentrelated factors, educator-related factors, design and development considerations, technology-based enabling tools, collaboration among stakeholders and disciplines, the learning process, ethics, globalisation, auditing content, critical thinking and other learning outcomes associated with critical thinking, constructivism and characteristics of critical thinking instruction. The end product is a novel, integrated and robust conceptual framework aimed at the development of critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions. This framework provides a structure to the complex nature of critical thinking development. The acquisition of critical thinking capabilities is, however, not a once-off, linear event. The framework and its individual concepts and relationships should thus be seen as part of a continuous process of critical thinking growth.Hoe moeilik dit ook al mag wees om studente te leer om krities te dink, dit word toenemend noodsaaklik. In die 21e eeu vereis die werkplek immers kritiese denke van studente. Die aspirantouditeur moet by Ɖ snel veranderende, tegnologies gedrewe wĂȘreld kan aanpas deur krities te dink om ongestruktureerde probleme op te los, inligting te ontleed, te vertolk en te betwyfel, en om ingeligte besluite te neem. Aangesien ouditeursfirmas kla dat jong geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters nie oor die nodige vaardighede beskik nie, het opvoeders die verantwoordelikheid om studente krities te leer dink. Omrede kritiese denke Ɖ komplekse konsep met veelvuldige fasette is, is dit Ɖ heel ingewikkelde proses om studente daarmee toe te rus. Tegnologiese onderrigintervensies deur onder meer nabootsings, virtuele werklikhede en speletjies kan hierin van groot nut wees. Opvoeders aarsel egter om hierdie tegnologieĂ« aan te wend, en daarby is hulle onseker hoe om kritiese denke by studente in te skerp. Opvoeders het ongetwyfeld leiding hierin nodig, en Ɖ stewige, holististiese raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke deur middel van tegnologiese onderrigintervensies is duidelik nodig. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om met so Ɖ konseptuele raamwerk te kom wat leiding kan gee aan opvoeders wat aspirantouditeurs moet oplei om krities te dink. Hiervoor moes groter insig in die konseptualisering en ontwikkeling van kritiese denke verkry word. Hierdie insigte het die grondslag gelĂȘ vir Ɖ voorlopige konseptuele raamwerk wat op die literatuur berus. Drie groepe deelnemers is gebruik om die geldigheid van die addisionele konsepte en verbande in die voorlopige raamwerk te toets en insigte in addisionele konsepte en verbande te verkry. Ɖ Interaktiewe kwalitatiewe analise (IKA) is gedoen. Die konsepte in die finale konseptuele raamwerk is onder meer studentfaktore, opvoederfaktore, oorwegings soos ontwerp en ontwikkeling, tegnologiese instrumente, samewerking tussen belanghebbers en dissiplines, die leerproses, etiek, globalisering, die ouditkunde-inhoud, kritiese denke en ander leeruitkomste wat met kritiese denke gepaard gaan, konstruktivisme en die kenmerke van onderrig in kritiese denke. Die eindproduk is Ɖ nuwe, geĂŻntegreerde en stewige konseptuele raamwerk waarmee ouditkundestudente met tegnologiese onderrigintervensies opgelei kan word om krities te dink. Hierdie raamwerk verleen struktuur aan die komplekse aard van opleiding in kritiese denke. Die verwerwing van die vermoĂ« om krities te dink is egter nie eenmalig en lineĂȘr nie. Hierdie raamwerk met sy afsonderlike konsepte en verbande moet beskou word as Ɖ onderdeel van Ɖ deurlopende proses om kritiese denke te ontwikkel.Nakuba ukuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi kungesiwo umsebenzi olula, kuya ngokuya kubaluleka kakhulu. Abafundi kumele bakwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya ukuze baphumelele emsebenzini kwikhuluminyaka lama21. Umcwaningimabhuku wesikhathi esizayo kufanele ajwayele isimo sezwe elishintsha masinya, esiholwa ubuchwepheshe nokuyilapho ukukwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kuhlinzeka ikhono lokusombulula izinkinga ezingahlelekile, ukuhlaziya nokuhumusha imininingwane, ukuthatha izinqumo ezikahle nokuphenyisisa imininingwane. Njengoba kuthiwa umkhakha wezocwaningomabhuku awukhiqizi abagcinimabhuku bezinga lomhlaba abasaqala abanamakhono nokuqonda okufanele ukwenza umehluko kumakhasimende ocwaningomabhuku, kungumsebenzi wabafundisayo ukusungula ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi babo. Njengoba ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kungumqondo olukhuni ozigabaningi, ukudlulisela leli khono kubafundi kungumsebenzi oxakayo. Ukusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe, ezifaka kuzo ukulinganisa, okwenzeka ngempela nemidlalo, kunganikeza izinkundla ezisebenza ngempumelelo ukuthuthukisa ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Nakuba kunjalo, othisha bavame ukuba manqikanqika ukusebenzisa lobu buchwepheshe futhi abanasiqiniseko sokuthi bangakufaka kanjani ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi. Ngakho-ke kusobala ukuthi othisha badinga ukwelulekwa kanye nohlaka olunamandla olufaka konke maqondana nokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Injongo enkulu yalolu cwaningo ngukuhlongoza uhlaka lomqondo oluzohlinzeka umhlahlandlela kothisha ukubhekana nesidingo esikhulayo sabacwaningimabhuku abanamakhono athuthukile okucabanga sakuhlaziya. Ukuze kufinyelelwe kulolu hlaka, kwadingeka ulwazi olwengeziwe ekucabangeni nasekusungulweni kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Lolu lwazi lwaba yisisekelo sohlaka lomqondo lokuqala olugxile emibhalweni. Ukuze kuqinisekiswe imiqondo nobudlelwano obuhlongozwayo kulolu hlaka lokuqala futhi kuhlinzekwe ulwazi emicabangweni nasebudlelwaneni obengeziwe, imibono yamaqoqo amathathu ababambiqhaza yatholakala ngokusetshenziswa komklamo ongukuHlaziya Izingahle Ngokusebenzisana owaziwa ngokuthi yi-Interactive Qualitative Analysis (i-IQA). Imiqondo esohlakeni lomqondo lokugcina yayibandakanya okuphathelene nabafundi, okuphathelene nothisha, okumayelana nomklamo nentuthuko, amathuluzi okusiza ancike kubuchwepheshe, ukuhlanganyela phakathi kwabathintekayo nemikhakha, indlela yokufunda, okuphathelene nokulunga, ukusabalalisa umhlaba wonke, ukucwaninga imininingwane yokuqukethwe, ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kanye neminye imiphumela yokufunda ehambisana nokucabanga sakuhlaziya, nobunjalo bendlela yokufunda ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Umkhiqizo ovela ekugcineni kuba yinoveli nohlaka lomqondo olunamandla okuhloswe ngalo ukuba kuthuthukiswe ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi bezocwaningomabhuku ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Lolu hlaka luhlinzeka umumo esimweni esingaqondakali sokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Kodwa-ke, ukutholakala kwamakhono okucabanga sakuhlaziya, akusiyo into eyenzeka kanye, ngendlela efanayo. Ngakho-ke, uhlaka kanye nemiqondo yalo ngaminye nobudlelwano bayo kumele kubonakale njengengxenye yomsebenzi oqhubekayo wokukhula kokucabanga sakuhlaziya.TaxationD. Phil. (Accounting Sciences

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history

    Biopsychosocial Assessment and Ergonomics Intervention for Sustainable Living: A Case Study on Flats

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    This study proposes an ergonomics-based approach for those who are living in small housings (known as flats) in Indonesia. With regard to human capability and limitation, this research shows how the basic needs of human beings are captured and analyzed, followed by proposed designs of facilities and standard living in small housings. Ninety samples were involved during the study through in- depth interview and face-to-face questionnaire. The results show that there were some proposed of modification of critical facilities (such as multifunction ironing work station, bed furniture, and clothesline) and validated through usability testing. Overall, it is hoped that the proposed designs will support biopsychosocial needs and sustainability
