33 research outputs found

    A methodology to produce geographical information for land planning using very-high resolution images

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    Actualmente, os municípios são obrigados a produzir, no âmbito da elaboração dos instrumentos de gestão territorial, cartografia homologada pela autoridade nacional. O Plano Director Municipal (PDM) tem um período de vigência de 10 anos. Porém, no que diz respeito à cartografia para estes planos, principalmente em municípios onde a pressão urbanística é elevada, esta periodicidade não é compatível com a dinâmica de alteração de uso do solo. Emerge assim, a necessidade de um processo de produção mais eficaz, que permita a obtenção de uma nova cartografia de base e temática mais frequentemente. Em Portugal recorre-se à fotografia aérea como informação de base para a produção de cartografia de grande escala. Por um lado, embora este suporte de informação resulte em mapas bastante rigorosos e detalhados, a sua produção têm custos muito elevados e consomem muito tempo. As imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial podem constituir uma alternativa, mas sem substituir as fotografias aéreas na produção de cartografia temática, a grande escala. O tema da tese trata assim da satisfação das necessidades municipais em informação geográfica actualizada. Para melhor conhecer o valor e utilidade desta informação, realizou-se um inquérito aos municípios Portugueses. Este passo foi essencial para avaliar a pertinência e a utilidade da introdução de imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial na cadeia de procedimentos de actualização de alguns temas, quer na cartografia de base quer na cartografia temática. A abordagem proposta para solução do problema identificado baseia-se no uso de imagens de satélite e outros dados digitais em ambiente de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A experimentação teve como objectivo a extracção automática de elementos de interesse municipal a partir de imagens de muito alta-resolução espacial (fotografias aéreas ortorectificadas, imagem QuickBird, e imagem IKONOS), bem como de dados altimétricos (dados LiDAR). Avaliaram-se as potencialidades da informação geográfica extraídas das imagens para fins cartográficos e analíticos. Desenvolveram-se quatro casos de estudo que reflectem diferentes usos para os dados geográficos a nível municipal, e que traduzem aplicações com exigências diferentes. No primeiro caso de estudo, propõe-se uma metodologia para actualização periódica de cartografia a grande escala, que faz uso de fotografias aéreas vi ortorectificadas na área da Alta de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação quantitativa onde as qualidades posicionais e geométricas dos elementos extraídos são mais exigentes. No segundo caso de estudo, criou-se um sistema de alarme para áreas potencialmente alteradas, com recurso a uma imagem QuickBird e dados LiDAR, no Bairro da Madre de Deus, com objectivo de auxiliar a actualização de cartografia de grande escala. No terceiro caso de estudo avaliou-se o potencial solar de topos de edifícios nas Avenidas Novas, com recurso a dados LiDAR. No quarto caso de estudo, propõe-se uma série de indicadores municipais de monitorização territorial, obtidos pelo processamento de uma imagem IKONOS que cobre toda a área do concelho de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação com fins analíticos onde a qualidade temática da extracção é mais relevante.Currently, the Portuguese municipalities are required to produce homologated cartography, under the Territorial Management Instruments framework. The Municipal Master Plan (PDM) has to be revised every 10 years, as well as the topographic and thematic maps that describe the municipal territory. However, this period is inadequate for representing counties where urban pressure is high, and where the changes in the land use are very dynamic. Consequently, emerges the need for a more efficient mapping process, allowing obtaining recent geographic information more often. Several countries, including Portugal, continue to use aerial photography for large-scale mapping. Although this data enables highly accurate maps, its acquisition and visual interpretation are very costly and time consuming. Very-High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery can be an alternative data source, without replacing the aerial images, for producing large-scale thematic cartography. The focus of the thesis is the demand for updated geographic information in the land planning process. To better understand the value and usefulness of this information, a survey of all Portuguese municipalities was carried out. This step was essential for assessing the relevance and usefulness of the introduction of VHR satellite imagery in the chain of procedures for updating land information. The proposed methodology is based on the use of VHR satellite imagery, and other digital data, in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. Different algorithms for feature extraction that take into account the variation in texture, color and shape of objects in the image, were tested. The trials aimed for automatic extraction of features of municipal interest, based on aerial and satellite high-resolution (orthophotos, QuickBird and IKONOS imagery) as well as elevation data (altimetric information and LiDAR data). To evaluate the potential of geographic information extracted from VHR images, two areas of application were identified: mapping and analytical purposes. Four case studies that reflect different uses of geographic data at the municipal level, with different accuracy requirements, were considered. The first case study presents a methodology for periodic updating of large-scale maps based on orthophotos, in the area of Alta de Lisboa. This is a situation where the positional and geometric accuracy of the extracted information are more demanding, since technical mapping standards must be complied. In the second case study, an alarm system that indicates the location of potential changes in building areas, using a QuickBird image and LiDAR data, was developed for the area of Bairro da Madre de Deus. The goal of the system is to assist the updating of large scale mapping, providing a layer that can be used by the municipal technicians as the basis for manual editing. In the third case study, the analysis of the most suitable roof-tops for installing solar systems, using LiDAR data, was performed in the area of Avenidas Novas. A set of urban environment indicators obtained from VHR imagery is presented. The concept is demonstrated for the entire city of Lisbon, through IKONOS imagery processing. In this analytical application, the positional quality issue of extraction is less relevant.GEOSAT – Methodologies to extract large scale GEOgraphical information from very high resolution SATellite images (PTDC/GEO/64826/2006), e-GEO – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Planeamento Regional, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, no quadro do Grupo de Investigação Modelação Geográfica, Cidades e Ordenamento do Territóri

    Monitoring Cloud-prone Complex Landscapes At Multiple Spatial Scales Using Medium And High Resolution Optical Data: A Case Study In Central Africa

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    Tracking land surface dynamics over cloud-prone areas with complex mountainous terrain and a landscape that is heterogeneous at a scale of approximately 10 m, is an important challenge in the remote sensing of tropical regions in developing nations, due to the small plot sizes. Persistent monitoring of natural resources in these regions at multiple spatial scales requires development of tools to identify emerging land cover transformation due to anthropogenic causes, such as agricultural expansion and climate change. Along with the cloud cover and obstructions by topographic distortions due to steep terrain, there are limitations to the accuracy of monitoring change using available historical satellite imagery, largely due to sparse data access and the lack of high quality ground truth for classifier training. One such complex region is the Lake Kivu region in Central Africa. This work addressed these problems to create an effective process for monitoring the Lake Kivu region located in Central Africa. The Lake Kivu region is a biodiversity hotspot with a complex and heterogeneous landscape and intensive agricultural development, where individual plot sizes are often at the scale of 10m. Procedures were developed that use optical data from satellite and aerial observations at multiple scales to tackle the monitoring challenges. First, a novel processing chain was developed to systematically monitor the spatio-temporal land cover dynamics of this region over the years 1988, 2001, and 2011 using Landsat data, complemented by ancillary data. Topographic compensation was performed on Landsat reflectances to avoid the strong illumination angle impacts and image compositing was used to compensate for frequent cloud cover and thus incomplete annual data availability in the archive. A systematic supervised classification, using the state-of-the-art machine learning classifier Random Forest, was applied to the composite Landsat imagery to obtain land cover thematic maps with overall accuracies of 90% and higher. Subsequent change analysis between these years found extensive conversions of the natural environment as a result of human related activities. The gross forest cover loss for 1988-2001 and 2001- 2011 periods was 216.4 and 130.5 thousand hectares, respectively, signifying significant deforestation in the period of civil war and a relatively stable and lower deforestation rate later, possibly due to conservation and reforestation efforts in the region. The other dominant land cover changes in the region were aggressive subsistence farming and urban expansion displacing natural vegetation and arable lands. Despite limited data availability, this study fills the gap of much needed detailed and updated land cover change information for this biologically important region of Central Africa. While useful on a regional scale, Landsat data can be inadequate for more detailed studies of land cover change. Based on an increasing availability of high resolution imagery and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data from manned and unmanned aerial platforms (\u3c1m \u3eresolution), a study was performed leading to a novel generic framework for land cover monitoring at fine spatial scales. The approach fuses high spatial resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data to produce land cover maps with high spatial detail using object-based image analysis techniques. The classification framework was tested for a scene with both natural and cultural features and was found to be more than 90 percent accurate, sufficient for detailed land cover change studies

    Mapping And Monitoring Wetland Environment By Analysis Different Satellite Images And Field Spectroscopy

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010Bu çalışmada farklı spektral ve mekansal çözünürlükte uydu görüntülerinin “Terkos Havzası Sulak Alanı” örneğinde; arazi örtüsünde meydana gelen değişimleri ve sulak alan bitki türlerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılabilirlikleri için uygulanabilecek uzaktan algılama yöntemleri ele alınmıştır. Kullanılan yöntemler ile elde edilen yeni işlenmiş görüntülerin performanslarının yersel yansıtım değerleri kullanılarak desteklenmesi ile doğal alanların sürdürülebilir korunma ve yönetimi için uzaktan algılama verilerine dayalı bir altlık rehberin oluşturulması imkanı araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre heterojen arazi örtüsü yapısına sahip olan çalışma bölgesinde değişim tespiti için Ana Bileşen Dönüşümüne dayalı değişim tespit yöntemi en iyi sonucu vermiştir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, hiperspektral Hyperion EO-1 görüntüsü ile sulak alan bitki örtüsünün diğer bitki türlerinden doğru olarak ayırt edilebildiği ortaya konmuştur. Sulak alan bitki türlerinin kendi içinde ayırt edilebilmesi ancak yersel spektroskopi ile mümkün olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.In this study, different satellite data that has different spectral and spatial resolution and in-situ spectroradiometer measurements were used to analyze hydrophytic vegetation and surrounded land cover for sustainable development and conservation of Terkos wetlands. By supporting performances of processed images with field collected reflectance values, the feasibility of structuring a basic guide based on remote sensing data for sustainable preservation and management of natural lands was searched. According to result, land cover changes in the complex natural area were determined more accurately by using PCA based change detection method Therefore, the performance of spaceborne Hyperion EO-1 hyperspectral data was analyzed to determine the capability of the data for wetland vegetation discrimination than the other vegetated areas. At the last stage of the study, field collected reflectance values that have different wetland flora types were compared by statistical ANOVA method and reflectance differences between vegetation types were put forward through calculations.DoktoraPh

    Dataset shift in land-use classification for optical remote sensing

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    Multimodal dataset shifts consisting of both concept and covariate shifts are addressed in this study to improve texture-based land-use classification accuracy for optical panchromatic and multispectral remote sensing. Multitemporal and multisensor variances between train and test data are caused by atmospheric, phenological, sensor, illumination and viewing geometry differences, which cause supervised classification inaccuracies. The first dataset shift reduction strategy involves input modification through shadow removal before feature extraction with gray-level co-occurrence matrix and local binary pattern features. Components of a Rayleigh quotient-based manifold alignment framework is investigated to reduce multimodal dataset shift at the input level of the classifier through unsupervised classification, followed by manifold matching to transfer classification labels by finding across-domain cluster correspondences. The ability of weighted hierarchical agglomerative clustering to partition poorly separated feature spaces is explored and weight-generalized internal validation is used for unsupervised cardinality determination. Manifold matching solves the Hungarian algorithm with a cost matrix featuring geometric similarity measurements that assume the preservation of intrinsic structure across the dataset shift. Local neighborhood geometric co-occurrence frequency information is recovered and a novel integration thereof is shown to improve matching accuracy. A final strategy for addressing multimodal dataset shift is multiscale feature learning, which is used within a convolutional neural network to obtain optimal hierarchical feature representations instead of engineered texture features that may be sub-optimal. Feature learning is shown to produce features that are robust against multimodal acquisition differences in a benchmark land-use classification dataset. A novel multiscale input strategy is proposed for an optimized convolutional neural network that improves classification accuracy to a competitive level for the UC Merced benchmark dataset and outperforms single-scale input methods. All the proposed strategies for addressing multimodal dataset shift in land-use image classification have resulted in significant accuracy improvements for various multitemporal and multimodal datasets.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2016.National Research Foundation (NRF)University of Pretoria (UP)Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringPhDUnrestricte

    The application of remote sensing to identify and measure sealed soil and vegetated surfaces in urban environments

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    Soil is an important non-renewable source. Its protection and allocation is critical to sustainable development goals. Urban development presents an important drive of soil loss due to sealing over by buildings, pavements and transport infrastructure. Monitoring sealed soil surfaces in urban environments is gaining increasing interest not only for scientific research studies but also for local planning and national authorities. The aim of this research was to investigate the extent to which automated classification methods can detect soil sealing in UK urban environments, by remote sensing. The objectives include development of object-based classification methods, using two types of earth observation data, and evaluation by comparison with manual aerial photo interpretation techniques. Four sample areas within the city of Cambridge were used for the development of an object-based classification model. The acquired data was a true-colour aerial photography (0.125 m resolution) and a QuickBird satellite imagery (2.8 multi-spectral resolution). The classification scheme included the following land cover classes: sealed surfaces, vegetated surfaces, trees, bare soil and rail tracks. Shadowed areas were also identified as an initial class and attempts were made to reclassify them into the actual land cover type. The accuracy of the thematic maps was determined by comparison with polygons derived from manual air-photo interpretation; the average overall accuracy was 84%. The creation of simple binary maps of sealed vs. vegetated surfaces resulted in a statistically significant accuracy increase to 92%. The integration of ancillary data (OS MasterMap) into the object-based model did not improve the performance of the model (overall accuracy of 91%). The use of satellite data in the object-based model gave an overall accuracy of 80%, a 7% decrease compared to the aerial photography. Future investigation will explore whether the integration of elevation data will aid to discriminate features such as trees from other vegetation types. The use of colour infrared aerial photography should also be tested. Finally, the application of the object- based classification model into a different study area would test its transferability

    Multisource Remote Sensing based Impervious Surface Mapping

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    Impervious surface (IS) not only serves as a key indicator of urbanization, but also affects the micro-ecosystem. Therefore, it is essential to monitor IS distribution timely and accurately. Remote sensing is an effective approach as it can provide straightforward and consistent information over large area with low cost. This thesis integrates multi-source remote sensing data to interpretate urban patterns and provide more reliable IS mapping results. Registration of optical daytime and nighttime lights (NTL) data is developed in the first contribution. An impervious surface based optical-to-NTL image registration algorithm with iterative blooming effect reduction (IS_iBER) algorithm is proposed. This coarse-to-fine procedure investigates the correlation between optical and NTL features. The iterative registration and blooming effect reduction method obtains precise matching results and reduce the spatial extension of NTL. Considering the spatial transitional nature of urban-rural fringes (URF) areas, the second study proposed approach for URF delineation, namely optical and nighttime lights (NTL) data based multi-scale URF (msON_URF).The landscape heterogeneity and development vitality derived from optical and NTL features are analyzed at a series of scales to illustrate the urban-URF-rural pattern. Results illustrate that msON_URF is effective and practical for not only concentric, but also polycentric urban patterns. The third study proposes a nighttime light adjusted impervious surface index (NAISI) to detect IS area. Parallel to baseline subtraction approaches, NAISI takes advantage of features, rather than spectral band information to map IS. NAISI makes the most of independence between NTL-ISS and pervious surface to address the high spectral similarity between IS and bare soil in optical image. An optical and NTL based spectral mixture analysis (ON_SMA) is proposed to achieve sub-pixel IS mapping result in the fourth study. It integrates characteristics of optical and NTL imagery to adaptively select local endmembers. Results illustrate the proposed method yields effective improvement and highlight the potential of NTL data in IS mapping. In the fifth study, GA-SVM IS mapping algorithm is investigated with introduction of the achieved urban-URF-rural spatial structure. The combination of optical, NTL and SAR imagery is discussed. GA is implemented for feature selection and parameter optimization in each urban scenario

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    The application of remote sensing to identify and measure sealed soil and vegetated surfaces in urban environments

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    Soil is an important non-renewable source. Its protection and allocation is critical to sustainable development goals. Urban development presents an important drive of soil loss due to sealing over by buildings, pavements and transport infrastructure. Monitoring sealed soil surfaces in urban environments is gaining increasing interest not only for scientific research studies but also for local planning and national authorities. The aim of this research was to investigate the extent to which automated classification methods can detect soil sealing in UK urban environments, by remote sensing. The objectives include development of object-based classification methods, using two types of earth observation data, and evaluation by comparison with manual aerial photo interpretation techniques. Four sample areas within the city of Cambridge were used for the development of an object-based classification model. The acquired data was a true-colour aerial photography (0.125 m resolution) and a QuickBird satellite imagery (2.8 multi-spectral resolution). The classification scheme included the following land cover classes: sealed surfaces, vegetated surfaces, trees, bare soil and rail tracks. Shadowed areas were also identified as an initial class and attempts were made to reclassify them into the actual land cover type. The accuracy of the thematic maps was determined by comparison with polygons derived from manual air-photo interpretation; the average overall accuracy was 84%. The creation of simple binary maps of sealed vs. vegetated surfaces resulted in a statistically significant accuracy increase to 92%. The integration of ancillary data (OS MasterMap) into the object-based model did not improve the performance of the model (overall accuracy of 91%). The use of satellite data in the object-based model gave an overall accuracy of 80%, a 7% decrease compared to the aerial photography. Future investigation will explore whether the integration of elevation data will aid to discriminate features such as trees from other vegetation types. The use of colour infrared aerial photography should also be tested. Finally, the application of the object- based classification model into a different study area would test its transferability.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The application of remote sensing to identify and measure sealed soil and vegetated surfaces in urban environments

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    Soil is an important non-renewable source. Its protection and allocation is critical to sustainable development goals. Urban development presents an important drive of soil loss due to sealing over by buildings, pavements and transport infrastructure. Monitoring sealed soil surfaces in urban environments is gaining increasing interest not only for scientific research studies but also for local planning and national authorities. The aim of this research was to investigate the extent to which automated classification methods can detect soil sealing in UK urban environments, by remote sensing. The objectives include development of object-based classification methods, using two types of earth observation data, and evaluation by comparison with manual aerial photo interpretation techniques. Four sample areas within the city of Cambridge were used for the development of an object-based classification model. The acquired data was a true-colour aerial photography (0.125 m resolution) and a QuickBird satellite imagery (2.8 multi-spectral resolution). The classification scheme included the following land cover classes: sealed surfaces, vegetated surfaces, trees, bare soil and rail tracks. Shadowed areas were also identified as an initial class and attempts were made to reclassify them into the actual land cover type. The accuracy of the thematic maps was determined by comparison with polygons derived from manual air-photo interpretation; the average overall accuracy was 84%. The creation of simple binary maps of sealed vs. vegetated surfaces resulted in a statistically significant accuracy increase to 92%. The integration of ancillary data (OS MasterMap) into the object-based model did not improve the performance of the model (overall accuracy of 91%). The use of satellite data in the object-based model gave an overall accuracy of 80%, a 7% decrease compared to the aerial photography. Future investigation will explore whether the integration of elevation data will aid to discriminate features such as trees from other vegetation types. The use of colour infrared aerial photography should also be tested. Finally, the application of the object- based classification model into a different study area would test its transferability.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo