78 research outputs found


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    Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline which focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The current workshop brought together researchers from diverse fields such as Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, Graph theory, Combiantorial Optimization and Algebraic Combinatorics for a fruitful interaction. New results, methods and developments and future challenges were discussed. This is a report on the meeting containing abstracts of the presentations and a summary of the problem session

    Completion and deficiency problems

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    Given a partial Steiner triple system (STS) of order nn, what is the order of the smallest complete STS it can be embedded into? The study of this question goes back more than 40 years. In this paper we answer it for relatively sparse STSs, showing that given a partial STS of order nn with at most r≤εn2r \le \varepsilon n^2 triples, it can always be embedded into a complete STS of order n+O(r)n+O(\sqrt{r}), which is asymptotically optimal. We also obtain similar results for completions of Latin squares and other designs. This suggests a new, natural class of questions, called deficiency problems. Given a global spanning property P\mathcal{P} and a graph GG, we define the deficiency of the graph GG with respect to the property P\mathcal{P} to be the smallest positive integer tt such that the join G∗KtG\ast K_t has property P\mathcal{P}. To illustrate this concept we consider deficiency versions of some well-studied properties, such as having a KkK_k-decomposition, Hamiltonicity, having a triangle-factor and having a perfect matching in hypergraphs. The main goal of this paper is to propose a systematic study of these problems; thus several future research directions are also given

    Fast winning strategies in Avoider-Enforcer games

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    In numerous positional games the identity of the winner is easily determined. In this case one of the more interesting questions is not {\em who} wins but rather {\em how fast} can one win. These type of problems were studied earlier for Maker-Breaker games; here we initiate their study for unbiased Avoider-Enforcer games played on the edge set of the complete graph KnK_n on nn vertices. For several games that are known to be an Enforcer's win, we estimate quite precisely the minimum number of moves Enforcer has to play in order to win. We consider the non-planarity game, the connectivity game and the non-bipartite game

    Covering and tiling hypergraphs with tight cycles

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    Given 3≤k≤s3 \leq k \leq s, we say that a kk-uniform hypergraph CskC^k_s is a tight cycle on ss vertices if there is a cyclic ordering of the vertices of CskC^k_s such that every kk consecutive vertices under this ordering form an edge. We prove that if k≥3k \ge 3 and s≥2k2s \ge 2k^2, then every kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with minimum codegree at least (1/2+o(1))n(1/2 + o(1))n has the property that every vertex is covered by a copy of CskC^k_s. Our result is asymptotically best possible for infinitely many pairs of ss and kk, e.g. when ss and kk are coprime. A perfect CskC^k_s-tiling is a spanning collection of vertex-disjoint copies of CskC^k_s. When ss is divisible by kk, the problem of determining the minimum codegree that guarantees a perfect CskC^k_s-tiling was solved by a result of Mycroft. We prove that if k≥3k \ge 3 and s≥5k2s \ge 5k^2 is not divisible by kk and ss divides nn, then every kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with minimum codegree at least (1/2+1/(2s)+o(1))n(1/2 + 1/(2s) + o(1))n has a perfect CskC^k_s-tiling. Again our result is asymptotically best possible for infinitely many pairs of ss and kk, e.g. when ss and kk are coprime with kk even.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Combin. Probab. Compu

    Master index of volumes 161–170

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    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing

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    The main theme of this workshop was the use of probabilistic methods in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. Although these methods have been around for decades, they are being refined all the time: they are getting more and more sophisticated and powerful. Another theme was the study of random combinatorial structures, either for their own sake, or to tackle extremal questions. The workshop also emphasized connections between probabilistic combinatorics and discrete probability

    EUROCOMB 21 Book of extended abstracts

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    Topics in Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics.

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis encompasses several problems in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. Chapter 1. Tuza's famous conjecture on the saturation number states that for r-uniform hypergraphs F the value sat(F; n)=nr1 converges. I answer a question of Pikhurko concerning the asymptotics of the saturation number for families of hypergraphs, proving in particular that sat(F; n)=nr1 need not converge if F is a family of r-uniform hypergraphs. Chapter 2. Cern y's conjecture on the length of the shortest reset word of a synchronizing automaton is arguably the most long-standing open problem in the theory of nite automata. We consider the minimal length of a word that resets some k-tuple. We prove that for general automata if this is nite then it is nk1 . For synchronizing automata we improve the upper bound on the minimal length of a word that resets some triple. Chapter 3. The existence of perfect 1-factorizations has been studied for various families of graphs, with perhaps the most famous open problem in the area being Kotzig's conjecture which states that even-order complete graphs have a perfect 1-factorization. In my work I focus on another well-studied family of graphs: the hypercubes. I answer almost fully the question of how close (in some particular sense) to perfect a 1-factorization of the hypercube can be. Chapter 4. The k-nearest neighbour random geometric graph model puts vertices randomly in a d-dimensional box and joins each vertex to its k nearest neighbours. I nd signi cantly improved upper and lower bounds on the threshold for connectivity for the k-nearest neighbour graph in high dimensions. ii
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