15 research outputs found

    Updating and downdating techniques for optimizing network communicability

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    The total communicability of a network (or graph) is defined as the sum of the entries in the exponential of the adjacency matrix of the network, possibly normalized by the number of nodes. This quantity offers a good measure of how easily information spreads across the network, and can be useful in the design of networks having certain desirable properties. The total communicability can be computed quickly even for large networks using techniques based on the Lanczos algorithm. In this work we introduce some heuristics that can be used to add, delete, or rewire a limited number of edges in a given sparse network so that the modified network has a large total communicability. To this end, we introduce new edge centrality measures which can be used to guide in the selection of edges to be added or removed. Moreover, we show experimentally that the total communicability provides an effective and easily computable measure of how "well-connected" a sparse network is.Comment: 20 pages, 9 pages Supplementary Materia

    Edge modification criteria for enhancing the communicability of digraphs

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    We introduce new broadcast and receive communicability indices that can be used as global measures of how effectively information is spread in a directed network. Furthermore, we describe fast and effective criteria for the selection of edges to be added to (or deleted from) a given directed network so as to enhance these network communicability measures. Numerical experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Edge manipulation techniques for complex networks with applications to communicability and triadic closure.

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    Complex networks are ubiquitous in our everyday life and can be used to model a wide variety of phenomena. For this reason, they have captured the interest of researchers from a wide variety of fields. In this work, we describe how to tackle two problems that have their focus on the edges of networks. Our first goal is to develop mathematically inferred, efficient methods based on some newly introduced edge centrality measures for the manipulation of links in a network. We want to make a small number of changes to the edges in order to tune its overall ability to exchange information according to certain goals. Specifically, we consider the problem of adding a few links in order to increase as much as possible this ability and that of selecting a given number of connections to be removed from the graph in order to penalize it as little as possible. Techniques to tackle these problems are developed for both undirected and directed networks. Concerning the directed case, we further discuss how to approximate certain quantities that are used to measure the importance of edges. Secondly, we consider the problem of understanding the mechanism underlying triadic closure in networks and we describe how communicability distance functions play a role in this process. Extensive numerical tests are presented to validate our approaches

    Edge manipulation techniques for complex networks with applications to communicability and triadic closure.

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    Complex networks are ubiquitous in our everyday life and can be used to model a wide variety of phenomena. For this reason, they have captured the interest of researchers from a wide variety of fields. In this work, we describe how to tackle two problems that have their focus on the edges of networks. Our first goal is to develop mathematically inferred, efficient methods based on some newly introduced edge centrality measures for the manipulation of links in a network. We want to make a small number of changes to the edges in order to tune its overall ability to exchange information according to certain goals. Specifically, we consider the problem of adding a few links in order to increase as much as possible this ability and that of selecting a given number of connections to be removed from the graph in order to penalize it as little as possible. Techniques to tackle these problems are developed for both undirected and directed networks. Concerning the directed case, we further discuss how to approximate certain quantities that are used to measure the importance of edges. Secondly, we consider the problem of understanding the mechanism underlying triadic closure in networks and we describe how communicability distance functions play a role in this process. Extensive numerical tests are presented to validate our approaches

    Sensitivity of matrix function based network communicability measures: Computational methods and a priori bounds

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    When analyzing complex networks, an important task is the identification of those nodes which play a leading role for the overall communicability of the network. In the context of modifying networks (or making them robust against targeted attacks or outages), it is also relevant to know how sensitive the network's communicability reacts to changes in certain nodes or edges. Recently, the concept of total network sensitivity was introduced in [O. De la Cruz Cabrera, J. Jin, S. Noschese, L. Reichel, Communication in complex networks, Appl. Numer. Math., 172, pp. 186-205, 2022], which allows to measure how sensitive the total communicability of a network is to the addition or removal of certain edges. One shortcoming of this concept is that sensitivities are extremely costly to compute when using a straight-forward approach (orders of magnitude more expensive than the corresponding communicability measures). In this work, we present computational procedures for estimating network sensitivity with a cost that is essentially linear in the number of nodes for many real-world complex networks. Additionally, we extend the sensitivity concept such that it also covers sensitivity of subgraph centrality and the Estrada index, and we discuss the case of node removal. We propose a priori bounds for these sensitivities which capture the qualitative behavior well and give insight into the general behavior of matrix function based network indices under perturbations. These bounds are based on decay results for Fr\'echet derivatives of matrix functions with structured, low-rank direction terms which might be of independent interest also for other applications than network analysis

    Accounting for the Role of Long Walks on Networks via a New Matrix Function

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    We introduce a new matrix function for studying graphs and real-world networks based on a double-factorial penalization of walks between nodes in a graph. This new matrix function is based on the matrix error function. We find a very good approximation of this function using a matrix hyperbolic tangent function. We derive a communicability function, a subgraph centrality and a double-factorial Estrada index based on this new matrix function. We obtain upper and lower bounds for the double-factorial Estrada index of graphs, showing that they are similar to those of the single-factorial Estrada index. We then compare these indices with the single-factorial one for simple graphs and real-world networks. We conclude that for networks containing chordless cycles---holes---the two penalization schemes produce significantly different results. In particular, we study two series of real-world networks representing urban street networks, and protein residue networks. We observe that the subgraph centrality based on both indices produce significantly different ranking of the nodes. The use of the double factorial penalization of walks opens new possibilities for studying important structural properties of real-world networks where long-walks play a fundamental role, such as the cases of networks containing chordless cycles

    Optimizing network robustness via Krylov subspaces

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    We consider the problem of attaining either the maximal increase or reduction of the robustness of a complex network by means of a bounded modification of a subset of the edge weights. We propose two novel strategies combining Krylov subspace approximations with a greedy scheme and an interior point method employing either the Hessian or its approximation computed via the limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm (L-BFGS). The paper discusses the computational and modeling aspects of our methodology and illustrates the various optimization problems on networks that can be addressed within the proposed framework. Finally, in the numerical experiments we compare the performances of our algorithms with state-of-the-art techniques on synthetic and real-world networks

    Functional models and extending strategies for ecological networks

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    Complex network analysis is rising as an essential tool to understand properties of ecological landscape networks, and as an aid to land management. The most common methods to build graph models of ecological networks are based on representing functional connectivity with respect to a target species. This has provided good results, but the lack of a model able to capture general properties of the network may be seen as a shortcoming when the activity involves the proposal for modifications in land use. Similarity scores, calculated between nature protection areas, may act as a building block for a graph model intended to carry a higher degree of generality. The present work compares several design choices for similarity-based graphs, in order to determine which is most suitable for use in land management

    Exploring the “Middle Earth” of network spectra via a Gaussian matrix function

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    We study a Gaussian matrix function of the adjacency matrix of artificial and real-world networks. We motivate the use of this function on the basis of a dynamical process modeled by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation with a squared Hamiltonian. In particular, we study the Gaussian Estrada index - an index characterizing the importance of eigenvalues close to zero. This index accounts for the information contained in the eigenvalues close to zero in the spectra of networks. Such method is a generalization of the so-called "Folded Spectrum Method" used in quantum molecular sciences. Here we obtain bounds for this index in simple graphs, proving that it reaches its maximum for star graphs followed by complete bipartite graphs. We also obtain formulas for the Estrada Gaussian index of Erdos-Renyi random graphs as well as for the Barabasi-Albert graphs. We also show that in real-world networks this index is related to the existence of important structural patters, such as complete bipartite subgraphs (bicliques). Such bicliques appear naturally in many real-world networks as a consequence of the evolutionary processes giving rise to them. In general, the Gaussian matrix function of the adjacency matrix of networks characterizes important structural information not described in previously used matrix functions of graphs

    Functional models and extending strategies for ecological networks

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