59 research outputs found

    Symmetric Primitives with Structured Secrets

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    Securely managing encrypted data on an untrusted party is a challenging problem that has motivated the study of a variety of cryptographic primitives. A special class of such primitives allows an untrusted party to transform a ciphertext encrypted under one key to a ciphertext under another key, using some auxiliary information that does not leak the underlying data. Prominent examples of such primitives in the symmetric-key setting are key-homomorphic PRFs, updatable encryption, and proxy re-encryption. Although these primitives differ significantly in terms of their constructions and security requirements, they share two important properties: (a) they have secrets with structure or extra functionality, and (b) all known constructions of these primitives satisfying reasonably strong definitions of security are based on concrete public-key assumptions, e.g., DDH and LWE. This raises the question of whether these objects inherently belong to the world of public-key primitives, or they can potentially be built from simple symmetric-key objects such as pseudorandom functions. In this work, we show that the latter possibility is unlikely. More specifically, we show that: • Any (bounded) key-homomorphic weak PRF with an abelian output group implies a (bounded) input-homomorphic weak PRF, which has recently been shown to imply not only public-key encryption (PKE), but also a variety of primitives such as PIR, lossy TDFs, and even IBE. • Any ciphertext-independent updatable encryption scheme that is forward and post-compromise secure implies PKE. Moreover, any symmetric-key proxy re-encryption scheme with reasonably strong security guarantees implies a forward and post-compromise secure ciphertext-independent updatable encryption, and hence PKE. In addition, we show that unbounded (or exact) key-homomorphic weak PRFs over abelian groups are impossible in the quantum world. In other words, over abelian groups, bounded key-homomorphism is the best that we can hope for in terms of post-quantum security. Our attack also works over other structured primitives with abelian groups and exact homomorphisms, including homomorphic one-way functions and input-homomorphic weak PRFs

    Key Rotation for Authenticated Encryption

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    A common requirement in practice is to periodically rotate the keys used to encrypt stored data. Systems used by Amazon and Google do so using a hybrid encryption technique which is eminently practical but has questionable security in the face of key compromises and does not provide full key rotation. Meanwhile, symmetric updatable encryption schemes (introduced by Boneh et al. CRYPTO 2013) support full key rotation without performing decryption: ciphertexts created under one key can be rotated to ciphertexts created under a different key with the help of a re-encryption token. By design, the tokens do not leak information about keys or plaintexts and so can be given to storage providers without compromising security. But the prior work of Boneh et al. addresses relatively weak confidentiality goals and does not consider integrity at all. Moreover, as we show, a subtle issue with their concrete scheme obviates a security proof even for confidentiality against passive attacks. This paper presents a systematic study of updatable Authenticated Encryption (AE). We provide a set of security notions that strengthen those in prior work. These notions enable us to tease out real-world security requirements of different strengths and build schemes that satisfy them efficiently. We show that the hybrid approach currently used in industry achieves relatively weak forms of confidentiality and integrity, but can be modified at low cost to meet our stronger confidentiality and integrity goals. This leads to a practical scheme that has negligible overhead beyond conventional AE. We then introduce re-encryption indistinguishability, a security notion that formally captures the idea of fully refreshing keys upon rotation. We show how to repair the scheme of Boneh et al., attaining our stronger confidentiality notion. We also show how to extend the scheme to provide integrity, and we prove that it meets our re- encryption indistinguishability notion. Finally, we discuss how to instantiate our scheme efficiently using off-the-shelf cryptographic components (AE, hashing, elliptic curves). We report on the performance of a prototype implementation, showing that fully secure key rotations can be performed at a throughput of approximately 116 kB/s

    Improving Speed and Security in Updatable Encryption Schemes

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    Periodic key rotation is a common practice designed to limit the long-term power of cryptographic keys. Key rotation refers to the process of re-encrypting encrypted content under a fresh key, and overwriting the old ciphertext with the new one. When encrypted data is stored in the cloud, key rotation can be very costly: it may require downloading the entire encrypted content from the cloud, re-encrypting it on the client\u27s machine, and uploading the new ciphertext back to the cloud. An updatable encryption scheme is a symmetric-key encryption scheme designed to support efficient key rotation in the cloud. The data owner sends a short \emph{update token} to the cloud. This update token lets the cloud rotate the ciphertext from the old key to the new key, without learning any information about the plaintext. Recent work on updatable encryption has led to several security definitions and proposed constructions. However, existing constructions are not yet efficient enough for practical adoption, and the existing security definitions can be strengthened. In this work we make three contributions. First, we introduce stronger security definitions for updatable encryption (in the ciphertext-dependent setting) that capture desirable security properties not covered in prior work. Second, we construct two new updatable encryption schemes. The first construction relies only on symmetric cryptographic primitives, but only supports a bounded number of key rotations. The second construction supports a (nearly) unbounded number of updates, and is built from the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) assumption. Due to complexities of using RLWE, this scheme achieves a slightly weaker notion of integrity compared to the first. Finally, we implement both constructions and compare their performance to prior work. Our RLWE-based construction is 200x faster than a prior proposal for an updatable encryption scheme based on the hardness of elliptic curve DDH. Our first construction, based entirely on symmetric primitives, has the highest encryption throughput, approaching the performance of AES, and the highest decryption throughput on ciphertexts that were re-encrypted fewer than fifty times. For ciphertexts re-encrypted over fifty times, the RLWE construction dominates it in decryption speed

    Updatable Oblivious Key Management for Storage Systems

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    We introduce Oblivious Key Management Systems (KMS) as a more secure alternative to traditional wrapping-based KMS that form the backbone of key management in large-scale data storage deployments. The new system, that builds on Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRF), hides keys and object identifiers from the KMS, offers unconditional security for key transport, provides key verifiability, reduces storage, and more. Further, we show how to provide all these features in a distributed threshold implementation that enhances protection against server compromise. We extend this system with updatable encryption capability that supports key updates (known as key rotation) so that upon the periodic change of OPRF keys by the KMS server, a very efficient update procedure allows a client of the KMS service to non-interactively update all its encrypted data to be decryptable only by the new key. This enhances security with forward and post-compromise security, namely, security against future and past compromises, respectively, of the client\u27s OPRF keys held by the KMS. Additionally, and in contrast to traditional KMS, our solution supports public key encryption and dispenses with any interaction with the KMS for data encryption (only decryption by the client requires such communication). Our solutions build on recent work on updatable encryption but with significant enhancements applicable to the remote KMS setting. In addition to the critical security improvements, our designs are highly efficient and ready for use in practice. We report on experimental implementation and performance

    PERKS: Persistent and Distributed Key Acquisition for Secure Storage from Passwords

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    We investigate how users of instant messaging (IM) services can acquire strong encryption keys to back up their messages and media with strong cryptographic guarantees. Many IM users regularly change their devices and use multiple devices simultaneously, ruling out any long-term secret storage. Extending the end-to-end encryption guarantees from just message communication to also incorporate backups has so far required either some trust in an IM or outsourced storage provider, or use of costly third-party encryption tools with unclear security guarantees. Recent works have proposed solutions for password-protected key material, however all require one or more servers to generate and/or store per-user information, inevitably invoking a cost to the users. We define distributed key acquisition (DKA) as the primitive for the task at hand, where a user interacts with one or more servers to acquire a strong cryptographic key, and both user and server are required to store as little as possible. We present a construction framework that we call PERKS---Password-based Establishment of Random Keys for Storage---providing efficient, modular and simple protocols that utilize Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) in a distributed manner with minimal storage by the user (just the password) and servers (a single global key for all users). Along the way we introduce a formal treatment of DKA, and provide proofs of security for our constructions in their various flavours. Our approach enables key rotation by the OPRF servers, and for this we incorporate updatable encryption. Finally, we show how our constructions fit neatly with recent research on encrypted outsourced storage to provide strong security guarantees for the outsourced ciphertexts

    Towards a secure and efficient search over encrypted cloud data

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Summer.Cloud computing enables new types of services where the computational and network resources are available online through the Internet. One of the most popular services of cloud computing is data outsourcing. For reasons of cost and convenience, public as well as private organizations can now outsource their large amounts of data to the cloud and enjoy the benefits of remote storage and management. At the same time, confidentiality of remotely stored data on untrusted cloud server is a big concern. In order to reduce these concerns, sensitive data, such as, personal health records, emails, income tax and financial reports, are usually outsourced in encrypted form using well-known cryptographic techniques. Although encrypted data storage protects remote data from unauthorized access, it complicates some basic, yet essential data utilization services such as plaintext keyword search. A simple solution of downloading the data, decrypting and searching locally is clearly inefficient since storing data in the cloud is meaningless unless it can be easily searched and utilized. Thus, cloud services should enable efficient search on encrypted data to provide the benefits of a first-class cloud computing environment. This dissertation is concerned with developing novel searchable encryption techniques that allow the cloud server to perform multi-keyword ranked search as well as substring search incorporating position information. We present results that we have accomplished in this area, including a comprehensive evaluation of existing solutions and searchable encryption schemes for ranked search and substring position search

    Cryptography with Updates

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    Starting with the work of Bellare, Goldreich and Goldwasser [CRYPTO\u2794], a rich line of work has studied the design of updatable cryptographic primitives. For example, in an updatable signature scheme, it is possible to efficiently transform a signature over a message into a signature over a related message without recomputing a fresh signature. In this work, we continue this line of research, and perform a systematic study of updatable cryptography. We take a unified approach towards adding updatability features to recently studied cryptographic objects such as attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, witness encryption, indistinguishability obfuscation, and many others that support non-interactive computation over inputs. We, in fact, go further and extend our approach to classical protocols such as zero-knowledge proofs and secure multiparty computation. To accomplish this goal, we introduce a new notion of updatable randomized encodings that extends the standard notion of randomized encodings to incorporate updatability features. We show that updatable randomized encodings can be used to generically transform cryptographic primitives to their updatable counterparts. We provide various definitions and constructions of updatable randomized encodings based on varying assumptions, ranging from one-way functions to compact functional encryption

    SoK: Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions

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    In recent years, oblivious pseudorandom functions (OPRFs) have become a ubiquitous primitive used in cryptographic protocols and privacy-preserving technologies. The growing interest in OPRFs, both theoretical and applied, has produced a vast number of different constructions and functionality variations. In this paper, we provide a systematic overview of how to build and use OPRFs. We first categorize existing OPRFs into essentially four families based on their underlying PRF (Naor-Reingold, Dodis-Yampolskiy, Hashed Diffie-Hellman, and generic constructions). This categorization allows us to give a unified presentation of all oblivious evaluation methods in the literature, and to understand which properties OPRFs can (or cannot) have. We further demonstrate the theoretical and practical power of OPRFs by visualizing them in the landscape of cryptographic primitives, and by providing a comprehensive overview of how OPRFs are leveraged for improving the privacy of internet users. Our work systematizes 15 years of research on OPRFs and provides inspiration for new OPRF constructions and applications thereof
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