438 research outputs found

    Unweaving the Phisher\u27s Net: An Exploratory Study

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    Over 29,000 phishing emails are reported each month on average to the AntiPhishing Working Group. If we consider that at least 5% of these emails achieve their target, at least 1,450 distinct email users a month are caught in the phisher’s net. This study attempts to understand the basic deception techniques utilized by phishers when creating the phishing emails. Exploratory content and linguistic analyses are performed to elicit the most widely used deception techniques and linguistic features that seem to be prominent in phishing emails. Preliminary results provide evidence to support that phishers utilize a very reduced and recognizable subset of deception techniques. Moreover, paired with these deception techniques, specific linguistic features seem to create a recognizable pattern of phishing emails that can be used to aid detection and filtering

    Esquisse d'une théorie de la perception du spectacle chorégraphique

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    Paris 8 Danse in Translation [On line] www.danse.univ-paris8.frTranslated by Anna Pakes from « Esquisse d'une théorie de la perception du spectacle chorégraphique », in De la création chorégraphique, Pantin : CND, 2001, p. 205-213. What is it to perceive a choreographic performance? More specifically, what particular perceptual modalities are involved in perceiving dancing bodies within a given stage space, at a given time? These bodies’ constant movement, their fleeting, multiple and unpredictable appearances and their complex, artfully coded figures prevent the uninitiated spectator from circumscribing, fixing, determining, identifying, understanding and immediately interpreting the content of what he perceives, as he does with other kinds of performance. Whatever spontaneous pleasure he experiences in the moment, the dance spectator is at something of a loss, not knowing what kind of perceptual approach to take. In other words, he is unsure how to distribute and organise his looking and listening relative to the succession of strange, fleeting impressions which strike him. Attending to a dance performance seems to require a perceptual strategy appropriate to the originality and singularity not just of the dancer’s corporeal act, but also of the choreographic writing which orders that act and provides its guiding thread, determining its structure and giving it unity and coherence

    Unweaving complex reactivity: graph-based tools to handle chemical reaction networks

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    La informació a nivell molecular obtinguda mitjançant estudis "in silico" s’ha establert com una eina essencial per a la caracterització de mecanismes de reacció complexos. A més, l’aplicabilitat de la química computacional s’ha vist substancialment ampliada a causa de l’increment continuat de la potència de càlcul disponible durant les darreres dècades. Així, no només han augmentat la precisió dels mètodes a utilitzar o la mida dels sistemes a modelitzar sinó també el grau de detall que es pot aconseguir en les descripcions mecanístiques resultants. Tanmateix, aquestes caracteritzacions més profundes, usualment assistides per tècniques d’automatització que permeten l’exploració de regions més extenses de l’espai químic, suposen un increment de la complexitat dels sistemes estudiats i per tant una limitació de la seva interpretabilitat. En aquesta Tesi s’han proposat, desenvolupat i posat a prova diverses eines amb el fi de fer el processament d’aquest tipus de xarxes de reacció químiques (CRNs) més simple i millorar la comprensió de processos reactius i catalítics complexos. Aquesta col·lecció d’eines té com fonament la utilització de grafs per modelitzar les xarxes (CRNs) corresponents, per poder fer servir els mètodes de la Teoria de Grafs (cerca de camins, isomorfismes...) en un context químic. Més concretament, aquestes eines inclouen amk-tools, una llibreria per a la visualització interactiva de xarxes de reacció descobertes de manera automàtica, gTOFfee, per a l’aplicació del "energy span model" pel càlcul de la freqüència de recanvi de cicles catalítics complexos calculats computacionalment, i OntoRXN, una ontologia per descriure CRNs de forma semàntica, integrant la topologia de la xarxa i la informació calculada en una única entitat organitzada segons els principis del "Semantic Data".La información a nivel molecular obtenida por medio de estudios "in silico" se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para la caracterización y comprensión de mecanismos de reacción complejos. Asimismo, la aplicabilidad de la química computacional se ha ampliado sustancialmente como consecuencia del continuo incremento de la potencia de cálculo durante las últimas décadas. Así, no sólo han aumentado la precisión de los métodos o el tamaño de los sistemas modelizables, sino también el grado de detalle en la descripción mecanística. Sin embargo, aumentar la profundidad de la caracterización de un sistema químico, usualmente a través de técnicas de automatización que permiten explorar ecciones más extensas del espacio químico, supone un aumento en la complejidad de los sistemas resultantes, dificultando la interpretación de los resultados. En esta Tesis se han propuesto, desarrollado y puesto a prueba distintas herramientas para simplificar el procesado de este tipo de redes de reacción químicas (CRNs), con el fin de mejorar la comprensión de procesos reactivos y catalíticos complejos. Este conjunto de herramientas se basa en el uso de grafos para modelizar las redes (CRNs) correspondientes, con tal de poder emplear los métodos de la Teoría de Grafos (búsqueda de caminos, isomorfismos...) bajo un contexto químico. Concretamente, estas herramientas incluyen amk-tools, para la visualización interactiva de redes de reacción descubiertas automáticamente, gTOFfee, para la aplicación del “energy span model” para calcular la frecuencia de recambio de ciclos catalíticos complejos caracterizados computacionalmente, y OntoRXN, una ontología para describir CRNs de manera semántica, integrando la topología de la red y la información calculada en una única entidad organizada bajo los principios del “Semantic Data”.The molecular-level insights gathered through "in silico" studies have become an essential asset for the elucidation and understanding of complex reaction mechanisms. Indeed, the applicability of computational chemistry has strongly widened due to the vast increase in computational power along the last decades. In this sense, not only the accuracy of the applied methods or the size of the target systems have increased, but also the level of detail attained for the mechanistic description. However, performing deeper descriptions of chemical systems, most often resorting to automation techniques that allow to easily explore larger parts of the chemical space, comes at the cost of also augmenting their complexity, rendering the results much harder to interpret. Throughout this Thesis, we have proposed, developed and tested a collection of tools aiming to process this kind of complex chemical reaction networks (CRNs), in order to provide new insights on reactive and catalytic processes. All of these tools employ graphs to model the target CRNs, in order to be able to use the methods of Graph Theory (e.g. path searches, isomorphisms...) in a chemical context. The tools that are discussed include amk-tools, a framework for the interactive visualization of automatically discovered reaction networks, gTOFfee, for the application of the energy span model to compute the turnover frequency of computationally characterized catalytic cycles, and OntoRXN, an ontology for the description of CRNs in a semantic manner integrating network topology and calculation information in a single, highly-structured entity

    Contemporary artists and colour: meaning, organisation and understanding

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    What implications do the ranges of traditional and non-traditional media used by contemporary artists have for understanding the selection and specification of coloured materials? Interviews with prominent artists explore their use of colour and their views on the role of colour in their work. The paper establishes that the interview respondents operate successfully within a professional and permeable frame of reference, with different approaches to determination of colour meaning. The colour propositions of neuroscience, psychophysics and anthropological linguistics appear to have little impact on the respondents’ practice, and the paper concludes by suggesting the need to explore boundaries between disciplines

    Irva Farnham Copp Correspondence

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    Entries include a typed letter on plain stationery, a descriptive advertisement from Falmouth Publishing House with a print image of Copp, and a newspaper feature clipping with the photographic image of Copp, who represented the Pine Tree Branch of the National League of American Pen Women in Washington, D.C

    Towards a set of metrics to guide the generation of fake computer file systems

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    Fake file systems are used in the field of cyber deception to bait intruders and fool forensic investigators. File system researchers also frequently generate their own synthetic document repositories, due to data privacy and copyright concerns associated with experimenting on real-world corpora. For both these fields, realism is critical. Unfortunately, after creating a set of files and folders, there are no current testing standards that can be applied to validate their authenticity, or conversely, reliably automate their detection. This paper reviews the previous 30 years of file system surveys on real world corpora, to identify a set of discrete measures for generating synthetic file systems. Statistical distributions, such as size, age and lifetime of files, common file types, compression and duplication ratios, directory distribution and depth (and its relationship with numbers of files and sub-directories) were identified and the respective merits discussed. Additionally, this paper highlights notable absences in these surveys, which could be beneficial, such as analysing, on mass, the text content distribution, file naming habits, and comparing file access times against traditional working hours

    Color Comprehension And Color Categories Among Blind Students: A Multi-Sensory Approach In Implementing Concrete Language To Include All Students In Advanced Writing Classes

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    This study investigates teaching methods regarding color comprehension and color categorization among blind students, as compared to their non-blind peers and whether they understand and represent the same color comprehension and color categories. Then after digit codes for color comprehension teaching and assistive technology for the blind had been implemented to replace the traditional way of teachings, their color comprehension was re-investigated through color categories test, examining their ability in distinguishing between shades of similar colors and expressing correct color naming that is relevant to given contexts. Further discussion from the study also reveals how this understanding of color comprehension and color categories can help modify print materials which would allow blind students, students with low vision, as well as those with color blindness to be exposed to all the components of language and literacy-related activities as they wish, and how the teachers can make use of this color comprehension and color categories to integrate a multi-sensory approach to benefit all students, not just those with special needs

    Postdigital possibilities: operaismo, co-research, and educational inquiry

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    There are parallels between the post-Marxist traditions of operaismo (workerism) and autonomism and emerging ideas about the ‘postdigital’. Operaist analyses and approaches, and particularly the work of Romano Alquati on co-research, have the potential to contribute to discourses as to what might be involved in postdigital inquiry in educational settings, and to better understand of critical data literacies. For such educational inquiry to evolve into a comprehensive strategy of ‘co-research’, it is argued that what is needed are models of teacher inquiry with the potential to challenge dominant rhetorics, to support emancipatory research and development, and to establish the postdigital as a counter-hegemonic educational programme