1,415 research outputs found

    Your click decides your fate: Inferring Information Processing and Attrition Behavior from MOOC Video Clickstream Interactions

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    In this work, we explore video lecture interaction in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which is central to student learning experience on these educational platforms. As a research contribution, we operationalize video lecture clickstreams of students into cognitively plausible higher level behaviors, and construct a quantitative information processing index, which can aid instructors to better understand MOOC hurdles and reason about unsatisfactory learning outcomes. Our results illustrate how such a metric inspired by cognitive psychology can help answer critical questions regarding students' engagement, their future click interactions and participation trajectories that lead to in-video & course dropouts. Implications for research and practice are discusse

    Unveiling E-bike potential for commuting trips from GPS traces

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    Common goals of sustainable mobility approaches are to reduce the need for travel, to facilitate modal shifts, to decrease trip distances and to improve energy efficiency in the transportation systems. Among these issues, modal shift plays an important role for the adoption of vehicles with fewer or zero emissions. Nowadays, the electric bike (e-bike) is becoming a valid alternative to cars in urban areas. However, to promote modal shift, a better understanding of the mobility behaviour of e-bike users is required. In this paper, we investigate the mobility habits of e-bikers using GPS data collected in Belgium from 2014 to 2015. By analysing more than 10,000 trips, we provide insights about e-bike trip features such as: distance, duration and speed. In addition, we offer a deep look into which routes are preferred by bike owners in terms of their physical characteristics and how weather influences e-bike usage. Results show that trips with higher travel distances are performed during working days and are correlated with higher average speeds. Usage patterns extracted from our data set also indicate that e-bikes are preferred for commuting (home-work) and business (work related) trips rather than for recreational trips

    The super-LHC

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    We review here the prospects of a long-term upgrade programme for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN laboratory's new proton-proton collider. The super-LHC, which is currently under evaluation and design, is expected to deliver of the order of ten times the statistics of the LHC. In addition to a non-technical summary of the principal physics arguments for the upgrade, I present a pedagogical introduction to the technological challenges on the accelerator and experimental fronts, and a review of the current status of the planning.Comment: To appear in Contemporary Physic

    Trajectory Reconstruction and Mobility Pattern Analysis Based on Call Detail Record Data

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    Tehnoloogiad, mis kasutavad geograafilisi andmeid, on muutunud meie igapäevaelu tähtsaks osaks. Tänu sellele on kasvanud asukoha andmetemassiliine salvestamine ja kaevandamine. Seni on GPS tehnoloogiad olnud põhiliseks geograafiliste andmete kogumismeetodiks. Sellega paralleelselt on populaarsust kogunud mobiiliandmete kasutamine positsiooni tuvastamiseks ja liikumismustrite analüüsimiseks. Mobiiliandmete (CDR) põhjal trajektooride taastamiseks on vajalik meetodite kohendamine selleks, et tulemused oleksid korrektsed. Tänu sellele, et telekommunikatsiooni ettevõtted on alustanud suuremat koostööd ja hakanud CDR-andmeid järjest rohkem avalikustama, on mobiiliandmete kasutamine mitmetel aladel suurenenud. Töödeldud mobiiliandmed aitavad anda ülevaadet rahvastiku liikumisest erinevates ulatustes. Samal ajal on trajektooride taastamine CDR-andmetest kohati raskendatud võrreldes GPS-andmetega. Suurimaks probleemiks on algus- ja lõpp-positsioonide asukoha määramine, mis on veelgi enam raskendatud juhul kui objekt liigub.Selle lõputöö eesmärgiks on trajektooride taastamine anonüümsete kasutajatepoolt genereeritud CDR-andmete põhjal. Tulemuste valideerimine GPS-andmetega, mis on loodud paralleelselt mobiiliandmetega ning on vajalik selleks, et määrata saadud trajektooride täpsust. Loodud trajektoore saab kasutada objektide, sealhulgas ka inimeste, liikumismustrite analüüsimiseks ja rahvastiku paiknemise tuvastamiseks, mis aitab linnade planeerimisel ja infrastruktuuride optimeerimisel. Lõputöö väljunditeks on trajektooride taastamine ja täpsuse analüüsimine, lisaks sellele inimese liikumismudelite tuvastamine ja tihedamini külastatavate asukohtade identifitseerimine nagu näiteks kodu, töökoht ja poed.Up until now, GPS data has been greatly used for collecting highlyprecise locational data from moving objects including humans. In contrast, mobile phone data is becoming more and more popular in the last few years. The usage of mobile phone data, that is also known as CDR data, has many benefits over the widely used GPS. This means that the methods used for example in GPS trajectory reconstruction, need to have modifications made be compatible with CDR data.The fact that telecommunication companies have started to cooperate moreand share the CDR data with the public is also a boost to the usage of CDRdata. The processed and analyzed CDR data can be used to get an overview ofcrowd movement in different scales, for example traveling inside a city as opposed to between countries. Extracting trajectories from CDR data has numerous complications.This is due to the fact that the data might not be continuous anddiscovering of the starting point of the object in motion is complicated.The goal of this thesis is to use CDR data in the reconstruction of trajectoriesmade by an anonymous user and to validate the results with GPS data generated in parallel to the CDR data. Reconstructed trajectories can be used for movement analysis and population displacement and would help city planning by optimizing the infrastructures.Outcomes of this thesis are the reconstructed trajectories based on CDR dataand the precisions of final paths. Also, the frequency of CDR events is analyzedin addition to distance distribution. After that the areas that the user visits most frequently are extracted, such as home and work locations