206 research outputs found

    Concept Extraction Challenge: University of Twente at #MSM2013

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    Twitter messages are a potentially rich source of continuously and instantly updated information. Shortness and informality of such messages are challenges for Natural Language Processing tasks. In this paper we present a hybrid approach for Named Entity Extraction (NEE) and Classification (NEC) for tweets. The system uses the power of the Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and the Support Vector Machines (SVM) in a hybrid way to achieve better results. For named entity type classification we used AIDA \cite{YosefHBSW11} disambiguation system to disambiguate the extracted named entities and hence find their type

    NEED4Tweet: a Twitterbot for tweets named entity extraction and disambiguation

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    In this demo paper, we present NEED4Tweet, a Twitterbot for named entity extraction (NEE) and disambiguation (NED) for Tweets. The straightforward application of state-of-the-art extraction and disambiguation approaches on informal text widely used in Tweets, typically results in significantly degraded performance due to the lack of formal structure; the lack of sufficient context required; and the seldom entities involved. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that copes with the introduced challenges. We rely on contextual and semantic features more than syntactic features which are less informative. We believe that disambiguation can help to improve the extraction process. This mimics the way humans understand language

    A generic open world named entity disambiguation approach for tweets

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    Social media is a rich source of information. To make use of this information, it is sometimes required to extract and disambiguate named entities. In this paper we focus on named entity disambiguation (NED) in twitter messages. NED in tweets is challenging in two ways. First, the limited length of Tweet makes it hard to have enough context while many disambiguation techniques depend on it. The second is that many named entities in tweets do not exist in a knowledge base (KB). In this paper we share ideas from information retrieval (IR) and NED to propose solutions for both challenges. For the first problem we make use of the gregarious nature of tweets to get enough context needed for disambiguation. For the second problem we look for an alternative home page if there is no Wikipedia page represents the entity. Given a mention, we obtain a list of Wikipedia candidates from YAGO KB in addition to top ranked pages from Google search engine. We use Support Vector Machine (SVM) to rank the candidate pages to find the best representative entities. Experiments conducted on two data sets show better disambiguation results compared with the baselines and a competitor

    Handling uncertainty in relation extraction: a case study on tennis tournament results extraction from tweets

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    Relation extraction involves different types of uncertainty due to the imperfection of the extraction tools and the inherent ambiguity of unstructured text. In this paper, we discuss several ways of handling uncertainties in relation extraction from social media. Our study case is to extract tennis gamesā€™ results for two Grand Slam tennis tournaments from tweets. Analysis has been done to find to what extent it is useful to use semantic web, domain knowledge, facts repetition, and authorsā€™ trustworthiness to improve the certainty of the extracted relations

    Improving named entity disambiguation by iteratively enhancing certainty of extraction

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    Named entity extraction and disambiguation have received much attention in recent years. Typical fields addressing these topics are information retrieval, natural language processing, and semantic web. This paper addresses two problems with named entity extraction and disambiguation. First, almost no existing works examine the extraction and disambiguation interdependency. Second, existing disambiguation techniques mostly take as input extracted named entities without considering the uncertainty and imperfection of the extraction process. It is the aim of this paper to investigate both avenues and to show that explicit handling of the uncertainty of annotation has much potential for making both extraction and disambiguation more robust. We conducted experiments with a set of holiday home descriptions with the aim to extract and disambiguate toponyms as a representative example of named entities. We show that the effectiveness of extraction influences the effectiveness of disambiguation, and reciprocally, how retraining the extraction models with information automatically derived from the disambiguation results, improves the extraction models. This mutual reinforcement is shown to even have an effect after several iterations

    Named Entity Recognition using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method for Malay Textual Data Analysis

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    The Named Entity Recognition (NER) task is among the important tasks in analysing unstructured textual data as a solution to gain important and valuable information from the text document. This task is very useful in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyse various languages with distinctive styles of writing, characteristics and word structures. The social media act as the primary source where most information and unstructured textual data are obtained through these sources. In this paper, unstructured textual data were analysed through NER task focusing on the Malay language. The analysis was implemented to investigate the impact of text features transformation set used for recognising entities from unstructured Malay textual data using fuzzy c-means method. It focuses on using Bernama Malay news as a dataset through several steps for the experiment namely pre-processing, text features transformation, experimental and evaluation steps. As a conclusion, the overall percentage accuracy gave markedly good results based on clustering matching with 98.57%. This accuracy was derived from the precision and recall evaluation of both classes. The precision result for NON_ENTITY class is 98.39% with 100.00% recall, whereas for an ENTITY class, the precision and recall are 100.00% and 88.97%, respectively

    Entity Linking to Wikipedia : Grounding entity mentions in natural language text using thematic context distance and collective search

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    This thesis proposes new methods for entity linking in natural language text that assigns entity mentions in unstructured natural language text to the semi-structured encyclopedia Wikipedia. Doing so, entity linking grounds a mention to an encyclopedic entry in Wikipedia and embeds it into this Linked-Open-Data hub. This enables a higher level view on single documents, provides hints for further reading and may be used to add details from other sources. Furthermore, enriching text documents with such links simultaneously resolves the ambiguity of entity names. This ambiguity is an unsolved challenge for many text mining applications: one entity may be designated by a multitude of names and every mention may denote a multitude of entities. Resolving the ambiguity of entity names is thus a crucial step for entity based retrieval, an open problem for most information retrieval and extraction tasks. For instance, search engines relying on heuristic string matches often retrieve irrelevant results as they can not satisfyingly resolve ambiguity. Moreover, there is a huge number of entity mentions that can not be linked to Wikipedia since albeit of its size, Wikipedia has a restricted coverage. Earlier and current work often ignored this and consequently all mentions of uncovered entities. Other approaches handle only entity mentions of specific types or are focussed on English as target language. Apart from such restrictions, no method achieves perfect linking performance. These are the tasks approached in this thesis. We introduce new methods for candidate entity retrieval and candidate entity consolidation, the key components to recall and precision, exploiting both the vast amount of structured and unstructured information stored in Wikipedia. First, we propose a new contextual similarity measure based on latent topic distributions inferred from unstructured natural language text. We show that this thematic distance between mention and candidate entity contexts yields a lower linking error rate than purely word based distances. Being language independent, this method enables high performance entity linking in previously neglected languages such as German and French. This approach is especially suitable, albeit not restricted to link person names, the class of mentions with highest ambiguity. We next propose a new candidate retrieval method to enable successful entity linking also for other entities that are not referenced canonically or exhibit the thematic coherence of persons. We introduce collective search that uses the structured information encoded in Wikipediaā€™s hyperlink graph to arrive at sets of strongly related candidate entities. This enables us to better handle synonymy, one of the hardest problems in entity linking and not thoroughly treated in previous work. We emphasize on general applicability and evaluate this method on a broad collection of benchmark corpora both in a supervised as well as in an unsupervised setting. We show that candidate enhancement through collective search increases linking performance on nearly all of these corpora and that our method is the most stable compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. Presenting the first unification of diverse performance measures, we also make a step forward to the comparability of entity linking methods. In conclusion, we provide state-of-the-art entity linking methods for nearly all of the current use cases. When it comes to fine-tuning, we note that entity linking has subjective aspects and adaptions may be necessary depending on the task at hand
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