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    Latent sentiment model for weakly-supervised cross-lingual sentiment classification

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    In this paper, we present a novel weakly-supervised method for crosslingual sentiment analysis. In specific, we propose a latent sentiment model (LSM) based on latent Dirichlet allocation where sentiment labels are considered as topics. Prior information extracted from English sentiment lexicons through machine translation are incorporated into LSM model learning, where preferences on expectations of sentiment labels of those lexicon words are expressed using generalized expectation criteria. An efficient parameter estimation procedure using variational Bayes is presented. Experimental results on the Chinese product reviews show that the weakly-supervised LSM model performs comparably to supervised classifiers such as Support vector Machines with an average of 81% accuracy achieved over a total of 5484 review documents. Moreover, starting with a generic sentiment lexicon, the LSM model is able to extract highly domainspecific polarity words from text

    Weakly-supervised appraisal analysis

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    This article is concerned with the computational treatment of Appraisal, a Systemic Functional Linguistic theory of the types of language employed to communicate opinion in English. The theory considers aspects such as Attitude (how writers communicate their point of view), Engagement (how writers align themselves with respect to the opinions of others) and Graduation (how writers amplify or diminish their attitudes and engagements). To analyse text according to the theory we employ a weakly-supervised approach to text classification, which involves comparing the similarity of words with prototypical examples of classes. We evaluate the method's performance using a collection of book reviews annotated according to the Appraisal theory

    A Survey on Feature-Sentiment Classification Techniques

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    As internet growing exponentially, the online purchase is proportionally increasing its all around the world. The e-commerce and product selling websites are providing a rich variety of product to be sold. As the quality of product has much impact on its sell, the e-commerce websites tends to take public opinion on the product in terms of consumers feedback, we call it as reviews. These reviews provide much knowledge about the product as the consumers are motivated to write their reviews about the product, more precisely saying, consumer writes their opinion about product’s specifications or product’s features. These public opinions can then be analyzed by the consumers and vendor to make the required manufacturing changes to the product to increase its quality. The Feature Mining along with Sentiment Analysis techniques can be applied to achieve product’s feature and public opinion on these features. Here in this paper we are motivated by the scenario as mentioned above. We had a survey on the different techniques that can be used to mine products feature and classifying those feature along with the sentiment classification on the determined features. The public sentiments can be classified as negative, positive and neutral sentiments. Data Mining provides a rich set of Machine Learning Algorithms which in turn can be used as Sentiment Classifier. After analyzing feature-sentiment techniques, we then studied the feature classification by using its overall sentiment and influence on the product sell

    SESS: A Self-Supervised and Syntax-Based Method for Sentiment Classification

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    A Survey on Sentiment Mining

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    In past days before putting money into any product people used to ask judgment to their family, friend circle and colleagues and then they take the decision. In today’s world there is a boom of World Wide Web, enormous amount of data is available on internet so while purchasing a product instead of asking to people customer take decisions by analyzing electronic text. As the growth of e-commerce crowds of people encouraged to write their opinion about numerous merchandise in the form of statements/comments on countless sites like facebook,flipkart,snapdeal,amazon,bloggres,twiter,etc.This comments are the sentiments about the services expressed by users and they are categorized into positive, negative and neutral. Different techniques are use for summarizing reviews like Information Retrieval, Text Mining Text Classification, Data Mining, and Text Summarizing. Countless people write their sentiments on plenty of sites. These comments are written in random order so it may cause trouble in usefulness of the information. If someone wants to find out the impact of the usability of any product then he has to manually read all the sentiments and then classify it, which is practically burdensome task. Sentiment mining is playing major role in data mining; it is also referred as sentiment analysis. This field helps to analyze and classify the opinion of users. In this paper we will discuss various techniques, applications and challenges face by the sentiment mining