18 research outputs found

    Способи виявлення кейлогерів у просторі користувача

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    Квалiфiкацiйна робота мiстить: 50 стор., 10 рисунки, 28 джерел. Актуальнiсть дослiдження полягає у тому, що такий тип шкiдливого програмного забезпечення як кейлогери з роками не втрачають своєї актуальностi, адже є одними з найбiльш ефективних способiв збору конфiденцiйнох iнформацiї. Метою дослiдження є обгрунтування та розробка теоретичного пiдходу при виявленнi кейлогерiв. Об’єктом дослiдження є принципи функцiонування кейлогерiв у iнформацiйних системах та методи їх виявленнi Предметом дослiдження є метод вивлення кейлогерiв, що функцiонують у просторi користувача Практичне значення результатiв полягає у можливостi розробки бiльш гнучкого пiдходу для виявлення кейлогерiв простору користувача У роботi було розглянуто такий вид шкiдливого програмного забезпечення як програмнi кейлогери простору користувача. Причиною є те, що даний вид кейлогерiв є найбiльш розповсюдженим, адже дозволяє ефективно викрадати конфiденцiйну iнформацiю. Було проаналiзовано методи виявлення кейлогерiв простору користувача використовуючи аналiз мережевого трафiку та оперативної пам’ятi. У результатi було запропоновано пiдхiд для розробки застосунку для виявлення кейлогерiв, надано вказiвки щодо використання системних функцiй.The English abstract must be the exact translation of the Ukrainian “annotation” (including statistical data and keywords). The relevance of the study is that this type of malware such as keyloggers over the years does not lose its relevance, because they are one of the most effective ways to collect confidential information. The purpose of the study is to substantiate and develop a theoretical approach to the detection of keyloggers. The object of research is the principles of functioning of keyloggers in information systems and methods of their detection The subject of the research is the method of derivation of keyloggers operating in the user’s space The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of developing a more flexible approach to identifying keyloggers of user space. The paper considers such a type of malware as software keyloggers of the user’s space. The reason is that this type of keyloggers is the most common, because it allows you to effectively steal confidential information. Methods for detecting keyloggers of user space using the analysis of network traffic and RAM were analyzed. As a result, an approach was proposed to develop an application for detecting keyloggers, and instructions were given on the use of system functions

    Malware tolerance: Distributing trust over multiple devices

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    Current security solutions try to keep the adversary out of the computer infrastructure. However, with zero-day exploits and certain rootkit attacks, the assumption that attacks can be blocked does not hold any more. This work presents the concept of malware tolerance accepting that every device might be compromised at some point in time. The concept aims to distribute trust over several devices so that no single device is able to compromise security features by itself. I create three malware-tolerant techniques to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept. This thesis introduces a trusted input system which delivers keystrokes securely from the keyboard to a recipient even if one of its components is compromised. The second approach is the design of a self-healing Industrial Control System, a sensor-actuator network to securely control a physical system. If an adversary manages to compromise one of the components, it remains secure and can even recover from attacks. Lastly, this thesis proposes a mesh network architecture aimed at smart-home networks without assuming any device in the network invulnerable to attacks applying isolation mechanisms to otherwise flat mesh networks. This thesis gives formal security proofs with protocol verifier ProVerif. The proof scripts are open-source

    Exploring New Paradigms for Mobile Edge Computing

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    Edge computing has been rapidly growing in recent years to meet the surging demands from mobile apps and Internet of Things (IoT). Similar to the Cloud, edge computing provides computation, storage, data, and application services to the end-users. However, edge computing is usually deployed at the edge of the network, which can provide low-latency and high-bandwidth services for end devices. So far, edge computing is still not widely adopted. One significant challenge is that the edge computing environment is usually heterogeneous, involving various operating systems and platforms, which complicates app development and maintenance. in this dissertation, we explore to combine edge computing with virtualization techniques to provide a homogeneous environment, where edge nodes and end devices run exactly the same operating system. We develop three systems based on the homogeneous edge computing environment to improve the security and usability of end-device applications. First, we introduce vTrust, a new mobile Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), which offloads the general execution and storage of a mobile app to a nearby edge node and secures the I/O between the edge node and the mobile device with the aid of a trusted hypervisor on the mobile device. Specifically, vTrust establishes an encrypted I/O channel between the local hypervisor and the edge node, such that any sensitive data flowing through the hosted mobile OS is encrypted. Second, we present MobiPlay, a record-and-replay tool for mobile app testing. By collaborating a mobile phone with an edge node, MobiPlay can effectively record and replay all types of input data on the mobile phone without modifying the mobile operating system. to do so, MobiPlay runs the to-be-tested application on the edge node under exactly the same environment as the mobile device and allows the tester to operate the application on a mobile device. Last, we propose vRent, a new mechanism to leverage smartphone resources as edge node based on Xen virtualization and MiniOS. vRent aims to mitigate the shortage of available edge nodes. vRent enforces isolation and security by making the users\u27 android OSes as Guest OSes and rents the resources to a third-party in the form of MiniOSes

    Novel Attacks and Defenses for Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) Systems

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    This doctoral dissertation expands upon the field of Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) systems, one of the most ubiquitous and under-researched fields of smart systems. E-IoT systems are specialty smart systems designed for sophisticated automation applications (e.g., multimedia control, security, lighting control). E-IoT systems are often closed source, costly, require certified installers, and are more robust for their specific applications. This dissertation begins with an analysis of the current E-IoT threat landscape and introduces three novel attacks and defenses under-studied software and protocols heavily linked to E-IoT systems. For each layer, we review the literature for the threats, attacks, and countermeasures. Based on the systematic knowledge we obtain from the literature review, we propose three novel attacks and countermeasures to protect E-IoT systems. In the first attack, we present PoisonIvy, several attacks developed to show that malicious E-IoT drivers can be used to compromise E-IoT. In response to PoisonIvy threats, we describe Ivycide, a machine-learning network-based solution designed to defend E-IoT systems against E-IoT driver threats. As multimedia control is a significant application of E-IoT, we introduce is HDMI-Walk, a novel attack vector designed to demonstrate that HDMI\u27s Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol can be used to compromise multiple devices through a single connection. To defend devices from this threat, we introduce HDMI-Watch, a standalone intrusion detection system (IDS) designed to defend HDMI-enabled devices from HDMI-Walk-style attacks. Finally, this dissertation evaluates the security of E-IoT proprietary protocols with LightingStrike, a series of attacks used to demonstrate that popular E-IoT proprietary communication protocols are insecure. To address LightningStrike threats, we introduce LGuard, a complete defense framework designed to defend E-IoT systems from LightingStrike-style attacks using computer vision, traffic obfuscation, and traffic analysis techniques. For each contribution, all of the defense mechanisms proposed are implemented without any modification to the underlying hardware or software. All attacks and defenses in this dissertation were performed with implementations on widely-used E-IoT devices and systems. We believe that the research presented in this dissertation has notable implications on the security of E-IoT systems by exposing novel threat vectors, raising awareness, and motivating future E-IoT system security research

    Safe and automatic live update

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    Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor


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    Mobile smart devices (such as smartphones and tablets) emerged to dominant computing platforms for end-users. The capabilities of these convenient mini-computers seem nearly boundless: They feature compelling computing power and storage resources, new interfaces such as Near Field Communication (NFC) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), connectivity to cloud services, as well as a vast number and variety of apps. By installing these apps, users can turn a mobile device into a music player, a gaming console, a navigation system, a business assistant, and more. In addition, the current trend of increased screen sizes make these devices reasonable replacements for traditional (mobile) computing platforms such as laptops. On the other hand, mobile platforms process and store the extensive amount of sensitive information about their users, ranging from the user’s location data to credentials for online banking and enterprise Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). This raises many security and privacy concerns and makes mobile platforms attractive targets for attackers. The rapid increase in number, variety and sophistication of attacks demonstrate that the protection mechanisms offered by mobile systems today are insufficient and improvements are necessary in order to make mobile devices capable of withstanding modern security and privacy threats. This dissertation focuses on various aspects of security and privacy of mobile platforms. In particular, it consists of three parts: (i) advanced attacks on mobile platforms and countermeasures; (ii) online authentication security for mobile systems, and (iii) secure mobile applications and services. Specifically, the first part of the dissertation concentrates on advanced attacks on mobile platforms, such as code re-use attacks that hijack execution flow of benign apps without injecting malicious code, and application-level privilege escalation attacks that allow malicious or compromised apps to gain more privileges than were initially granted. In this context, we develop new advanced code re-use attack techniques that can bypass deployed protection mechanisms (e.g., Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)) and cannot be detected by any of the existing security tools (e.g., return address checkers). Further, we investigate the problem of application-level privilege escalation attacks on mobile platforms like Android, study and classify them, develop proof of concept exploits and propose countermeasures against these attacks. Our countermeasures can mitigate all types of application-level privilege escalation attacks, in contrast to alternative solutions proposed in literature. In the second part of the dissertation we investigate online authentication schemes frequently utilized by mobile users, such as the most common web authentication based upon the user’s passwords and the recently widespread mobile 2-factor authentication (2FA) which extends the password-based approach with a secondary authenticator sent to a user’s mobile device or generated on it (e.g, a One-time Password (OTP) or Transaction Authentication Number (TAN)). In this context we demonstrate various weaknesses of mobile 2FA schemes deployed for login verification by global Internet service providers (such as Google, Dropbox, Twitter, and Facebook) and by a popular Google Authenticator app. These weaknesses allow an attacker to impersonate legitimate users even if their mobile device with the secondary authenticator is not compromised. We then go one step further and develop a general attack method for bypassing mobile 2FA schemes. Our method relies on a cross-platform infection (mobile-to-PC or PC-to-mobile) as a first step in order to compromise the Personal Computer (PC) and a mobile device of the same user. We develop proof-of-concept prototypes for a cross-platform infection and show how an attacker can bypass various instantiations of mobile 2FA schemes once both devices, PC and the mobile platform, are infected. We then deliver proof-of-concept attack implementations that bypass online banking solutions based on SMS-based TANs and visual cryptograms, as well as login verification schemes deployed by various Internet service providers. Finally, we propose a wallet-based secure solution for password-based authentication which requires no secondary authenticator, and yet provides better security guaranties than, e.g., mobile 2FA schemes. The third part of the dissertation concerns design and development of security sensitive mobile applications and services. In particular, our first application allows mobile users to replace usual keys (for doors, cars, garages, etc.) with their mobile devices. It uses electronic access tokens which are generated by the central key server and then downloaded into mobile devices for user authentication. Our solution protects access tokens in transit (e.g., while they are downloaded on the mobile device) and when they are stored and processed on the mobile platform. The unique feature of our solution is offline delegation: Users can delegate (a portion of) their access rights to other users without accessing the key server. Further, our solution is efficient even when used with constraint communication interfaces like NFC. The second application we developed is devoted to resource sharing among mobile users in ad-hoc mobile networks. It enables users to, e.g., exchange files and text messages, or share their tethering connection. Our solution addresses security threats specific to resource sharing and features the required security mechanisms (e.g., access control of resources, pseudonymity for users, and accountability for resource use). One of the key features of our solution is a privacy-preserving access control of resources based on FoF Finder (FoFF) service, which provides a user-friendly means to configure access control based upon information from social networks (e.g., friendship information) while preserving user privacy (e.g., not revealing their social network identifiers). The results presented in this dissertation were included in several peer-reviewed publications and extended technical reports. Some of these publications had significant impact on follow up research. For example, our publications on new forms of code re-use attacks motivated researchers to develop more advanced forms of ASLR and to re-consider the idea of using Control-Flow Integrity (CFI). Further, our work on application-level privilege escalation attacks was followed by many other publications addressing this problem. Moreover, our access control solution using mobile devices as access tokens demonstrated significant practical impact: in 2013 it was chosen as a highlight of CeBIT – the world’s largest international computer expo, and was then deployed by a large enterprise to be used by tens of thousands of company employees and millions of customers