30,805 research outputs found

    Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification

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    Inductive transfer learning has greatly impacted computer vision, but existing approaches in NLP still require task-specific modifications and training from scratch. We propose Universal Language Model Fine-tuning (ULMFiT), an effective transfer learning method that can be applied to any task in NLP, and introduce techniques that are key for fine-tuning a language model. Our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on six text classification tasks, reducing the error by 18-24% on the majority of datasets. Furthermore, with only 100 labeled examples, it matches the performance of training from scratch on 100x more data. We open-source our pretrained models and code.Comment: ACL 2018, fixed denominator in Equation 3, line

    How to Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification?

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    Language model pre-training has proven to be useful in learning universal language representations. As a state-of-the-art language model pre-training model, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) has achieved amazing results in many language understanding tasks. In this paper, we conduct exhaustive experiments to investigate different fine-tuning methods of BERT on text classification task and provide a general solution for BERT fine-tuning. Finally, the proposed solution obtains new state-of-the-art results on eight widely-studied text classification datasets

    Transfer Learning for Textual Topic Classificaton

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    Nedávné vývoje v jazykových modelech vedly k posunu v transfer learning metodách ve zpracování přirozeného jazyka. Jazykové modely předtrénované na rozsáhlých obecných datasetech dosahují nejlepších výsledků v celé řadě úkolů. Universal Language Model Fine-tuning představuje efektivní transfer learning metodu pro klasifikaci texu. Cílem této práce je hlouběji otestovat robustnost této metody ve scénářích, které se běžně nacházejí při reálných aplikacích.The recent developments of Language Modeling led to advances in transfer learning methods in Natural Language Processing. Language Models pretrained on large general datasets achieved state-of-the-art results in a wide range of tasks. The Universal Language Model Fine-tuning represents an effective transfer learning method for text classification. The goal of this thesis is to further test the robustness of this method in scenarios, commonly found in real-world applications

    Transfer Learning based Automated Essay Summarization

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    The human evaluation of essays has become a very time-consuming process as the number of schools and universities has grown. The available software entities are unable to assess the sentiment associated with essays. Thus, we propose a model using Natural Language Processing to assess the essay based on both grammar and sentiment associated with the essay by using linear regression and ULMFiT (Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification) models.  Evaluation of essay is done in two parts. Part one is on essay grading with respect to grammar with maximum 12 and minimum 0 grade points and in part two score of 0/1 for sentiment analysis with 0 being negative and 1 being positive. The model can be used to score the essay and discard any essay with a score less than a specified value or specified sentiment score

    Machine translation as an underrated ingredient? : solving classification tasks with large language models for comparative research

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    While large language models have revolutionised computational text analysis methods, the field is still tilted towards English language resources. Even as there are pre-trained models for some "smaller" languages, the coverage is far from universal, and pre-training large language models is an expensive and complicated task. This uneven language coverage limits comparative social research in terms of its geographical and linguistic scope. We propose a solution that sidesteps these issues by leveraging transfer learning and open-source machine translation. We use English as a bridge language between Hungarian and Polish bills and laws to solve a classification task related to the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) coding scheme. Using the Hungarian corpus as training data for model fine-tuning, we categorise the Polish laws into 20 CAP categories. In doing so, we compare the performance of Transformer-based deep learning models (monolinguals, such as BERT, and multilinguals such as XLM-RoBERTa) and machine learning algorithms (e.g., SVM). Results show that the fine-tuned large language models outperform the traditional supervised learning benchmarks but are themselves surpassed by the machine translation approach. Overall, the proposed solution demonstrates a viable option for applying a transfer learning framework for low-resource languages and achieving state-of-the-art results without requiring expensive pre-training