7,644 research outputs found

    A non-projective greedy dependency parser with bidirectional LSTMs

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    The LyS-FASTPARSE team presents BIST-COVINGTON, a neural implementation of the Covington (2001) algorithm for non-projective dependency parsing. The bidirectional LSTM approach by Kipperwasser and Goldberg (2016) is used to train a greedy parser with a dynamic oracle to mitigate error propagation. The model participated in the CoNLL 2017 UD Shared Task. In spite of not using any ensemble methods and using the baseline segmentation and PoS tagging, the parser obtained good results on both macro-average LAS and UAS in the big treebanks category (55 languages), ranking 7th out of 33 teams. In the all treebanks category (LAS and UAS) we ranked 16th and 12th. The gap between the all and big categories is mainly due to the poor performance on four parallel PUD treebanks, suggesting that some `suffixed' treebanks (e.g. Spanish-AnCora) perform poorly on cross-treebank settings, which does not occur with the corresponding `unsuffixed' treebank (e.g. Spanish). By changing that, we obtain the 11th best LAS among all runs (official and unofficial). The code is made available at https://github.com/CoNLL-UD-2017/LyS-FASTPARSEComment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 5 table

    Multilingual Nonce Dependency Treebanks: Understanding how LLMs represent and process syntactic structure

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    We introduce SPUD (Semantically Perturbed Universal Dependencies), a framework for creating nonce treebanks for the multilingual Universal Dependencies (UD) corpora. SPUD data satisfies syntactic argument structure, provides syntactic annotations, and ensures grammaticality via language-specific rules. We create nonce data in Arabic, English, French, German, and Russian, and demonstrate two use cases of SPUD treebanks. First, we investigate the effect of nonce data on word co-occurrence statistics, as measured by perplexity scores of autoregressive (ALM) and masked language models (MLM). We find that ALM scores are significantly more affected by nonce data than MLM scores. Second, we show how nonce data affects the performance of syntactic dependency probes. We replicate the findings of M\"uller-Eberstein et al. (2022) on nonce test data and show that the performance declines on both MLMs and ALMs wrt. original test data. However, a majority of the performance is kept, suggesting that the probe indeed learns syntax independently from semantics.Comment: Our software is available at https://github.com/davidarps/spu
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