1,341 research outputs found

    Assessment of Product Data Quality

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    Product data is defined as information describing and defining a product, typically being product structures, documentation related to manufacturing and developing the product and other product related information. Master data refers to the characteristics of critical business data within an organization, typically being information related to materials, product structures, suppliers, customers, resources and assets. Data quality is defined as its ability to serve its intended purpose. This study aims to create a summary of product data’s quality in a certain middle-sized enterprise in electronic industry. The lifecycles of the company’s products are long, and their product data has to be sustained for several decades. Therefore data quality can have benefits or consequences for a long time. The study also aims to investigate benefits of higher data quality and present a recommendation of how to improve data quality in the future. New ways of measuring and assessing data quality are also considered. The company utilizes a report tool that can be used to discover defects in data. The results include mainly defects in incomplete items, active sales items and parameters affecting productivity metrics and end product’s expenses. Results of the report are not straightforward, and some interpretation is presented in this study. In addition to this, completely verifying product’s compliancy with RoHS- and REACH-legislation is difficult without complete manufacturer and component data. A series of interviews was made to assess product data’s general condition, usability, reliability, current management of product data and its impact to the company’s business. To summarize, the company has data quality on an adequate level and it can be used for common business purposes. The company maintains a considerable amount of product data, and this itself is one of the biggest challenges. Different stakeholders can point out defects in data. Product data’s quality is not perfect, but business can be considered to be fluent even so. The company has developed its processes and data policies over the years, and especially new products have almost blameless product data.Tuotedatalla tarkoitetaan tuotteen määrittelevää informaatiota, useimmiten tuoterakenteita, tuotteen valmistukseen ja kehittämiseen liittyvää dokumentaatiota sekä muuta tuotetietoa. Master datalla tarkoitetaan yrityksessä jaettavaa, liiketoiminnan kannalta kriittistä dataa. Tämä on useimmiten informaatiota tuotteista, toimittajista, asiakkaista, resursseista ja pääomasta. Datan laadulla tarkoitetaan sen kykyä palvella sen omaa käyttötarkoitusta. Työn tarkoituksena on luoda yleiskuva tuotedatan laadusta eräässä keskisuuressa elektroniikkateollisuuden yrityksessä. Yrityksen tuotteiden elinkaaret ovat pitkiä, ja niiden tuotedataa täytyy ylläpitää vuosikymmeniä. Datan laadulla voi olla hyötyjä tai seurauksia pitkäksi ajaksi. Työn tarkoituksena on myös tutkia korkean datan laadun tuomia etuja ja esittää suositus kuinka hallita datan laatua paremmin tulevaisuudessa. Datan laatua pyritään samalla arvioimaan ja mittaamaan. Yrityksellä on käytössään raporttityökalu jolla voidaan tunnistaa poikkeamia datassa. Kriittisimmät tulokset löytyvät keskeneräisistä nimikkeistä, myytävistä nimikkeistä sekä tuottavuusmittareihin ja kustannuksiin vaikuttavista nimikeparametreista. Tulokset eivät ole aina yksiselitteisiä ja työssä on tulkittu niitä. Lisäksi tuotteen yhteensopivuutta RoHS- ja REACH-lainsäädännön kanssa on vaikea todeta ilman täydellistä valmistaja- ja komponenttitietoa. Työn aikana tehtiin haastattelukierros jossa keskusteltiin tuotedatan yleiskunnosta, käytettävyydestä, luotettavuudesta, tuotedatan hallinnasta ja sen vaikutuksesta yrityksen liiketoimintaan. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tuotedatan laatu on yrityksessä tyydyttävällä tasolla ja sitä voidaan käyttää yleisimpiin käyttötarkoituksiin. Yritys pitää yllä huomattavaa määrää tuotedataa, ja tämä itsessään on yksi isoimmista haasteista. Eri sidosryhmät voivat osoittaa poikkeamia datassa. Tuotedatan laatu ei ole täydellistä, mutta liiketoimintaa voidaan harjoittaa sujuvasti siitä huolimatta. Yritys on kehittänyt prosessejaan ja datakäytäntöjään vuosien varrella, ja etenkin uusissa tuotteissa datan laatu on melkein moitteetonta

    Collaboration and integration through information technologies in supply chains

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    International audienceSupply chain management encompasses various processes including various conventional logistics activities, and various other processes These processes are supported – to a certain limit – by coordination and integration mechanisms which are long-term strategies that give competitive advantage through overall supply chain efficiency. Information Technology, by the way of collecting, sharing and gathering data, exchanging information, optimising process through package software, is becoming one of the key developments and success of these collaboration strategies. This paper proposes a study to identify the methods used for collaborative works in the supply chain and focuses on some of its areas, as between a company and its suppliers (i.e., inventory sharing) and its customers (i.e., customer demand, forecasting), and also the integration of product information in the value chain

    A map through the minefield: church merger as a strategy for starting new faith communities

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    Understanding Data Products: Motivations, Definition, and Categories

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    As the volume of data exponentially increases, organizations are looking for smarter ways to create the most value from their data. One approach to achieve this is through developing data products. Although the idea was initially presented in the 1990s, the concept remains nascent, leading to different groups forming their own interpretations about data products. Leveraging the literature and multiple case studies, we aim to harmonize the understanding of data products and identify their characteristics. Additionally, our empirical findings shed light on the motivations to develop data products as well as the emerging data product categories. By clarifying the foundations of data products, our study contributes to the ongoing discourse around scaling data and analytics in enterprises to repurpose and consume data efficiently and cost-effectively. For practitioners, our study provides insights into different motivations and priorities associated with data products, which can help them scope their data product initiatives

    Unlocking Knowledge to Benefit the Patient : How Connecting KM and QRM Can Strengthen Science and Risk-Based Decision Making

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    This thesis explored knowledge management effectiveness in the pharmaceutical sector and included an examination of the critical relationship between knowledge management (KM) and quality risk management (QRM) as the dual enablers of an effective pharmaceutical quality system. The primary research objectives were to improve understanding and effectiveness of the interdependency between KM and QRM and to improve knowledge management across the pharmaceutical product lifecycle, starting with a focus on knowledge transfer during technology transfer. The thesis explored how improved KM across the product lifecycle coupled with thoughtful and intentional connectivity between KM and QRM as defined by this study could lead to more informed risk-based decision making and ultimately help benefit patients. This research study employed a variety of methods, including literature review, expert interviews, philosophical dialogue, focus groups, and case studies as a means to include a large number of stakeholders across the pharmaceutical sector. The study progress was disseminated through a variety of methods and channels including several peer-reviewed papers and conference presentations as a means to solicit input and feedback. The research findings verify that while KM and QRM are considered highly interdependent in theory, in practice they are – at best – partially integrated. This suggests the industry is not leveraging the best knowledge available to inform QRM, leading to sub-optimal risk-based decision making. Furthermore, knowledge created during QRM activities may not be effectively managed. When considering technology transfer, the study found that while knowledge transfer is considered critically important, knowledge transfer is only marginally effective for explicit knowledge and somewhat ineffective for tacit knowledge. This lack of effective knowledge transfer poses a risk to successful technology transfer and the goals of ICH Q10. In response to these findings, the research generated a variety of outputs, many of which have already demonstrated outcomes and impacts on the sector and have the potential for seminal importance. These outputs include a Knowledge Management Process Model to define the process of knowledge management, the Risk-Knowledge Infinity Cycle (RKI Cycle) as a framework to unite KM and QRM, a framework for knowledge transfer enhancement (KTE Framework) during technology transfer, and a variety of case studies to demonstrate the impact of these outputs and their applicability across the product lifecycle. These outputs can be immediately applied to the benefit of the pharmaceutical sector. Areas of future study include additional assets such as training and application materials to accelerate application of these outputs. Additional opportunity also exists to better define knowledge transfer toolkits, create knowledge management frameworks for other phases of the product lifecycle, and to better define the relationship between data analytics, knowledge management and risk management

    The challenges affecting the reliability and maintainability of rolling stock operating in the Thabazimbi channel

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    Abstract: Rail transportation remains one of the cheapest and most effective modes of transportation in the Southern African Development Community. The proficiency and capability of the railway system, however, requires capital investment in infrastructure, transport system and, more importantly, rail infrastructure to support socio-economic growth and regional interlink across African nations. To accelerate socio-economic growth in the Southern African Development Community, there is a need for the African countries to work together. This is done with the intention of improving progress by minimising the cost of doing business through local integration and management...M.Phil. (Engineering Management

    A Governance Reference Model For Service-oriented Architecture-based Common Data Initialization A Case Study Of Military Simulation Federation Systems

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    Military simulation and command and control federations have become large, complex distributed systems that integrate with a variety of legacy and current simulations, and real command and control systems locally as well as globally. As these systems continue to become increasingly more complex so does the data that initializes them. This increased complexity has introduced a major problem in data initialization coordination which has been handled by many organizations in various ways. Serviceoriented architecture (SOA) solutions have been introduced to promote easier data interoperability through the use of standards-based reusable services and common infrastructure. However, current SOA-based solutions do not incorporate formal governance techniques to drive the architecture in providing reliable, consistent, and timely information exchange. This dissertation identifies the need to establish governance for common data initialization service development oversight, presents current research and applicable solutions that address some aspects of SOA-based federation data service governance, and proposes a governance reference model for development of SOA-based common data initialization services in military simulation and command and control federations

    Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate — Environmental Scan

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    Given the research that has been done in this environmental scan and the gaps found in this research, it is our aim to find out: What types of service sharing are going on in Ontario municipalities, particularly in rural/remote areas? How can inter-community service sharing (ICSS) benefit the asset management planning process in these rural/remote areas to enhance capacities for climate change resilience? Climate change (CC) will exacerbate deterioration to existing infrastructure and increase replacement costs. Improved preparedness reduces risks and increases efficiency, readiness and coping capacity. To increase the preparedness of Ontario rural communities, this project develops CC-Prepared Inter-Community Service Sharing (ICSS) as an innovative strategy that expands cost-effective solutions within Ontario’s standardized Asset Management Planning (AMP) process. Overseen by a Project Advisory Board (PAB), it identifies a suite of best practice ICSS processes and principles and a range of factors and indicators that influence the uptake of ICSS as a viable and practical opportunity targeted to enhance rural infrastructure preparedness for CC. It utilizes a multimethod, interdisciplinary approach involving an environmental scan, interviews, a survey and case studies and develops an ICSS Toolkit consisting of reports, workbook, policy brief and media kit. Knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) includes blogs, teleconferences, articles, presentations and a workshop. For small rural Ontario communities, this study enhances management of CC impacts on infrastructure through the development of a CC-Prepared ICSS strategy, increasing anticipatory, collective actions that reduce dam age and increase efficiencies. It informs sound municipal/provincial level programs and policies about innovative ICSS that benefit rural communities through the identification of Ontario-wide trends, case study best practises and action-oriented recommendations

    Integration of substance compliance and a product lifecycle management system in case organization

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    Abstract. Substance compliance is the field of identifying applicable product material regulations and managing the product composition to match those regulations. As the various regulations expand and new standards are added, manufacturers must take increased precautions to ensure their products are in line with the latest regulations and standards for example by developing system integrations to ensure better management processes. This thesis aims to study the development and implementation of an integration of a substance compliance management system with a product lifecycle management (PLM) system in a case organization. The perspective is on identifying how an integration of substance compliance and a PLM system can be conducted and what to take into consideration when introducing such an interface to current operations. The research methods used were two sets of semi-structured interviews and participatory observations. The findings of this study indicate that substance compliance has connections to data quality. In the case organization in particular, in order to fully grasp the benefits of the integration, special care should be put into completing a three-step plan focused on improving data quality management, using change management to introduce the integration, and utilizing an early and proactive approach to substance compliance. The study largely focuses on giving actionable improvement recommendations, but it also contributes to the substance compliance literature by conducting a brief literature study on the topic and showing the connection of product data quality with the field of study.Aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuden hallitsemisen ja tuotteen elinkaaren hallintajärjestelmän yhdistäminen kohdeyrityksessä. Tiivistelmä. Aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuden hallitseminen on ala, jossa tunnistetaan tuotemateriaalien lainsäädännöllisiä vaatimuksia ja varmistetaan, että tuote ei sisällä vaatimustenvastaisia aineita. Tuotemateriaaleja koskevien säädösten määrän kasvaessa elektroniikkavalmistajien on huolehdittava entistä tarkemmin, että heidän tuotteensa noudattavat viimeisimpiä lainsäädäntöjä ja standardeja. Yksi tapa tehdä näin on esimerkiksi panostaa systeemien yhdistämiseen, joka takaa paremmat hallintaprosessit. Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus on tutkia aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuden ja tuotteen elinkaaren hallintajärjestelmän yhdistämistä kohdeyrityksessä. Pääpaino työssä on tunnistaa, miten kahden järjestelmän yhdistäminen voidaan toteuttaa, sekä mitä tulisi ottaa huomioon yhdistetyn järjestelmän käyttöönotossa. Diplomityössä käytettiin kahta eri puolistrukturoitua haastattelua sekä osallistuvia havainnointeja tutkimusmenetelminä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuudella on yhteys tuotedatan laatuun. Jotta kohdeyrityksessä voitaisiin ottaa täysi hyöty yhdistetystä järjestelmästä, tulisi yrityksen toteuttaa kolmiaskeleinen parannussuunnitelma. Suunnitelman tavoite on parantaa tuotedatanlaadun hallintaa, hyödyntää muutosjohtamisen oppeja järjestelmän kehittämiseen ja käyttöönottoon, ja edesauttaa kohdeyritystä ennakoivaan aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuteen. Työ keskittyy suurimmaksi osaksi kohdeyrityksen parannusehdotusten antamiseen, mutta se myös edistää aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuteen kohdistuvaa kirjallisuutta pienellä kirjallisuuskatsauksella ja esittämällä linkin tuotedatan laadun kanssa