969 research outputs found

    A Generic Framework for Tracking Using Particle Filter With Dynamic Shape Prior

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.894244Tracking deforming objects involves estimating the global motion of the object and its local deformations as functions of time. Tracking algorithms using Kalman filters or particle filters (PFs) have been proposed for tracking such objects, but these have limitations due to the lack of dynamic shape information. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on employing a locally linear embedding in order to incorporate dynamic shape information into the particle filtering framework for tracking highly deformable objects in the presence of noise and clutter. The PF also models image statistics such as mean and variance of the given data which can be useful in obtaining proper separation of object and backgroun

    Multi-Scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences

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    Scene flow methods estimate the three-dimensional motion field for points in the world, using multi-camera video data. Such methods combine multi-view reconstruction with motion estimation. This paper describes an alternative formulation for dense scene flow estimation that provides reliable results using only two cameras by fusing stereo and optical flow estimation into a single coherent framework. Internally, the proposed algorithm generates probability distributions for optical flow and disparity. Taking into account the uncertainty in the intermediate stages allows for more reliable estimation of the 3D scene flow than previous methods allow. To handle the aperture problems inherent in the estimation of optical flow and disparity, a multi-scale method along with a novel region-based technique is used within a regularized solution. This combined approach both preserves discontinuities and prevents over-regularization – two problems commonly associated with the basic multi-scale approaches. Experiments with synthetic and real test data demonstrate the strength of the proposed approach.National Science Foundation (CNS-0202067, IIS-0208876); Office of Naval Research (N00014-03-1-0108

    Online Object Tracking with Proposal Selection

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    Tracking-by-detection approaches are some of the most successful object trackers in recent years. Their success is largely determined by the detector model they learn initially and then update over time. However, under challenging conditions where an object can undergo transformations, e.g., severe rotation, these methods are found to be lacking. In this paper, we address this problem by formulating it as a proposal selection task and making two contributions. The first one is introducing novel proposals estimated from the geometric transformations undergone by the object, and building a rich candidate set for predicting the object location. The second one is devising a novel selection strategy using multiple cues, i.e., detection score and edgeness score computed from state-of-the-art object edges and motion boundaries. We extensively evaluate our approach on the visual object tracking 2014 challenge and online tracking benchmark datasets, and show the best performance.Comment: ICCV 201

    NASA: Neural Articulated Shape Approximation

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    Efficient representation of articulated objects such as human bodies is an important problem in computer vision and graphics. To efficiently simulate deformation, existing approaches represent 3D objects using polygonal meshes and deform them using skinning techniques. This paper introduces neural articulated shape approximation (NASA), an alternative framework that enables efficient representation of articulated deformable objects using neural indicator functions that are conditioned on pose. Occupancy testing using NASA is straightforward, circumventing the complexity of meshes and the issue of water-tightness. We demonstrate the effectiveness of NASA for 3D tracking applications, and discuss other potential extensions.Comment: ECCV 202

    Deformable 3-D Modelling from Uncalibrated Video Sequences

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    Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Queen Mary, University of Londo

    Monocular slam for deformable scenarios.

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    El problema de localizar la posición de un sensor en un mapa incierto que se estima simultáneamente se conoce como Localización y Mapeo Simultáneo --SLAM--. Es un problema desafiante comparable al paradigma del huevo y la gallina. Para ubicar el sensor necesitamos conocer el mapa, pero para construir el mapa, necesitamos la posición del sensor. Cuando se utiliza un sensor visual, por ejemplo, una cámara, se denomina Visual SLAM o VSLAM. Los sensores visuales para SLAM se dividen entre los que proporcionan información de profundidad (por ejemplo, cámaras RGB-D o equipos estéreo) y los que no (por ejemplo, cámaras monoculares o cámaras de eventos). En esta tesis hemos centrado nuestra investigación en SLAM con cámaras monoculares.Debido a la falta de percepción de profundidad, el SLAM monocular es intrínsecamente más duro en comparación con el SLAM con sensores de profundidad. Los trabajos estado del arte en VSLAM monocular han asumido normalmente que la escena permanece rígida durante toda la secuencia, lo que es una suposición factible para entornos industriales y urbanos. El supuesto de rigidez aporta las restricciones suficientes al problema y permite reconstruir un mapa fiable tras procesar varias imágenes. En los últimos años, el interés por el SLAM ha llegado a las áreas médicas donde los algoritmos SLAM podrían ayudar a orientar al cirujano o localizar la posición de un robot. Sin embargo, a diferencia de los escenarios industriales o urbanos, en secuencias dentro del cuerpo, todo puede deformarse eventualmente y la suposición de rigidez acaba siendo inválida en la práctica, y por extensión, también los algoritmos de SLAM monoculares. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo es ampliar los límites de los algoritmos de SLAM y concebir el primer sistema SLAM monocular capaz de hacer frente a la deformación de la escena.Los sistemas de SLAM actuales calculan la posición de la cámara y la estructura del mapa en dos subprocesos concurrentes: la localización y el mapeo. La localización se encarga de procesar cada imagen para ubicar el sensor de forma continua, en cambio el mapeo se encarga de construir el mapa de la escena. Nosotros hemos adoptado esta estructura y concebimos tanto la localización deformable como el mapeo deformable ahora capaces de recuperar la escena incluso con deformación.Nuestra primera contribución es la localización deformable. La localización deformable utiliza la estructura del mapa para recuperar la pose de la cámara con una única imagen. Simultáneamente, a medida que el mapa se deforma durante la secuencia, también recupera la deformación del mapa para cada fotograma. Hemos propuesto dos familias de localización deformable. En el primer algoritmo de localización deformable, asumimos que todos los puntos están embebidos en una superficie denominada plantilla. Podemos recuperar la deformación de la superficie gracias a un modelo de deformación global que permite estimar la deformación más probable del objeto. Con nuestro segundo algoritmo de localización deformable, demostramos que es posible recuperar la deformación del mapa sin un modelo de deformación global, representando el mapa como surfels individuales. Nuestros resultados experimentales mostraron que, recuperando la deformación del mapa, ambos métodos superan tanto en robustez como en precisión a los métodos rígidos.Nuestra segunda contribución es la concepción del mapeo deformable. Es el back-end del algoritmo SLAM y procesa un lote de imágenes para recuperar la estructura del mapa para todas las imágenes y hacer crecer el mapa ensamblando las observaciones parciales del mismo. Tanto la localización deformable como el mapeo que se ejecutan en paralelo y juntos ensamblan el primer SLAM monocular deformable: \emph{DefSLAM}. Una evaluación ampliada de nuestro método demostró, tanto en secuencias controladas por laboratorio como en secuencias médicas, que nuestro método procesa con éxito secuencias en las que falla el sistema monocular SLAM actual.Nuestra tercera contribución son dos métodos para explotar la información fotométrica en SLAM monocular deformable. Por un lado, SD-DefSLAM que aprovecha el emparejamiento semi-directo para obtener un emparejamiento mucho más fiable de los puntos del mapa en las nuevas imágenes, como consecuencia, se demostró que es más robusto y estable en secuencias médicas. Por otro lado, proponemos un método de Localización Deformable Directa y Dispersa en el que usamos un error fotométrico directo para rastrear la deformación de un mapa modelado como un conjunto de surfels 3D desconectados. Podemos recuperar la deformación de múltiples superficies desconectadas, deformaciones no isométricas o superficies con una topología cambiante.<br /

    Differentiable Subdivision Surface Fitting

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    In this paper, we present a powerful differentiable surface fitting technique to derive a compact surface representation for a given dense point cloud or mesh, with application in the domains of graphics and CAD/CAM. We have chosen the Loop subdivision surface, which in the limit yields the smooth surface underlying the point cloud, and can handle complex surface topology better than other popular compact representations, such as NURBS. The principal idea is to fit the Loop subdivision surface not directly to the point cloud, but to the IMLS (implicit moving least squares) surface defined over the point cloud. As both Loop subdivision and IMLS have analytical expressions, we are able to formulate the problem as an unconstrained minimization problem of a completely differentiable function that can be solved with standard numerical solvers. Differentiability enables us to integrate the subdivision surface into any deep learning method for point clouds or meshes. We demonstrate the versatility and potential of this approach by using it in conjunction with a differentiable renderer to robustly reconstruct compact surface representations of spatial-temporal sequences of dense meshes

    Non-Rigid Structure from Motion

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    This thesis revisits a challenging classical problem in geometric computer vision known as "Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion" (NRSfM). It is a well-known problem where the task is to recover the 3D shape and motion of a non-rigidly moving object from image data. A reliable solution to this problem is valuable in several industrial applications such as virtual reality, medical surgery, animation movies etc. Nevertheless, to date, there does not exist any algorithm that can solve NRSfM for all kinds of conceivable motion. As a result, additional constraints and assumptions are often employed to solve NRSfM. The task is challenging due to the inherent unconstrained nature of the problem itself as many 3D varying configurations can have similar image projections. The problem becomes even more challenging if the camera is moving along with the object. The thesis takes on a modern view to this challenging problem and proposes a few algorithms that have set a new performance benchmark to solve NRSfM. The thesis not only discusses the classical work in NRSfM but also proposes some powerful elementary modification to it. The foundation of this thesis surpass the traditional single object NRSFM and for the first time provides an effective formulation to realise multi-body NRSfM. Most techniques for NRSfM under factorisation can only handle sparse feature correspondences. These sparse features are then used to construct a scene using the organisation of points, lines, planes or other elementary geometric primitive. Nevertheless, sparse representation of the scene provides an incomplete information about the scene. This thesis goes from sparse NRSfM to dense NRSfM for a single object, and then slowly lifts the intuition to realise dense 3D reconstruction of the entire dynamic scene as a global as rigid as possible deformation problem. The core of this work goes beyond the traditional approach to deal with deformation. It shows that relative scales for multiple deforming objects can be recovered under some mild assumption about the scene. The work proposes a new approach for dense detailed 3D reconstruction of a complex dynamic scene from two perspective frames. Since the method does not need any depth information nor it assumes a template prior, or per-object segmentation, or knowledge about the rigidity of the dynamic scene, it is applicable to a wide range of scenarios including YouTube Videos. Lastly, this thesis provides a new way to perceive the depth of a dynamic scene which essentially trivialises the notion of motion estimation as a compulsory step to solve this problem. Conventional geometric methods to address depth estimation requires a reliable estimate of motion parameters for each moving object, which is difficult to obtain and validate. In contrast, this thesis introduces a new motion-free approach to estimate the dense depth map of a complex dynamic scene for successive/multiple frames. The work show that given per-pixel optical flow correspondences between two consecutive frames and the sparse depth prior for the reference frame, we can recover the dense depth map for the successive frames without solving for motion parameters. By assigning the locally rigid structure to the piece-wise planar approximation of a dynamic scene which transforms as rigid as possible over frames, we can bypass the motion estimation step. Experiments results and MATLAB codes on relevant examples are provided to validate the motion-free idea