57 research outputs found

    Adaptive memory hierarchies for next generation tiled microarchitectures

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    Les últimes dècades el rendiment dels processadors i de les memòries ha millorat a diferent ritme, limitant el rendiment dels processadors i creant el conegut memory gap. Sol·lucionar aquesta diferència de rendiment és un camp d'investigació d'actualitat i que requereix de noves sol·lucions. Una sol·lució a aquest problema són les memòries “cache”, que permeten reduïr l'impacte d'unes latències de memòria creixents i que conformen la jerarquia de memòria. La majoria de d'organitzacions de les “caches” estan dissenyades per a uniprocessadors o multiprcessadors tradicionals. Avui en dia, però, el creixent nombre de transistors disponible per xip ha permès l'aparició de xips multiprocessador (CMPs). Aquests xips tenen diferents propietats i limitacions i per tant requereixen de jerarquies de memòria específiques per tal de gestionar eficientment els recursos disponibles. En aquesta tesi ens hem centrat en millorar el rendiment i la eficiència energètica de la jerarquia de memòria per CMPs, des de les “caches” fins als controladors de memòria. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, s'han estudiat organitzacions tradicionals per les “caches” com les privades o compartides i s'ha pogut constatar que, tot i que funcionen bé per a algunes aplicacions, un sistema que s'ajustés dinàmicament seria més eficient. Tècniques com el Cooperative Caching (CC) combinen els avantatges de les dues tècniques però requereixen un mecanisme centralitzat de coherència que té un consum energètic molt elevat. És per això que en aquesta tesi es proposa el Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), un mecanisme que proporciona coherència en CMPs i aplica el concepte del cooperative caching de forma distribuïda. Mitjançant l'ús de directoris distribuïts s'obté una sol·lució més escalable i que, a més, disposa d'un mecanisme de marcatge més flexible i eficient energèticament. A la segona part, es demostra que les aplicacions fan diferents usos de la “cache” i que si es realitza una distribució de recursos eficient es poden aprofitar els que estan infrautilitzats. Es proposa l'Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), una organització capaç de redistribuïr la memòria “cache” dinàmicament segons els requeriments de cada aplicació. Una de les contribucions més importants d'aquesta tècnica és que la reconfiguració es decideix completament a través del maquinari i que tots els mecanismes utilitzats es basen en estructures distribuïdes, permetent una millor escalabilitat. ElasticCC no només és capaç de reparticionar les “caches” segons els requeriments de cada aplicació, sinó que, a més a més, és capaç d'adaptar-se a les diferents fases d'execució de cada una d'elles. La nostra avaluació també demostra que la reconfiguració dinàmica de l'ElasticCC és tant eficient que gairebé proporciona la mateixa taxa de fallades que una configuració amb el doble de memòria.Finalment, la tesi es centra en l'estudi del comportament de les memòries DRAM i els seus controladors en els CMPs. Es demostra que, tot i que els controladors tradicionals funcionen eficientment per uniprocessadors, en CMPs els diferents patrons d'accés obliguen a repensar com estan dissenyats aquests sistemes. S'han presentat múltiples sol·lucions per CMPs però totes elles es veuen limitades per un compromís entre el rendiment global i l'equitat en l'assignació de recursos. En aquesta tesi es proposen els Thread Row Buffers (TRBs), una zona d'emmagatenament extra a les memòries DRAM que permetria guardar files de dades específiques per a cada aplicació. Aquest mecanisme permet proporcionar un accés equitatiu a la memòria sense perjudicar el seu rendiment global. En resum, en aquesta tesi es presenten noves organitzacions per la jerarquia de memòria dels CMPs centrades en la escalabilitat i adaptativitat als requeriments de les aplicacions. Els resultats presentats demostren que les tècniques proposades proporcionen un millor rendiment i eficiència energètica que les millors tècniques existents fins a l'actualitat.Processor performance and memory performance have improved at different rates during the last decades, limiting processor performance and creating the well known "memory gap". Solving this performance difference is an important research field and new solutions must be proposed in order to have better processors in the future. Several solutions exist, such as caches, that reduce the impact of longer memory accesses and conform the system memory hierarchy. However, most of the existing memory hierarchy organizations were designed for single processors or traditional multiprocessors. Nowadays, the increasing number of available transistors has allowed the apparition of chip multiprocessors, which have different constraints and require new ad-hoc memory systems able to efficiently manage memory resources. Therefore, in this thesis we have focused on improving the performance and energy efficiency of the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors, ranging from caches to DRAM memories. In the first part of this thesis we have studied traditional cache organizations such as shared or private caches and we have seen that they behave well only for some applications and that an adaptive system would be desirable. State-of-the-art techniques such as Cooperative Caching (CC) take advantage of the benefits of both worlds. This technique, however, requires the usage of a centralized coherence structure and has a high energy consumption. Therefore we propose the Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), a mechanism to provide coherence to chip multiprocessors and apply the concept of cooperative caching in a distributed way. Through the usage of distributed directories we obtain a more scalable solution and, in addition, has a more flexible and energy-efficient tag allocation method. We also show that applications make different uses of cache and that an efficient allocation can take advantage of unused resources. We propose Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), an adaptive cache organization able to redistribute cache resources dynamically depending on application requirements. One of the most important contributions of this technique is that adaptivity is fully managed by hardware and that all repartitioning mechanisms are based on distributed structures, allowing a better scalability. ElasticCC not only is able to repartition cache sizes to application requirements, but also is able to dynamically adapt to the different execution phases of each thread. Our experimental evaluation also has shown that the cache partitioning provided by ElasticCC is efficient and is almost able to match the off-chip miss rate of a configuration that doubles the cache space. Finally, we focus in the behavior of DRAM memories and memory controllers in chip multiprocessors. Although traditional memory schedulers work well for uniprocessors, we show that new access patterns advocate for a redesign of some parts of DRAM memories. Several organizations exist for multiprocessor DRAM schedulers, however, all of them must trade-off between memory throughput and fairness. We propose Thread Row Buffers, an extended storage area in DRAM memories able to store a data row for each thread. This mechanism enables a fair memory access scheduling without hurting memory throughput. Overall, in this thesis we present new organizations for the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors which focus on the scalability and of the proposed structures and adaptivity to application behavior. Results show that the presented techniques provide a better performance and energy-efficiency than existing state-of-the-art solutions

    Architecting heterogeneous memory systems with 3D die-stacked memory

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    The main objective of this research is to efficiently enable 3D die-stacked memory and heterogeneous memory systems. 3D die-stacking is an emerging technology that allows for large amounts of in-package high-bandwidth memory storage. Die-stacked memory has the potential to provide extraordinary performance and energy benefits for computing environments, from data-intensive to mobile computing. However, incorporating die-stacked memory into computing environments requires innovations across the system stack from hardware and software. This dissertation presents several architectural innovations to practically deploy die-stacked memory into a variety of computing systems. First, this dissertation proposes using die-stacked DRAM as a hardware-managed cache in a practical and efficient way. The proposed DRAM cache architecture employs two novel techniques: hit-miss speculation and self-balancing dispatch. The proposed techniques virtually eliminate the hardware overhead of maintaining a multi-megabytes SRAM structure, when scaling to gigabytes of stacked DRAM caches, and improve overall memory bandwidth utilization. Second, this dissertation proposes a DRAM cache organization that provides a high level of reliability for die-stacked DRAM caches in a cost-effective manner. The proposed DRAM cache uses error-correcting code (ECCs), strong checksums (CRCs), and dirty data duplication to detect and correct a wide range of stacked DRAM failures—from traditional bit errors to large-scale row, column, bank, and channel failures—within the constraints of commodity, non-ECC DRAM stacks. With only a modest performance degradation compared to a DRAM cache with no ECC support, the proposed organization can correct all single-bit failures, and 99.9993% of all row, column, and bank failures. Third, this dissertation proposes architectural mechanisms to use large, fast, on-chip memory structures as part of memory (PoM) seamlessly through the hardware. The proposed design achieves the performance benefit of on-chip memory caches without sacrificing a large fraction of total memory capacity to serve as a cache. To achieve this, PoM implements the ability to dynamically remap regions of memory based on their access patterns and expected performance benefits. Lastly, this dissertation explores a new usage model for die-stacked DRAM involving a hybrid of caching and virtual memory support. In the common case where system’s physical memory is not over-committed, die-stacked DRAM operates as a cache to provide performance and energy benefits to the system. However, when the workload’s active memory demands exceed the capacity of the physical memory, the proposed scheme dynamically converts the stacked DRAM cache into a fast swap device to avoid the otherwise grievous performance penalty of swapping to disk.Ph.D

    Extending the HybridThread SMP Model for Distributed Memory Systems

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    Memory Hierarchy is of growing importance in system design today. As Moore\u27s Law allows system designers to include more processors within their designs, data locality becomes a priority. Traditional multiprocessor systems on chip (MPSoC) experience difficulty scaling as the quantity of processors increases. This challenge is common behavior of memory accesses in a shared memory environment and causes a decrease in memory bandwidth as processor numbers increase. In order to provide the necessary levels of scalability, the computer architecture community has sought to decentralize memory accesses by distributing memory throughout the system. Distributed memory offers greater bandwidth due to decoupled access paths. Today\u27s million gate Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) offer an invaluable opportunity to explore this type of memory hierarchy. FPGA vendors such as Xilinx provide dual-ported on-chip memory for decoupled access in addition to configurable sized memories. In this work, a new platform was created around the use of dual-ported SRAMs for distributed memory to explore the possible scalability of this form of memory hierarchy. However, developing distributed memory poses a tremendous challenge: supporting a linear address space that allows wide applicability to be achieved. Many have agreed that a linear address space eases the programmability of a system. Although the abstraction of disjointed memories via underlying architecture and/or new programming presents an advantage in exploring the possibilities of distributed memory, automatic data partitioning and migration remains a considerable challenge. In this research this challenge was dealt with by the inclusion of both a shared memory and distributed memory model. This research is vital because exposing the programmer to the underlying architecture while providing a linear address space results in desired standards of programmability and performance alike. In addition, standard shared memory programming models can be applied allowing the user to enjoy full scalable performance potential

    Many-core architectures with time predictable execution Support for hard real-time applications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-193).Hybrid control systems are a growing domain of application. They are pervasive and their complexity is increasing rapidly. Distributed control systems for future "Intelligent Grid" and renewable energy generation systems are demanding high-performance, hard real-time computation, and more programmability. General-purpose computer systems are primarily designed to process data and not to interact with physical processes as required by these systems. Generic general-purpose architectures even with the use of real-time operating systems fail to meet the hard realtime constraints of hybrid system dynamics. ASIC, FPGA, or traditional embedded design approaches to these systems often result in expensive, complicated systems that are hard to program, reuse, or maintain. In this thesis, we propose a domain-specific architecture template targeting hybrid control system applications. Using power electronics control applications, we present new modeling techniques, synthesis methodologies, and a parameterizable computer architecture for these large distributed control systems. We propose a new system modeling approach, called Adaptive Hybrid Automaton, based on previous work in control system theory, that uses a mixed-model abstractions and lends itself well to digital processing. We develop a domain-specific architecture based on this modeling that uses heterogeneous processing units and predictable execution, called MARTHA. We develop a hard real-time aware router architecture to enable deterministic on-chip interconnect network communication. We present several algorithms for scheduling task-based applications onto these types of heterogeneous architectures. We create Heracles, an open-source, functional, parameterized, synthesizable many-core system design toolkit, that can be used to explore future multi/many-core processors with different topologies, routing schemes, processing elements or cores, and memory system organizations. Using the Heracles design tool we build a prototype of the proposed architecture using a state-of-the-art FPGA-based platform, and deploy and test it in actual physical power electronics systems. We develop and release an open-source, small representative set of power electronics system applications that can be used for hard real-time application benchmarking.by Michel A. Kinsy.Ph.D

    The Umbrella File System: Storage Management Across Heterogeneous Devices

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    With the advent of Flash based solid state devices (SSDs), the differences in physical devices used to store data in computers are becoming more and more pronounced. Effectively mapping the differences in storage devices to the files, and applications using the devices, is the problem addressed in this dissertation. This dissertation presents the Umbrella File System (UmbrellaFS), a layered file system designed to effectively map file and device level differences, while maintaining a single coherent directory structure for users. Particular files are directed to appropriate underlying file systems by intercepting system calls connecting the Virtual File System (VFS) to the underlying file systems. Files are evaluated by a policy module that can examine both filenames and file metadata to make decisions about final placement. Files are transparently directed to and moved between appropriate file systems based on their characteristics. A prototype of UmbrellaFS is implemented as a loadable kernel module in the 2.4 and 2.6 Linux kernels. In addition to providing the ability to direct files to file systems, UmbrellaFS enables different decisions at other layers of the storage stack. In particular, alternate page cache writeback methods are presented through the use of UmbrellaFS. A multiple queue strategy based on file sequentiality and a sorting strategy are presented as alternatives to standard Linux cache writeback protocols. These strategies are implemented in a 2.6 Linux kernel and show improvements in a variety of benchmarks and tests

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn recent years, a number of trends have started to emerge, both in microprocessor and application characteristics. As per Moore's law, the number of cores on chip will keep doubling every 18-24 months. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) reports that wires will continue to scale poorly, exacerbating the cost of on-chip communication. Cores will have to navigate an on-chip network to access data that may be scattered across many cache banks. The number of pins on the package, and hence available off-chip bandwidth, will at best increase at sublinear rate and at worst, stagnate. A number of disruptive memory technologies, e.g., phase change memory (PCM) have begun to emerge and will be integrated into the memory hierarchy sooner than later, leading to non-uniform memory access (NUMA) hierarchies. This will make the cost of accessing main memory even higher. In previous years, most of the focus has been on deciding the memory hierarchy level where data must be placed (L1 or L2 caches, main memory, disk, etc.). However, in modern and future generations, each level is getting bigger and its design is being subjected to a number of constraints (wire delays, power budget, etc.). It is becoming very important to make an intelligent decision about where data must be placed within a level. For example, in a large non-uniform access cache (NUCA), we must figure out the optimal bank. Similarly, in a multi-dual inline memory module (DIMM) non uniform memory access (NUMA) main memory, we must figure out the DIMM that is the optimal home for every data page. Studies have indicated that heterogeneous main memory hierarchies that incorporate multiple memory technologies are on the horizon. We must develop solutions for data management that take heterogeneity into account. For these memory organizations, we must again identify the appropriate home for data. In this dissertation, we attempt to verify the following thesis statement: "Can low-complexity hardware and OS mechanisms manage data placement within each memory hierarchy level to optimize metrics such as performance and/or throughput?" In this dissertation we argue for a hardware-software codesign approach to tackle the above mentioned problems at different levels of the memory hierarchy. The proposed methods utilize techniques like page coloring and shadow addresses and are able to handle a large number of problems ranging from managing wire-delays in large, shared NUCA caches to distributing shared capacity among different cores. We then examine data-placement issues in NUMA main memory for a many-core processor with a moderate number of on-chip memory controllers. Using codesign approaches, we achieve efficient data placement by modifying the operating system's (OS) page allocation algorithm for a wide variety of main memory architectures

    Improving Caches in Consolidated Environments

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    Memory (cache, DRAM, and disk) is in charge of providing data and instructions to a computer’s processor. In order to maximize performance, the speeds of the memory and the processor should be equal. However, using memory that always match the speed of the processor is prohibitively expensive. Computer hardware designers have managed to drastically lower the cost of the system with the use of memory caches by sacrificing some performance. A cache is a small piece of fast memory that stores popular data so it can be accessed faster. Modern computers have evolved into a hierarchy of caches, where a memory level is the cache for a larger and slower memory level immediately below it. Thus, by using caches, manufacturers are able to store terabytes of data at the cost of cheapest memory while achieving speeds close to the speed of the fastest one. The most important decision about managing a cache is what data to store in it. Failing to make good decisions can lead to performance overheads and over- provisioning. Surprisingly, caches choose data to store based on policies that have not changed in principle for decades. However, computing paradigms have changed radically leading to two noticeably different trends. First, caches are now consol- idated across hundreds to even thousands of processes. And second, caching is being employed at new levels of the storage hierarchy due to the availability of high-performance flash-based persistent media. This brings four problems. First, as the workloads sharing a cache increase, it is more likely that they contain dupli- cated data. Second, consolidation creates contention for caches, and if not managed carefully, it translates to wasted space and sub-optimal performance. Third, as contented caches are shared by more workloads, administrators need to carefully estimate specific per-workload requirements across the entire memory hierarchy in order to meet per-workload performance goals. And finally, current cache write poli- cies are unable to simultaneously provide performance and consistency guarantees for the new levels of the storage hierarchy. We addressed these problems by modeling their impact and by proposing solu- tions for each of them. First, we measured and modeled the amount of duplication at the buffer cache level and contention in real production systems. Second, we created a unified model of workload cache usage under contention to be used by administrators for provisioning, or by process schedulers to decide what processes to run together. Third, we proposed methods for removing cache duplication and to eliminate wasted space because of contention for space. And finally, we pro- posed a technique to improve the consistency guarantees of write-back caches while preserving their performance benefits

    Adaptive Caching of Distributed Components

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    Die Zugriffslokalität referenzierter Daten ist eine wichtige Eigenschaft verteilter Anwendungen. Lokales Zwischenspeichern abgefragter entfernter Daten (Caching) wird vielfach bei der Entwicklung solcher Anwendungen eingesetzt, um diese Eigenschaft auszunutzen. Anschliessende Zugriffe auf diese Daten können so beschleunigt werden, indem sie aus dem lokalen Zwischenspeicher bedient werden. Gegenwärtige Middleware-Architekturen bieten dem Anwendungsprogrammierer jedoch kaum Unterstützung für diesen nicht-funktionalen Aspekt. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht deshalb, Caching als separaten, konfigurierbaren Middleware-Dienst auszulagern. Durch die Einbindung in den Softwareentwicklungsprozess wird die frühzeitige Modellierung und spätere Wiederverwendung caching-spezifischer Metadaten gewährleistet. Zur Laufzeit kann sich das entwickelte System außerdem bezüglich der Cachebarkeit von Daten adaptiv an geändertes Nutzungsverhalten anpassen.Locality of reference is an important property of distributed applications. Caching is typically employed during the development of such applications to exploit this property by locally storing queried data: Subsequent accesses can be accelerated by serving their results immediately form the local store. Current middleware architectures however hardly support this non-functional aspect. The thesis at hand thus tries outsource caching as a separate, configurable middleware service. Integration into the software development lifecycle provides for early capturing, modeling, and later reuse of cachingrelated metadata. At runtime, the implemented system can adapt to caching access characteristics with respect to data cacheability properties, thus healing misconfigurations and optimizing itself to an appropriate configuration. Speculative prefetching of data probably queried in the immediate future complements the presented approach

    Near-Memory Address Translation

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    Virtual memory (VM) is a crucial abstraction in modern computer systems at any scale, from handheld devices to datacenters. VM provides programmers the illusion of an always sufficiently large and linear memory, making programming easier. Although the core components of VM have remained largely unchanged since early VM designs, the design constraints and usage patterns of VM have radically shifted from when it was invented. Today, computer systems integrate hundreds of gigabytes to a few terabytes of memory, while tightly integrated heterogeneous computing platforms (e.g., CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs) are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. As there is a clear trend towards extending the CPU's VM to all computing elements in the system for an efficient and easy to use programming model, the continuous demand for faster memory accesses calls for fast translations to terabytes of memory for any computing element in the system. Unfortunately, conventional translation mechanisms fall short of providing fast translations as contemporary memories exceed the reach of today's translation caches, such as TLBs. In this thesis, we provide fundamental insights into the reason why address translation sits on the critical path of accessing memory. We observe that the traditional fully associative flexibility to map any virtual page to any page frame precludes accessing memory before translating. We study the associativity in VM across a variety of scenarios by classifying page faults using the 3C model developed for caches. Our study demonstrates that the full associativity of VM is unnecessary, and only modest associativity is required. We conclude that capacity and compulsory misses---which are unaffected by associativity---dominate, while conflict misses rapidly disappear as the associativity of VM increases. Building on the modest associativity requirements, we propose a distributed memory management unit close to where the data resides to reduce or eliminate the TLB miss penalty

    Design and Code Optimization for Systems with Next-generation Racetrack Memories

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    With the rise of computationally expensive application domains such as machine learning, genomics, and fluids simulation, the quest for performance and energy-efficient computing has gained unprecedented momentum. The significant increase in computing and memory devices in modern systems has resulted in an unsustainable surge in energy consumption, a substantial portion of which is attributed to the memory system. The scaling of conventional memory technologies and their suitability for the next-generation system is also questionable. This has led to the emergence and rise of nonvolatile memory ( NVM ) technologies. Today, in different development stages, several NVM technologies are competing for their rapid access to the market. Racetrack memory ( RTM ) is one such nonvolatile memory technology that promises SRAM -comparable latency, reduced energy consumption, and unprecedented density compared to other technologies. However, racetrack memory ( RTM ) is sequential in nature, i.e., data in an RTM cell needs to be shifted to an access port before it can be accessed. These shift operations incur performance and energy penalties. An ideal RTM , requiring at most one shift per access, can easily outperform SRAM . However, in the worst-cast shifting scenario, RTM can be an order of magnitude slower than SRAM . This thesis presents an overview of the RTM device physics, its evolution, strengths and challenges, and its application in the memory subsystem. We develop tools that allow the programmability and modeling of RTM -based systems. For shifts minimization, we propose a set of techniques including optimal, near-optimal, and evolutionary algorithms for efficient scalar and instruction placement in RTMs . For array accesses, we explore schedule and layout transformations that eliminate the longer overhead shifts in RTMs . We present an automatic compilation framework that analyzes static control flow programs and transforms the loop traversal order and memory layout to maximize accesses to consecutive RTM locations and minimize shifts. We develop a simulation framework called RTSim that models various RTM parameters and enables accurate architectural level simulation. Finally, to demonstrate the RTM potential in non-Von-Neumann in-memory computing paradigms, we exploit its device attributes to implement logic and arithmetic operations. As a concrete use-case, we implement an entire hyperdimensional computing framework in RTM to accelerate the language recognition problem. Our evaluation shows considerable performance and energy improvements compared to conventional Von-Neumann models and state-of-the-art accelerators