54 research outputs found

    Uniform and Ergodic Sampling in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems with Malicious Nodes

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    ISBN: 978-3-642-17652-4International audienceWe consider the problem of uniform sampling in large scale open systems. Uniform sampling is a fundamental schema that guarantees that any individual in a population has the same probability to be selected as sample. An important issue that seriously hampers the feasibility of uniform sampling in open and large scale systems is the inevitable presence of malicious nodes. In this paper we show that restricting the number of requests that malicious nodes can issue and allowing for a full knowledge of the composition of the system is a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee uniform and ergodic sampling. In a nutshell, a uniform and ergodic sampling guarantees that any node in the system is equally likely to appear as a sample at any non malicious node in the system and that infinitely often any nodes have a non null probability to appear as a sample at any honest nodes

    On the Power of the Adversary to Solve the Node Sampling Problem

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    International audienceWe study the problem of achieving uniform and fresh peer sampling in large scale dynamic systems under adversarial behaviors. Briefly, uniform and fresh peer sampling guarantees that any node in the system is equally likely to appear as a sample at any non malicious node in the system and that infinitely often any node has a non-null probability to appear as a sample of honest nodes. This sample is built locally out of a stream of node identifiers received at each node. An important issue that seriously hampers the feasibility of node sampling in open and large scale systems is the unavoidable presence of malicious nodes. The objective of malicious nodes mainly consists in continuously and largely biasing the input data stream out of which samples are obtained, to prevent (honest) nodes from being selected as samples. First we demonstrate that restricting the number of requests that malicious nodes can issue and providing a full knowledge of the composition of the system is a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee uniform and fresh sampling. We also define and study two types of adversary models: an omniscient adversary that has the capacity to eavesdrop on all the messages that are exchanged within the system, and a blind adversary that can only observe messages that have been sent or received by nodes it controls. The former model allows us to derive lower bounds on the impact that the adversary has on the sampling functionality while the latter one corresponds to a more realistic setting. Given any sampling strategy, we quantify the minimum effort exerted by both types of adversary on any input stream to prevent this sampling strategy from outputting a uniform and fresh sample

    Uniform Node Sampling Service Robust against Collusions of Malicious Nodes

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    International audienceWe consider the problem of achieving uniform node sampling in large scale systems in presence of a strong adversary. We first propose an omniscient strategy that processes on the fly an unbounded and arbitrarily biased input stream made of node identifiers exchanged within the system, and outputs a stream that preserves Uniformity and Freshness properties. We show through Markov chains analysis that both properties hold despite any arbitrary bias introduced by the adversary. We then propose a knowledge-free strategy and show through extensive simulations that this strategy accurately approximates the omniscient one. We also evaluate its resilience against a strong adversary by studying two representative attacks (flooding and targeted attacks). We quantify the minimum number of identifiers that the adversary must insert in the input stream to prevent uniformity. To our knowledge, such an analysis has never been proposed before

    AnKLe: Detecting Attacks in Large Scale Systems via Information Divergence

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    In this paper, we consider the setting of large scale distributed systems, in which each node needs to quickly process a huge amount of data received in the form of a stream that may have been tampered with by an adversary. In this situation, a fundamental problem is how to detect and quantify the amount of work performed by the adversary. To address this issue, we propose AnKLe (for Attack-tolerant eNhanced Kullback-Leibler divergence Estimator), a novel algorithm for estimating the KL divergence of an observed stream compared to the expected one. AnKLe combines sampling techniques and information-theoretic methods. It is very efficient, both in terms of space and time complexities, and requires only a single pass over the data stream. Experimental results show that the estimation provided by AnKLe remains accurate even for different adversarial settings for which the quality of other methods dramatically decreases

    RAPTEE: Leveraging trusted execution environments for Byzantine-tolerant peer sampling services

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    International audiencePeer sampling is a first-class abstraction used in distributed systems for overlay management and information dissemination. The goal of peer sampling is to continuously build and refresh a partial and local view of the full membership of a dynamic, large-scale distributed system. Malicious nodes under the control of an adversary may aim at being over-represented in the views of correct nodes, increasing their impact on the properoperation of protocols built over peer sampling. State-of-the-art Byzantine resilient peer sampling protocols reduce this bias as long as Byzantines are not overly present. This paper studies the benefits brought to the resilience of peer sampling services when considering that a small portion of trusted nodes can run code whose authenticity and integrity can be assessed within a trusted execution environment, and specifically Intel’s software guard extensions technology (SGX). We present RAPTEE, a protocol that builds and leverages trusted gossip-based communications to hamper an adversary’s ability to increase its system-wide representation in the views of all nodes. We apply RAPTEE to BRAHMS, the most resilient peer sampling protocol to date. Experiments with 10,000 nodes show that with only 1% of SGX-capable devices, RAPTEE can reduce the proportion of identifiers of Byzantine nodes in the view of honest ones by up to 17%, when the system contains 10% of Byzantine nodes. In addition, the security guarantees of RAPTEE hold even in the presence of a powerful attacker attempting to identify trusted nodes and injecting view-poisoned trusted nodes

    Preserving Link Privacy in Social Network Based Systems

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    A growing body of research leverages social network based trust relationships to improve the functionality of the system. However, these systems expose users' trust relationships, which is considered sensitive information in today's society, to an adversary. In this work, we make the following contributions. First, we propose an algorithm that perturbs the structure of a social graph in order to provide link privacy, at the cost of slight reduction in the utility of the social graph. Second we define general metrics for characterizing the utility and privacy of perturbed graphs. Third, we evaluate the utility and privacy of our proposed algorithm using real world social graphs. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our perturbation algorithm on a broad range of secure systems, including Sybil defenses and secure routing.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Decentralized link analysis in peer-to-peer web search networks

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    Analyzing the authority or reputation of entities that are connected by a graph structure and ranking these entities is an important issue that arises in the Web, in Web 2.0 communities, and in other applications. The problem is typically addressed by computing the dominant eigenvector of a matrix that is suitably derived from the underlying graph, or by performing a full spectral decomposition of the matrix. Although such analyses could be performed by a centralized server, there are good reasons that suggest running theses computations in a decentralized manner across many peers, like scalability, privacy, censorship, etc. There exist a number of approaches for speeding up the analysis by partitioning the graph into disjoint fragments. However, such methods are not suitable for a peer-to-peer network, where overlap among the fragments might occur. In addition, peer-to-peer approaches need to consider network characteristics, such as peers unaware of other peers' contents, susceptibility to malicious attacks, and network dynamics (so-called churn). In this thesis we make the following major contributions. We present JXP, a decentralized algorithm for computing authority scores of entities distributed in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network that allows peers to have overlapping content and requires no a priori knowledge of other peers' content. We also show the benets of JXP in the Minerva distributed Web search engine. We present an extension of JXP, coined TrustJXP, that contains a reputation model in order to deal with misbehaving peers. We present another extension of JXP, that handles dynamics on peer-to-peer networks, as well as an algorithm for estimating the current number of entities in the network. This thesis also presents novel methods for embedding JXP in peer-to-peer networks and applications. We present an approach for creating links among peers, forming semantic overlay networks, where peers are free to decide which connections they create and which they want to avoid based on various usefulness estimators. We show how peer-to-peer applications, like the JXP algorithm, can greatly benet from these additional semantic relations.Die Berechnung von AutoritĂ€ts- oder Reputationswerten fĂŒr Knoten eines Graphen, welcher verschiedene EntitĂ€ten verknĂŒpft, ist von großem Interesse in Web-Anwendungen, z.B. in der Analyse von Hyperlinkgraphen, Web 2.0 Portalen, sozialen Netzen und anderen Anwendungen. Die Lösung des Problems besteht oftmals im Kern aus der Berechnung des dominanten Eigenvektors einer Matrix, die vom zugrunde liegenden Graphen abgeleitet wird. Obwohl diese Analysen in einer zentralisierten Art und Weise berechnet werden können, gibt es gute GrĂŒnde, diese Berechnungen auf mehrere Knoten eines Netzwerkes zu verteilen, insbesondere bezĂŒglich Skalierbarkeit, Datenschutz und Zensur. In der Literatur finden sich einige Methoden, welche die Berechnung beschleunigen, indem der zugrunde liegende Graph in nicht ĂŒberlappende Teilgraphen zerlegt wird. Diese Annahme ist in Peer-to-Peer-System allerdings nicht realistisch, da die einzelnen Peers ihre Graphen in einer nicht synchronisierten Weise erzeugen, was inhĂ€rent zu starken oder weniger starken Überlappungen der Graphen fĂŒhrt. DarĂŒber hinaus sind Peer-to-Peer-Systeme per Definition ein lose gekoppelter Zusammenschluss verschiedener Benutzer (Peers), verteilt im ganzen Internet, so dass Netzwerkcharakteristika, Netzwerkdynamik und mögliche Attacken krimineller Benutzer unbedingt berĂŒcksichtigt werden mĂŒssen. In dieser Arbeit liefern wir die folgenden grundlegenden BeitrĂ€ge. Wir prĂ€sentieren JXP, einen verteilten Algorithmus fĂŒr die Berechnung von AutoritĂ€tsmaßen ĂŒber EntitĂ€ten in einem Peer-to-Peer Netzwerk. Wir prĂ€sentieren Trust-JXP, eine Erweiterung von JXP, ausgestattet mit einem Modell zur Berechnung von Reputationswerten, die benutzt werden, um bösartig agierende Benutzer zu identizieren. Wir betrachten, wie JXP robust gegen VerĂ€nderungen des Netzwerkes gemacht werden kann und wie die Anzahl der verschiedenen EntitĂ€ten im Netzwerk effizient geschĂ€tzt werden kann. DarĂŒber hinaus beschreiben wir in dieser Arbeit neuartige AnsĂ€tze, JXP in bestehende Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke einzubinden. Wir prĂ€sentieren eine Methode, mit deren Hilfe Peers entscheiden können, welche Verbindungen zu anderen Peers von Nutzen sind und welche Verbindungen vermieden werden sollen. Diese Methode basiert auf verschiedenen QualitĂ€tsindikatoren, und wir zeigen, wie Peer-to-Peer-Anwendungen, zum Beispiel JXP, von diesen zusĂ€tzlichen Relationen profitieren können

    A Distributed Information Divergence Estimation over Data Streams

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    International audienceIn this paper, we consider the setting of large scale distributed systems, in which each node needs to quickly process a huge amount of data received in the form of a stream that may have been tampered with by an adversary. In this situation, a fundamental problem is how to detect and quantify the amount of work performed by the adversary. To address this issue, we propose a novel algorithm AnKLe for estimating the Kullback-Leibler divergence of an observed stream compared with the expected one. AnKLe combines sampling techniques and information-theoretic methods. It is very efficient, both in terms of space and time complexities, and requires only a single pass over the data stream. We show that AnKLe is an (Δ, ÎŽ)-approximation algorithm with a space complexity Õ(1/Δ + 1/Δ^2) bits in "most" cases, and Õ(1/Δ + (n−Δ−1)/Δ^2) otherwise, where n is the number of distinct data items in a stream. Moreover, we propose a distributed version of AnKLe that requires at most O (rl (log n + 1)) bits of communication between the l participating nodes, where r is number of rounds of the algorithm. Experimental results show that the estimation provided by AnKLe remains accurate even for different adversarial settings for which the quality of other methods dramatically decreases

    Decentralized link analysis in peer-to-peer web search networks

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    Analyzing the authority or reputation of entities that are connected by a graph structure and ranking these entities is an important issue that arises in the Web, in Web 2.0 communities, and in other applications. The problem is typically addressed by computing the dominant eigenvector of a matrix that is suitably derived from the underlying graph, or by performing a full spectral decomposition of the matrix. Although such analyses could be performed by a centralized server, there are good reasons that suggest running theses computations in a decentralized manner across many peers, like scalability, privacy, censorship, etc. There exist a number of approaches for speeding up the analysis by partitioning the graph into disjoint fragments. However, such methods are not suitable for a peer-to-peer network, where overlap among the fragments might occur. In addition, peer-to-peer approaches need to consider network characteristics, such as peers unaware of other peers' contents, susceptibility to malicious attacks, and network dynamics (so-called churn). In this thesis we make the following major contributions. We present JXP, a decentralized algorithm for computing authority scores of entities distributed in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network that allows peers to have overlapping content and requires no a priori knowledge of other peers' content. We also show the benets of JXP in the Minerva distributed Web search engine. We present an extension of JXP, coined TrustJXP, that contains a reputation model in order to deal with misbehaving peers. We present another extension of JXP, that handles dynamics on peer-to-peer networks, as well as an algorithm for estimating the current number of entities in the network. This thesis also presents novel methods for embedding JXP in peer-to-peer networks and applications. We present an approach for creating links among peers, forming semantic overlay networks, where peers are free to decide which connections they create and which they want to avoid based on various usefulness estimators. We show how peer-to-peer applications, like the JXP algorithm, can greatly benet from these additional semantic relations.Die Berechnung von AutoritĂ€ts- oder Reputationswerten fĂŒr Knoten eines Graphen, welcher verschiedene EntitĂ€ten verknĂŒpft, ist von großem Interesse in Web-Anwendungen, z.B. in der Analyse von Hyperlinkgraphen, Web 2.0 Portalen, sozialen Netzen und anderen Anwendungen. Die Lösung des Problems besteht oftmals im Kern aus der Berechnung des dominanten Eigenvektors einer Matrix, die vom zugrunde liegenden Graphen abgeleitet wird. Obwohl diese Analysen in einer zentralisierten Art und Weise berechnet werden können, gibt es gute GrĂŒnde, diese Berechnungen auf mehrere Knoten eines Netzwerkes zu verteilen, insbesondere bezĂŒglich Skalierbarkeit, Datenschutz und Zensur. In der Literatur finden sich einige Methoden, welche die Berechnung beschleunigen, indem der zugrunde liegende Graph in nicht ĂŒberlappende Teilgraphen zerlegt wird. Diese Annahme ist in Peer-to-Peer-System allerdings nicht realistisch, da die einzelnen Peers ihre Graphen in einer nicht synchronisierten Weise erzeugen, was inhĂ€rent zu starken oder weniger starken Überlappungen der Graphen fĂŒhrt. DarĂŒber hinaus sind Peer-to-Peer-Systeme per Definition ein lose gekoppelter Zusammenschluss verschiedener Benutzer (Peers), verteilt im ganzen Internet, so dass Netzwerkcharakteristika, Netzwerkdynamik und mögliche Attacken krimineller Benutzer unbedingt berĂŒcksichtigt werden mĂŒssen. In dieser Arbeit liefern wir die folgenden grundlegenden BeitrĂ€ge. Wir prĂ€sentieren JXP, einen verteilten Algorithmus fĂŒr die Berechnung von AutoritĂ€tsmaßen ĂŒber EntitĂ€ten in einem Peer-to-Peer Netzwerk. Wir prĂ€sentieren Trust-JXP, eine Erweiterung von JXP, ausgestattet mit einem Modell zur Berechnung von Reputationswerten, die benutzt werden, um bösartig agierende Benutzer zu identizieren. Wir betrachten, wie JXP robust gegen VerĂ€nderungen des Netzwerkes gemacht werden kann und wie die Anzahl der verschiedenen EntitĂ€ten im Netzwerk effizient geschĂ€tzt werden kann. DarĂŒber hinaus beschreiben wir in dieser Arbeit neuartige AnsĂ€tze, JXP in bestehende Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke einzubinden. Wir prĂ€sentieren eine Methode, mit deren Hilfe Peers entscheiden können, welche Verbindungen zu anderen Peers von Nutzen sind und welche Verbindungen vermieden werden sollen. Diese Methode basiert auf verschiedenen QualitĂ€tsindikatoren, und wir zeigen, wie Peer-to-Peer-Anwendungen, zum Beispiel JXP, von diesen zusĂ€tzlichen Relationen profitieren können
