96 research outputs found

    Delay tolerant networking in a shopping mall environment

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    The increasing popularity of computing devices with short-range wireless offers new communication service opportunities. These devices are small and may be mobile or embedded in almost any type of object imaginable, including cars, tools, appliances, clothing and various consumer goods. The majority of them can store data and transmit it when a wireless, or wired, transmitting medium is available. The mobility of the individuals carrying such short-range wireless devices is important because varying distances creates connection opportunities and disconnections. It is likely that successful forwarding algorithms will be based, at least in part, on the patterns of mobility that are seen in real settings. For this reason, studying human mobility in different environments for extended periods of time is essential. Thus we need to use measurements from realistic settings to drive the development and evaluation of appropriate forwarding algorithms. Recently, several significant efforts have been made to collect data reflecting human mobility. However, these traces are from specific scenarios and their validity is difficult to generalize. In this thesis we contribute to this effort by studying human mobility in shopping malls. We ran a field trial to collect real-world Bluetooth contact data from shop employees and clerks in a shopping mall over six days. This data will allow the informed design of forwarding policies and algorithms for such settings and scenarios, and determine the effects of users' mobility patterns on the prevalence of networking opportunities. Using this data set we have analysed human mobility and interaction patterns in this shopping mall environment. We present evidence of distinct classes of mobility in this situation and characterize them in terms of power law coefficients which approximate inter-contact time distributions. These results are quite different from previous studies in other environments. We have developed a software tool which implements a mobility model for "structured" scenarios such as shopping malls, trade fairs, music festivals, stadiums and museums. In this thesis we define as structured environment, a scenario having definite and highly organised structure, where people are organised by characteristic patterns of relationship and mobility. We analysed the contact traces collected on the field to guide the design of this mobility model. We show that our synthetic mobility model produces inter-contact time and contact duration distributions which approximate well to those of the real traces. Our scenario generator also implements several random mobility models. We compared our Shopping Mall mobility model to three other random mobility models by comparing the performances of two benchmark delay tolerant routing protocols, Epidemic and Prophet, when simulated with movement traces from each model. Thus, we demonstrate that the choice of a mobility model is a significant consideration when designing and evaluating delay-tolerant mobile ad-hoc network protocols. Finally, we have also conducted an initial study to evaluate the effect of delivering messages in shopping mall environments by exclusively forwarding them to customers or sellers, each of which has distinctive mobility patterns


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    Profiling is an approach to put a label or a set of labels on a subject, considering the characteristics of this subject. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines profiling as: “recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict his/her capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people”. This research extends this definition towards things demonstrating that many methods used for profiling of people may be applied for a different type of subjects, namely things. The goal of this research concerns proposing methods for discovery of profiles of users and things with application of Data Science methods. The profiles are utilized in vertical and 2 horizontal scenarios and concern such domains as smart grid and telecommunication (vertical scenarios), and support provided both for the needs of authorization and personalization (horizontal usage).:The thesis consists of eight chapters including an introduction and a summary. First chapter describes motivation for work that was carried out for the last 8 years together with discussion on its importance both for research and business practice. The motivation for this work is much broader and emerges also from business importance of profiling and personalization. The introduction summarizes major research directions, provides research questions, goals and supplementary objectives addressed in the thesis. Research methodology is also described, showing impact of methodological aspects on the work undertaken. Chapter 2 provides introduction to the notion of profiling. The definition of profiling is introduced. Here, also a relation of a user profile to an identity is discussed. The papers included in this chapter show not only how broadly a profile may be understood, but also how a profile may be constructed considering different data sources. Profiling methods are introduced in Chapter 3. This chapter refers to the notion of a profile developed using the BFI-44 personality test and outcomes of a survey related to color preferences of people with a specific personality. Moreover, insights into profiling of relations between people are provided, with a focus on quality of a relation emerging from contacts between two entities. Chapters from 4 to 7 present different scenarios that benefit from application of profiling methods. Chapter 4 starts with introducing the notion of a public utility company that in the thesis is discussed using examples from smart grid and telecommunication. Then, in chapter 4 follows a description of research results regarding profiling for the smart grid, focusing on a profile of a prosumer and forecasting demand and production of the electric energy in the smart grid what can be influenced e.g. by weather or profiles of appliances. Chapter 5 presents application of profiling techniques in the field of telecommunication. Besides presenting profiling methods based on telecommunication data, in particular on Call Detail Records, also scenarios and issues related to privacy and trust are addressed. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 target at horizontal applications of profiling that may be of benefit for multiple domains. Chapter 6 concerns profiling for authentication using un-typical data sources such as Call Detail Records or data from a mobile phone describing the user behavior. Besides proposing methods, also limitations are discussed. In addition, as a side research effect a methodology for evaluation of authentication methods is proposed. Chapter 7 concerns personalization and consists of two diverse parts. Firstly, behavioral profiles to change interface and behavior of the system are proposed and applied. The performance of solutions personalizing content either locally or on the server is studied. Then, profiles of customers of shopping centers are created based on paths identified using Call Detail Records. The analysis demonstrates that the data that is collected for one purpose, may significantly influence other business scenarios. Chapter 8 summarizes the research results achieved by the author of this document. It presents contribution over state of the art as well as some insights into the future work planned

    Consumer Behavior Analysis and Repeat Buyer Prediction for E-commerce

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    Development of a WiFi and RFID based indoor location and mobility tracking system

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    Ubiquitous positioning and people mobility tracking has become one of the critical parts of our daily life. As a core element of the Location Based Services (LBS), the ubiquitous positioning capability necessitates seamless positioning across both indoor and outdoor environments. Nowadays, tracking outdoor with a relatively high accuracy and reliability can be achieved using matured technologies such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). However, it is still challenging for tracking in indoor environments such as airports, shopping malls and museums. The demand for indoor tracking has driven the fast development of indoor positioning and tracking technologies, especially Wi-Fi, RFID and smartphone etc. All these technologies have significantly enhanced the convenience of people’s daily life and the competitiveness of business firms. With the rapidly increased ubiquity of Wi-Fi enabled mobile phones and tablets, developing a robust location and mobility tracking system utilising such technologies will have a great potential for industry innovation and applications. This research is part of an Australian Research Council (ARC) project that involves two universities and one industry partner who is a large global shopping mall management company located in Australia. The project aims to develop a smart system for robust modelling and analysing the shopping behaviours of customers so that value-added services can be effectively provided. A number of field tests have been conducted and a large amount of data has been acquired both in the shopping mall of interest and the RMIT Indoor Positioning Laboratory. A large cohort of real users in the shopping mall were recorded where only one Wi-Fi access point (AP) connection at a time for each mobile device user was provided for our research. This makes most of the conventional tracking and positioning methods inapplicable. To overcome this constraint, a new hybrid system for positioning and mobility tracking — called single AP-connection location tracking system (SCLTS) was developed, which utilised Wi-Fi, RFID and mobile device technologies and took advantage of both the cell of origin (CoO) and fingerprinting positioning methods. Three new algorithms for Wi-Fi based indoor positioning were developed during this research. They are the common handover point determination (CHOPD) algorithm for determining the boundary of the cell; the algorithm for positioning with the case of same-line-dual-connection (SLDC) in a long narrow space (e.g., a long corridor) and the algorithm for positioning with the case of perpendicular-dual-connection of APs in a T-shape corridor for improving the positioning accuracy. The architecture of the SCLTS system was also developed as part of the implementation of the SCLTS system. Various experiments were conducted in a simulated large shopping-mall-like environment (i.e., the RMIT Indoor Positioning Lab) and the results showed that the performance of the SCLTS developed was very promising and the original goal of the project has been achieved. In addition, the two most popular indoor positioning methods — trilateration and fingerprinting were also optimised and implemented in a real industrial product and promising results have been achieved

    Fashion retailing – past, present and future

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    This issue of Textile Progress reviews the way that fashion retailing has developed as a result of the application of the World Wide Web and information and communications technology (ICT) by fashion-retail companies. The review therefore first considers how fashion retailing has evolved, analysing retail formats, global strategies, emerging and developing economies, and the factors that are threatening and driving growth in the fashion-retail market. The second part of the review considers the emergence of omni-channel retailing, analysing how retail has progressed and developed since the adoption of the Internet and how ICT initiatives such as mobile commerce (m-commerce), digital visualisation online, and in-store and self-service technologies have been proven to support the progression and expansion of fashion retailing. The paper concludes with recommendations on future research opportunities for gaining a better understanding of the impacts of ICT and omni-channel retailing, through which it may be possible to increase and develop knowledge and understanding of the way the sector is developing and provide fresh impetus to an already-innovative and competitive industr

    Mining Behavioral Patterns from Mobile Big Data

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    Mobile devices connected to the Internet are a ubiquitous platform that can easily record a large amount of data describing human behavior. Specifically, the data collected from mobile devices --- referred to as mobile big data reveal important social and economic information. Therefore, analyzing mobile big data is valuable for several stakeholders, ranging from smartphone manufacturers to network operators and app developers. This thesis aims to discover and understand behavioral patterns from mobile big data based on large real-world datasets. Specifically, this thesis reveals patterns from three domains: people, time, and location. First, we explore mobile big data from the people domain and propose a framework to discover users' daily activity patterns from their mobile app usage. By applying the framework to a real-world dataset consisting of 653,092 users, we successfully extract five common patterns among millions of people, including commuting, pervasive socializing, nightly entertainment, afternoon reading, and nightly socializing. Second, still from the people domain, we derive group health conditions by using their smartphone usage data. In particular, we collect mobile usage records of 452 users in North America. We then demonstrate the potential for inferring group health conditions (i.e., COVID-19 outbreak stages) by leveraging less privacy-sensitive smartphone data, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network connections. Third, we mine the behavior patterns from the time domain. We reveal the evolution of mobile app usage by conducting a longitudinal study on 1,465 users from 2012 to 2017. The results show that users' app usage significantly changes over time. However, the evolution in app-category usage and individual app usage are different in terms of popularity distribution, usage diversity, and correlations. Last, with respect to the location domain, we leverage city-scale spatiotemporal mobile app usage data to reveal urban land usage patterns. We prove the strong correlation between mobile usage behavior and location features, which brings a new angle to urban analytics.Internetiin kytketyt mobiililaitteet ovat kaikkialla läsnä oleva alusta, joka voi helposti tallentaa suuren määrän tietoja, jotka kuvaavat ihmisen käyttäytymistä. Erityisesti mobiililaitteista kerätyt tiedot, joita kutsutaan mobiiliksi massadataksi (big data), paljastavat tärkeitä sosiaalisia ja taloudellisia tietoja. Siksi mobiilin massadatan analysointi on arvokasta useille sidosryhmille älypuhelinvalmistajista verkko-operaattoreihin ja sovelluskehittäjiin. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on löytää ja ymmärtää käyttäytymismalleja mobiilista massadatasta, joka perustuu suuriin reaalimaailman tietojoukkoihin. Erityisesti tämä väitöskirja tuottaa malleja kolmelta eri alueelta: ihmisiin, aikaan ja sijaintiin liittyen. Ensinnäkin tutkimme mobiilia massadataa ihmisiin liittyen ja ehdotamme viitekehystä, jonka avulla voidaan löytää käyttäjien päivittäisiä toimintamalleja heidän mobiilisovellustensa käytön perusteella. Soveltamalla tätä viitekehystä tosielämän tietojoukkoon, joka koostuu 653 092 käyttäjästä, löysimme onnistuneesti viisi yleistä mallia miljoonien ihmisten tiedoista, joihin kuuluivat mm. tiedot työmatkoista, sosiaalisista kontakteista, yöllisestä viihteestä, iltapäivän lukemisesta ja yöllisestä seurustelusta. Toiseksi, edelleen ihmisiin liittyen, johdamme tietoja ryhmien terveysolosuhteista käyttämällä heidän älypuhelintensa käyttötietoja. Keräsimme erityisesti 452 käyttäjän mobiilikäyttötietoja Pohjois-Amerikassa. Sitten osoitamme, että on mahdollista päätellä ryhmän terveysolosuhteet (eli COVID-19-epidemiavaiheet) hyödyntämällä vähemmän yksityisyyden kannalta arkoja älypuhelintietoja, mukaan lukien suorittimen käyttö, muistin käyttö ja verkkoyhteydet. Kolmanneksi louhimme käyttäytymismalleja aikaan liittyen. Paljastamme mobiilisovellusten käytön kehityksen tekemällä pitkittäistutkimuksen 1 465 käyttäjälle vuosina 2012–2017. Tulokset osoittavat, että käyttäjien sovellusten käyttö muuttuu merkittävästi ajan myötä. Sovellusluokan käytön ja yksittäisten sovellusten käytön kehitys on kuitenkin erilainen niiden suosion jakautumisen, käytön moninaisuuden ja korrelaatioiden suhteen. Lopuksi liittyen sijaintitietoihin hyödynnämme spatiotemporaalisten mobiilisovellusten käyttötietoja suurkaupunkitasolla paljastaaksemme kaupunkien maankäyttömallit. Todistamme vahvan korrelaation mobiililaitteiden käyttöön liittyvän käyttäytymisen ja sijaintiominaisuuksien välillä, mikä tuottaa uuden näkökulman kaupunkianalytiikkaan