6,069 research outputs found

    Advancing the Applicability of Reinforcement Learning to Autonomous Control

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    ï»żMit dateneffizientem Reinforcement Learning (RL) konnten beeindruckendeErgebnisse erzielt werden, z.B. fĂŒr die Regelung von Gasturbinen. In derPraxis erfordert die Anwendung von RL jedoch noch viel manuelle Arbeit, wasbisher RL fĂŒr die autonome Regelung untauglich erscheinen ließ. Dievorliegende Arbeit adressiert einige der verbleibenden Probleme, insbesonderein Bezug auf die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Policy-Erstellung. Es werden zunĂ€chst RL-Probleme mit diskreten Zustands- und AktionsrĂ€umenbetrachtet. FĂŒr solche Probleme wird hĂ€ufig ein MDP aus BeobachtungengeschĂ€tzt, um dann auf Basis dieser MDP-SchĂ€tzung eine Policy abzuleiten. DieArbeit beschreibt, wie die SchĂ€tzer-Unsicherheit des MDP in diePolicy-Erstellung eingebracht werden kann, um mit diesem Wissen das Risikoeiner schlechten Policy aufgrund einer fehlerhaften MDP-SchĂ€tzung zuverringern. Außerdem wird so effiziente Exploration sowie Policy-Bewertungermöglicht. Anschließend wendet sich die Arbeit Problemen mit kontinuierlichenZustandsrĂ€umen zu und konzentriert sich auf auf RL-Verfahren, welche aufFitted Q-Iteration (FQI) basieren, insbesondere Neural Fitted Q-Iteration(NFQ). Zwar ist NFQ sehr dateneffizient, jedoch nicht so zuverlĂ€ssig, wie fĂŒrdie autonome Regelung nötig wĂ€re. Die Arbeit schlĂ€gt die Verwendung vonEnsembles vor, um die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von NFQ zu erhöhen. Es werden eine Reihevon Möglichkeiten der Ensemble-Nutzung entworfen und evaluiert. Bei allenbetrachteten RL-Problemen sorgen Ensembles fĂŒr eine zuverlĂ€ssigere Erstellungguter Policies. Im nĂ€chsten Schritt werden Möglichkeiten der Policy-Bewertung beikontinuierlichen ZustandsrĂ€umen besprochen. Die Arbeit schlĂ€gt vor, FittedPolicy Evaluation (FPE), eine Variante von FQI fĂŒr Policy Evaluation, mitanderen Regressionsverfahren und/oder anderen DatensĂ€tzen zu kombinieren, umein Maß fĂŒr die Policy-QualitĂ€t zu erhalten. Experimente zeigen, dassExtra-Tree-FPE ein realistisches QualitĂ€tsmaß fĂŒr NFQ-generierte Policies liefernkann. Schließlich kombiniert die Arbeit Ensembles und Policy-Bewertung, um mit sichĂ€ndernden RL-Problemen umzugehen. Der wesentliche Beitrag ist das EvolvingEnsemble, dessen Policy sich langsam Ă€ndert, indem alte, untaugliche Policiesentfernt und neue hinzugefĂŒgt werden. Es zeigt sich, dass das EvolvingEnsemble deutlich besser funktioniert als einfachere AnsĂ€tze.With data-efficient reinforcement learning (RL) methods impressive resultscould be achieved, e.g., in the context of gas turbine control. However, inpractice the application of RL still requires much human intervention, whichhinders the application of RL to autonomous control. This thesis addressessome of the remaining problems, particularly regarding the reliability of thepolicy generation process. The thesis first discusses RL problems with discrete state and action spaces.In that context, often an MDP is estimated from observations. It is describedhow to incorporate the estimators' uncertainties into the policy generationprocess. This information can then be used to reduce the risk of obtaining apoor policy due to flawed MDP estimates. Moreover, it is discussed how to usethe knowledge of uncertainty for efficient exploration and the assessment ofpolicy quality without requiring the policy's execution. The thesis then moves on to continuous state problems and focuses on methodsbased on fitted Q-iteration (FQI), particularly neural fitted Q-iteration(NFQ). Although NFQ has proven to be very data-efficient, it is not asreliable as required for autonomous control. The thesis proposes to useensembles to increase reliability. Several ways of ensemble usage in an NFQcontext are discussed and evaluated on a number of benchmark domains. It showsthat in all considered domains with ensembles good policies can be producedmore reliably. Next, policy assessment in continuous domains is discussed. The thesisproposes to use fitted policy evaluation (FPE), an adaptation of FQI to policyevaluation, combined with a different function approximator and/or differentdataset to obtain a measure for policy quality. Results of experiments showthat extra-tree FPE, applied to policies generated by NFQ, produces valuefunctions that can well be used to reason about the true policy quality. Finally, the thesis combines ensembles and policy assessment to derive methodsthat can deal with changing environments. The major contribution is theevolving ensemble. The policy of the evolving ensemble changes slowly as newpolicies are added and old policies removed. It turns out that the evolvingensemble approaches work considerably better than simpler approaches likesingle policies learned with recent observations or simple ensembles

    How to Certify Machine Learning Based Safety-critical Systems? A Systematic Literature Review

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    Context: Machine Learning (ML) has been at the heart of many innovations over the past years. However, including it in so-called 'safety-critical' systems such as automotive or aeronautic has proven to be very challenging, since the shift in paradigm that ML brings completely changes traditional certification approaches. Objective: This paper aims to elucidate challenges related to the certification of ML-based safety-critical systems, as well as the solutions that are proposed in the literature to tackle them, answering the question 'How to Certify Machine Learning Based Safety-critical Systems?'. Method: We conduct a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of research papers published between 2015 to 2020, covering topics related to the certification of ML systems. In total, we identified 217 papers covering topics considered to be the main pillars of ML certification: Robustness, Uncertainty, Explainability, Verification, Safe Reinforcement Learning, and Direct Certification. We analyzed the main trends and problems of each sub-field and provided summaries of the papers extracted. Results: The SLR results highlighted the enthusiasm of the community for this subject, as well as the lack of diversity in terms of datasets and type of models. It also emphasized the need to further develop connections between academia and industries to deepen the domain study. Finally, it also illustrated the necessity to build connections between the above mention main pillars that are for now mainly studied separately. Conclusion: We highlighted current efforts deployed to enable the certification of ML based software systems, and discuss some future research directions.Comment: 60 pages (92 pages with references and complements), submitted to a journal (Automated Software Engineering). Changes: Emphasizing difference traditional software engineering / ML approach. Adding Related Works, Threats to Validity and Complementary Materials. Adding a table listing papers reference for each section/subsection

    Designing Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

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    The design of autonomous systems is challenging and ensuring their trustworthiness can have different meanings, such as i) ensuring consistency and completeness of the requirements by a correct elicitation and formalization process; ii) ensuring that requirements are correctly mapped to system implementations so that any system behaviors never violate its requirements; iii) maximizing the reuse of available components and subsystems in order to cope with the design complexity; and iv) ensuring correct coordination of the system with its environment.Several techniques have been proposed over the years to cope with specific problems. However, a holistic design framework that, leveraging on existing tools and methodologies, practically helps the analysis and design of autonomous systems is still missing. This thesis explores the problem of building trustworthy autonomous systems from different angles. We have analyzed how current approaches of formal verification can provide assurances: 1) to the requirement corpora itself by formalizing requirements with assume/guarantee contracts to detect incompleteness and conflicts; 2) to the reward function used to then train the system so that the requirements do not get misinterpreted; 3) to the execution of the system by run-time monitoring and enforcing certain invariants; 4) to the coordination of the system with other external entities in a system of system scenario and 5) to system behaviors by automatically synthesize a policy which is correct

    Understanding, Assessing, and Mitigating Safety Risks in Artificial Intelligence Systems

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    Prepared for: Naval Air Warfare Development Center (NAVAIR)Traditional software safety techniques rely on validating software against a deductively defined specification of how the software should behave in particular situations. In the case of AI systems, specifications are often implicit or inductively defined. Data-driven methods are subject to sampling error since practical datasets cannot provide exhaustive coverage of all possible events in a real physical environment. Traditional software verification and validation approaches may not apply directly to these novel systems, complicating the operation of systems safety analysis (such as implemented in MIL-STD 882). However, AI offers advanced capabilities, and it is desirable to ensure the safety of systems that rely on these capabilities. When AI tech is deployed in a weapon system, robot, or planning system, unwanted events are possible. Several techniques can support the evaluation process for understanding the nature and likelihood of unwanted events in AI systems and making risk decisions on naval employment. This research considers the state of the art, evaluating which ones are most likely to be employable, usable, and correct. Techniques include software analysis, simulation environments, and mathematical determinations.Naval Air Warfare Development CenterNaval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimite
