5,985 research outputs found

    Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Object Detection with Prototype-based Mean-teacher

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    Adapting visual object detectors to operational target domains is a challenging task, commonly achieved using unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods. When the labeled dataset is coming from multiple source domains, treating them as separate domains and performing a multi-source domain adaptation (MSDA) improves the accuracy and robustness over mixing these source domains and performing a UDA, as observed by recent studies in MSDA. Existing MSDA methods learn domain invariant and domain-specific parameters (for each source domain) for the adaptation. However, unlike single-source UDA methods, learning domain-specific parameters makes them grow significantly proportional to the number of source domains used. This paper proposes a novel MSDA method called Prototype-based Mean-Teacher (PMT), which uses class prototypes instead of domain-specific subnets to preserve domain-specific information. These prototypes are learned using a contrastive loss, aligning the same categories across domains and separating different categories far apart. Because of the use of prototypes, the parameter size of our method does not increase significantly with the number of source domains, thus reducing memory issues and possible overfitting. Empirical studies show PMT outperforms state-of-the-art MSDA methods on several challenging object detection datasets

    Efficient Teacher: Semi-Supervised Object Detection for YOLOv5

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    Semi-Supervised Object Detection (SSOD) has been successful in improving the performance of both R-CNN series and anchor-free detectors. However, one-stage anchor-based detectors lack the structure to generate high-quality or flexible pseudo labels, leading to serious inconsistency problems in SSOD. In this paper, we propose the Efficient Teacher framework for scalable and effective one-stage anchor-based SSOD training, consisting of Dense Detector, Pseudo Label Assigner, and Epoch Adaptor. Dense Detector is a baseline model that extends RetinaNet with dense sampling techniques inspired by YOLOv5. The Efficient Teacher framework introduces a novel pseudo label assignment mechanism, named Pseudo Label Assigner, which makes more refined use of pseudo labels from Dense Detector. Epoch Adaptor is a method that enables a stable and efficient end-to-end semi-supervised training schedule for Dense Detector. The Pseudo Label Assigner prevents the occurrence of bias caused by a large number of low-quality pseudo labels that may interfere with the Dense Detector during the student-teacher mutual learning mechanism, and the Epoch Adaptor utilizes domain and distribution adaptation to allow Dense Detector to learn globally distributed consistent features, making the training independent of the proportion of labeled data. Our experiments show that the Efficient Teacher framework achieves state-of-the-art results on VOC, COCO-standard, and COCO-additional using fewer FLOPs than previous methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to apply Semi-Supervised Object Detection to YOLOv5.Comment: 14 page

    Correlation Debiasing for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation in Videos

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    Dynamic scene graph generation (SGG) from videos requires not only comprehensive understanding of objects across the scenes that are prone to temporal fluctuations but also a model the temporal motions and interactions with different objects. Moreover, the long-tailed distribution of visual relationships is the crucial bottleneck of most dynamic SGG methods, since most of them focus on capturing spatio-temporal context using complex architectures, which leads to the generation of biased scene graphs. To address these challenges, we propose FloCoDe: Flow-aware temporal consistency and Correlation Debiasing with uncertainty attenuation for unbiased dynamic scene graphs. FloCoDe employs feature warping using flow to detect temporally consistent objects across the frames. In addition, it uses correlation debiasing to learn the unbiased relation representation for long-tailed classes. Moreover, to attenuate the predictive uncertainties, it uses a mixture of sigmoidal cross-entropy loss and contrastive loss to incorporate label correlations to identify the commonly co-occurring relations and help debias the long-tailed ones. Extensive experimental evaluation shows a performance gain as high as 4.1% showing the superiority of generating more unbiased scene graphs.Comment: 11 pages, 5 tables, 4 figure

    Training-based Model Refinement and Representation Disagreement for Semi-Supervised Object Detection

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    Semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) aims to improve the performance and generalization of existing object detectors by utilizing limited labeled data and extensive unlabeled data. Despite many advances, recent SSOD methods are still challenged by inadequate model refinement using the classical exponential moving average (EMA) strategy, the consensus of Teacher-Student models in the latter stages of training (i.e., losing their distinctiveness), and noisy/misleading pseudo-labels. This paper proposes a novel training-based model refinement (TMR) stage and a simple yet effective representation disagreement (RD) strategy to address the limitations of classical EMA and the consensus problem. The TMR stage of Teacher-Student models optimizes the lightweight scaling operation to refine the model's weights and prevent overfitting or forgetting learned patterns from unlabeled data. Meanwhile, the RD strategy helps keep these models diverged to encourage the student model to explore complementary representations. Our approach can be integrated into established SSOD methods and is empirically validated using two baseline methods, with and without cascade regression, to generate more reliable pseudo-labels. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our approach over state-of-the-art SSOD methods. Specifically, the proposed approach outperforms the baseline Unbiased-Teacher-v2 (& Unbiased-Teacher-v1) method by an average mAP margin of 2.23, 2.1, and 3.36 (& 2.07, 1.9, and 3.27) on COCO-standard, COCO-additional, and Pascal VOC datasets, respectively.Comment: Under revie
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