25 research outputs found

    Visual Concepts and Compositional Voting

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    It is very attractive to formulate vision in terms of pattern theory \cite{Mumford2010pattern}, where patterns are defined hierarchically by compositions of elementary building blocks. But applying pattern theory to real world images is currently less successful than discriminative methods such as deep networks. Deep networks, however, are black-boxes which are hard to interpret and can easily be fooled by adding occluding objects. It is natural to wonder whether by better understanding deep networks we can extract building blocks which can be used to develop pattern theoretic models. This motivates us to study the internal representations of a deep network using vehicle images from the PASCAL3D+ dataset. We use clustering algorithms to study the population activities of the features and extract a set of visual concepts which we show are visually tight and correspond to semantic parts of vehicles. To analyze this we annotate these vehicles by their semantic parts to create a new dataset, VehicleSemanticParts, and evaluate visual concepts as unsupervised part detectors. We show that visual concepts perform fairly well but are outperformed by supervised discriminative methods such as Support Vector Machines (SVM). We next give a more detailed analysis of visual concepts and how they relate to semantic parts. Following this, we use the visual concepts as building blocks for a simple pattern theoretical model, which we call compositional voting. In this model several visual concepts combine to detect semantic parts. We show that this approach is significantly better than discriminative methods like SVM and deep networks trained specifically for semantic part detection. Finally, we return to studying occlusion by creating an annotated dataset with occlusion, called VehicleOcclusion, and show that compositional voting outperforms even deep networks when the amount of occlusion becomes large.Comment: It is accepted by Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Application

    Knowledge-enhanced neural grammar Induction

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    Natural language is usually presented as a word sequence, but the inherent structure of language is not necessarily sequential. Automatic grammar induction for natural language is a long-standing research topic in the field of computational linguistics and still remains an open problem today. From the perspective of cognitive science, the goal of a grammar induction system is to mimic children: learning a grammar that can generalize to infinitely many utterances by only consuming finite data. With regard to computational linguistics, an automatic grammar induction system could be beneficial for a wide variety of natural language processing (NLP) applications: providing syntactic analysis explicitly for a pipeline or a joint learning system; injecting structural bias implicitly into an end-to-end model. Typically, approaches to grammar induction only have access to raw text. Due to the huge search space of trees as well as data sparsity and ambiguity issues, grammar induction is a difficult problem. Thanks to the rapid development of neural networks and their capacity of over-parameterization and continuous representation learning, neural models have been recently introduced to grammar induction. Given its large capacity, introducing external knowledge into a neural system is an effective approach in practice, especially for an unsupervised problem. This thesis explores how to incorporate external knowledge into neural grammar induction models. We develop several approaches to combine different types of knowledge with neural grammar induction models on two grammar formalisms — constituency and dependency grammar. We first investigate how to inject symbolic knowledge, universal linguistic rules, into unsupervised dependency parsing. In contrast to previous state-of-the-art models that utilize time-consuming global inference, we propose a neural transition-based parser using variational inference. Our parser is able to employ rich features and supports inference in linear time for both training and testing. The core component in our parser is posterior regularization, where the posterior distribution of the dependency trees is constrained by the universal linguistic rules. The resulting parser outperforms previous unsupervised transition-based dependency parsers and achieves performance comparable to global inference-based models. Our parser also substantially increases parsing speed over global inference-based models. Recently, tree structures have been considered as latent variables that are learned through downstream NLP tasks, such as language modeling and natural language inference. More specifically, auxiliary syntax-aware components are embedded into the neural networks and are trained end-to-end on the downstream tasks. However, such latent tree models either struggle to produce linguistically plausible tree structures, or require an external biased parser to obtain good parsing performance. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on constituency structure and propose to use imitation learning to couple two heterogeneous latent tree models: we transfer the knowledge learned from a continuous latent tree model trained using language modeling to a discrete one, and further fine-tune the discrete model using a natural language inference objective. Through this two-stage training scheme, the discrete latent tree model achieves stateof-the-art unsupervised parsing performance. The transformer is a newly proposed neural model for NLP. Transformer-based pre-trained language models (PLMs) like BERT have achieved remarkable success on various NLP tasks by training on an enormous corpus using word prediction tasks. Recent studies show that PLMs can learn considerable syntactical knowledge in a syntaxagnostic manner. In the third part of this thesis, we leverage PLMs as a source of external knowledge. We propose a parameter-free approach to select syntax-sensitive self-attention heads from PLMs and perform chart-based unsupervised constituency parsing. In contrast to previous approaches, our head-selection approach only relies on raw text without any annotated development data. Experimental results on both English and eight other languages show that our approach achieves competitive performance

    Predicting Linguistic Structure with Incomplete and Cross-Lingual Supervision

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    Contemporary approaches to natural language processing are predominantly based on statistical machine learning from large amounts of text, which has been manually annotated with the linguistic structure of interest. However, such complete supervision is currently only available for the world's major languages, in a limited number of domains and for a limited range of tasks. As an alternative, this dissertation considers methods for linguistic structure prediction that can make use of incomplete and cross-lingual supervision, with the prospect of making linguistic processing tools more widely available at a lower cost. An overarching theme of this work is the use of structured discriminative latent variable models for learning with indirect and ambiguous supervision; as instantiated, these models admit rich model features while retaining efficient learning and inference properties. The first contribution to this end is a latent-variable model for fine-grained sentiment analysis with coarse-grained indirect supervision. The second is a model for cross-lingual word-cluster induction and the application thereof to cross-lingual model transfer. The third is a method for adapting multi-source discriminative cross-lingual transfer models to target languages, by means of typologically informed selective parameter sharing. The fourth is an ambiguity-aware self- and ensemble-training algorithm, which is applied to target language adaptation and relexicalization of delexicalized cross-lingual transfer parsers. The fifth is a set of sequence-labeling models that combine constraints at the level of tokens and types, and an instantiation of these models for part-of-speech tagging with incomplete cross-lingual and crowdsourced supervision. In addition to these contributions, comprehensive overviews are provided of structured prediction with no or incomplete supervision, as well as of learning in the multilingual and cross-lingual settings. Through careful empirical evaluation, it is established that the proposed methods can be used to create substantially more accurate tools for linguistic processing, compared to both unsupervised methods and to recently proposed cross-lingual methods. The empirical support for this claim is particularly strong in the latter case; our models for syntactic dependency parsing and part-of-speech tagging achieve the hitherto best published results for a wide number of target languages, in the setting where no annotated training data is available in the target language

    Syntactic inductive biases for deep learning methods

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    Le débat entre connexionnisme et symbolisme est l'une des forces majeures qui animent le développement de l'Intelligence Artificielle. L'apprentissage profond et la linguistique théorique sont les domaines d'études les plus représentatifs pour les deux écoles respectivement. Alors que la méthode d'apprentissage profond a fait des percées impressionnantes et est devenue la principale raison de la récente prospérité de l'IA pour l'industrie et les universités, la linguistique et le symbolisme occupent quelque domaines importantes, notamment l'interprétabilité et la fiabilité. Dans cette thèse, nous essayons de construire une connexion entre les deux écoles en introduisant des biais inductifs linguistiques pour les modèles d'apprentissage profond. Nous proposons deux familles de biais inductifs, une pour la structure de circonscription et une autre pour la structure de dépendance. Le biais inductif de circonscription encourage les modèles d'apprentissage profond à utiliser différentes unités (ou neurones) pour traiter séparément les informations à long terme et à court terme. Cette séparation fournit un moyen pour les modèles d'apprentissage profond de construire les représentations hiérarchiques latentes à partir d'entrées séquentielles, dont une représentation de niveau supérieur est composée et peut être décomposée en une série de représentations de niveau inférieur. Par exemple, sans connaître la structure de vérité fondamentale, notre modèle proposé apprend à traiter l'expression logique en composant des représentations de variables et d'opérateurs en représentations d'expressions selon sa structure syntaxique. D'autre part, le biais inductif de dépendance encourage les modèles à trouver les relations latentes entre les mots dans la séquence d'entrée. Pour le langage naturel, les relations latentes sont généralement modélisées sous la forme d'un graphe de dépendance orienté, où un mot a exactement un nœud parent et zéro ou plusieurs nœuds enfants. Après avoir appliqué cette contrainte à un modèle de type transformateur, nous constatons que le modèle est capable d'induire des graphes orientés proches des annotations d'experts humains, et qu'il surpasse également le modèle de transformateur standard sur différentes tâches. Nous pensons que ces résultats expérimentaux démontrent une alternative intéressante pour le développement futur de modèles d'apprentissage profond.The debate between connectionism and symbolism is one of the major forces that drive the development of Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning and theoretical linguistics are the most representative fields of study for the two schools respectively. While the deep learning method has made impressive breakthroughs and became the major reason behind the recent AI prosperity for industry and academia, linguistics and symbolism still holding some important grounds including reasoning, interpretability and reliability. In this thesis, we try to build a connection between the two schools by introducing syntactic inductive biases for deep learning models. We propose two families of inductive biases, one for constituency structure and another one for dependency structure. The constituency inductive bias encourages deep learning models to use different units (or neurons) to separately process long-term and short-term information. This separation provides a way for deep learning models to build the latent hierarchical representations from sequential inputs, that a higher-level representation is composed of and can be decomposed into a series of lower-level representations. For example, without knowing the ground-truth structure, our proposed model learns to process logical expression through composing representations of variables and operators into representations of expressions according to its syntactic structure. On the other hand, the dependency inductive bias encourages models to find the latent relations between entities in the input sequence. For natural language, the latent relations are usually modeled as a directed dependency graph, where a word has exactly one parent node and zero or several children nodes. After applying this constraint to a transformer-like model, we find the model is capable of inducing directed graphs that are close to human expert annotations, and it also outperforms the standard transformer model on different tasks. We believe that these experimental results demonstrate an interesting alternative for the future development of deep learning models